Shield + Ninja Run = Win!!




Originally Posted by shodden View Post
lol if i was jealous i would just buy it... The $15 monthly fee is supposed to cover extra content, if not may I ask what exactly I am paying for? So I'll go play another MMO, I've been meaning to try Aion anyways.

Hopefully there are a couple more people like me, and this ends up costing them money in the long run. But, I doubt it.
So you're ticked at NCSoft for charging money for content, so you're going to give NCSoft more money for content?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by shodden View Post
lol if i was jealous i would just buy it... The $15 monthly fee is supposed to cover extra content, if not may I ask what exactly I am paying for? So I'll go play another MMO, I've been meaning to try Aion anyways.

Hopefully there are a couple more people like me, and this ends up costing them money in the long run. But, I doubt it.
You might want to get a doctor to check that entitlement level for you, I think it needs medication.

Like any service you are completely within your rights to change it. I am also completely within my rights to point and laugh at your reasoning (or lack thereof.)

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
You might want to get a doctor to check that entitlement level for you, I think it needs medication.

Like any service you are completely within your rights to change it. I am also completely within my rights to point and laugh at your reasoning (or lack thereof.)
Hey, he's a paying customer. One path to ruining a pay to play MMO is to go berserk with micro transactions so you have to pay the monthly fee and then shell out more to get the perks that make game play fun. That business model works for free MMO's, but it's dangerous for a pay to play MMO. I don't think Ninja Run is stepping across the line personally, but it's definately closer than any of the other boosters.




Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
Hey, he's a paying customer. One path to ruining a pay to play MMO is to go berserk with micro transactions so you have to pay the monthly fee and then shell out more to get the perks that make game play fun. That business model works for free MMO's, but it's dangerous for a pay to play MMO. I don't think Ninja Run is stepping across the line personally, but it's definately closer than any of the other boosters.
I'm somewhere in the middle on this. I agree that money for benefits can make you feel like you're paying twice for the same game. And it can make people who don't want to pay extra feel like they're missing out. So you can end up with a situation where both the people who pay the money and the people who don't feel a little cheated. That's not something you want.

But I don't think an additional pseudo travel power steps over any line given the existence of the temp travel powers, and the fact that I often use those well into my thirties. I've actually bought most of the booster packs so far, and I don't think I'm going to buy this one. Not out of protest, but just because the shown costume options don't tempt me, and I don't need another pseudo travel power.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
Hey, he's a paying customer. One path to ruining a pay to play MMO is to go berserk with micro transactions so you have to pay the monthly fee and then shell out more to get the perks that make game play fun. That business model works for free MMO's, but it's dangerous for a pay to play MMO. I don't think Ninja Run is stepping across the line personally, but it's definately closer than any of the other boosters.
So what about EQ, WoW? If you want to call out CoH on this? You pay to play, then have to buy the expansion afterward to get the other stuff they come out with.

On topic; the Ninja Sprint is nice, complete fluff to add in the game which gives people some more RP styles for their toons, and a nice power to use as a travel if you want. Nice addition, and good times.



Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
What kept him was the fact that the other boosters were pure luxury items, that offered pretty much only aesthetic benefit. Ninja Run is an awesome quality of life improvement at low levels. No longer worry about outlasting your temp power jetpacks, no longer tied to the relatively glacial pace and weak vertical movement of Sprint, the lower levels are far more bearable.
You can get the first temp power jetpack 1 level later than Ninja Run, and if somehow you run out of both the packs you can go buy another one in Grandville/FBZ for only 10,000 inf.



First, let me say I love the pack. The costume parts are great and the run power looks excellent and is actually a very useful travel power in missions and for the levels you don't have a regular travel power. I wish they would offer this power with the def bonus and non-supression of combat jumping as a second tier travel power next to super jump. This would allow people access to a better power than the purchased one, while still giving people the benefit of the free, less powerful power, to those who paid for the pack.

Having said that, I can understand the complaints. Ten bucks for a few costume parts and a travel power is a bit steep, especially in a game where you're already paying a monthly fee. If the devs have been flooding out new regular content, that would be a different story, but they really haven't. I know they've been working on GR, but thats gonna be a paid expansion too, and probably won't be out until well into next year from what I've read. I don't mind paying extra for some expansions and packs, but I'd like to see a bit more new content if I'm gonna be paying a montly fee. Even if its just new storylines or task forces. Isn't that why they designed the AE interface in the first place, to make it easier for their designers to make missions?



Out of the four packs so far the only pack that I think failed in all avenues was 3, they didn't have anything developed that really worked so they threw in the change body type, which I personally think should have gone into the actual game. Any bonus powers however have been very cool, Mission TP from Mac, oh and its actually only $5 because the 15 pays your monthly subscription. Self-destruct... ok cool I can avoid debt once every hour. Mystic Fortune is awesome, but enough people have it so you can get the QoL by virtue of teaming.

My two favorite origins are Mutation and Natural, so the fact that the Natural pack is so full of win makes me very hopeful for superbooster 5.

In my opinion and this is only my over-exaggeration, BaBs saw Champions travel power "Acrobatics" and said... "I can do better!" and boom... we get Ninja Run... if we want it.

The Micro-Transactions are just added features to the game which if you want take, if not... Don't its not gonna bother them.

I love Ninja Run... I don't have it yet, but I still love it.

And the developers have said that they're trying to devise ways you can get travel powers without taking two of your power choices away.

I just made a MA/SR build that I put together just for fun, Ninja Run will be his travel power. No BotZ, only weave+SR+sets soft-capped in all positions, gave him stealth, which I didn't count for defense, Caltrops and shuriken... and for SnGs I gave him Jump Kick at 49.
He might be able to solo AVs, and do big groups, but will probably need some Blue pills to help.
Time for fun!

50's: Heroes: Ozmeth DB/WP; Black Decker DM/Regen; Shado-Strike DM/SR Scrapper (13 AV soloed); Desert-Shock Claws/Elec Scrapper; Shado-Shriek Dark/Son Def
Villains: Bokken Nin/Nin
Current project(s):



Originally Posted by shodden View Post
How good are the ninja powers? The other booster packs had powers that were pretty useless, they were just fluff. But, if the ninja powers are almost as good as travel powers I think I'll cancel my subscription. Players who pay extra get bonus powers? That's ******** when I am already paying a monthly fee.

If the ninja pack just changed the animation of superspeed and superjump, I would be fine with that
10$ per booster pack is hardly anything to complain about. Go look at starwars galaxies and its TCG game and see how many players are outraged by that. (myself included) Sure its great that swg finally started getting more items that we had asked for but you gotta not only pay extra for them but its a lottery and you only have a small chance to get the loot cards and even then the lootcards that you want.

Be thankful that isn't the case with coh.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I read someone with quickness, swift, sprint and ninja run had about 56 mph run speed. Not bad considering their SS had them at 86 mph.
Currently, 53 on an L25 Kat/SR scrapper. Once I hit L50 with IOs, it'll be over 56.

With a Kin/* or */Kin, you really don't need a travel power.

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Originally Posted by shodden View Post
lol if i was jealous i would just buy it... The $15 monthly fee is supposed to cover extra content, if not may I ask what exactly I am paying for?
You're paying to connect to the game and play. The fact that they give you as much free swag in-game as they do is incredible. And you're going to be all butt-hurt about a pseudo-travel power? Where was your outrage with Mystic Fortune? Or Mission Teleporter? Or Self Destruct? Or early access to the SuperTailor?

So I'll go play another MMO, I've been meaning to try Aion anyways.

Hopefully there are a couple more people like me, and this ends up costing them money in the long run. But, I doubt it.
Well at least you're not completely irrational about this. Just mostly. This is a power that, while VERY useful, it's a "gotta have" or game-breaking power.

Basically it's a combination travel power that's superior to Sprint and Combat Jumping, and inferior to Superspeed and Superjump. Yet costs about the same amount of End as the superior powers. It also doesn't stack with travel powers that provide defensive bonuses.

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
10$ per booster pack is hardly anything to complain about. Go look at starwars galaxies and its TCG game and see how many players are outraged by that. (myself included) Sure its great that swg finally started getting more items that we had asked for but you gotta not only pay extra for them but its a lottery and you only have a small chance to get the loot cards and even then the lootcards that you want.

Be thankful that isn't the case with coh.
Okay, let's look at it:

I bought the Wedding Pack on 4 August last year.
That amortizes out to $0.67 a month.

I bought the Cyborg pack on 17 September last year.
That amortizes out to $0.71 a month.

I bought the Collector's Edition at the end of September and the CoV DVD at the end of October. I paid considerably more than $10 for them.

Even so, it amortizes out to about $5 a month. And that doesn't take into account the value of the extra month I received with each code.

In January, I dropped for the Mac Edition (because I didn't want to wait for the Valkyrie pack).
That amortizes out to $2 a month.

In April, I sprung for the Magic Booster.
This amortizes out to about $1.24

Again, with the Science and MA boosters.

So right now, assuming I'm prepaid on a yearly 14-month deal, I've paid more than the equivalent of a monthly membership due to the packs.

HOWEVER, due to amortization, the cost per month continually is going DOWN.

If you don't factor in the luxury purchases of the CoH/CoV collector's editions, I'm paying right about what a monthly subscription is.

We're talking a 5-ish dollar a month difference between myself and someone simply on a 14 month deal. Now, $5 won't even get me into a matinee out here. And the extra powers, costumes, etc have, collectively, arguably improved my QOL in-game.

Could I get by without them? SURE!

Now, were Paragon NOT releasing new costumes, powers, etc with just about every Issue (and stuff like Walk between issues), I could see how he might have a legitimate female dog. Unfortunately for him, they DO. So this is simply an entitlement issue with him.

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Originally Posted by shodden View Post
How good are the ninja powers? The other booster packs had powers that were pretty useless, they were just fluff. But, if the ninja powers are almost as good as travel powers I think I'll cancel my subscription. Players who pay extra get bonus powers? That's ******** when I am already paying a monthly fee.

If the ninja pack just changed the animation of superspeed and superjump, I would be fine with that
How's that any different that the $5 a month you can pay to get a jet pack? That's been around for a long time now.

Course you can also get an almost as good as fly travel power for 10k influence in game too. This is just finally....finally almost putting things back to even again between SS, SJ, and Fly. Now there is an "almost as good" alternate to every travel power, except teleport. Wonder when they'll add some sort of slightly gimped self teleport power that you can buy in game. Maybe with mutant pack?

Oh, and I think I'm the only one who thinks the ninja run animation looks stupid (the flips aren't bad, the run position looks like out of some cheesy bad Japanese cartoon). I'm thankful I have the power slide to run with it to mostly override it. Still, probably won't bother using it on most of my characters.



Originally Posted by shodden View Post
How good are the ninja powers? The other booster packs had powers that were pretty useless, they were just fluff. But, if the ninja powers are almost as good as travel powers I think I'll cancel my subscription. Players who pay extra get bonus powers? That's ******** when I am already paying a monthly fee.

If the ninja pack just changed the animation of superspeed and superjump, I would be fine with that
But people have been buying jetpacks($4.99) for quite some time now. Get out, we won't miss you.

Ware ni tatenu mono mashi!!
[There are none before me who have not been cleaved!!]



This is a power that, while VERY useful, it's a "gotta have" or game-breaking power.
I'd say it completely depends of the build. If brutes get access to hero epics with Going Rogue, it will be gamebreaking for one of my builds.

It's not the power itself that is so good, but the possibility to have one more power pick that was previously allocated to a travel power for people who think jetpacks are a bit too slow.



Got the pack yesterday and wanted to say, I tried it on my DM/SR, to see how fast he is with it on.

Has 1-slotted Swift, Quickness, and Sprint; all with lvl 50 IO, has 3 set bonuses of 5% each which gives him 40.83 mph running
With Ninja Run toggled he has 60.89 mph

If each were 3-slotted, he would have 50.7 mph running giving him 71.3 mph with Ninja Run... ~20 mph shy of cap.

[I assume from other posts "~" is approx. I may however been in error]

50's: Heroes: Ozmeth DB/WP; Black Decker DM/Regen; Shado-Strike DM/SR Scrapper (13 AV soloed); Desert-Shock Claws/Elec Scrapper; Shado-Shriek Dark/Son Def
Villains: Bokken Nin/Nin
Current project(s):



They got me... The 1st pack I ever bought.
My Kat/Reg which is my name's sake is themed around a samurai/ninja thing... just seemed fitting to get it, that and my new Kat/WP as well... now I can't decide as to which one I'd be putting billions on...



Originally Posted by shodden View Post
How good are the ninja powers? The other booster packs had powers that were pretty useless, they were just fluff. But, if the ninja powers are almost as good as travel powers I think I'll cancel my subscription. Players who pay extra get bonus powers? That's ******** when I am already paying a monthly fee.

If the ninja pack just changed the animation of superspeed and superjump, I would be fine with that
The monthly fee pays for server access only. We get issue updates for free. Booster packs are extra content for those who want to pay for nice but not game changing goodies. If your attitude here is indicative of how you view the game, please do leave.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are