Thank you Artz... WIP




Well with BattleWraith and Cashoo and LJ doing all of this shiny free gift art I got inspired to pick up my jotter
and try a sketch. I don't have a tablet or any digital art skillz but I used to be pretty good with pen and paper...
granted it's been years since I've drawn anything but I figure hey it's like falling off a bike right?

Well who better as a victi.... err recipient than Lady Judegement aka Baquitainia.
Bobby has done plenty of gift art and has a great (really low price which cannot be named ) sale running right now you
should all go and check out and I was just blown away with the 2 he has done for me
already (Chloe and Xllusya) so I figured I would do this to say thanks... so uhhh Thanks Bobby.

I'll post up progress as I go along but here is the basic sketch of his eponymous heroine Lady Judgement...
I got carried away and started coloring it already lol

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Quite nice CR. Did you reference anything to make it? I've rarely seen anyone who could freehand draw organically like this. It's pretty impressive, if that's the case. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



nice +1

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