


Hi I was thinking of switching to freedom because there are more people than on justice ( I like justice but for some reason I have a hard time finding a team....even creating for that matter, on the lower levels)

anyway. I've decided to create a character on here to kinda tests the waters but I can't seem to come up with a name

I was hoping ya'll could help me.

The name I really want is Blue Bowman but that person seems to un-contactable. so any suggestion would be great

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Cobalt Crossbow



ty but he doesn't use a crossbow, and I'm not particularly fond of them

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Originally Posted by JGHopkins View Post
ty but he doesn't use a crossbow, and I'm not particularly fond of them
lol. I was just trying to keep the alliteration idea going, and it was the first thing that came to mind that started with a C.

How about:
Azure Arrow
Beryl Bolt
Indigo Indicator
Turquoise Trajectile
Sapphire Shaft (lol)



hah I really like Azure Arrow but it's taken.

it doesn't have to be an Colour/Name combination
other names I tried were
Blue Arrow

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Try using a hyphen instead of a space?


The "Check Name" feature says it's available!



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Try using a hyphen instead of a space?


The "Check Name" feature says it's available!
yeah I know but..I'll give you an example. my main on justice name is Volt Sentinel, the only name I could think to give him was after a power

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



An upper-case i looks like a lowercase l, therefore

BIue Bowman in game appears as Blue Bowman.



yeah...no I don't do that or leet speak names :P

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Originally Posted by JGHopkins View Post
yeah I know but..I'll give you an example. my main on justice name is Volt Sentinel, the only name I could think to give him was after a power
So... tell me again why "Azure-Arrow" is not a good choice? You don't like hyphens either? lol

If you don't want to name him Arrow (after your powers), maybe you can play off his color and call him Blue-per (Blooper), and give him a Jester hat? lol j.k



IDK..just seems kinda clunky :P

how does Roving Mask sound?

it's kind of a word play on the oldest known archery game Roving Mark. It involved shotting a targert and then shooting the next target from the previous etc.

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Blue Link (Legend of Zelda reference) rofl j.k

Hooded Robber

Rob in da hood

BlueJay Hood (haha)

I hope you find something. I am just too silly right now to come up with something more serious.



Aaron Farsight

Or whatever front name hasn't been taken.



Originally Posted by JGHopkins View Post
IDK..just seems kinda clunky :P

how does Roving Mask sound?

it's kind of a word play on the oldest known archery game Roving Mark. It involved shotting a targert and then shooting the next target from the previous etc.
Roving Mask sounds fine. Especially if you put "The" in front of it.


The Cobalt Mark
The Cobalt Mask
Roving Bolt

Just remember, that because Freedom has more players, it also has a lot less available names. You sometimes have to get very creative in naming. I personally sometimes lose the space in the name when I want a name, such as DarkestFrost or ProjectTrinity. I too have used the "-" in the middle of a name. Good luck

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Just some suggestions; I can't check to see if these names are available or not at the moment:

Azurian Archer
Azurian Bowman
Blue Sharpshooter
Azurian Sharpshooter
Master Marksman
Azure Jay (actual bird)
Azure-Hooded Jay (actual bird)
Midnight Blue Archer
Cobalt Sharpshooter

Some of these may have been mentioned already. Good Luck.



1 more before I go to work, lol:
Sapphire Sniper



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
An upper-case i looks like a lowercase l, therefore

BIue Bowman in game appears as Blue Bowman.
Unless someone has changed their in-game font...like I have...and starts laughing at you...like I would... :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Robin Quiver
Jim Bow
Blue Drifter 4 $
Apple Splitter
That Really Good Archer
Ninja Arrow
Bow Duke
Arrow Shambow
JG Hopkins



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
that's mean

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
An upper-case i looks like a lowercase l, therefore

BIue Bowman in game appears as Blue Bowman.
I use this trick too

Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Unless someone has changed their in-game font...like I have...and starts laughing at you...like I would... :smirk:

aww so mean, I didnt even know in game font could be changed keke



Originally Posted by JGHopkins View Post
that's mean
Not at all. I'm thinking of the finest hunter in all of ancient biblical history. The corruption of the name in common vernacular is clumsy at best; the name itself stands alone and inviolate within the annals of history.

Nimrod is a strong name. You can always see it as your role as a hero to educate the lesser-minded to this absolute fact.



If you want to take the time explaining your name, call yourself "Poussay" and with a hero's zeal educate the nimrods on your team to the fact that you are named after a village in France.



Bow Duke

Twip the Light Fantastic
Archery Contestant
you can throw a little red and white in there and be: Patriot Arrow
Captain Shaftastic
Master Splinter
Tiny Tree Tosser