Every Proverb Needs Bacon




Two bacons are better than one.



"Give me bacon, or give me death!"

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



When life closes a bacon, it opens a ham.



"An honest answer is like bacon on the lips."



Bacon will get you everywhere. (Flattery will get you nowhere)



give me liberty, or give me bacon !



How do I love bacon ... Let me count the strips



It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you fry the bacon.



Better to have bacon and lost, than never have bacon at all



Now that I've been watching a lot of Eddie Izzard:

Bacon or Death?

And also:

The best laid plans of bacon and skillet...



The bacon is mightier than the ham steak.



The bacon's always better on the other side of nothing. (The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.)

There is no time and place for bacon. (There's a time and place for everything.)

Virtue is its own reward, but I'd prefer bacon. (Virtue is its own reward.)



Bacon doesn't make the world go round. Bacon is what makes the ride worthwhile.



Bacon. It's what's for dinner. (and breakfast and lunch ...)



You could be in a room with a thousand peices of bacon and not want any of them.... then you could be in a room with just one bacon... and it's exactly the one you want



When your only tool is a skillet, all your problems look like bacon

It is best for a Prince to be both feared and loved, but if he cannot be both, it is much better to have bacon.

A journey of a thousand breakfasts begins with a single bacon

Half a slice is better than no bacon

It's an ill bacon that fries no one any good

Bacon doesn't grow on trees

Bacon is a dish best served cold (eww!)

Idle bacon is the devil's playground

Bacon is stranger than fiction

When the cat's away, the mice will have bacon

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Too many cooks spoil the bacon

Bacon wasn't cooked in a day

Bacon makes perfect

Old bacon never dies, it just fades away

Bacon and water don't mix

It's like pouring bacon on a duck

Let the punishment fit the bacon

Life begins with bacon

The early bird gets the bacon

That which does not kill us makes us bacon.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



All work and no play makes bacon appreciated.

Make bacon, not war.

Bacon is wasted on the young.

Bacon has charms to soothe the savage beast.



When life gives you bacons, make BLT's!



If I had a bacon for every time I was hungry, I'd be a fat man.



All's bacon that ends bacon!



Our eyes are our windows to our BACONS