Really Not a Nemesis Plot.




Actually, all the market fluctuations are all part of Nemesis' plan to bring Paragon City to its knees!

(And to answer your question about SB 1070, it's a new bill signed by Arizona's governor that allows police officers to question persons who they suspect MAY be in the country illegally about their legal status. However, everybody is crying DOOOOOM about it and saying 'Hitler would have done the same thing!') Which reminds me.

You don't think the Holocaust was a Nemesis Plot, do you?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Of Course it was, how else would peple have gotten the idea?

However, Jury Duty I believe is a nemesis plot.

"The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open"
"Sometimes we risk taking things too far to see how far we can really go."
Interwebz Hoard is now at: 33 Interwebz
{Peoples who have Contributed to the Hoard:: (30) & (2)}
Now available in a wide range of flavours!



Really? Do you not know your civic duty, citizen? Sure, it's inconvenient, but you must do it!

Democracy is not a Nemesis Plot. That's the beautiful thing about this country!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Democracy is in fact a Nemesis Plot. By convincing the people at large that they matter and that they are somehow responsible for voting the control of their own leadership, they have been brainwashed into believing democracy works for them.

However, it is the Media who control the airwaves and influence what you wear, what you drive, what you eat, and even how you live your lifestyle. Media is the psychological warfare division of the government. Asserting control over your feeble minds and influencing your votes with flashy ad campaigns and You Tube video memes, they perpetuate themselves in the Capital, while we are left to our socio-economic slavery.

Democracy has Nemesis written all over it!

Now, something such as bobbing for apples at your Halloween Carnival is just plain good family fun. Wholesome. Entertaining. Filling. Occasionally rewarding if your date is with you.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Total Nemesis plot. Apple bobbing is one of THE most unhygienic activities in the world. The amount of germs and bacteria that are deposited and shared amongst apple bobbers is mind-boggling. Only Nemesis could think of something so sinister yet innocent-looking.

But lemonade isn't a Nemesis plot



Then tell me where that $.25 that I payed for a cup is going! Towards Nemesis' steam-powered army, right?

However, the Arizona Diamondbacks are not part of Nemesis' evil plan.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



To the Contrary, the Arizona Diamondbacks are in fact owned by Lord Nemesis. Baseball and homemade apple pie are the corner stitches on the fabric of this great nation. What better way to infiltrate our society and keep your army fit and healthy than letting them play baseball.

The April 25, 1976 Heroic Action on the part of Rick Monday was nowhere near the capacity of Nemesis.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Of course it was, because the world is full of Conspiracy theorists.

However, the requirement of having a government isn't a nemesis plot.

"The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open"
"Sometimes we risk taking things too far to see how far we can really go."
Interwebz Hoard is now at: 33 Interwebz
{Peoples who have Contributed to the Hoard:: (30) & (2)}
Now available in a wide range of flavours!



It's not a Nemesis plot- for it is our very inability to form a stable anarchic society upon which he preys! It is this which he uses to twist and manipulate us to his whims, thus bringing him closer to UTTER UNIVERSAL DOMINATION!

Ahem. However, clearly, since it supplanted his beloved steam power, NUCLEAR POWER cannot possibly be a Nemesis plot.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Actually, Nemesis sold all his nukes to Iran...

The whole BP incident that's been on the news is pretty crazy, huh? It can't be a Nemesis Plot... can it?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



What? you think whatever a BP is just happens on its own!?! A complicated thing to link to Nemesis, but still is capable to destroying free-will easily somehow

But luckily Chicken Snitzel is completely heroic, but is Beef Snitzel?!?!?!



Sorry to burst your bubble, Old Bean, but Beef Snitzel is *SUCH* a Nemesis plot that the Geneva Convention prohibits it as "cruel and unusual punishment".

On the other hand, Chicken Kiev has been enjoyed since the days of the Tsars and is 110% *NOT* a Nemmie plot ... Tovarisch!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Ever since the Cold War, EVERYTHING that is Russian has been a machination of Nemesis (Including the Cold War itself!)

Fortunately, good old American products are not part of Nemesis' plan.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Uncle Sasha is a Nemmie plot?! My MOM was a Nemmie plot?

Thank The Great Mother that I was born on American soil.

However, such fine craftsmanship cannot be found in certain other American-made products, so *those* *must* be part of Nemmie's plot to undermine the good ole U S of A.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Based on the fact that Amerikatt did not give us any new material, I'm just going to assume that cats are not a Nemesis Plot.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Based on the fact that Amerikatt did not give us any new material ...
Au contraire! I *did* offer *this*
However, such fine craftsmanship cannot be found in certain other American-made products, so *those* *must* be part of Nemmie's plot to undermine the good ole U S of A.

Originally Posted by cursedsorcer
I'm just going to assume that cats are not a Nemesis Plot

You would be correct that cats are not a Nemmie plot. CatGIRLS on the other hand ...!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Of course cats are a nemmie plot. there cute little fluffyness that gets all the girls to ew' and ah all mushy like .. and there skill at hunting mice and killing them to attract all the males. the perfect animal to attract both sex's.

there is no way that annoying Stapples commercial with the guy yelling " WoW, thats a low price" is a nemesis plot



Of course that is! I don't see it that often, but when I do, I get that strange feeling that I'm being brainwashed.

However annoying they are, the GEICO commercials featuring the "Money you could save with GEICO" are not part on Nemesis' plan. They're just dumb.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



You only think that stack of money is money you saved with Geico. In truth, it's money HE saved with Geico, and then turned into his tiny spy with theme music.

However, the song "Somebody's Watching Me" is not a Nemesis plot, being, y'know, a song.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Actually, "Somebody's Watching Me" is Emperor Cole's theme song. However, as he is yet another pawn of Nemmie, I guess that it *could* be construed as a Nemmie plot. Hmmmm ...!

However, Pink Cotton Candy, Bunnies, Rainbows, and Unicorns are NOT Nemmie plots.


(*skips away out of this thread before anyone can refute what she's said*)

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



I like cotton candy, thus that is NOT a Nemesis Plot, however, the bunnies, rainbows and unicorns are.

S'mores are not a Nemesis Plot.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
I like cotton candy, thus that is NOT a Nemesis Plot, however, the bunnies, rainbows and unicorns are.

S'mores are not a Nemesis Plot.
(*uses her time machine to send cursedsorceror to an attosecond before the Big Bang, so that his subatomic particles will be spread across the omniverse at the speed of light for all eternity*)

*THAT* should stop your anti-kitty shenanigans!

(*skips away in pursuit of a butterfly*)

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
I like cotton candy, thus that is NOT a Nemesis Plot, however, the bunnies, rainbows and unicorns are.

S'mores are not a Nemesis Plot.
Such sinful deliciousness? How would it not be?

However, Amerikatt is certainly not a Nemesis plot.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Are you kidding me! She is chasing a butterfly that gives off a fatal amount of radiation to the average human.

The Grand Canyon is obviously not a Nemesis Plot



(Being from Arizona, I really don't want to do this, but...)

The Grand Canyon is indeed a Nemesis Plot! All those tourists distract themselves from Nemesis' plan by travelling there. The fact is that Nemesis' resources could EASILY fill that canyon, but why would he want to?

Foul cheaters that they are, the LA Lakers are not part of Nemesis' plan!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!