Rikti Mother Ship Raid 11-19-09




I would like to join with my level 48 MA/Shield Scrapper named "KungFu Jingo"

For those who have fought for it
Has a meaning the protected will never know.



Reminder, this is tomorrow (Thursday) night..

..and it looks like we're short some Tankers and Defenders.

I guess I'll bring Tabby, and some purples. haha



Hey Gen: Update me as a "maybe" for this. I got tagged with the flu and have been out the last few days. I may not be able to stay awake for the start time. ;(

So, if I'm not there on time, don't wait up for me. Sorry, I was really looking forward to a nice, smooth saucer raid, but I may fall asleep at the KB while logging in.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Reminder, this is tomorrow (Thursday) night..

..and it looks like we're short some Tankers and Defenders.

I guess I'll bring Tabby, and some purples. haha

If you feel it would be better, I can switch off to one of my brutes.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



alright everyone. TY all for coming. I had a blast. I want to thank all the members of the Horde for helping me with my first 3 team event. its a little nerve racking but it made it even more intense since my blood was pumping.

We did a great job and I learned some more things from you vet players for my next one. cant wait until the next one.



Originally Posted by Gen_Gintoki View Post
alright everyone. TY all for coming. I had a blast. I want to thank all the members of the Horde for helping me with my first 3 team event. its a little nerve racking but it made it even more intense since my blood was pumping.

We did a great job and I learned some more things from you vet players for my next one. cant wait until the next one.
It was fun.. and Turg led us on the second run. Im usually up for doing this anytime. I used to do them all the time. (It was one of my phases, like the ITF phase where I met you. lol)



Great job Gintoki for setting this up. I promise it gets easier with time .

Lots of fun tonight. Thanks to Turg for taking over my team on the second run so I could get merits on a lower level scrapper. I now have green glowie claws on Golden Jade

Right now I'm super over worked, so its hard for me to commit to events every night. But I'll be around for as many of your events as I can be!

Thanks everyone for joining. It was great! Laggy, but great :smirk:

PS: Love the new avatar MB

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
PS: Love the new avatar MB
rofl. Well Halloween was over, so I had to come up with something.. and I happened to be in the Free Smileys page and posted that image for another thread.. and decided to put it as my avatar temporarily. Luckily, it doesn't look horrible when the forum scales it up to the larger size.

I need to figure out what to actually put there.. just like i need to start thinking about my January calendar too. lol

BTW, I wasn't actually born LEET. Tabby wasn't either.. It did take a little work. lol j.k



Originally Posted by Gen_Gintoki View Post
alright everyone. TY all for coming. I had a blast. I want to thank all the members of the Horde for helping me with my first 3 team event. its a little nerve racking but it made it even more intense since my blood was pumping.

We did a great job and I learned some more things from you vet players for my next one. cant wait until the next one.
You did a great job, thanks again for organizing this! ( ' :




Many, many thanks to all responsible for this. It was a ton of fun and this New Bee had a great time.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Indeed! Nice progress on raid badges and was able to obtain the bulk of the Vanguard costume apparel.

Also here is link for this Tuesday's MoITF sign up.
Your link didn't make it....

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



It was fun.. and Turg led us on the second run. Im usually up for doing this anytime. I used to do them all the time. (It was one of my phases, like the ITF phase where I met you. lol)
MB, we need to do another RV phase. I had a blast in the morning making pvp'ers cry.

General Gintoki has 3000 merits and I have everything u can get from the vanguard. So all my merits are for the vanguard robot.

Death'Dealer is my Axe Tank and he got around 275merits during the second run but I had a hard crash. Got me the Vanguard axe unlocked which i like