Mind control vs illusion control




I'm just curious about these 2 primary powers, from what i can tell mind looks to much more traditional holds and stuns for a controller. Illusion seems to be the oddball power set. So could someone give some pros and cons of each, tell me how they differ etc.

Oh, and I should probably mention I really don't play PVP at all



They are both oddballs compared to the other sets. They both lack an Immobilization power for example.

Mind has more hard controls than Illusion. It lacks pets.

Illusion relies more on soft controls like Taunt from Phantom Army, Fear from Spectral and Deceive. It has 4 pets; 5 if you count Decoy Phantasm.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by shodden View Post
I'm just curious about these 2 primary powers, from what i can tell mind looks to much more traditional holds and stuns for a controller. Illusion seems to be the oddball power set. So could someone give some pros and cons of each, tell me how they differ etc.

Oh, and I should probably mention I really don't play PVP at all
Let start off by saying that I love the Illusion set while I'm kind of meh on the Mind Control set. I have three Illusionists at 50, while my highest Mind is 36. I've played several other Mind controllers into the 20's though.

Mind starts off with three great single target powers that give it an effective attack chain. Dom, Mez, Lev. It solos well in lower levels because of this. It's AoE control is weak early, with only Mass Hypnosis to rely upon. Later, the set gets much better at AoE control, with Mass Hypnosis (a sleep that draws no aggro but sets containment), Total Domination (ranged AoE Hold), Terrify (Cone fear power that does damage -- Mind's main source of AoE damage) and Mass Confusion (an AoE Confuse power that draws no aggro -- this is the power that replaces a pet for Mind Controllers). Mind has no "bad" powers (such as sleeps in Plant, Earth and Ice, or Dimension Shilft in Grav), but the most skippable power is Telekinesis, a toggle hold cone-push away power -- it is situational and takes some thought to use well. Every thing else is good, and Mind builds are typicaly tight because there are so many good powers.

None of them are really "wow" powers, though. Visually, it is pretty unexciting, too (but that can be improved thanks to I-16). I have found that a Mind Controller's damage seems to drop off in higher levels just when other controllers are just coming into their best damage thanks to their level 32 pet. My buddy with a level 50 Mind/Kin acknowledges this was his impression, too. Personally, I like pets. I like a buddy who will watch my back. Mind control is lonely.

Take a look at my Ill/Rad guide to see my overview of Illusion. I much prefer Illusion.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
They are both oddballs compared to the other sets. They both lack an Immobilization power for example.

Mind has more hard controls than Illusion. It lacks pets.

Illusion relies more on soft controls like Taunt from Phantom Army, Fear from Spectral and Deceive. It has 4 pets; 5 if you count Decoy Phantasm.

Well, actually six. Spectral Terror a/k/a "Spooky" is a stationary pet. And technically, every cast of Blind spawns a short duration pet that generates the sleep aspect, but that one shouldn't really count.

I tried coloring Spooky dark purple -- he looks very spooky that way.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Well, actually six. Spectral Terror a/k/a "Spooky" is a stationary pet. And technically, every cast of Blind spawns a short duration pet that generates the sleep aspect, but that one shouldn't really count.

I tried coloring Spooky dark purple -- he looks very spooky that way.

I made mine a dark purple too woot!



I think I agree with what Local Man said, speaking as somebody who's played a whole lot of Mind and very little Illusion. I'd go so far as to say: Illusion is roughly 3rd best for normative play performance, and Mind is probably tied for worst (6th/7th).

As the first respondant said, they're both highly odd sets-- if you want to look at a comparison of the 7 control sets, see my "guide to choosing a controller" thing in my sig, but the two taken together, with a ST confuse, a cone terrify, and a ST damage tool, and lacking immobs of any kind, constitute a "template" for controllers that's distinct from the other 5.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



That guide was very helpful, thanks alot. I think I'm actually going to go with gravity



Originally Posted by shodden View Post
That guide was very helpful, thanks alot. I think I'm actually going to go with gravity
Gravity is a quirky set with some fun powers but in regards to control in my opinion it's the weakest.

When playing Gravity it can be very frustrating how little it has to offer in the way of damage mitigation. If you do go with Gravity I'd recommend Storm as a secondary it has some nice synergy and gives you extra control that Gravity lacks.

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



Be warned that gravity lags well behind other sets until level 26, because it takes that long to get an area control in the form of Wormhole. Unlike, say Illusion/ with Phantom Army at 18 or Fire/ With Flashfire at 12. Well; Illusion can get Flash much earlier but it's not much use at low levels and is best put off until much later if you get it at all.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Both have strengths and weaknesses.

Minds single target damage is great. The lack of a pet brings its overall damage down. It has no real means of AOE damage, terrify being its only AOE damage. Most other sets get an AOE immob which does decent damage if slotted for it. Fire gets the best obviously with AOE immob, hot feet, and bonfire.

However I think mind is stronger late game due to its I got every type of mez you could think of. It gets a single target confuse which helps with troublesome foes like Illusion. This allows you stack it with your lvl 32 AOE confuse to get those pesky mobs. Mind is a much better tool for all occasions type of set. If your looking for raw damage its not really that set. It won't be taking out legions of bad guys with the quickness. Another benefit of mind that gets over looked (A LOT) is its AOE SLEEP. On a dom it is a godsend in the LRSF, and on trollers boy is it handy on Statesman. The bad thing about sleep is that it takes one retard who doesn't pay attention to X is sleeping!! But on a good team its really a nice, we need a breather! and it lasts a fairly long time (Even on an AV)

Illusion strength is its ability to divert aggro away from you. Illusion also gets 2 stealth powers which can be very handy depending on your secondary. This allows more flexibility then other sets since you don't have to dip into the concealment secondary. However that means 2 of its 9 powers in no way shape or form contribute to control or damage and it has no immob to set up containment. Which isn't much of a problem later on, early tho it can be a pain. So your damage when PA is out goes up drastically, when its not then your damage is really really bad. The phantasm does offset this like most pets do once you hit 32. However for large mobs without PA Illusion can be overwhelmed quickly. One of the main reasons its paired with /kin or /rad is both powers have +RECH which makes getting PA out quicker and in some instances perma.

Also remember later on the damage from your primary is greatly improved with epics. Secondary also plays a key part as some primary/secondary combos are better then others. While some pairings actually multiply the effectiveness of each other.



I don't agree entirely with this assessment:

Originally Posted by Sagamemnon View Post
Both have strengths and weaknesses.

Minds single target damage is great. The lack of a pet brings its overall damage down. It has no real means of AOE damage, terrify being its only AOE damage. Most other sets get an AOE immob which does decent damage if slotted for it. Fire gets the best obviously with AOE immob, hot feet, and bonfire.
Mind's single target damage is very good in the early game, but drops off some compared to Illusion in the later game. Mind has a good attack chain very early with Dominate-Mezmirize-Levitate. As each of these powers animate, the next one in the chain is usually recharged. Illusion has Blind-Spectral Wounds, both of which animate quickly, and then a gap. That gap can be filled with Air Superiorty, but that requires going into melee. However, starting at level 41, with a little recharge in Blind and Spectral Wounds, and then a Blast power from the APP sets, you can get a great and fast attack chain of Blind-SW-Blast-SW.

On the other hand, since Mind's three single target attack powers already chain well, Mind won't gain much from adding in an APP blast. After level 41, I think Illusion has better single target damage.

Spectral Wounds (and Phantom Army and Phantasm's decoy) has "spectral damage" that heals back after a few seconds. But as long as you can defeat the foe before the heal-back, you keep the spectral damage. After the heal-back, the damage from Blind-SW is about the same as Dominate-Mezmerize. By defeating foes quickly, you get substantially more damage out of Illusion. Illusion actually does more single target damage killing lower level foes than higher level foes for this reason.

Illusion has no AoE damage . . . other than its pets. PA can attack up to three foes at once, and Phantasm has Torrent.

I would not say that the AoE Immobilize in other sets do "decent" damage, other than Plant's Roots. The damage is so low that slotting damage procs is probably better than slotting damage.

However I think mind is stronger late game due to its I got every type of mez you could think of. It gets a single target confuse which helps with troublesome foes like Illusion. This allows you stack it with your lvl 32 AOE confuse to get those pesky mobs. Mind is a much better tool for all occasions type of set. If your looking for raw damage its not really that set. It won't be taking out legions of bad guys with the quickness. Another benefit of mind that gets over looked (A LOT) is its AOE SLEEP. On a dom it is a godsend in the LRSF, and on trollers boy is it handy on Statesman. The bad thing about sleep is that it takes one retard who doesn't pay attention to X is sleeping!! But on a good team its really a nice, we need a breather! and it lasts a fairly long time (Even on an AV)
Mind is clearly better at standard forms of AoE control than Illusion -- Illusion only has a PB AoE Hold and its Fear Pet, while Mind has an AoE sleep, AoE ranged hold, AoE cone fear with damage and an AoE ranged confuse. But Phantom Army and Phantasm's decoy are very powerful distractions that also provide damage. In many cases, these are better than "control." PA can keep lower level foes as well as an AV, EB or Boss busy for 60 seconds, and the decoy for 30 seconds at a time. And this distraction works even if teammates are beating on the foes, so it does not have the limitations of a sleep power. I would say that Illusion is better than Mind in most late game situations. Illusion works well on all teams and and in most situations.

Illusion strength is its ability to divert aggro away from you. Illusion also gets 2 stealth powers which can be very handy depending on your secondary. This allows more flexibility then other sets since you don't have to dip into the concealment secondary. However that means 2 of its 9 powers in no way shape or form contribute to control or damage and it has no immob to set up containment. Which isn't much of a problem later on, early tho it can be a pain. So your damage when PA is out goes up drastically, when its not then your damage is really really bad. The phantasm does offset this like most pets do once you hit 32. However for large mobs without PA Illusion can be overwhelmed quickly. One of the main reasons its paired with /kin or /rad is both powers have +RECH which makes getting PA out quicker and in some instances perma.
Most powersets have a throw-away power. Mind's telekinesis is not useless, but is very situational. Same with most other sets, like the sleeps in Ice, Earth and Plant, phase in Grav. Illusion has two invisibility powers, making one of them expendable. Other sets have powers that have benefits other than damage or direct control -- Plant's Spirit Tree and Fire's Smoke. This helps to make the sets different, but the powers contribute to the overall effectiveness of the powerset. Illusion's invisibility is far superior to the power pool, and it has a big effect on the set, since Deceive and PA can be cast without drawing aggro. It allows an Illusionist to go up close and confuse or distract the biggest problem in any group, no matter how big the group is.

Illusion's strength is to divert aggro, but that's while still allowing you and your team to attack -- which is a problem with Sleep powers.

Since Illusion doesn't have any AoE damage powers, other than pets, it has no use for AoE containment. It still has AoE containment in Flash, but by using Blind before SW, you get containment for single target attacks. Certainly using Mass Hypnosis before Terrify is a nice way to double the damage from Terrify -- for that one shot.

You said that Illusion's damage is "really really bad" without PA? I already mentioned how Illusion's single target damage picks up in later levels. So you think that Terrify does more damage than Phantasm in the long run? Or even Terrify + Mass Confusion? Care to bet on that?

Also remember later on the damage from your primary is greatly improved with epics. Secondary also plays a key part as some primary/secondary combos are better then others. While some pairings actually multiply the effectiveness of each other.
Agreed. Secondaries with debuffs substantially improve Illusion because of Phantom Army. Secondaries with Recharge help PA get out faster.

Mind is certainly a powerful primary, but I feel that it probably gains less from its secondary than any of the other controller primaries. It doesn't need more control, and it doesn't really have a lot that will benefit from a lot of debuffs.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control