Happy Birthday Crimson Arc




To Celebrate Gen's birthday we will be running the entire Crimson Arc.

I need to know who would like to be teamed with Gen and I as we are going to have the difficulty up pretty high.

Crimson Arc: Thursday September 24 @ 10:00pm Eastern 9:00pm Central (notice earlier start time)

1. Joe-max difficulty
2. Gen-max difficulty
3. Mr. E-Man
4. Master-Blade-max difficulty
5. Lucky
6. Nuke
7. Paragon-max difficulty
8. Roxona-max difficulty
9. Lieran
10. Turg (might remember the start time )
11. KK
12. Oya
13. Myrdinn



I'll be bringing Dr. Hollywood and if you need volunteers, I'll join you two.



yes this should be fun I'm gonna bring my ill/rad for this.



Update, I finally got Crimson unlocked on my scrapper so one team is good to go. Anyone else that wants to come is more than welcome.



I recently realized that my fire/kin has Crimson's World Wide Red arc ready to go. I haven't even touched a single mission in the arc. It's there if you need it.



omg this gonna be kewl. havent ran a full arc in a while and get to fight the GM. good times.



I am pretty sure I have the Crimson arc started on at least one of my characters...have to look through to see who...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Well me and Drogoh have it for sure, so kinda depends on how many show up whether we have more than two teams or not.



Put me down, someone has to help keep KK alive.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



I also have Crimson on my scrapper, so if you need someone who has the full arc, just let me know.

Coincidentally, I started plowing through the story on my fire/kin to try and get Harvey Maylor to give me his story arc (had 2 major arcs going) and may have found a bug with spawning the Kronos Class Titan. I was about to finish the mission that spawns it and let people know it was going to spawn. I finished the mission, came out, saw it charging straight at me, flew up just out of range of its missile attack and hovered there waiting for folks to show up. The Titan was up for maybe a minute, two at the very most, when it just disappeared. It was way out of range of any police drones, as it was in the middle of the southern portion of Founders' Falls. I went ahead and bugged it just to make sure.

Anyway, I'll be around that night regardless.



Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
I also have Crimson on my scrapper, so if you need someone who has the full arc, just let me know.

Coincidentally, I started plowing through the story on my fire/kin to try and get Harvey Maylor to give me his story arc (had 2 major arcs going) and may have found a bug with spawning the Kronos Class Titan. I was about to finish the mission that spawns it and let people know it was going to spawn. I finished the mission, came out, saw it charging straight at me, flew up just out of range of its missile attack and hovered there waiting for folks to show up. The Titan was up for maybe a minute, two at the very most, when it just disappeared. It was way out of range of any police drones, as it was in the middle of the southern portion of Founders' Falls. I went ahead and bugged it just to make sure.

Anyway, I'll be around that night regardless.
If I'm not mistaken, if no one interacts with it, it *will* despawn after a few minutes. Probably what happened to you. This is working as intended, so that people do not spawn these and leave them laying around for someone to stumble upon.

If you are waiting for others to arrive, it's always a good idea to have a tank if available to taunt it, to keep its interest, or try to do some damage and then back off. This should keep it from despawning until you can get enough people there to fight it properly.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
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I was soloing and had no tank at my disposal. My concern is that it was barely a minute and it despawned. Not nearly enough time to even tell someone where it is, let alone keep it from squashing my toon. I kept dropping to the deck so it would continue to move around and come towards me, but I was staying out of range of its missiles.



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Uh... hey! Waitaminute. I'm not certain, but I think... huh?

... yes. I time how long it takes me to get to work and back. *hangs head in shame.* I keep the data in a nice spreadsheet... from every place I've lived to every place I've worked since I was twelve. I can conclusively prove I've gotten more complacent about getting to work early, on-time, only-six-minutes-and-twelve-seconds-late-on-average, and when each stage on that continuum happened. (By the time I retire, at this rate... I'll be, on the median, roughly thirty so minutes late every day, assuming linear progression)

Yes, last lady I dated, upon breaking up, suggested I watch the "Big Bang Theory." Thus far, I've seen one or two shows. Might... know... a few of the stereotypes.

...ignore my drawings of a nuclear powered locomotive. *sniff* Still want to build it, though... and a track to handle it. One heckofa turbine. Anyway.

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



I'm not worried about alts on this. It's just a normal story arc so if someone comes in late we should have room on one of the teams, and in reverse if someone needs to leave early its ok. We are just doing this for Gen's birthday and to have fun.



Just to remind everyone, this is tonight.

So Happy Birthday Gen. Gintoki.



Happy Birthday Ginko!



Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one!




Love the cake pic MB!

BTW, it looks like I will be taking Energy Arc: Eng/Eng Blaster - he is currently sitting at mission #4 of the arc.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Happy Birthday Gen!!!!

Joe~ Can I be on your team at max diff? Oh and because of the start time, Celtic won't be able to make it.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post

Love the cake pic MB!
haha thanks. I don't know how I find these things, but that was too good to resist posting. I even made it my avatar temporarily.



Originally Posted by Roxona View Post
Happy Birthday Gen!!!!

Joe~ Can I be on your team at max diff? Oh and because of the start time, Celtic won't be able to make it.
I'm thinking it's too late in the night for him then?