-Knockback Enhancements




Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
While I know this to be true, I forget WHY people didn't like the idea.
Because it could potentially lead to the expectation, and even enforcement, of the use of those IOs in order to join teams.

Granted, I've never run into anyone who hates KB so much that they kick KB users or quit a team because of it, just as I've never been kicked off of a team for playing TA or not having a travel power, but there have been some vociferous posters claiming to have done all of the above, and given the rather polarizing nature of KB discussions, it is within the realm of possibility that this type of behavior could become commonplace.

But there's also the problem of exactly how the IO could be created (would it use the KB Resistance mechanic, or need an entirely new mechanic coded?), how to resolve the problems (using the existing KB Res mechanic would mean adding another power to the attacks, which buffs the enemy with KB Res... which could lead to problems, such as duration causing KB to be completely mitigated, or the buff not applying in a timely manner and thus not actually working, to name a couple) and which powers would be considered "acceptable" for slotting (if the new type of enhancement were part of an IO set, or an IO set bonus, it would definitely lead to a lot of bickering over powers which were denied the use of the set, dependent on how "good" the other bonuses were).

For the record, I think a better option would be to change all of the powers with a chance for KB to guaranteed KB, which would allow players to manage it better. Knowing that a power will knock an enemy back makes it easier to control it, as opposed to simply hoping that it will or won't happen and generally disregarding it as a factor.

Personally, I love KB. It's fun, and I've used KB to prevent team wipes on several occasions. The main reasons for complaint are possessiveness (belief that enemies "belong" to someone), laziness (not wanting to press one key to move or switch targets) and the endlessly entertaining myth of radial KB, and as far as I'm concerned, those are end-user problems, not game problems.



Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
Actually, real-time control is really fast. My first post in this thread suggested click to kd, shift-click to kb (can be bound to other keys).
I have a similar suggestion. Instead of changing the game, the players who want to hit an enemy which was knocked back can press W or Tab. My one extra keystroke matches your one extra keystroke, it leaves the KB mechanic intact, it works for everyone and it doesn't even need new code to work.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
I have a similar suggestion. Instead of changing the game, the players who want to hit an enemy which was knocked back can press W or Tab. My one extra keystroke matches your one extra keystroke, it leaves the KB mechanic intact, it works for everyone and it doesn't even need new code to work.
My suggestion is not really motivated by the need to move owing to knockback.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Same here.

But on this board, it gets brought up a ton, often hiding whine threads as 'suggestions'. I play not only almost exclusively PUGs, but usually the toons often cited as knockback aggressors. It doesn't come up in gameplay as long as the team even mildly works together on the issue.

These kinds of stealth whine threads are just comical at this point.
It just goes to show ya that these boards =/= the real game in so many ways.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
It just goes to show ya that these boards =/= the real game in so many ways.
Unfortunately, some favorably and some unfavorably. I guess it all is a wash in the end.



Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
My suggestion is not really motivated by the need to move owing to knockback.
Which doesn't validate it.

What you propose is changing the game for tens of thousands of players, forcing them to constantly hold down the Shift key in order to use their powers as they were designed to work, and who have never had complaints about KB, never been kicked because of KB, never had another player quit because of KB... for what? So that one in a hundred or thousand (if that many) player who hates KB doesn't have to press his/her extra key once in a while?

That's what your suggestion entails. You'd make the vast majority of players go through extra steps to play normally, even in solo situations, just to placate a handful of people who foam at the mouth if you even mention KB, despite the fact that those KB users have as much chance to team with those KB haters as I have to wake up and discover that I own an abandoned missile complex and a pet duck.

Punish the many, across the board, to prevent even the slightest chance that the few will be annoyed in a very narrow range of situations?

Thank you, but I'll pass, and argue against this kind of suggestion just as vociferously as KB haters would applaud it. I disagree with it on all levels.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Which doesn't validate it.

What you propose is changing the game for tens of thousands of players, forcing them to constantly hold down the Shift key in order to use their powers as they were designed to work, and who have never had complaints about KB, never been kicked because of KB, never had another player quit because of KB... for what? So that one in a hundred or thousand (if that many) player who hates KB doesn't have to press his/her extra key once in a while?

That's what your suggestion entails. You'd make the vast majority of players go through extra steps to play normally, even in solo situations, just to placate a handful of people who foam at the mouth if you even mention KB, despite the fact that those KB users have as much chance to team with those KB haters as I have to wake up and discover that I own an abandoned missile complex and a pet duck.

Punish the many, across the board, to prevent even the slightest chance that the few will be annoyed in a very narrow range of situations?

Thank you, but I'll pass, and argue against this kind of suggestion just as vociferously as KB haters would applaud it. I disagree with it on all levels.
The key stroke can be bound in any manner. It can be click to kb, shift-click to kd. The essense of the suggestion is that it provides a choice to change from kb to kd and vice versa during combat such that players can adopt to different situation. The key bind can be done in any manner to suit your playstyle.

P.S. I don't hate kb. I encourage my team mates to use it when I play my tanker as a leader, and I don't mind people tornado and hurricane everything everywhere either. In fact, I like the mess, and I love kb when used appropriately. I just play according to what the team likes. My suggestion simply provides a choice, so as the suggestion of the OP. Providing a choice by itself doesn't have any bias toward kb or kd. In fact, not providing a choice creates the bias.



Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
P.S. I don't hate kb. I encourage my team mates to use it when I play my tanker as a leader, and I don't mind people tornado and hurricane everything everywhere either. In fact, I like the mess, and I love kb when used appropriately. I just play according to what the team likes. My suggestion simply provides a choice, so as the suggestion of the OP. Providing a choice by itself doesn't have any bias toward kb or kd. In fact, not providing a choice creates the bias.

My first character, who was also my first 50, is a storm. I understand the power of knockback, whether good or bad.

I am asking for the ability to customize my characters. I have powers that I would rather knockdown than knockback. Personally, I think that would make some of them overpowered, but to admit that is to admit that knockback is not always wanted. To state that knockback is not an issue and then state that the enhancement should not be created because teams will force players to slot one is very contradictory.

Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
They do not fly in every direction, they fly in exactly one direction.........away from the caster.

Nova flies them in every direction, if you are in the center of them...........which you don't necessarily need them to be. Then again, that power is designed to be a killing blow, and you simply need to learn to time that right.

Statements like these are why KB is hated...........you don't understand it. Most persecution works that way.

Comical thread is comical.
I understand it fine. I'm on a energy/pain corruptor. I'm in the middle of the fight, so I will not be taking those powers. Please notice I said "I".

I don't hate knockback. My favorite character at this moment is that energy/pain corruptor. I will admit that I think most people use knockback powers very poorly all the while talking about how well they do play them. Still, as it's been said in this thread, I don't complain about it. It's just a game.

My Characters



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
I'm a firm believer in the proper use of knockback, but I have to admit it's not complete tripe when certain kinds of tankers complain about KB causing them problems.

Invulnerability and Willpower tankers need to be in the vicinity of mobs for their defense and regeneration. Under certain circumstances (the tank surrounded by melee mobs while also under fire from another group of ranged mobs), knocking the mobs around the tank away can result in the tank losing a substantial amount of mitigation.

And pretty much every Tanker primary has some kind of damage aura or other effect that requires the presence of mobs (Consume, Energy Absorption, Oppressive Gloom, Power Sink, Ice Patch, Chilling Embrace, etc.). An Ice tanker about to use Energy Absorption could find himself denuded of mobs by knockback, and thereby lose critically needed defense.

Of course, those mobs are not doing anything while they're knocked back, so it's not usually very dangerous when this happens -- it's just an annoyance. But for something like Ice Melee, the Ice Patch often forms a significant part of the tanker's mitigation, and knocking all the mobs off it can be bad if the mobs have ranged attacks and feel no need to rush back to you (like certain Rikti).

So, people should know better than to use area KB attacks on most tankers, and should desist when a tanker asks them to stop. And tankers should give others fair warning when KB is harming/annoying them. And if they can't work it out, then they shouldn't be teaming together.
Your telling this to a guy who's first toon was and still is a lvl 50 Invul/Enrg tanker
This is why we were given taunt. The +def is nice, yes, but it won't kill us.
If anything, KB stops a few more people attacking, therefore decreasing the ammount your getting hit anyway.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.