Random Idea
Wouldn't be conceptually cool for tankers to get the best leadership bonuses? Nothing else would change, it just seems cool for the tank (usually leading everyone else) to also possess strong leadership skills, rather than defenders who fight, usually, from the back.
I've never played a tank past level 8 where as I've played many defenders up, so I'm not just trying to promote my personal favorite AT. |
Giving tankers the best leaderships may lead some people to assume that a Tanker should be leading the team.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
The tanker can't do everything man lol I honestly dont have space for a mastery pool let alone a leadership pool. Anyways think of it this way, most leaders in war don't charge in, they lead the team and give them orders, mm is a great leader class, and they can't run in at all lol.
EDITED after post #15 because Thirty Seven pointed out a good point. "and they can't run in at all lol." is incorrect and should be changed to: They usually are not the person on the team who is running into the fight head first.
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
The tanker can't do everything man lol I honestly dont have space for a mastery pool let alone a leadership pool. Anyways think of it this way, most leaders in war don't charge in, they lead the team and give them orders, mm is a great leader class, and they can't run in at all lol.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
The tanker can't do everything man lol I honestly dont have space for a mastery pool let alone a leadership pool. Anyways think of it this way, most leaders in war don't charge in, they lead the team and give them orders, mm is a great leader class, and they can't run in at all lol.
Don't most leaders lead from the back? They're less likely to get killed there.
Tankerminds aside, most Masterminds don't lead the charge, their HENCHMEN lead the charge. Which tells you were the folks who lead the charge sit on the totem pole.
Seriously, I've always assumed that any AT can be a leader, that's why Leadership is available to everyone. Leadership may not be that strong with Blasters, but one of my Blasters has it, because in her version of my main team she happens to be the one that takes the lead. She's a detective, and pretty much the one who brought the team together.
And really, Defenders are the best at Leadership, then Controllers and Corruptors, then Dominators and Masterminds. Kheldians sit between Controllers and Masterminds, while SoA, I assume, are up there with Defenders. (Actually, their Def buffs are the same as Defenders, but they get Controller levels with Tactics and Assault)
Everyone else is pretty much on equal footing, and only about 5-10% below the MMs. So I don't look at it as leadership ABILITY as much as where you stand in the fight. The meleers are up front, and can't really see the battle as a whole, like the rear ranks can. And the Blasters are too busy keeping their butts alive.
I am not sure as without a resilient point, often, the other ATs could do with offering the most decent bonuses. It's about balance, concepts are down to peoples imagination.
Giving tankers the best leaderships may lead some people to assume that a Tanker should be leading the team. |
I would be fine with Leadership granting better bonuses for Tankers--their job is to control the aggro and keep people safe as it is--but like Desitre stated above, most Tankers don't have the spare power picks or the spare endurance to have them running.
rule number from fight club
1. always follow tank
2. remember rule #1
regardles of has star..the tanker (or tank proxy) is the lead!
Tank sets pace..tank knows his limits and will push party forward...any time u have other ATs running ahead..and expecting tank to save them..they are wrong..(exception are scrappers- they have their own agenda and pace) I won't save a scrapper on my tank unless i can do so without losing agg or hurting myself or party.
if every AT follows tank (main tank) then there will be no confusion...blaster cant save u if u make a bad turn..scrappers generally dont have the taunts to effectively pull aggro off someone (shield and invul are exceptions) even a defender will lose the war of attrition of damage incoming on a wayward blaster and heals applied.
Tanks have the tools and the staying power to make a wrong turn or accidently aggro a mob. tanking is a mind set and not an AT.
tanks are first in door..and last to leave mission..make sure squishies are all safe and accounted for. tanks also take note of npc runners. and make sure they are killed or taunted when they return.
ok enuff of me and my tank soap box.
I have no problems with your opinion and I am not going to argue your point as I have no interest in changing your opinion but I will ask only this "You don't ever see MMs leading the charge?"
I honestly think that the best place for the leader to be is in the back behind the lines so he/she can see what is going on. It really is all about your leading styles though. A tank doesn't really need the leadership buffs, and only the people near him can get the buffs, and those people are very few(usually scrappers unless you are in a cramped room). A defender/troller or even a blaster who is in the back of the group, would benefit more from the buffs.
As a side note, A PB or WS who are very balanced classes would both benefit from having leadership and since the PB and WS play so many different roles, they could adjust their playing style so they are near the people who currently need the buffs in the situation.
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
rule number from fight club
1. always follow tank 2. remember rule #1 regardles of has star..the tanker (or tank proxy) is the lead! Tank sets pace..tank knows his limits and will push party forward...any time u have other ATs running ahead..and expecting tank to save them..they are wrong..(exception are scrappers- they have their own agenda and pace) I won't save a scrapper on my tank unless i can do so without losing agg or hurting myself or party. if every AT follows tank (main tank) then there will be no confusion...blaster cant save u if u make a bad turn..scrappers generally dont have the taunts to effectively pull aggro off someone (shield and invul are exceptions) even a defender will lose the war of attrition of damage incoming on a wayward blaster and heals applied. |
Now if someone else has the star and you think the tank is leader your dead wrong and I'm sorry. If people are listening to the tank and not the leader you are going to end up with split teams.
There is just so many things wrong with your post and by using this post as advice is limiting your team and their powers. A team needs to work together, learning how they can benefit from each other and go into problem and be their FULL POTENTIAL, not what the tank can do.
I created a tank and thought I was a good leader, but when I created an Empath I truly saw how things were on the support side of the team. Then I made a troller and I saw how they helped the team. A good leader understands his team and does not limit their abilities to match his own.
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
perhaps u missed the part where i say tank is a mindset not an AT...any one u distracts the mob or debuffs them to death or controls them and makes it safe for the team to handle mob without alpha strike= tank. and if tank doesn't have star...what is the leader going to say on every mob..."OK tank go in we are rdy" this is slow and unnecessary..if tank sets pace u will quickly figure out how best support him...i feel contstantly pressured to press forward..even though there are straggler mobs. Seems to me tanking is an art of pacing team, monitoring aggro, and knowing when to advance to next spawn when mob size and remaining danger is minimal where team can clean up. too slow = boring... i feel if tank keeps quick pace and mobs are dying fast and tank is pushing the team wipe edge..then all toons have a blast. the healers are healing..scrappers/blasters are killing like mad..trollers/defs are doing double duty controlling and buff/debuffing.. i hate waiting for buffs b4 a mob rush.. just buff in combat as team should be reasonably close enuff (not to close to tank --mob AOE) to tank for all to get buffed. buff on way as i say...i did posi in 2.5 hours on 8 man team...that was a killer pace pre-i16 everyone had fun...and i knew when to push envelope. sometimes it goes bad and 1-2 die...but it was rare and the pace wasnt "too safe" and boring.
*shakes head*
I can't believe I actually read all of that.
Basically? Wall of Text = Bad. Try to use line breaks, also, there is a key (called [Shift]) that makes some letters capitalized. Generally, these are important words, and they also tend to begin sentences. Also, articles are your friends too, words like "a" and "the."
Perhaps you missed the part where I said that Tanking is a mindset not an AT... Anyone who distracts the mobs, debuffs them to death or controls them in order to make it safe for the team to handle without taking the Alpha is a Tank.
And if the Tank doesn't have the star? What is the leader going to say on every mob: "OK, Tank, go in we are ready"? ‘Tis slow and unnecessary. If the Tank sets the pace, you will quickly figure out how best to support him. I feel constantly pressured to press forward, even though there are straggler mobs. It seems to me that tanking is an art of pacing the team, monitoring agro and knowing when to advance to the next spawn (which is when the mob size and remaining danger is minimal). Too slow = Boring I feel if the Tank keeps a quick pace and mobs are dying quickly and the tank is pushing onward, toward the team-wipe-edge then the team will have a blast: the Defenders are doing their thing, the Scrappers/Blasters are killing like mad and the Trollers are doing double duty (controlling and buff/debuffing). I hate waiting for buffs before a mob rush. Just buff during combat as the team should be reasonably close (but not too close to the Tank due to mobs’ AOEs) to the tank for all to get buffed. Buff on the way as I say. I did a Posi TF in 2.5 hours on an 8 man team...that was a killer pace pre-i16! Everyone had fun... and I knew when to push the envelope. Sometimes it went poorly and 1-2 would die, but it was rare and the pace wasn’t "too safe" and therefore boring. |
*shakes head*
I can't believe I actually read all of that. Basically? Wall of Text = Bad. Try to use line breaks, also, there is a key (called [Shift]) that makes some letters capitalized. Generally, these are important words, and they also tend to begin sentences. Also, articles are your friends too, words like "a" and "the." Translation: |
Perhaps you missed the part where I said that Tanking is a mindset not an AT... Anyone who distracts the mobs, debuffs them to death or controls them in order to make it safe for the team to handle without taking the Alpha is a Tank.
And if the Tank doesn't have the star? What is the leader going to say on every mob: "OK, Tank, go in we are ready"? ‘Tis slow and unnecessary. If the Tank sets the pace, you will quickly figure out how best to support him. I feel constantly pressured to press forward, even though there are straggler mobs. It seems to me that tanking is an art of pacing the team, monitoring agro and knowing when to advance to the next spawn (which is when the mob size and remaining danger is minimal). Too slow = Boring I feel if the Tank keeps a quick pace and mobs are dying quickly and the tank is pushing onward, toward the team-wipe-edge then the team will have a blast: the Defenders are doing their thing, the Scrappers/Blasters are killing like mad and the Trollers are doing double duty (controlling and buff/debuffing). I hate waiting for buffs before a mob rush. Just buff during combat as the team should be reasonably close (but not too close to the Tank due to mobs’ AOEs) to the tank for all to get buffed. Buff on the way as I say. I did a Posi TF in 2.5 hours on an 8 man team...that was a killer pace pre-i16! Everyone had fun... and I knew when to push the envelope. Sometimes it went poorly and 1-2 would die, but it was rare and the pace wasn’t "too safe" and therefore boring. |
1. for the first paragraph, huh? By saying anyone who, and I quote,"Anyone who distracts the mobs, debuffs them to death or controls them in order to make it safe for the team to handle without taking the Alpha is a Tank." This sounds like your describing a friggin troller man. You really need to grasp an Idea of what a tank.
2. Again I must say huh?!?!?! Are you telling me that all the person with the star says is go in there tank and do your thing? That is definately not a leader. Yeah the leader may say that but the leader only says that when the team is ready...like after the other teammates are ready and have finished doing what they need to do. EX: Buffing, confusing the crowd, or even just getting pets out.
3. "Too slow=boring" yeah if your an out of control 10 year old ADD kid sheesh man. Sometimes a team need to move fast and then sometimes a team needs to move slow. You can't always use the same tactic of running in head first with a tank leading the charge...people DIE!!!!
4. Only correct thing you have said, for describing one situation in the game!!! There is alot more going on behind the scenes of this and you would know that if you played other classes besides a tank. (You are correct on trollers doing double duty but other classes just don't have one role.)
5. I am not saying that you have to move at turtle speed. I am saying that you can't let the tank decide for the whole team how fast the team should go because the tank can "handle the mobs" You must understand that other classes in the game are not as strong as the tank and can't handle as much as the tank can. A tank needs to take in consideration of what his team mates and their skill sets can handle. A tank is not doing that if he is judging the pace of the team by comparing it to his limits as you have said here:
Tank sets pace..tank knows his limits and will push party forward. |
You are mixing up the idea of leading the team with being the guy in front of the line.
I am still in full support of my first answer to this thread:
The tanker can't do everything man lol I honestly dont have space for a mastery pool let alone a leadership pool. Anyways think of it this way, most leaders in war don't charge in, they lead the team and give them orders, mm is a great leader class, and they can't run in at all lol.
EDITED after post #15 because Thirty Seven pointed out a good point. "and they can't run in at all lol." found in the quote of myself is incorrect and should be changed to: They usually are not the person on the team who is running into the fight head first.
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
The tanker can't do everything man lol I honestly dont have space for a mastery pool let alone a leadership pool. Anyways think of it this way, most leaders in war don't charge in, they lead the team and give them orders, mm is a great leader class, and they can't run in at all lol.
An MM can and does "run in." I solo almost exclusively on one of my MMs, and I ran on Unyielding before, and now I run on +1/x3 (give or take) and do just fine. I have also "tanked" for the team with that character, granted that if the team takes too long in getting in there, I will have issues. If I took the time to IO him out (which I won't do), I am sure I could make him a pretty awesome force.
I do have one quibble about this post, that I am surprised someone else hasn't noted.
An MM can and does "run in." I solo almost exclusively on one of my MMs, and I ran on Unyielding before, and now I run on +1/x3 (give or take) and do just fine. I have also "tanked" for the team with that character, granted that if the team takes too long in getting in there, I will have issues. If I took the time to IO him out (which I won't do), I am sure I could make him a pretty awesome force. |
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
I tend to simply act as point as a Tanker, this can mean leading the assault or aid the assault for non Scrappers (I really don't worry about them).
For me it's not quite leading because I still have to base my play around the powersets that other people have and it's quicker if you don't have to ask. Being that I have every powerset I don't ask how to play, I just play like I would want to see me play from the other characters perspective. Different people have different ideas on dynamics and sometimes what can be expected doesn't happen.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
While I think its a nice thought the OP suggested (maybe post in the Suggestions forum) and certainly, there have been times I wished the leadership numbers were better for certain ATs but its certainly something I can live with.
As for the 'lead' AT in a group the tendency is follow the tank but its not a hard written rule. But generally folks defer to the tank to open the battle. I can't count how many times I've appreciated a skilled tank setting the pace of the group especially when coordinating a tf. This type of coordination can often be seen with those regularly teaming with a core group of players.
Really, most missions don't really need actual leading (as in handing out instructions, prep work) because its generally straight forward. Even most tfs/sfs are like that. However, when you take into account "Master of..." runs, then we're talking a different animal.
For me, when I build a Master TF team I take the role of tf leader seriously which means prepping the team and getting everybody on the same page which is critical for success whether I am a controller or tanker or another AT.
The Mentor Project - Because we were all new to the game at one time...
Apart from the name, the Leadership toggles don't have anything to do with leading a team.
Its like assuming that all superstrength characters are angry because they use a power called Rage.
Wouldn't be conceptually cool for tankers to get the best leadership bonuses? Nothing else would change, it just seems cool for the tank (usually leading everyone else) to also possess strong leadership skills, rather than defenders who fight, usually, from the back.
I've never played a tank past level 8 where as I've played many defenders up, so I'm not just trying to promote my personal favorite AT.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo