Why is bounty still so useless?
thought that came to mind:
you just hinted on why a roll-based system will not make people want to pvp.
the devs got it all mixed up when they decided to do an RNG-based rewards system for pvp and then make pvp more deterministic in terms of player choice. rewards should be deterministic; you kill 100 players, you get a pvp recipe of your choice.
you think it's gonna get farmed?
wrong, way wrong. there will always be players in zone hoping to rack kills faster at the expense of farmers (ME!ME!ME!ME!).
a drops-based system for rewarding players in pvp does not lead to true competition for drops and that's why current pvp drops are doing nothing for pvp besides raising how many lazy people i have to exploit in the market, and the differential between a good 10 billion inf build and someone's SOs.
I think that is the next thing to get changed. Proof positive the devs don't really care about pvp - the rewards system is geared towards i4 lol.
truth be told there was a time when it was worth something - Strength of Wills, before they scewed mez, were going for 250K a pop on the market and you could farm a tray full in sc in not very much time.
Yeah I had full trays of those on most my toons.
Heh I still remember the days of farming Sirens to get 53 SOs when they were the top of the food chain...
And sirens reward system is still the same.
I have always been irritated about how useless bounty is once you become even mediocre on a toon. I very recently re-upped my account and FINALLY got my brother and his RL friend to come into pvp with me. I took them to sirens, gave them a brief rundown of the zone, we took a quick tour of the boundaries and we were off and running. They actually enjoyed themselves so much it has re-kindled their interest in, not only the game itself, but to take their builds much more seriously.
Needless to say they burned through their inspires fairly quickly the first 30 mins we were in there, but they were managing their inspire use just fine, making a tray-full last for almost 2 hours, after being there a while.(maybe a "little" less than 2 hours, as I was feeding them the ones i wasn't using and some that I had spent my bounty rewards on for them so they didnt have to leave the zone.) But......by nights end(some 4-5 hours later), my brother and his friend both asked me "why is the bounty we collected only good for medium inspires and cheap to get SO's, why does my bounty total go away if I leave the zone or log out, and why would a PvP player even want the SO's?" I couldnt give them a good answer..... So...I'm asking, why can't the bounty actually mean something more than inspires and SO's? I rarely burn through more than a tray of inspires in a few hour session. The SO's are truely useless to me and I suspect most feel the same way? What would be so terrible about allowing the bounty to NOT disappear everytime we leave the zone and/or log out, but rather allowing it to accumulate so that the bounty collected can be turned into actually be put towards purchasing something that will improve my build or other toons I'm building, like merits/tickets and such? It honestly makes no sense to me and apparently not to pvp new-comers either. Is this ever going to change? I sure would like to rack up 50,000-100,000 in bounty and trade it in for a recipe that I don't want to pay for, or one that I cannot get my hands on because there aren't any available, like a gladiators armor resistance recipe or something like that...(somewhat rare, but hey, it happens) I know....*ahem*...I mean...I "believe" the pvp recipe drop rates are horribly scarce to drop as it is, and this or something "like" this would really help that out a bunch. I would think it could be implemented into all pvp zones without a poop-ton of work, no? I can't tell you how many times i've logged out of sirens with a bunch of leftover bounty going to waste because i have a full tray of inspires and....well....who the heck wants SO's anymore..... Have the devs ever even considered changing this, I'm very curious. TIA |
The PvP IO drop rates, bounty, rep, all of it makes it not worth doing PvP for any other reason that: A) A player likes PvP in spite of aforementioned things or B) A player PvPs to get expensive PvP IO drops.
The more FOTM a build is the more PvP IOs that player will get. Thus more players will choose FOTMs over less conventional toons to 'get' the PvP IOs and maybe change over to a less FOTM toon simply because they feel like 'playing something different'.
Here's what I would change:
Add Purple and PvP IO recipes to the merit vendor.
Add the ability to buy merits with bounty say 5K or 10K bounty/merit point.
Have the PvP day jobs accolade give a PvP IO drop on login kinda thing.
Give defeated players a chance at a PvP IO drop and set it up in such a way that it can't be abuse for afk-kill farming.
These changes could interest new players into trying out PvP. PvP ought to give players an upfront reward/bribe just for trying PvP out. It should also reward them for playing and the more you play the more rewards ya get.
I predict this will be fixed on the first patch after Hydra-Os and Crystal-Os are upped to level 53.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
The PvP IO drop rates, bounty, rep, all of it makes it not worth doing PvP for any other reason that: A) A player likes PvP in spite of aforementioned things or B) A player PvPs to get expensive PvP IO drops. |
The more FOTM a build is the more PvP IOs that player will get. Thus more players will choose FOTMs over less conventional toons to 'get' the PvP IOs and maybe change over to a less FOTM toon simply because they feel like 'playing something different'.
make a plant/ice dom if you want. just spam poisonous ray and KS people in zone. best way to get drops. same applies to most dot heavy powers and scourge. of all my toons, i've gotten the most drops on my fire/cold; why? dots + scourge.
Hi, My name is enforcer watermelon and i can't think outside of the box.
Here's what I would change:
Add Purple and PvP IO recipes to the merit vendor. |
Add the ability to buy merits with bounty say 5K or 10K bounty/merit point.
Have the PvP day jobs accolade give a PvP IO drop on login kinda thing.
i'd like a ******* zone porter for that day job accolade.
makes no sense. you're not encouraging competition; that's the problem with the current system. it doesn't encourage competition anymore than the previous status quo.
This is a very well written post that hits home for those of us who truly enjoy PvP in this game. I never even thought about bounty as I am mostly an RVer when in zone, however thinking about this, it gets my goat. Not to totally derail the topic, but what really pisses me off is the devs have not done crapola to change bounty (something that really needs a total reworking), yet they put their hands in the PvP system and we got heal decay, travel suppression, borked mez, and universal resists...
By that logic if they were to "re-Work" the bounty system, instead of SO's we would probably get a token that we can use to frag ourselves in our dark tunnel.
(SIDE NOTE: I do like a lot of the PvE changes we have recieved due to the devs hard work and I think IO and PvP IOs are great)
I am PL in RL.
Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic
Why is bounty so useless;
Why do you cut yourself at night?
Its a pointless question, as soon as you tell me why the color blue is called blue, I'll tell you why bounty is so worthless.
In short, gl finding out why.
Its a pointless question, as soon as you tell me why the color blue is called blue, I'll tell you why bounty is so worthless. In short, gl finding out why. |
Now awaiting reason for bounty being worthless

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
But you said you would say why it was worthless. :0

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
Besides you only gave me the origin of the word, not WHY the color is called what it is.
That or TL;DR is srs bznz
I have always been irritated about how useless bounty is once you become even mediocre on a toon. I very recently re-upped my account and FINALLY got my brother and his RL friend to come into pvp with me. I took them to sirens, gave them a brief rundown of the zone, we took a quick tour of the boundaries and we were off and running. They actually enjoyed themselves so much it has re-kindled their interest in, not only the game itself, but to take their builds much more seriously.
Needless to say they burned through their inspires fairly quickly the first 30 mins we were in there, but they were managing their inspire use just fine, making a tray-full last for almost 2 hours, after being there a while.(maybe a "little" less than 2 hours, as I was feeding them the ones i wasn't using and some that I had spent my bounty rewards on for them so they didnt have to leave the zone.)
But......by nights end(some 4-5 hours later), my brother and his friend both asked me "why is the bounty we collected only good for medium inspires and cheap to get SO's, why does my bounty total go away if I leave the zone or log out, and why would a PvP player even want the SO's?"
I couldnt give them a good answer.....
So...I'm asking, why can't the bounty actually mean something more than inspires and SO's? I rarely burn through more than a tray of inspires in a few hour session. The SO's are truely useless to me and I suspect most feel the same way?
What would be so terrible about allowing the bounty to NOT disappear everytime we leave the zone and/or log out, but rather allowing it to accumulate so that the bounty collected can be turned into actually be put towards purchasing something that will improve my build or other toons I'm building, like merits/tickets and such?
It honestly makes no sense to me and apparently not to pvp new-comers either.
Is this ever going to change? I sure would like to rack up 50,000-100,000 in bounty and trade it in for a recipe that I don't want to pay for, or one that I cannot get my hands on because there aren't any available, like a gladiators armor resistance recipe or something like that...(somewhat rare, but hey, it happens)
I know....*ahem*...I mean...I "believe" the pvp recipe drop rates are horribly scarce to drop as it is, and this or something "like" this would really help that out a bunch. I would think it could be implemented into all pvp zones without a poop-ton of work, no?
I can't tell you how many times i've logged out of sirens with a bunch of leftover bounty going to waste because i have a full tray of inspires and....well....who the heck wants SO's anymore.....
Have the devs ever even considered changing this, I'm very curious.