Build your dream team!




The rules:

Build a pentad on either hero side or villain side (or both).

You must be one of the members of the team.

Here's mine:

Tank: Ice9 as Vir
Scrapper: Me as Sooner Spirit
Blaster: Major T as Bounty Killer
Defender: Rasta as Rastafari Man
Troller: Witchfrost as U-295

My REAL dream team doesn't have a dom (Ebony Rose, Shattered Ice9, Death Shrowd, and Cowboy Nightmare, but half that team doesn't play much anymore, so....)

Brute: Elric as Shogo
Corruptor: Ice9 as Shattered Ice9
Dom: Rasta as Krystal Method
Stalker: Major T as Bounty-Killer
Mastermind: Me as Ebony Rose.

Ok, gang! Lets see the dream teams!

EDIT: Fixed my booboo



So many to choose from...

Tank: GamesterZ/HeroX as Sam Granite
Scrapper: Janlee as Bourke
Blaster: Armorshot as Armorshot
Defender: Riverdancer as Riverdancer
Controller: Major T as American Brave

Just because I can post whatever I want
Warshade: Sooner as Anjali
Peacebringer: Ice9 as Glacius9

Brute: Major T as T Major
Corruptor: Rastafari Man as Chronic Plague
Dom: Vega as Hella Cold
Stalker: M I Abrahms as Thin Line
Mastermind: BamaHulk as Killer Jill

Just because I can post whatever I want
Soldier: Ice9 as Razor6
Widow: Sooner as Anhedonia

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



So this would be the equivilant of the popular girls in the lunch room telling each other how pretty their outfits are?

Then here's my dream team:

JelloShooter 1 as a scrapper
JelloShooter 2 as a tank
JelloShooter3 as a blaster
JelloShooter4 as a controller
JelloShooter5 as a defender



Originally Posted by _Cardiak View Post
So this would be the equivilant of the popular girls in the lunch room telling each other how pretty their outfits are?

Then here's my dream team:

JelloShooter 1 as a scrapper
JelloShooter 2 as a tank
JelloShooter3 as a blaster
JelloShooter4 as a controller
JelloShooter5 as a defender
Well, yeah.

The rest of the team's not relevant imho as long as it's got an Armorshot on it. I know you've SEEN the damage that blaster does... Sheesh.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by _Cardiak View Post
So this would be the equivilant of the popular girls in the lunch room telling each other how pretty their outfits are?
Guess so.

in that case, my dream team is:

2)filler 1
3)filler 2
4)filler 3
5)filler 4
6)filler 5
7)filler 6
8)filler 7

oh wait... its i16... nvm my dream team is:




Originally Posted by _Cardiak View Post
So this would be the equivilant of the popular girls in the lunch room telling each other how pretty their outfits are

Sure, it could be that, if you're only capable of seeing negativy. But since it looks like I accidently left out the "popular kids only " sign, maybe its possible that's NOT what I had in mind.

Maybe, just maybe.... I hoped for a little fun - rather than some ugliness and negativy.

And its possible I hoped some people might take the opportunity to recognize some of their less known friends as quality players.

But... ya know... whatever.

If you'd rather jump to the most negative conclusion than do something positive when the opportunity arrises..... well... then.... grts.... nicely done.



Originally Posted by _Cardiak View Post
So this would be the equivilant of the popular girls in the lunch room telling each other how pretty their outfits are?

Then here's my dream team:

JelloShooter 1 as a scrapper
JelloShooter 2 as a tank
JelloShooter3 as a blaster
JelloShooter4 as a controller
JelloShooter5 as a defender
Never trust a man who list a PB as his top 50.

Self Proclaimed KING of Radiation
My Post count is > Dave Winfield
The Smoking Lounge. Saturdays @ Midnight on The Switch



Originally Posted by Rastafari_Man View Post
Never trust a man who list a PB as his top 50.
My Warshade was my 2nd 50



Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
So many to choose from...
Mastermind: BamaHulk as Killer Jill

I wanna believe this is because I play her well, rather that she has a chest that defies physics LOL

Thank you for the compliment ! (Either way ! ::giggle:: )



Originally Posted by Rastafari_Man View Post
Never trust a man who list a PB as his top 50.
Originally Posted by bamaWolfie View Post
My Warshade was my 2nd 50

1. you're not a man
2. a WS is not a PB
3. it's your 2nd and not liste as your primary
4. it's Rasta... a well known species bigot.
5. and most important, you didn't come in here and spew negativity everywhere. Thank you.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Well, yeah.

The rest of the team's not relevant imho as long as it's got an Armorshot on it. I know you've SEEN the damage that blaster does... Sheesh.
Really not much considering I still haven't IO'd him. Someday



Originally Posted by bamaWolfie View Post
My Warshade was my 2nd 50
My Warshade was my 4th.



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
... and most important, you didn't come in here and spew negativity everywhere...
*Pulls out a quantum rifle and starts shooting in all directions*

What? It's negative damage!


Well I thought it was hilarious!

Edit: A pentad is a five man team consisting of the five core classes of a designated side (that is, heroes or villains).




Blaster: Asylym as himself
Controller: Steampunk Charlie as Granny Getcha (as long as I'm not chasing the aggro )
Defender: Myself as Snap Play
Scrapper: Delrune as Mionas
Tank: Tsuki Sumarasu as Yuki Miko

Add any other three Teamsters/DJs, stir well, and we have ourselves one very entertaining night!

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector




Blaster: Me on Mental
Defender: Kyo on Snap Play
Controller: Korith on Darkmatter Storm, (although not on this server, unfortunatly.)
Tanker: BamaHulk on Mr. Subtle
Scrapper: Xylric as Xylric (Same with Korith. What, do I repel even my own siblings?!?)

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



Originally Posted by Eldritch_Knight View Post

Tanker: BamaHulk on Mr. Subtle

You know...that choice goes a long way in establishing your Evil Mastermind potential

And thanks to you as well for the compliment



Okay...people have given me shout outs, only fair I return the favor Gotta say, #1 criteria here is not just skill, but fun to play with !

Tank- MI Abrahms on MI Abrahms

Controller- BamaWolfie on Busty Keyhole

Scrapper- Taalan on Taalan

Blaster- Blazing Blue on Blazing Blue (Mental gets honorable mention, for having No Concept of Self Preservation. NONE ! )

Defender- (Two choices, depending...)

Heals- Me on Demon Hunter

Debuffs- Rasta on Rastafari Man (BECAUSE HE AIN'T NO DAMN HEALER ! )

PB- Ice9 on Ahren- dang near made it as the Tank !

WS: Knowmad on Knowmad. Good leader, and funny !

Redside is a little less complete, but here goes:

Brute: Rasta on Munchie

MM: Sooner on Ebony Rose (ALTHOUGH Rasta on Johnny Square is unmatched for RP goodness !)

Stalker: Major T on Bounty Killer. No one comes close

Corr, Domi, Widow, Soldier all get a No Dang Clue



Ok, I'm gonan do this. But I'm going to probaly stun a few folks cause I'm going to kick this old school.

Blaster - MarvelMan
Defender - Doogie
Scrapper - Degenerate X
Controller - Me on Rastafari-Girl
Tanker - Beheading Force

Villain Side is gonan be a wee bit more current. And for kicks, I'm picking a dream RP team.

MM - Me on Johnny Square
Corruptor - Sooner on Exeacutrix ( I hope I spelled it right)
Brute - Ice9 on Conall cian
Stalker - Major T on Bounty Killer
Dominator - Mr Grey on Angela Greene

Self Proclaimed KING of Radiation
My Post count is > Dave Winfield
The Smoking Lounge. Saturdays @ Midnight on The Switch



Dominator - Mr Grey on Angela Greene
And yet, I've played her more often solo than anything...

My Heroside Dream Team usually involves me playing as either Randall Grey (Stone/SS Tanker) or Nester Durj (Emp/Rad Defender).

The best players I've seen fill out the other positions are

Scrapper: Sooner, any.
Defender: It's a toss-up between Rasta and Trick. If I'm playing Randall, I prefer Rasta because Trick keeps leering at me...
Tanker: Abrahms and Impyre have been the two downright best tankers I've ever seen. Abrahms because he's naturally fantastic at it and Impyre because every time I team with him, he teaches me something new. If I want to win, I would go with Impyre, because he's a brilliant gaming tactician, but if I'm just having fun... Well, it's a tossup again, because Imp knows how to have fun just as well as Abrahms does. Hulkers gets an honorable mention in this because, well, he plays some good tanker, too.
Controller: BamaWolfie is one of the Controllers who stands out for me, usually as Busty Keyhole (indeed, Wolfie was the first Shooter I ever met regularly on teams before I joined Jello Shooters). I think she was the one who showed me how amazing a Controller can be.
Kheldian: Warshade or Peacebringer, Bullett has been one of the best I've seen running either (predominately his Warshade, Ttellub). Hulkers has a nice Peacebringer, but his behavior with it reminds me too much of my own playstyle (just, he uses Nova more than I do).

Redsiders... Frankly, I'm surprised this is a category for Protector, considering how often I solo Redside. Trick may as well have been pulling teeth when he tried to set up that Cap Au Diable SF.

Seriously, Protector's Redside is the worst grind in the game. Most of us have either completely abandoned it or when we venture over there, we only run with a tight clutch of friends. The few times we actually go "Hey! Let's run this SF!" there are usually so few players who can contribute because they're hardly ever there!

And that sucks because Redside is FUN! The stories are great, the maps are interesting, and you can see the elements in it that were later used in the developments since City of Villains was launched and are continuously being improved upon. Also, while I know I could now make an Electric/Super Strength Tanker, it just simply cannot compare to how bad-*** a SS/Electric Brute can feel.

That said... My Redside Team...

Kidengineer: He has to be in there, somewhere. He and Impyre are pretty much the tacticians of Protector. But if it's Redside, I want Kid in my corner.
BamaHulk: Working Class Dog is one of the best Brutes I've ever seen manhandle the opposition.
Sarabande: Again, almost anything, but she does extremely well with her Bane Spider, Joss. I miss her... I'm guessing Champions has its grip on her until the novelty wears off.

The other positions are essentially superfluous after that. Of course, Redside ATs are all pretty much self-sufficient, so anyone could shine at any given moment and then someone else can shine later.


My team would be remiss to not have Mezzan as her Stalker, Kyo's Stalker, in the team.

Frankly, I'm with the "Dream Team is anybody from Jello Shooters" crowd. The channel is full of fantastic people, I'm surprised there are so many lurkers who either don't chat anymore or they don't even remember they're on the channel.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Blaster - Me
Defender - Spotts
Scrapper - Tsukiyomi
Controller - Major T on Psytanium
Tanker - SWA



Originally Posted by Armorshot View Post
Blaster - Me
Defender - Spotts
Scrapper - Tsukiyomi
Controller - Major T on Psytanium
Tanker - SWA
I miss Tsuki



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I miss Tsuki
I miss him, Baldman and MiniMedic.



After looking at all of the choices made in this thread it became painfully obvious that there just aren't enough spot on the Pentad or even a Septad to get everyone (that I know of) a spot who deserves it.

I think it's cool that so many people that posted in here respect the ability of someone else enough to mention them. I consider it an honor and a privilege to have played with so many of the people that were mentioned. And it's unfortunate that we can't name everyone.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q