Power Custumization: Needs work
The simple answer is the devs feel, and honestly I have to agree with them, is that giving Ice the full range of colors would result in goofy looking gems so that is why they are limited.
For fire I really do not see what you are talking about, you can reach the full range of colors both bright and dark.

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.
Well had about a week or so to play with changing colors on powers and I have to be honest and say it's limited.
Too limited. To day I went to make a Corrupter with Fire/Ice powers and I discovered that the powers have a preset color palette that prevent me from doing what I wanted to do. Ice power tints were all set to the cool palette of pale pinks and blues for the most part, and the fire palette where on the warmer end, of deeper colors. My choices where not as expansive as I was expecting. And made it impossible for me to do what this new system was said to I would be allowed to do ie. customize my powers to my theme. I do believe the devs have to open up the choices in colors to the complete spectrum. (Really wish I had been able to get in on the beta, and caught this before it went live. Ah well) I hope that in the near future they can fix this so I can make the toon I was trying to make. |
When I go to make a new character, I keep in mind what limits the game has imposed on the creation of that character. I then work within that framework to create a concept. It's not that hard.
It is simply not possible to encompass ALL possible character concepts. Someone will always be mad that their perfect concept is unrealizable. I think the Devs did an awesome job of giving option to the players for Issue 16. Then again, I try not to look a gift horse in the mouth, or be overly entitled. In all honesty, they didn't HAVE to give us PC at all.
Not being able to do yellow snowstorm offends me greatly >:|
They were trying to avoid pee or blood ice, so they limited the color pallette.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Meanwhile, I'm happy with my wispy blue Thermal shields for my zombies. Makes them look less like they're on fire and more like their own souls are acting as shields.
This was something that was brought up in beta multiple times. I made a similar explanation in another thread, but Ill paraphrase here:
Jay hasnt done full-length skirts yet because all of his attempts dont live up to his expectations. BaB didnt like the look of oddball colors on ice (and stone) so he limited the palette(s). The game is a direct reflection of their work, so I understand their hesitation.
Still, I would like to see a wider choice of color options for those sets.
Well had about a week or so to play with changing colors on powers and I have to be honest and say it's limited.
Too limited.
To day I went to make a Corrupter with Fire/Ice powers and I discovered that the powers have a preset color palette that prevent me from doing what I wanted to do. Ice power tints were all set to the cool palette of pale pinks and blues for the most part, and the fire palette where on the warmer end, of deeper colors. My choices where not as expansive as I was expecting. And made it impossible for me to do what this new system was said to I would be allowed to do ie. customize my powers to my theme.
I do believe the devs have to open up the choices in colors to the complete spectrum. (Really wish I had been able to get in on the beta, and caught this before it went live. Ah well)
I hope that in the near future they can fix this so I can make the toon I was trying to make.