HELP! regen (possible silly question)
Moment of Glory and Instant Healing are major powers, and will do MUCH more for you than Maneuvers + Assault or Tactics. However, you don't need an optimal build to play most content in this game. I strongly recommend against the swap, but ultimately, it's about what you enjoy.
But if you're looking for a toggle on and go sort of regeneration, you might want to just roll up a Willpower scrapper, rather than trying to turn a Regen scrapper into a Willpower scrapper.
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Hello! just a little background, i'm no expert so this may very well be silly. Im working on the final build for a claws/regen and i'm just speculating.
Anyways, would it be completely out of the question to trade "moment of glory" and "Instant Healing" from the regen secondary, for "Manuevers" and either "Assault" or "Tactics" (i havn't yet decided if i want the extra damage or accuracy yet) from leadership? The reason i'm thinking about this is I seem to click IH and MoG kind of situationally if im in over my head or something, an could trade that for the buffs from leadership for a more 'toggle an go' approach (kind of willpower-ish) an only have to worry about clickin "Dull pain" and "Reconstruction". Plus it would help out a team. P.S as i already said im no expert and fairly new, so this suggestion may be completely ignorant. Thanks in advance for your advice an please no flame ![]() |
Post your proposed build and people should be able to better advise you.
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Short answer: Yes. It's out of the question.
Long Answer: Scrappers get the lowest modifiers on pool powers. Assault and Tactics are a waste in that regard.
Also, Moment of Glory and Instant Healing are two of your primo damage-management tools. Like, they save lives. Seriously.
It's good you came and asked questions, though. Welcome to the Scrapper forums. We're kinda awesome, and it rubs off on everyone we know.
Though i haven't played /regen to any appreciable level, i can tell you that MoG and IH fill completely different roles than the Leadership pool.
For Scrappers, Leadership offers pretty minor buffs. If you were going to be part of a regular group in which you all had Leadership (it stacks), it might be worth it.
If Maneuvers and Assault/Tactics were part of an IO'ed build that got you 30-45% defense, your need for MoG and perhaps IH would be greatly, greatly reduced.
Otherwise...both MoG and IH fill pretty crucial roles a /regen's life. MoG is an alpha-soaker, and the only way outside of primary, pools, or IOs to actually avoid dmg. IH is there for the times when your normal regen isn't enough to buy you the time you need between Recon and DP.
If you don't play your scrapper in such a way that you are 'over your head' at least once a mission, well, i'd say try it out.
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I would not do that. It is true that IH and MOG are often used reactively, but they are such *strong* self-buffs that they far outweigh the extremely small benefits scrappers get out of the leadership toggles (our AT modifiers mean that we don't get as large of boosts from leadership as many other ATs).
The only leadership toggle I would really consider, and this only if you don't have to drop anything important to get it, is assault. It's only 10.5% damage, but that's still actually a noticable amount. Maneuvers on a scrapper is an utterly negligible 2.275% defense, which will make effectively no difference in 99% of cases. Tactics is 7% tohit, but honestly if you've slotted your powers decently, you shouldn't have a problem hitting most opponents.
Moment of glory and IH, on the other hand, are extremely strong buffs, even if they aren't up all the time. MoG is 15 seconds of effectively complete invincibility - you can take any alpha with that tool. IH is your 'godmode' - it takes a heck of a lot of damage to kill you while that's running. Both are integral componenets of any /regen build.
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Ok, after reading everything I'm just going to keep MoG and IH ( i love regen, an am not interested in switchin up to claws/wp). Once I get home I will post my actual build for further review. Thanks to Everyone!
Any time I see a */regen thinking about getting rid of MoG or IH, I /facepalm.
If you don't want to be clicky, then don't play a */regen. No other power you can get will add as much to your survivability as either of those.
I would not do that. It is true that IH and MOG are often used reactively, but they are such *strong* self-buffs that they far outweigh the extremely small benefits scrappers get out of the leadership toggles (our AT modifiers mean that we don't get as large of boosts from leadership as many other ATs).
The only leadership toggle I would really consider, and this only if you don't have to drop anything important to get it, is assault. It's only 10.5% damage, but that's still actually a noticable amount. Maneuvers on a scrapper is an utterly negligible 2.275% defense, which will make effectively no difference in 99% of cases. Tactics is 7% tohit, but honestly if you've slotted your powers decently, you shouldn't have a problem hitting most opponents. Moment of glory and IH, on the other hand, are extremely strong buffs, even if they aren't up all the time. MoG is 15 seconds of effectively complete invincibility - you can take any alpha with that tool. IH is your 'godmode' - it takes a heck of a lot of damage to kill you while that's running. Both are integral componenets of any /regen build. |
I would not skip ih or mog as they will save your life many times over.
Virtue: @Santorican

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In all reality, just roll your toon on test and test out the two different options. You will see that once you slot up your IH that your gonna want that 180 hp/sec and min. 30 down time
believe me, without that I would not love the regen as much, and dull pain? really? with perma dull pain im ALWAYS at 2409.52 HP...and 80 hp sec regen...I say again the base of like 1700 or whatever the scrapper is without me, you want IH...Mog, well thats more situational even though I use it like my life depends on it fighting 16 baddies lol. good luck with your regen, welcome to the forums.
A couple of this, a couple of that.
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Hello! just a little background, i'm no expert so this may very well be silly. Im working on the final build for a claws/regen and i'm just speculating.
Anyways, would it be completely out of the question to trade "moment of glory" and "Instant Healing" from the regen secondary, for "Manuevers" and either "Assault" or "Tactics" (i havn't yet decided if i want the extra damage or accuracy yet) from leadership? The reason i'm thinking about this is I seem to click IH and MoG kind of situationally if im in over my head or something, an could trade that for the buffs from leadership for a more 'toggle an go' approach (kind of willpower-ish) an only have to worry about clickin "Dull pain" and "Reconstruction". Plus it would help out a team. P.S as i already said im no expert and fairly new, so this suggestion may be completely ignorant. Thanks in advance for your advice an please no flame ![]() |

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When looking to power pools on a claws regen.. the first place i'd go is to the speed pool for hasten.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
Going back to the OP, I wouldn't trade either of IH or MoG for anything from a power pool. Each is situational true, but individually they are both awesome powers.
As a claws/regen I run both assualt and tactics, the latter is probably overkill in most teams (and for sure solo) due to lots of folks with +acc from IO sets, but it does have its place. I have been on STFs where due to the stacked +tohit, then huge accuracy bonuses from my own IO sets, when Mako popped his Elude, my tohit chance barely budged.
I also needed another one from the pool so I could grab Vengance.
I dont see why you cant fit both IH/MoG and assualt/+1 other leadership. Its not like the APP powers really cry out must have, so there is plenty of room in the late game builds for them.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
As one that just got MoG for the first time, Take it .
You'll be pleasantly surprised, remember how those big nasty rikti swords would tear you apart? Jump into the mob with MoG running and the most damage they'll do is 4, and you get to laugh as you keep seeing "absorbed" pop over your head.
The ONLY downside is duration now, it might only be 15 seconds, but that's long enough to be a true scrapper again, jumping into groups, getting way over your head and coming out swinging.
I went immediatly from dying 2-3 times in a mission (due to random and unfortunate swings of aggression from purple rikti chiefs) to dying not at all, with no change in reckless attitude.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Hello! just a little background, i'm no expert so this may very well be silly. Im working on the final build for a claws/regen and i'm just speculating.
Anyways, would it be completely out of the question to trade "moment of glory" and "Instant Healing" from the regen secondary, for "Manuevers" and either "Assault" or "Tactics" (i havn't yet decided if i want the extra damage or accuracy yet) from leadership?
The reason i'm thinking about this is I seem to click IH and MoG kind of situationally if im in over my head or something, an could trade that for the buffs from leadership for a more 'toggle an go' approach (kind of willpower-ish) an only have to worry about clickin "Dull pain" and "Reconstruction". Plus it would help out a team.
P.S as i already said im no expert and fairly new, so this suggestion may be completely ignorant. Thanks in advance for your advice an please no flame