Really Not a Nemesis Plot.




*Would answer with his first thought, but won't as he likes the forums*

Of course it isn't, how else would we not hear about their shenanigans over here in Australia.

However, the different Time Zones are definately a Nemesis plot!

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Originally Posted by Stormpsych View Post
*Would answer with his first thought, but won't as he likes the forums*

Of course it isn't, how else would we not hear about their shenanigans over here in Australia.

However, the different Time Zones are definately a Nemesis plot!
Quite so! As Master of Time and Space, Nemmie is never bothered by jet lag or his body clock readjusting to time differences.

Thankfully, though, Devil Dogs and other Drake snack cakes are *NOT* a Nemmie plot!

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Of course they are! Hang on... I'm from Australia - what are they?

puppy-dog eyes from young ladies when they want something is DEFINATELY a nemesis plot.

"The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open"
"Sometimes we risk taking things too far to see how far we can really go."
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Yes it is, and the money spent to buy gifts for these ladies is used to fund Nemesis' secret weapon.

Pornography and Overrated Fantasy MMO combined are definately a Nemesis Plot, but separate the two and it is easy to see that neither is a Nemesis Plot by itself.

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