Discussion: It's "Change your Forum handle" time!




Yes Thank Avetea I was able to change my Forum Handle. . get's a little confusing from forum to in game.

Struder 50 Regen/Broadsword Scrapper Kathy Blaze 50 Fire/Fire Brute
Raging Blue 50 Ice/Mace Tank Mrs. Killer 50 Regen/Katana Stalker
Frost face 50 Ice/Ice Blaster Raging Bane 50 All Bane
Raging Will 50 WP/SS TankDemonic-Death 50 SS/WP Brute



ok, so I had to post in this thread so I can send an email with the correct current forum name in it......



What's the maximum length for a forum handle? I'd like to be "Robotic Pirate Ghost" but it's 20 characters if you count the spaces.



Just out of curiosity, but has this program been suspended and/or finished? Sent in a request (finally) last Thursday-ish, but still have the same moniker.



Yay! 'tis fixed.

Thankee to whomever on the Community staff went ahead and got mah name changed.



Is this still going on? I sent an e-mail to the address as directed, but it was bounced. I sent a PM to Avatea, but I'm not sure if that's right, either.

Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

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