Happy Birthday Crimson Arc




We have room, get in here NOW



Was great fun. Hope you had fun. Feel bad for Joe, I think he fell asleep.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Happy birthday Gen the run was fun tonight although I spent most of the night on the floor Always a good fun time with you all!



wow ty all. for coming out. was alot of fun. we ran our setting at all lvl 54 which made the Malta very intersting. got my badge and hit 500 for the second time.

Special thanks to Kayenne Kisses for giving this to me. very kewl.
[Unbreakable Constraint : Hold Duration/End Reduction (Superior) (Recipe).50]

very fun night. ty all for this night.



Had losts of fun clawing at the L54 Malta. Unfortunately, I ran out of steam and started to fall asleep. Several of us seemed to have the sleepies...darn that Sandman!!! Sorry I ended up bailing near the end, but I was afraid I would fall asleep in the mission and mess up everything for everyone.



I put a movie on my other screen for my daughter and didnt realize I was drifting till my wife came to put my kid in bed and said I was asleep for awhile.

Sorry Gen. this all day stuff is getting to me.

I am not going to have anything next, because I'm not sure if I will have internet in the new house.



lol joe it was funny. dont be sorry these are the stories i never forget. playing with my horde squad and having some pass out behind the monitor. lol perfect night