New Toons with wife, Synergy?
Honestly Play what you want to play. Stalkers coud use some back up. But really all they need is something adding to the confusion so they can slip away when their hp gets to low.
And just tossing my 2 inf, MM's can be a bit difficult to learn if you choose that route. I strongly suggest the MM forum and checking the guides/advise. Two good fits would be /dark MM for that extra debuffing and cc to help the stalker out. Maybe another would be /PD MM for the buffs and some debuffing. The pets will draw the aggro and the stalker can come in and pick off mobs.
if you want to help the stalker on the team, it realy depends on how they are playing the stalker. with nin/nin it is vary easy to be "scrappy" more then "stalkery". I remeber when i was first starting out teaming with something that can take agro/ control agro is a lot more importent then healing or debuffing. so what would be better to help your wife toon i would recomend playing a brute. but at the end of the day you are not going to play a toon that you do not like, right?
I would echo the above and play what you think you'd enjoy. I have a Bots/Traps at 50 and it's pretty awesome. The KB might be frustrating to a stalker, but remember that if something is picking itself up off the ground, it can't attack back.
Another good combo for your situation might be Thugs / Poison.
The Thugs Arsonist can pull aggro like you wouldn't believe (which is annoying, actually, but it would take some pressure off the Stalker), and Poison has a good mix of heals and debuffs.
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
I agree with the other post. The thing that you might consider is experience. Stalker builds are super tight and you'll find you are sacificing needed powers for needed powers in the low levels. Takes some skill. Mm also can be good or bad depending on if you know how to play them (got bodyguard mode?).
If you want easy mode, I would suggest a brute so you can trade off on damage midigation. Only thing with WP is you have great survivability at the expence of holding agro.
It's not on your list but my wife and I leveled to 50 with an energy/electric (has unmatched agro holding IMO) brute and mind/energy dominator(focus on melee) which worked really well together. We've also done duo stalking to 30 but that took mad skills and lots of frustration.
Willpower has a AoE taunt in one of the toggles, so I don't know if I agree it can't hold aggro, especially if it's just a duo.
Sounds like someone doesn't know how to tank
That just proves my point that he might want to pick an easier powerset. Like one that holds agro with little effort.
And for the record, she does a fine job tanking with her /electric brute.
It looks like I just got served
you know what i think you should do? make a petless MM, and get your wife to skip AS. those would be "tight builds"
Willpower has a AoE taunt in one of the toggles, so I don't know if I agree it can't hold aggro, especially if it's just a duo.
1) When fighting up level enemies, it can fall off before it refreshes (every 1s). Against +2s it lasts just long enough, and against +3s it falls off.
2) In short, taunt efffects are gigantic threat multipliers on the order of 1000 times their duration. If there is a 1.25s taunt on the target, 100 dmg would suddenly be equal to 125,000 dmg to the mob. Compare that to the threat generated by a 13.5s taunt (1,350,000) or 16.875s taunt (1,687,500) by that same 100 dmg attack. **
That said, WP can hold aggro, but it involves liberal use of a well slotted Taunt, AoEs, and getting into mobs some time before the rest of the group. It can be done, but it's not something that just happens like with other sets.
** This is the short version for brevity. There is a lot more to it than that. Also, taunt effects add threat themselves equal to 1,000*duration. So, RttC applies 1,250 threat per tick while Invincibility applies 16,875 per tick. Also, to take aggro from someone, you need double their current threat. So if you loose aggro to someone with a taunt effect (like a Shield Scrapper), you have to work double time to get it back.
I've been properly schooled then. To be honest I never looked at the numbers*, just the fact it had an AoE aggro generator, and assumed they were all equal. Obviously, that old adage about assuming things applies.
Is there any reason why WP's aggro AoE is so bad?
*Just look at my planner :P
I've been properly schooled then. To be honest I never looked at the numbers*, just the fact it had an AoE aggro generator, and assumed they were all equal. Obviously, that old adage about assuming things applies.
Is there any reason why WP's aggro AoE is so bad? *Just look at my planner :P |
I can guarantee I can pull the aggro off any hard working, dedicated, super-motivated Tanker using whatever primary with a Kin/Rad defender as it is.

Also, Sarrate makes me smile
I've already forgotten about most of you

My wife and I are about ready to head over to the dark side with some evil toonage. She has made a Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker and doing nothing but contact missions and street sweeping in a day is up to level 14. My primary toons now are a couple of Blasters, so looking forward trying something new.
Now I need some idea's on what would work best with her toon, choices are
Bots/Traps (I know the KB is bad but AOE is good)
I know I am going to make a Earth/Stone Dom but was curious what of the three other builds above would work best with her? Figured the first one could bring some nice dmg and AOE, the second one for dmg and support with healing, and well the third one, well who needs support when you have two stalkers eating things alive?