*Going Rogue Update*




Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Plus, y'know, how would the people who bought tickets to HeroCon feel when the "super special entirely new info just for you guys" gets posted to the forums two weeks before?
About as good as the rest of the world who don't live near hero con feel whenever they get given special gifts.



Originally Posted by Nurvus View Post
I clicked on this thread hoping for a breaking Going Rogue update (it has asterisks!). I am sadly disappointed. I'm really looking forward to hearing more details on GR.
Me too, asterisks indicate that it's got new info in it, like an *OMG, look at this new stuff*

I came rushing in all excited to be rapidly deflated to find just another "So when" type post.




The only update I can give you guys is that I made a couple of wallpapers about Going Rogue, featuring Maelstrom and Desdemona they are the same renders we all know and love but I placed them in a different background.

Check them out here on my DA

As far as anything else GR related thats official... I guess we'll have to wait for that blue mo-- i mean the upcoming meet/con thing?



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
About as good as the rest of the world who don't live near hero con feel whenever they get given special gifts.
I don't see the equivalency here. Were you promised that if you *didn't* go to HeroCon, you'd get a gift that people at HeroCon wouldn't get? Did you spend time and money on *not* going to HeroCon specifically so you could get that gift, and then watched as HeroCon attendees got the special gift anyway?

Character index



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I'm not the negrepper in this case, but I was considering it just for starting this thread. You've been around long enough to know that info comes when info comes. And you have a history of trying to bait the Devs into responding to your 'innocent' questions about upcoming issues.

This is not new to you and the negative reaction to these threads is not new to you. Don't know why you're surprised by it. It's like being surprised you got stung after throwing a rock at a hive.

Signed, -Zombie Man

(no anonymity here)
And you have been here long enough you should have learned how to be nice by now. Who cares if she wants more going Rogue information? Do you always have to be rude to her? And the rest of you that act like your better than she is. I really dont understand your whole, I can be rude to Perfect_Pain because thats who she is and its ok. Get over yourselves, none of you are better or more awesome at the internets than she is.

No one should have a negative reaction to a thread like this. You dont have the right, and your responce frankly breaks the rules of this forum. Why? Because your always wordy when you say rude things to her. Just dont read her posts.



Originally Posted by Silver_Lobo View Post
And you have been here long enough you should have learned how to be nice by now. Who cares if she wants more going Rogue information? Do you always have to be rude to her? And the rest of you that act like your better than she is. I really dont understand your whole, I can be rude to Perfect_Pain because thats who she is and its ok. Get over yourselves, none of you are better or more awesome at the internets than she is.

No one should have a negative reaction to a thread like this. You dont have the right, and your responce frankly breaks the rules of this forum. Why? Because your always wordy when you say rude things to her. Just dont read her posts.
If there is a rule violation report it to be dealt with.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I don't see the equivalency here. Were you promised that if you *didn't* go to HeroCon, you'd get a gift that people at HeroCon wouldn't get? Did you spend time and money on *not* going to HeroCon specifically so you could get that gift, and then watched as HeroCon attendees got the special gift anyway?
Thats a really, really bad comparison.
Especially since HeroCon is a US event, when the game runs in the EU too.
Along with the competitions which, due to having RL prizes, are US only.

So long as they release the info SOON after HeroCon, I don't see how there's a major, killer issue or anything. Hell, once people get back then they won't be able to stop it

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Nerf HeroCon!!



I love how you neg rep him for defending his wife.
You people are class acts for real.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
If there is a rule violation report it to be dealt with.
Yes like they waited some 3 to 5 days to deal with the PP thread in the comic and w/e section of the forums.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
About as good as the rest of the world who don't live near hero con feel whenever they get given special gifts.
So, by the logic, every single web (or even print) comic artist out there should give every fan who asks for one a free drawing if they give those out at cons? 'Cause I couldn't make those either.

Or why can't the NFL let local stores hold Super Bowl Champion merch for both teams, like they do at the game, destorying the loosing teams' and selling the stuff for the winning team. That way, just like the people who PAID to go to the game, I can have the ability to buy the winning team's hat or shirt or whatever the moment they win?

When people go to special events, they tend to get stuff/swag/bonus gifts as a "Thank you for coming [and where applicable, paying to come]!" It's called incentives. Deal with it.

And we have already had several people mentioning they will be posting to twitter as it happens, so the info will basically hit the web (and us) at the same time they release it at Hero-Con.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Thats a really, really bad comparison.
Especially since HeroCon is a US event, when the game runs in the EU too.
Along with the competitions which, due to having RL prizes, are US only.

So long as they release the info SOON after HeroCon, I don't see how there's a major, killer issue or anything. Hell, once people get back then they won't be able to stop it
Actually, it's not a bad comparison.

And as for the EU/USA thing, that won't be solved short of either a United World Government (probably complete with Gundams) or the US carmakers giving up their whining over the fact that "universal car safety standards" would require yellow turn lights.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I love how you neg rep him for defending his wife.
You people are class acts for real.
I didn't give him any neg rep, mainly because of the following comment:

Originally Posted by Silver_Lobo View Post
No one should have a negative reaction to a thread like this. You dont have the right, and your responce frankly breaks the rules of this forum. Why? Because your always wordy when you say rude things to her.
I love that his complaint is "you use lots of words".

Also, I think both he and you are missing a very basic point. If you label a thread *Going Rogue Update* most folks who see that and have a basic understanding of punctuation will open the thread expecting that you have information you intend to share. If you just would've given it the title Going Rogue Update? people would have known to not waste their time on it.

Even though multiple people have pointed it out, both he and you apparently still didn't quite get it, hence this (probably futile) attempt to lay it out a little more explicitly.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
If there is a rule violation report it to be dealt with.
Bwaha! Bwahahahahaha! *wipes tears from eyes*

Thank you for that! I've been here long enough to know that certain posters will just never be dealt with..... ever.




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
So long as they release the info SOON after HeroCon, I don't see how there's a major, killer issue or anything. Hell, once people get back then they won't be able to stop it
What do you mean after people get home? I'm fairly sure some people will be posting whatever they can fit in 140 character impressions about as quickly as they can manage.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
About as good as the rest of the world who don't live near hero con feel whenever they get given special gifts.
Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I don't see the equivalency here. Were you promised that if you *didn't* go to HeroCon, you'd get a gift that people at HeroCon wouldn't get? Did you spend time and money on *not* going to HeroCon specifically so you could get that gift, and then watched as HeroCon attendees got the special gift anyway?
I believe what Diggis is referencing here is the old (and valid) complaint that there is very little if any dev presense at non-West-Coast or non-US cons. Yes, yes, we KNOW the myriad reasons for it, but it's a bitter pill to swallow at times, doesn't always get all the way down for some.

When I saw the thread was by P P, I knew what it'd be about, and what it wouldn't have. I also knew half of it would be arguing about her. It beats me why some people are offended by her so.