Arachnos Unit Names
Also, Jumping Spiders are cute, and apparently cute in nature. (Or it's just me): |
Freakshow jumping spider perhaps?
Also, Jumping Spiders are cute, and apparently cute in nature. (Or it's just me):
I once held a bird-eating spider, despite being huge they weigh almost nothing, it's quite incredible.
Also, Jumping Spiders are cute, and apparently cute in nature. (Or it's just me):
Now I need a drink...

Also, Jumping Spiders are cute, and apparently cute in nature. (Or it's just me): |
"Can iz eatz ur lol catz now plz?"
bleaaaahhhh.... I knew I shouldn't have clicked on links to spider pictures.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
Also, why is there no Arachnos unit based off of or called "Birdeater"? (
So lovely. *sigh*
Better question, why isn't there an all female unit named (and colored) like Argiope aurantia?
So lovely. *sigh* |
Of course Tarantulas are very gentle... Spiders have such a bad rep.
Also, Jumping Spiders are cute, and apparently cute in nature. (Or it's just me):
Although, I think this one is cuter. (Or this one.)
Also, why is there no Arachnos unit based off of or called "Birdeater"? ( |

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
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OOPs I meant gentle!
I blame spell checker, being tired, and one to many beers!
Me and the wife created VEATs when they first came out based on Portia's,we have a unit of them that are enforcers for the Arbiters.Portia's by the way are the spiders that eat other spiders.
WARNING:For the squemish,there are pics of ugly *** spiders.
Me and the wife created VEATs when they first came out based on Portia's,we have a unit of them that are enforcers for the Arbiters.Portia's by the way are the spiders that eat other spiders. WARNING:For the squemish,there are pics of ugly *** spiders. ![]() |
I think you want Portia (genus), your link went to "Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name.."
Ah...thanx for the wiki skillz are lacking.
I get the whole Spider-theme, I do, really, but there should also be Arachnos Fluffy Bunny Corps.
They'd be a special PR division sent out at holidays to share some goodwill.
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
So I was randomly looking up stuff about spiders and decided to read into the spiders the various Arachnos units tend to be based off of (With the exception of Fliers, Fortunata, and Banes, who are all freaks of nature, but that's besides the point.) and got a few weird thoughts:
Based off of some of the information in this article, wouldn't this mean that the cloak and attack styles of the Bane spider would fall closer to what Crab Spiders can do?
Also, why is there no Arachnos unit based off of or called "Birdeater"? (
And we've never been told if there's another name for the min subs Arachnos uses, would they be called Dock/wharf/fishing/raft spiders?
Should Wolf Spiders be able to basically use Gang War only with Spiderlings? (
Also, Jumping Spiders are cute, and apparently cute in nature. (Or it's just me):
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