Two Cysts in same room...

Adeon Hawkwood



Happened Last Night - Two Cysts spawning in the same room, within a Rock's throw of each other. And the group didn't plan it right - we ticked them both off at the same time haha... And one of the Cysts emitted *hree* Nictus Bosses...!!!

Luckily we were a strong group. Me (being the experienced Cyst-killer that I am) and one other toon took out one (and the three bosses) while the rest of the group took the other. No deaths...

Still, just found it odd that two cysts spawned so closed together. Anybody else ever had that happen? And it served as a *double* reminder of the continously ongoing, neverending, perpetual ignored bug of Cysts spawning in regular missions. I don't care if a they're not a threat for a powerful or prepared team - get them out of reg. missions already, Devs!



I don't think I have ever seen 2 so close, but it is always great fun when they spawn side by side in the ITF and you get confused which one is which

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Yeah, whichever one you *didn't* pick to target in the ITF immediately gets buried in a pile of Nictus, making it hard to target and kill. . .

I've not heard of two that close, but I have seen more than one in a mission, and spawn points on some maps are very close, so it could certainly happen.



I've been in that situation, and take great joy in rushing right in to start chopping one down while the team is sitting at the room opening deciding what the strategy should be to take them down... I'll usually hit my bind that says "CYSTSNOMNOMNOM!"

I still have yet to encounter a situation where a cyst has overwhelmed my human-form WS... I enjoy soloing them.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I think the "worst" Cyst placement I've come across personally, was in the sewers, at level 4....not sure how many of the team were new players, but at that level, really didn't matter: team wipe.

Well done on taking on two with no deaths!



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I've been in that situation, and take great joy in rushing right in to start chopping one down while the team is sitting at the room opening deciding what the strategy should be to take them down... I'll usually hit my bind that says "CYSTSNOMNOMNOM!"

I still have yet to encounter a situation where a cyst has overwhelmed my human-form WS... I enjoy soloing them.

"The One"
Warshade neg. energy resists help.

Yeah the thing that gets teams wiped isn't the cyst. It's generally the panic over it's appearance. Something about the nictus bloom makes people freeze up or run around in circles. I like to wade in and taunt until the team regroups. Then I mutter about the trouble with in-laws.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
Warshade neg. energy resists help.

Yeah the thing that gets teams wiped isn't the cyst. It's generally the panic over it's appearance. Something about the nictus bloom makes people freeze up or run around in circles. I like to wade in and taunt until the team regroups. Then I mutter about the trouble with in-laws.
Yes, it's kinda like how a room full of folks might act if someone, with complete surprise, dumps a box of snakes right in the middle. If we're expecting it, we can (cautiously) deal with it, but it not, chaos ensues... haha



This was brought up on my server the other day and I got a good laugh from it. Why does it seem like people are so scared of Cysts? Not only are they easy to kill, easy exp/inf, they don't present much of a challenge when compared to most of the enemies/objects/bosses that you encounter during your journey from 1 to 50.

I personally have never had trouble defeating them nor have they defeated me except in the instances that I forget about Quasar and they kill me which are few and far between.

Some of the people in the JFA channel said it stems for peoples bad experiences, but I don't fully buy that.

Some can someone please explain to my what the big deal is about these rather nonchallenging objects?

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Oh, this thread reminds me:

If you watch my "All Kheld iTF Test Server" promo closely, you'll actually SEE a shot of 2 cysts in the same room... Shots go by fast, so you might have to freeze-frame it, but it's definitely in there...

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
This was brought up on my server the other day and I got a good laugh from it. Why does it seem like people are so scared of Cysts? Not only are they easy to kill, easy exp/inf, they don't present much of a challenge when compared to most of the enemies/objects/bosses that you encounter during your journey from 1 to 50.

I personally have never had trouble defeating them nor have they defeated me except in the instances that I forget about Quasar and they kill me which are few and far between.

Some of the people in the JFA channel said it stems for peoples bad experiences, but I don't fully buy that.

Some can someone please explain to my what the big deal is about these rather nonchallenging objects?
Hrmmphh...Glad we amuse you.

If you're prepared and/or your team is halfway competent, then Cysts can be dealt with relatively easily. Heck, I've taken them out all by myself while the rest of the team hung back and watched...

But I've had a couple bad experiences. One occured when I was on a high 20ish team. A Cyst spawned near a large mob that contained an EB (maybe an AV, maybe 2 EBs...anyway). We didn't see it at first, and next thing you know we were fighting a roomfull of pissed-off purples in addition to the regular mobs. Teamwipe ensued...

Rezzing resulted in immediate re-death, so we all Hospitaled and came back. Everything we tried wouldn't work: pulling, rushing in mass, mass AoEs all at once... The Nicti kept reducing us to a crawl, then they and the other mobs kept killing us. 8 full teamwipes, and I could feel the irrititation directed at me cuz I was the Kheld that caused it to be there to begin with.

We finally did kill it and all it's babies, but I'm sure it's experiences like this that cause many to detest Cysts. Yes, there is lots of ways to handle them, and it's been a while since I've had any trouble with them, but there are few enemies in the game that can create such a difficult scenario as a Cysts, especially for lower level or relatively new players. I don't hate them because their so difficult anymore - they simply don't belong in regular missions (a Cyst in a swamp with a bunch of Hydra - those Nicti really take pains to ensure their houses are safe, eh ). Finally, un-fixed bugs shouldn't have to acceptable (well, unless you're microsoft - then there's no choice)

I guess you've just been lucky to never have experienced anything like this, or maybe you just have Uber Skilzz compared to us



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Hrmmphh...Glad we amuse you.

If you're prepared and/or your team is halfway competent, then Cysts can be dealt with relatively easily. Heck, I've taken them out all by myself while the rest of the team hung back and watched...

But I've had a couple bad experiences. One occured when I was on a high 20ish team. A Cyst spawned near a large mob that contained an EB (maybe an AV, maybe 2 EBs...anyway). We didn't see it at first, and next thing you know we were fighting a roomfull of pissed-off purples in addition to the regular mobs. Teamwipe ensued...

Rezzing resulted in immediate re-death, so we all Hospitaled and came back. Everything we tried wouldn't work: pulling, rushing in mass, mass AoEs all at once... The Nicti kept reducing us to a crawl, then they and the other mobs kept killing us. 8 full teamwipes, and I could feel the irrititation directed at me cuz I was the Kheld that caused it to be there to begin with.

We finally did kill it and all it's babies, but I'm sure it's experiences like this that cause many to detest Cysts. Yes, there is lots of ways to handle them, and it's been a while since I've had any trouble with them, but there are few enemies in the game that can create such a difficult scenario as a Cysts, especially for lower level or relatively new players. I don't hate them because their so difficult anymore - they simply don't belong in regular missions (a Cyst in a swamp with a bunch of Hydra - those Nicti really take pains to ensure their houses are safe, eh ). Finally, un-fixed bugs shouldn't have to acceptable (well, unless you're microsoft - then there's no choice)

I guess you've just been lucky to never have experienced anything like this, or maybe you just have Uber Skilzz compared to us
Yeah, Cysts seem to be a lil' more problamatic in the early levels...not so much in the later levels.

Although when I first started, I gotta admit...those things scared the poop outta me! I saw massive team wipes with them and had some missions that seemed unsurpassable(due to my newbness...). But after my few years of game play, they hardly seem to concern me in the lower levels and not at all in the latter.

I always enjoy a Cyst encounter nowadays, especially when they are right next to an AV. Makes things a lil' more interesting.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Hrmmphh...Glad we amuse you.
Another persons frustration doesn't amuse me. I just simple want to understand the big deal and frustration people have with enemies that I and many other find rather easy to deal with.

I could feel the irrititation directed at me cuz I was the Kheld that caused it to be there to begin with.
Did anyone actually say they were irritated with you? Also if they did then screw them, its part of the game they need to learn to deal with. Why would you even begin to give it a second thought anyways?

We finally did kill it and all it's babies, but I'm sure it's experiences like this that cause many to detest Cysts. Yes, there is lots of ways to handle them, and it's been a while since I've had any trouble with them, but there are few enemies in the game that can create such a difficult scenario as a Cysts, especially for lower level or relatively new players. I don't hate them because their so difficult anymore - they simply don't belong in regular missions (a Cyst in a swamp with a bunch of Hydra - those Nicti really take pains to ensure their houses are safe, eh ). Finally, un-fixed bugs shouldn't have to acceptable (well, unless you're microsoft - then there's no choice)

I guess you've just been lucky to never have experienced anything like this, or maybe you just have Uber Skilzz compared to us
I actually like the randomness of the Cyst appearances because it offers a change a pace. I've never found them difficult and I am sure others feel the same and I am not saying my skills are uber by any means. I just think there are far worse things in this game other than Cysts and yet they get so much negative attention or bring negative attention to Kheldians as if they make things harder whn they don't in my opinion.

I understand the irritation to a degree, but I just don't think at any level after 10 do they present much of a problem especially for a Peacebringer.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
Warshade neg. energy resists help.

Yeah the thing that gets teams wiped isn't the cyst. It's generally the panic over it's appearance. Something about the nictus bloom makes people freeze up or run around in circles. I like to wade in and taunt until the team regroups. Then I mutter about the trouble with in-laws.
Pretty much. I've found that with a lot of PUGs the best tactic is to just attack as fast as possible and try to buy a bit of time for the team to react. How survivable this is depends a lot on my character. My Warshade is fine and my Defender is generally ok as long as he has EMP Arrow ready. My Blaster.... might survive if the rest of the team is good.



I remember on my (now deleted) WS, I had gone into the sewers in dwarf form to help out some lowbie (unteamed with them). And instead I spawned a cyst that killed them all...

I also remember doing the Sara Moore TF on my scrapper and there was a cyst in the same room as Ruladak the strong.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I remember on my (now deleted) WS, I had gone into the sewers in dwarf form to help out some lowbie (unteamed with them). And instead I spawned a cyst that killed them all...
That is hilarious. That would definitely be a nice way to welcome someone to City of Heroes.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I also remember doing the Sara Moore TF on my scrapper and there was a cyst in the same room as Ruladak the strong.
I've had that happen before...

It tickled a little.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I think it does stem from low level experiences when meeting them, if you are on a squishy and you aren't prepared, or your team are right on the edge of what you can cope with then the appearance of a Cyst might just tip the balance against you and can cause a team wipe, on a level 50 team I have never known them cause a problem, but if you only team with a Kheld once and a Cyst causes a wipe you tend to remember it.

I think there is a lot less panic about them these days because most people seem more educated about the game, though the AE has brought in a few people who will hit 50 without seeing them.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
though the AE has brought in a few people who will hit 50 without seeing them.
Had a lvl 50 ask me yesterday where he could find some Rikti at.

I said, "Uhhh... The Rikti War Zone?"

He said, "Where's that at?"

I typed in "*shakes head*....Follow me..."

A lvl 50, mind you!


"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
Another persons frustration doesn't amuse me. I just simple want to understand the big deal and frustration people have with enemies that I and many other find rather easy to deal with.
Fair enough. What exactly does amuse you about these scenarios? You begin your post with...
This was brought up on my server the other day and I got a good laugh from it. Why does it seem like people are so scared of Cysts?
. What exactly was it that gave you a good laugh?

Did anyone actually say they were irritated with you? Also if they did then screw them, its part of the game they need to learn to deal with. Why would you even begin to give it a second thought anyways?
So I'm not supposed to care whatsoever when a group of players are NOT having fun, and it's due to my character. Sorry, I play on a machine, but I'm human, and I care.

I've had my share of negative comments, but most players are civil and don't say anything directly, but the little innuendos are not hard to pick up on, and I've read the boards, where people feel more free to speak their true feelings. And the fact is lots of players would rather have any other AT besides a Kheld on their team. When I log on my Tanker, I get one random invite after another. On my PB, not so much, even though I've IOd her and developed a very effective playstyle. I often have to start my own teams or ask to join an existing one...

So why is this? It's an old story. Khelds are not more powerful than other ATs (they used to considered a bit weaker), yet they bring in special foes that, in the right circumstances, can make a mission extremely difficult

I actually like the randomness of the Cyst appearances because it offers a change a pace. I've never found them difficult and I am sure others feel the same and I am not saying my skills are uber by any means. I just think there are far worse things in this game other than Cysts and yet they get so much negative attention or bring negative attention to Kheldians as if they make things harder whn they don't in my opinion.

I don't find them difficult Now. Not now that I've got enough power to handle them, and that I've got special key binds to spot them before they surprise the team. Yes, there are worst things in the game (AVs, GMs) but for a normal boss level minion, I don't think there's anything worse than a Cyst. What boss-level foe to you consider worse?

I understand the irritation to a degree, but I just don't think at any level after 10 do they present much of a problem especially for a Peacebringer.
So what do you think of that the scenario I described when in my high 20s? I've read about Statemen (and other) TFs that were abandoned because of a badly placed Cysts near the AVs. These characters were well above level 10.

You haven't said so (and likely won't), but based on your language I can't help but conclude you must be thinking one of two things:
1) We're exagerating; making these scenes seem much worse than they really were.
2) We're incompetent; and you likely think you could've handled these scenarios without undue problem.

As for me, I just think you've been fortunate enough to have never been surprised by a badly-placed Cyst. Perhaps lots of Khelds players haven't, but the potential for such a scenario exists, and has happened enough times to make some people have great antipathy towards Cysts (and by association, to have some ill will towards Khelds).



ITF has removed a great deal of the fear these have caused, but before that I tended to charge in if I was playing one of my melee toons and take it down fast before the rest of the team noticed and agroed it - tended to be much safer in PUGS that way.

I actually farmed one to get the no one weekly nicti nemesis spot on my PB a few years back - iirc in the mid teen levels

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
ITF has removed a great deal of the fear these have caused, but before that I tended to charge in if I was playing one of my melee toons and take it down fast before the rest of the team noticed and agroed it - tended to be much safer in PUGS that way.

I actually farmed one to get the no one weekly nicti nemesis spot on my PB a few years back - iirc in the mid teen levels
No. 1 nicti nemisis spot? Are you referring to the "info stats" in the game you can find at those terminals?

That's one aspect of the game I haven't even tried out yet... I should do that sometime!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
No. 1 nicti nemisis spot? Are you referring to the "info stats" in the game you can find at those terminals?

That's one aspect of the game I haven't even tried out yet... I should do that sometime!

"The One"
Wow I thought those were broken?

I remember when the ITF was first released and I ran it twice a day I was top of the damage charts pretty much all the time!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post