Where to send the devs a Christmas card or gift?




It must be the summer down here sapping my brainpower, but I've had no luck at all finding the correct mailing address for Paragon Studios that isn't a job application form.

Can anyone help?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
It must be the summer down here sapping my brainpower, but I've had no luck at all finding the correct mailing address for Paragon Studios that isn't a job application form.

Can anyone help?


No sucking up or bribing is going to be involved is it?



NCsoft - Mountain View (aka. Paragon Studios)
P.O. Box 390534
Mountain View, California 94039-0534


pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



You can send it to me. I'll make sure they get it.


I promise.



I do believe that is it



Erm...was my post deleted?

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
NCsoft - Mountain View (aka. Paragon Studios)
P.O. Box 390534
Mountain View, California 94039-0534

Of course, receiving an unsolicited package from someone no one there knows could cause the recipient to call in an EOD team to have the package destroyed.

It's really probably best to just send them an e-card and save the physical gifts for friends and family.



Blank signed checks was the most popular gift sent to the devs last year. Just leave it to them to fill out the amount.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Of course, receiving an unsolicited package from someone no one there knows could cause the recipient to call in an EOD team to have the package destroyed.

It's really probably best to just send them an e-card and save the physical gifts for friends and family.
at times, but they have quite famously accepted gift baskets in the past, and at the very least, babs and "some other animator" deserve baskets this year.



I sent actual cards last year - Ex Libris made sure they got distributed to the right people.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
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To clear up some things:

1) What I intend to send will be a solicited item....it's been in the works with none other than War Witch for some time now and I'll be making a special post in the near future involving her and a very well known acquaintance of hers. So contact will be initiated with her and postage will be arranged.

2) No sucking up or bribing is involved....this is a fun project I started on my own.

3) Noone else is getting what I'm sending.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by trendee View Post
google link deleted in case the mods are paranoid (and maybe rightfully so)

I do believe that is it
That is the right address. Finally took long enough for a commercial enterprise to make it to Internet search engines.

If posts in this thread are deleted, it's because Cryptic/Paragon has a history of keeping their location secret. Unlike Google, they probably don't have security guards at the door of their building, and they probably want to discourage drop-ins, even friendly ones, and especially nasty ones.

When Cryptic first did their own separate corporate web site separate from the NCSoft-run forums/website, they had a Dev blog where they showed pics of the studio and other in-house info. Also, their corporate web site had a physical address on it.

Then, all of a sudden, the address disappeared, and all the in-house blog and pics disappeared as if they want to 'zero themselves out' and 'drop off the grid.' You think they were entering the Federal Witness Protection program.

Meanwhile, Cryptic's address was still Googlable, so, I don't know who they think they were hiding from.

When Paragon split off, they retained Cryptic's crypticness and hid their physical location of their new site from the Web. It was a testament to search-fu prowness to find it anywhere on the 'Net -- the only location was buried deep in NCSoft's corporate HQ web site in flash pages, which are not catalogued by Google. So basically, they're hiding and their own corporate HQ gave them up.

Of course, I found it right away. Google maps Street View showed pics of their building under the corporate logo of the previous owners. Then last year they updated the Street View photos with blurry night pics. I kept sending Google complaints about that. Now, the Street View shows a more recent view of the Paragon store front. And, it sort of looks like David Nakayama is out front making a phone call.

And true to form, there's no signage indicating that it's Paragon Studios.

It's on Google now, there's no putting that Genie back in the bottle.

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Hey Everyone,

While we very much appreciate that you want to send us goodies for the Holidays, we do not commonly give out our physical address and prefer it remain that way.

If you really want to send us something please opt for a Holiday Card and tell us what you love about the game and we will hang those up around the office for all to see.

Our PO Box is below -

NCsoft Paragon Studios
P.O. Box 390534
Mountain View, California 94039-0534




Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
Hey Everyone,

While we very much appreciate that you want to send us goodies for the Holidays, we do not commonly give out our physical address and prefer it remain that way.

If you really want to send us something please opt for a Holiday Card and tell us what you love about the game and we will hang those up around the office for all to see.

Our PO Box is below -

NCsoft Paragon Studios
P.O. Box 390534
Mountain View, California 94039-0534

You don't want over eager players in costume showing up at your door step while you work? I'll suppose Mr NoPants can use it for Halloween or something....



Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
Hey Everyone,

While we very much appreciate that you want to send us goodies for the Holidays, we do not commonly give out our physical address and prefer it remain that way.

If you really want to send us something please opt for a Holiday Card and tell us what you love about the game and we will hang those up around the office for all to see.

Our PO Box is below -

NCsoft Paragon Studios
P.O. Box 390534
Mountain View, California 94039-0534

You have to keep the lunatic fringe away from the developers. Both the good people and the bad people, in the lunatic fringe.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.