COH is very therapeutic

Ael Rhiana



Be sure to check local laws about pepper spray and any limitations on self defense (both your actions and items you may carry.)
Well, I'm getting the spray from a cop (client of mine; I built his computer), so I assume they wouldn't sell me something illegal -- or at least, if they detain me for having one and ask where I got it, I can say "officer Romero".

Whenever I'm walking around at night, or feel unsafe, I put my keys in my hand and make the two longest keys stick out between my fingers. I am now a claws scrapper. Villains beware!
It never occurred to me to do something like that. Mainly because I never thought I would be mugged on the corner of my house. I'd rather rely on a spray, though, ranged defense is better than having to get physical, I think.

Don't let the incident change the way you live and if it feels like it is definitely talk to someone about it. These things can creep into the back of people's minds and really change how they live.
The only thing it's changing is that I'll avoid walking around town at night; I'll use the car even if it's a five block trip (like this one was). I'm so used to this town being a "nice place" that I put myself in an unsafe situation.

This is also yet another reason to have eyesight correcting surgery. One punch is enough to leave me nearly blind. It's quite a handicap. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



I deffinately feel for you, and I'm glad you're alright. I myself got attacked one night walking the (literally) two blocks home to my apartment from my parents house.

Even if there are no real injuries, it can have a lasting effect on you. I think particularly if you live in a "safe" neighborhood, as it causes you to start questioning it all. I myself lived in a bad part of town at the time, so it didn't change my perception really... it was always a possibility I'd have a run-in of some kind at some point and I knew it.

I know I'm a lot more cautious and self aware when I'm out walking around nowadays. I'm easily the most paranoid about personal safety of all of my friends.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Glad to see you won out.

Next time though pop a few inspirations and crane kick them into the next town.



i'm glad you're okay. Personally i always have a few folding tools in my pocket with screwdriver tips and blades, so i'm never precisely unarmed. That said, i haven't had to fight my way out of an encounter in a very long time, and i am impressed that you did. Even nearly blind there are a few nice, soft, sensitive spots on the human anatomy that are easy to hit and that untrained combatants generally don't have the reflexes to protect.

What was the saying? "It only takes four pounds of pressure to rupture the human skull. From the inside."

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I've never been attacked like that, but in September I took an hour walk on a public trail (from a small parking lot near a busy road) and when I got back to my car the window had been smashed in and some stuff stolen. Nothing irreplaceable, but a nice Tivoli iPal radio, some cds, a Sony cd player that I'd had for over 10 years (and built to last another 20), some thumb drives that had copies of stories and stuff on them, and my checkbook (I had to change my checking account). No money or important id or my iPod, all of that I had on me during my walk. But anyway, stuff like that can make you frustrated and angry and want to beat up on criminals, at least virtually. ^_^

I also had someone at work steal my rolodex from my desk overnight last month. This is so inconsequential that most of my coworkers just laughed and said it would turn up, but it hasn't. Who steals a rolodex? The plastic cover was even cracked. But it was annoying given that I lost all of my contact phone numbers and information, and my boss has yet to replace it for me.

Glad you're safe and nothing worse happened.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Two words.

Broad. Sword.

But good job beating off those bastards. Serves 'em right.



An unfortunate opener, Leandro. Good job fending them off, though. Good job showing them that even mugging you they would have to work for what they wanted.

While you went against all the advice the police would give, dammit, I'm glad to see a story of somebody standing up for themselves that turns out to have a good ending.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Whoa, great to hear you are ok, Leo. That key trick is usually taught in Self Defense classes - my wife carries around a kubaton(sp) - basically looks like a metal spike about 6 inches long. One of those to the temple, and a bad guy becomes what you might call "gentled". And she's got the kind of temperament that, I pity the fool who messes with her. I'm 6', 285 lbs, she's 5', 110 lbs. Guess who they'd have a better chance taking down?

What was the saying? "It only takes four pounds of pressure to rupture the human skull. From the inside."
Funny, that proverb doesn't come up much in casual conversation. I'll have to start working that in somehow.

Quick Self defense tip: if The Larker tries to mug you, let him have whatever he wants. (I hear he's armed.)

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque