How "Alive" is the game's population on here anyway?

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Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
Heavy instancing sometimes creates the false impression that a server is empty or a 'ghost town'. Players who do not make use of the tools for finding players or who refuse to learn them may have difficulty getting on teams since brute force methods like running up to people you see or shouting in broadcast do not work well when most people are not there to see you or to hear you.
For the superhero genre, it's more logical that heroes appear to be be fairly rare on the street during an average day. How special would we be if we outnumbered the civilians and the villains? In a fantasy game any number of adventurers can seem reasonable in a town. But how much sense would it make for 20 heroes to be standing around waiting outside a bank for robbers to come out? Instancing resolves this problem and many others.

There are places where you can find congregations of other players, however. The markets (Wentworths in Atlas Park, Kings Row, Steel Canyon, and Talos Island, and the Black Market in Mercy, Port Oakes, Cap au Diable, Sharkhead and St. Martial) often have many people standing around. There are occasionally people to be found inside the Aeon Entertainment building between missions. Depending on the server, there are sometimes people gathered in the Portal Corp courtyard in Peregrine Island.

You can get a rough idea of the number of people on the server by using the search window to do a blank search. It will tell you how many matches there were, and cut the number displayed down to somewhere around 50. That won't include anyone who is hidden or members of the opposite faction (villains/heroes).

Finally, one huge advantage that City of Heroes has is Supersidekicking. Level doesn't really matter much anymore. When you're on a mission, everyone is raised to one level less than the mission holder, or lowered to the mission holder's level. Everyone still gets XP. Once you get a travel power (which can be as early as level four or five), you can go almost anywhere in the world (except PvP zones), and team with anyone of your faction of any level. You can even team with the opposing faction in certain zones. Some specific missions (task forces/strike forces) are still limited by level, however.

It's sometimes hard for level 5 characters to keep up with level 50s, but once you hit level 20 or 25 you can pull your own weight on most any team.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
OP, If you find yourself too invested in a toon on server X, you can always entertain the option of transferring that toon elsewhere. The process is pretty seamless (for a charge, of course), and I use that for my main when I want to visit a server population for the holidays.
And now (for a short time, anyway), the transfer is free of charge!

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Most of the population is not out in the world. City utilizes instancing very heavily, so the game world does not have the hordes of people running around kill-stealing and camping and such that a lot of other games suffer from.

The subscription numbers hover around 130k, give or take 10k, and that is extremely healthy for a fairly 'niche' MMO.
Roger that. You have to be pro-active. Use /search to form teams. Don't be bashful about sending tells to join or form a team...just make sure you're polite.

Ironically the game used to be buzzing with outside baddie hunting, but that was way way back when the game came out. The bonus rewards on mission completion were so low and combined with travel time made door missions unattractive. They dramatically increased the completion bonuses, nerfed the level-50-PLing-level-1-using-outside-hunts exploits and viola door missions increased and the outside huntin activity descreased.



Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
There are good points and bad points to this setup. On the good side:
  • No spawn camping. Since the vast majority of the game's mission objectives occur within missions, there's no possibility of another team griefing you or taking a spawn, nor will you ever have to wait for a spawn that someone else has come along and wiped out. There are a very small number of exceptions to this, but compared to many other MMOs it's a huge difference.
Dear $deity, you have no idea how much I happen to love this game JUST for that, too.

When I tried CO? "Rescue whatsisface the speedster!" OK. I'll join the line of people also rescuing him. Both boring and immersion breaking.

Aion? "Defeat so-and-so who's guarding the vortex!" OK. I just have to wait for him to respawn, since that Gladiator just defeated him... It really breaks me out of a game world to have to wait on a timer to get "the one" big bad guy... again... after watching another line of people do the same thing.



Wow, looking at all of these responses, I see the community in this game is very tight knit. Every time i play this game I get more and more compelled to buy this game. Ok, so to enjoy this game, I should try to find teams? Ok, I guess I'll give it go when I get on next time!



Originally Posted by Scars View Post
Wow, looking at all of these responses, I see the community in this game is very tight knit. Every time i play this game I get more and more compelled to buy this game. Ok, so to enjoy this game, I should try to find teams? Ok, I guess I'll give it go when I get on next time!
One of us! One of us!

Also, if you tell us which server you're on, a number of vets may be willing to join you and show you some awesome stuff.

...I forgot what experience means.



Teams can be loads of fun, but another thing to like about this game is that for 95%+ of the content, you can solo (maybe very slowly for some ATs, but it can be done).

I'm not saying don't try teaming, just saying don't forget that soloing is just as valid an option.

With the free transfers just announced, I expect to see lots of activity as people try out new servers (why not? If it doesn't work out, just transfer back!) so none of the servers will have their "typical" load.

And don't forget the Winter Event! There will be more folks out & about than usual opening presents and trying to spawn Winter Lord. Or for crowds, head over to the Ski Lodge just off Pocket D.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Right now i'm playing on Virtue server



Originally Posted by Scars View Post
Right now i'm playing on Virtue server
I play almost exclusively on Virtue and it is highly populated(usually 1st or 2nd in terms of pop)... as pointed out though with the game being so instance heavy you may notice that it appears empty, it's not. Once you get comfortable with where to look for teams and channels etc. you should be ok. If you're looking for a team make sure you set that as your status under the "team" option in your chatbox. You don't even have to do that. I get random invites on a regular basis and those are usually (thank god) preceded with a /t asking instead of just being blindly invited.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



I can't speak much about other MMOs, but this game is very team oriented. Meaning that I think many people play CoX because of it's teaming sensibility That's not to say you can't play exclusively solo, you definitely can.



Originally Posted by Scars View Post
I just started the City of Heroes trial today, and after playing for an hour or two, I started realzing somthing. There seems to be nobody on, at all. Maybe i just picked a dead server, but, how many people can i expect if i get on the "popular" server? I've been thinking about buying this game, I don't want to if all the servers are going to be generally empty
LOL, there's a thread like this every week or so from someone who's join date is the current month. It's a lot to do with the fact that most of the missions are contained in instances, there really aren't many outdoor mishs, but we're all here! Try Freedom or Virtue dude!



Believe me. I'm still alive.
I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.
I'm doing science and I'm still alive...



... and im all out of cake



Are you still there?



Originally Posted by Scars View Post
Wow, looking at all of these responses, I see the community in this game is very tight knit. Every time i play this game I get more and more compelled to buy this game. Ok, so to enjoy this game, I should try to find teams? Ok, I guess I'll give it go when I get on next time!
Buy CoH - that's an order

EDIT: There's also an awesome new expansion coming out in about 5-6 months too - so the game's going to get even better.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Scars View Post
Wow, looking at all of these responses, I see the community in this game is very tight knit. Every time i play this game I get more and more compelled to buy this game. Ok, so to enjoy this game, I should try to find teams? Ok, I guess I'll give it go when I get on next time!
Definitely try teaming. Once you settle on a server (nothing wrong with Virtue), check out that server's part of the forums and ask about global channels for server events, team finding, etc. These are your best way to find teams. Looking for a team in broadcast (the default way) just isn't that effective any more because most people don't loiter in the open zones.

The real benefit of teaming with people is that it helps you find and hopefully identify people who share your interests in playing this game. If you add them as friends (per character, no permission needed) or global friends (know when they're on with any character, permission required), you can grow a support network of people who share your interests.

You can play solo many character types very well in this game, but some fun content is intended for teams, some rewards are most efficiently gained by teams, and generally, at least chatting with people while you play (teamed or not) is a whole lot more interesting. Take it from me... I solo a lot.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Definitely try teaming. Once you settle on a server (nothing wrong with Virtue), check out that server's part of the forums and ask about global channels for server events, team finding, etc. These are your best way to find teams. Looking for a team in broadcast (the default way) just isn't that effective any more because most people don't loiter in the open zones.

The real benefit of teaming with people is that it helps you find and hopefully identify people who share your interests in playing this game. If you add them as friends (per character, no permission needed) or global friends (know when they're on with any character, permission required), you can grow a support network of people who share your interests.

You can play solo many character types very well in this game, but some fun content is intended for teams, some rewards are most efficiently gained by teams, and generally, at least chatting with people while you play (teamed or not) is a whole lot more interesting. Take it from me... I solo a lot.
To kinda add to this... always remember what the 2nd M in MMO stands for. This and all MMOs are designed to be played with other people. You can solo any AT (some more effectively than others) but it will never be as fun as running around with a group destroying everything you see.

Also, as someone else already pointed out... go ahead and buy the game... for $20 you get full access and the first month free so you can really dig in and find out if it's for you or not. Most $60 console games don't give you that and even if they do the amount of replay value is crap relatively speaking... you've got some people that have been playing this game for 5 years and I'm sure still log in daily lol.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
you've got some people that have been playing this game for 5 years and I'm sure still log in daily lol.



I dont know what you mean...

To the OP, a belated welcome to the game.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Only five years? *yawn*

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Those are damn expensive tickets! O_O

*hugs local $2.75 matinee Cinemark*
Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
My "local" matinee is $6-7.25 depending on which direction I drive 20 miles in.
Let's see, the matinée in the theater closest to me is about $8.00 and the normal price is $10 That's on the cheap end of things.

For my favorite movies I will do midnight shows with assigned seating so that's going to cost me from $12-14 bucks and that's at The Bridge then if you want to go to Arclight, well that's about 14-16 bucks. I saw Watchmen at the Arclight, awesome experience.

I haven't seen those prices you both have for a few years.



Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
To kinda add to this... always remember what the 2nd M in MMO stands for. This and all MMOs are designed to be played with other people. You can solo any AT (some more effectively than others) but it will never be as fun as running around with a group destroying everything you see.
To be fair, there are quite a few players who enjoy soloing as their main gameplay experience, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure they have every bit as much fun as others who team regularly. To each their own.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Welcome to the game. I have been here 5 years now and still login almost every day.
I find I like solo play as well as teaming. Teaming is usualy more fun and certain characters come alive with teams becoming vertitable force multipliers.

Arch light L50 INV/SS
Psiberia L50 Kin/Psi
Screaming Mentallica L50 Sonic/MM

Arc Voltinator L50 SS/Elec
Mind Fire Kinesis L50 Fire/Kin
Flaming Screamer L50 Fire/Sonic



Originally Posted by ArchLight View Post
Welcome to the game. I have been here 5 years now and still login almost every day.
I find I like solo play as well as teaming. Teaming is usualy more fun and certain characters come alive with teams becoming vertitable force multipliers.
And there's the occasional force divider like a Fire/? blaster I teamed with a while back... he was kind of like a ferret on a sugar high with "ooo, shiny bad guys!" "Ooo, MORE shiny bad guys!" "Hey, here's another group!" "I found a nice shiny Paragon Protector over in this room, he's nice and purple, he and his buddies are coming to meet us, I think they want an autograph"

All kidding aside those players really are few and far between; that's why they're so memorable. In the case above the rest of us were actually starting to get a kick out of seeing just what kind of trouble Sir Blastsalot would bring next; we were generally perfectly capable of handling his, um, exuberance.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.