Discussion: It's "Change your Forum handle" time!




We told you before the migration that we had a plan for those of you with conflicting forum handles. It is apparent that a few of you have undergone the _NA and _EU suffix change and this is your opportunity to get it fixed!

So here's the plan!

Send us an email at CoHForums@ncsoft.com from today onwards with your current handle and 5 alternative choices in the order of preference.

Please only include the information in the following format:

  • Current handle
  • 1st choice
  • 2nd choice
  • 3rd choice
  • 4th choice
  • 5th choice

The first person of each "_NA" and "_EU" pair to email us will get the handle without the suffix. The second person of the pair will get their 2nd choice if available. If not we will go through the other choices.

  • If you own both the _EU and _NA versions please let us know when you send your request.

Check the current forum userlist available here to make sure that your choices are available before emailing us. Names infringing Intellectual Property laws or Copyrights will not be considered valid choices.

Please note that depending on the volume of request we get, it may take a while for us to get to you. Don't despair, we will.

All forum name change requests are welcome at this point!

Thank you all for your patience with this matter!

Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler



I still think mud-wrestling to decide name clashes would have been better

EDIT: My one should be easy to fix, as I have the same name on both of them

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So can we change our handle even if we are not affected by the suffix issue?

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
All forum name change requests are welcome at this point!

edit the second: What's stopping people from emailing and claiming to be someone they are not to change people's forum handles without their consent? In other words, I email in claiming to be, for example, BillZBubba and ask to be changed to NancyDrewFan (please don't kill me). Are you checking against email addresses on the account info?



E-mail sent.



Sent mine in too. Frost better still be available...I've had this name for YEARS.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
E-mail sent.
they're quick!



Yes...yes they are *hugs his rightful handle*



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I still think mud-wrestling to decide name clashes would have been better

EDIT: My one should be easy to fix, as I have the same name on both of them



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
Yes...yes they are *hugs his rightful handle*




Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
*hugs Niviene too* Wheee!!!

Seriously though, thanks for wading through the name conflict mess the forum migration caused. I can just imagine how big of a headache and the fact you're taking the effort to do it right is very much appreciated.



Email sent as well. (Strange, Primal_EU joined in 2005 but has has never posted at all. Funky.)

Sweet. It took longer to come up with some alternates than it did for them to change it. Thanks Niviene (or whoever, heh.)



I miss the "_NA" bit. It was like I was part of a cool gang.

Thanks for the change Nivienne / Avatea. Glad to have my name back.




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I miss the "_NA" bit. It was like I was part of a cool gang.

Thanks for the change Nivienne / Avatea. Glad to have my name back.

You're welcome!



Originally Posted by Shadow_Wail View Post
Do we have to do it?

Do you have to change your name? No.



Originally Posted by Shadow_Wail View Post
Do we have to do it?
No - if you're happy with an "NA/EU" tag, or a "_", then keep it - it'll save the mods a bit of work

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



wait we can drop the underscore?



Originally Posted by Chaos_Creator View Post
wait we can drop the underscore?




Just some friendly advice (And personal opinion):

To anyone that loses the battle over a beloved forum handle...
I, personally, don't see any problem with the _EU/_NA suffix.
So, if you love the name... consider putting that option as your second choice and stick with it should your counterpart have beaten you to the email.

Best of luck to all!

Can we have dashes in the handles now instead of only underscores?
I may ask for a change myself

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric_Knight View Post
Just some friendly advice (And personal opinion):

To anyone that loses the battle over a beloved forum handle...
I, personally, don't see any problem with the _EU/_NA suffix.
So, if you love the name... consider putting that option as your second choice and stick with it should your counterpart have beaten you to the email.

Best of luck to all!

Can we have dashes in the handles now instead of only underscores?
I may ask for a change myself




E-mail sent.

I wanted a long time to drop the "_" from my name.

Edit: Damn that was fast, my thanks to you both.

2nd edit: Should I do it, should I do it, yeah I should.

1st after a Red Name, damn I feel so dirty now but in a good way.



I think you should either keep this offer open until I16 goes live, or maybe open it up again with each of the next few Issues, as there will be quite a few people who take advantage of the reactivation weekends who will come here and find their names have the "NA/EU" tags on them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Chaos_Creator View Post

I fail. I sent my first email to cohforums@ncsof.com.

Make sure you do it right the second time...