Build your dream team!




Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
After looking at all of the choices made in this thread it became painfully obvious that there just aren't enough spot on the Pentad or even a Septad to get everyone (that I know of) a spot who deserves it.

I think it's cool that so many people that posted in here respect the ability of someone else enough to mention them. I consider it an honor and a privilege to have played with so many of the people that were mentioned. And it's unfortunate that we can't name everyone.



Yet another reason I miss the old Hamidon raids... because you could guarantee being on a team with at least one or two.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Armorshot View Post
Blaster - Me
Defender - Spotts
Scrapper - Tsukiyomi
Controller - Major T on Psytanium
Tanker - SWA
What ever happened to Spotts and Tsuki anyhow?

Clarification: Sooner, is this for my own personal dream team that I am ON, or just a team I'd love to see?



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
What ever happened to Spotts and Tsuki anyhow?

Clarification: Sooner, is this for my own personal dream team that I am ON, or just a team I'd love to see?
You are on the team. Part of this is I'd like to know what part you play in your own dream team.



Thank you Grey.



Originally Posted by bamaHulkers View Post
Okay...people have given me shout outs, only fair I return the favor Gotta say, #1 criteria here is not just skill, but fun to play with !


Scrapper- Taalan on Taalan


The red part is for me but I don't care, =D

Thanks Hulkers

�The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead station.�
- William Gibson, Neuromancer



Dream team eh? Well I think all my characters are great and would be perfect together on a team, which you get to live out a kinda in my MArcs, but since I can only have one character out at a time....


Blaster=Blazing Blue


Corr=Raging Red

As for the rest of the team, JS at any mix, because I think we make it work! Some of the top ones that I have just pure fun to team with are (in no particular order): BamaHulkers, Mentalshock, Taalan, Kyo, Bamawolfie, Rasta, Angel Red, OD, Valk, Sixth Sense, BlueDog, Trick, Ny, and sooooooooooo many more. I think JS is just a great place to for fun!

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
You are on the team. Part of this is I'd like to know what part you play in your own dream team.

Tank: Invul/SS
Scrapper: Katana/regen
Blaster: Elec/Elec
Defender: Dark/dark (ME)
Controller: Earth/storm (or ME)

There's my dream team. I don't know a LOT about other sets other than defenders and controllers, but I THINK that puts together a team that would be perfect for me. Why?
1) NO KNOCKBACK. You have no idea how much I hate knockback.
2) Plenty of debuffy goodness like -acc, -regen, -resistance, -defense
3) Lots of soft holds (slows galore, stuns and immobs)
4) Lots of aoe damage coming from the blaster, defender, and troller, all made better by the previously mentioned debuffy goodness.

Pretty much any combination of people who make me laugh, or I make laugh and who know how to play their class makes me happy on a team. I can't pick just 4 other people - there are too many!



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
and its possible I hoped some people might take the opportunity to recognize some of their less known friends as quality players.
Lord knows there are a ton of them:

Sending a Shout Out to ALL my non-forumite Homies:

you are my heroes, your the wind beneath my wings, you make me fly higher then an eagle



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
What ever happened to Spotts and Tsuki anyhow?

Spotts left recently. I think mostly due to financial reasons.

Not exactly sure when and why Tsuki left.



Let me try this, because I love the idea:

Tank-Sionaraa as Kennel
Scrapper-Me as Dutch Muscateer
Blaster-Karlik as Dynammo
Defender-Timestalker as Damselfly
Troller-talbein Vkshus as Creepy Sonja

Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG



Okay, I've tried to do this 4 times already. Some of these players no longer play the game, and some are from another server.... but all are part of my "ultimate dream team".


Tank - ChalkSmash as Chalk
Scrapper - Keenon as Hell Goblin
Controller - Me as Busty Keyhole
Blaster - Blazing Blue
Defender - Bamahulk as Demon Hunter

*Using current players, my tank would be Randall Grey or Subtle and my Defender would be Demon Hunter or Rasta.

Warshade: StormVyxen
Peacebringer: Ice9 as Ahren


Brute - Anita Smashalot (freedom)
Stalker - Major T as Bounty Killer
MM - Me as Bad Company (freedom toon)
Corruptor - Odinwolf as Sun Dog (freedom)
Dominator - I don't know any dominators to put here.

My list is not a slight to anyone I know in-game. However, there are people I talk to every day in JS, whom I've rarely played with, tending to be a soloer in the past.



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Spotts left recently. I think mostly due to financial reasons.

Not exactly sure when and why Tsuki left.
Tsuki left because he was going to school and didn't have the time to play. That reminds me, I should pester the Tsuki to see how he's doing.

Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."



There are too many folks that I admire to even think about filling a single dream team. Pretty much anyone from The Krakatoans, RSF Regulars, STF Masters, and Jello Shooters would be right up there.

Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.



Originally Posted by bamaWolfie View Post
Peacebringer: Ice9 as Ahren.
I appreciate the mention here, but I feel it only fair to let you (and others) know Ahren the Peacebringer got eated by the Delete Key Monster a long time back. He bounced back though, as an AR/Device Blaster, made it to the big 5 0 before falling victim to the DKM again. Fortunately, he really came into his own in his next, and current, incarnation as a WP/SS Tanker. He's one tough customer, coming back from the deleted not once but twice!



Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
I appreciate the mention here, but I feel it only fair to let you (and others) know Ahren the Peacebringer got eated by the Delete Key Monster a long time back.
A tragedy from which Sooner Spirit has not yet fully recovered.



Ohhh, what a shame. That was a cool toon!



Originally Posted by bamaWolfie View Post
Ohhh, what a shame. That was a cool toon!
Well, I made another one, his name is Glacius9. He's loads of fun to play and his story is quite compelling too. =)



You.. you... you think you can just REPLACE Ahren like that!

*slaps and runs off crying*



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
You.. you... you think you can just REPLACE Ahren like that!

*slaps and runs off crying*
Isn't Ahren Ice's fantastic tank? I hear so many good things about him!



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
Isn't Ahren Ice's fantastic tank? I hear so many good things about him!
Ahren is ONE of Ice's fantastic tanks.

The tanking god on his account is Vir, though.



Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
Isn't Ahren Ice's fantastic tank? I hear so many good things about him!
Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Ahren is ONE of Ice's fantastic tanks.

The tanking god on his account is Vir, though.
It already takes a team of sherpas and two wagons to carry my ego, keep this up and I'll have to buy a flat bed truck to haul it around. =)



Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
It already takes a team of sherpas and two wagons to carry my ego, keep this up and I'll have to buy a flat bed truck to haul it around. =)
I heard your tank was on a par with SWA!



this thread makes me realise I dont team as much as I should LOL. for so long I had a good core of other Mean Girls to team with that we just ran most things together

Zelerin, Jenni Sparks, Aryna, Last Resort, Midori Matrix, Vulcana V, Fragdoll just to name a few (that line up + me on our mains = EPIC)

I suppose since half that team doesn't play anymore and the other half doesn't with any sort of consistency i need to change all my rude 'not looking for a team' tags and branch out LOL .

then I can make a JS related dream team

-Kult (misses her meanies)