Pointers for defeating Reichsman in Kahn's TF?

Adeon Hawkwood



My friends and I have made the (apparently unwise) attempt to play Dr. Kahn's TF - we've got four players: A tank (INV/BA), a scrapper (MA/Shield), a defender (Psi/Empathy), and a blaster (Fire/Fire) - all level 50.

We've gotten all the way through the TF, and to the final fight - and absolutely cannot defeat Reichsman: we can tank him almost indefinately, but can only bring his hit points down when we've got four shivans out also beating on him. We got him down to just about 60% before running out of shivans (we each started the fight with a fresh shard with 5 shivans) - once we ran out, we couldn't make any headway.

Any advice? Our plan is for every one of us to get a full round of nukes (all 3 per character) and try the mission again - but any additional advice would be appreciated...

such as...

Anyone got a link to a guide that would be useful?

Obviously the dimensional ray makes it so that you *can* hurt him - but does it serve any other purpose - is it only useful to hit him once and then just attack normally, or does it do *anything else* that might be useful to know (for example, any point later in the fight, that perhaps we didn't get to, where we'd want to use the ray again)?

Any other advice?

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That team is going to have issues.

Half you damage is smashing/lethal which he resists heavily and you have no -regen

Honestly your best option I would say is quit and grab an extra debuffer or two.

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Warburg nukes if you don't want to restart

Full set on each of you.

That will allow you to keep yourselves and your shivans buffed for 20 minutes (Very heavily buffed), and Reichsman debuffed. If you have the vanguard merits you might want to bring in a vanguard mech.

The good news is that Reichsman isnt particularly resistant to psi to begin with, so the buff from the biological mutagens should be very good.

Edit: The base empowerment buff for increasing attack speed is also good, and bringing all the insps you can to with it. All that will boost your damage output will it be enough can't say. I like to keep a bio and a chemical handy just on general principles, they have saved what would have been failed tfs for me.



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
Obviously the dimensional ray makes it so that you *can* hurt him - but does it serve any other purpose - is it only useful to hit him once and then just attack normally, or does it do *anything else* that might be useful to know (for example, any point later in the fight, that perhaps we didn't get to, where we'd want to use the ray again)?
You do need to hit him with the ray again every so often. If you don't he can go invincible again and when that happens he heals VERY quickly.



I think, there was a post from Horatio, where he stated that you need to hit Reichsman with Grounding Ray only once, to prevent him from using his t9



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
I think, there was a post from Horatio, where he stated that you need to hit Reichsman with Grounding Ray only once, to prevent him from using his t9
From what I can tell hitting him with the grounding ray does not stop him going Unstoppable. I did once see him go invulnerable again during the middle of the fight and I would assume it's because we didn't hit him with ray frequently enough.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
I think, there was a post from Horatio, where he stated that you need to hit Reichsman with Grounding Ray only once, to prevent him from using his t9
This post?

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Interesting. I wish I'd known that before the TF, I would've taken some screenshots and filed a bug report.



Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
Yep, exactly.



Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
My friends and I have made the (apparently unwise) attempt to play Dr. Kahn's TF - we've got four players:
That was the only unwise part.

Any advice? Our plan is for every one of us to get a full round of nukes (all 3 per character) and try the mission again - but any additional advice would be appreciated...
Well, the best advice is something that it's too late for you to take advantage of: bring a debuffer. Adding a radiation or dark defender to that line-up would make it a dramatically different fight. Adding two debuffers would make him your bi..... um.. hapless victim.

The nukes are a good idea; just don't fire all of them at once. You need to pace yourselves since he has over 120,000 hit points. You should probably get new Shivan Shards also, since there are only 4 of you. Everyone drop a Shivan, then fire the biological mutagens. Then fire the Chemical Burn on Reichsman. The Nuclear Blast isn't as useful since it's just damage (well, it also affects endurance but that's irrelevant in this fight).

Really, a -regen power would be best and the missiles don't provide that. The entire TF doesn't take much over an hour with any sort of decent team.

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Interesting. I wish I'd known that before the TF, I would've taken some screenshots and filed a bug report.
On what? Nowhere in Horatio's post does he say that the Grounding Ray prevents the use of Unstoppable.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
On what? Nowhere in Horatio's post does he say that the Grounding Ray prevents the use of Unstoppable.
We had him go invincible again during the middle of the fight. I'm not talking about Unstoppable, he went back to the phased state where attacks don't work (and regained about 30% of his health during it). I assumed at the time that we hadn't hit him with the grounding ray enough but apparently it was a weird bug.



In my experience, +dmg is more effective on Reichsman than -res. His resists are so high, the -res is largely neutered. Have taken him down much faster w/ a kin than a sonic. In a red-side run in which we were having difficulty, we had everyone fill their tray with large reds, popping 3-4 at a time. The extra damage tipped the scales and he went down fairly quickly.



Kinetics has -Regeneration in Transfusion too, something Sonic doesn't provide for a team. Factoring that out, it'd be interesting to see what meant the most.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
We had him go invincible again during the middle of the fight. I'm not talking about Unstoppable, he went back to the phased state where attacks don't work (and regained about 30% of his health during it). I assumed at the time that we hadn't hit him with the grounding ray enough but apparently it was a weird bug.
I've had that happen before too.. on a weaker team that took a realllly long time to defeat him. If I had to guess, I'd say that he phased about 1 hour into the fight, but using the Ray again fixed it immediately.