Two Cysts in same room...

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Fair enough. What exactly does amuse you about these scenarios? You begin your post with... . What exactly was it that gave you a good laugh?
I got a good laugh at some of the example a person was giving for why people hate Cyst/Kheldians.

So I'm not supposed to care whatsoever when a group of players are NOT having fun, and it's due to my character. Sorry, I play on a machine, but I'm human, and I care.
Well if you guys team wiped 8 full times then I think that thought can be tossed out of the door because most people would not stick around for that type of abuse unless they weren't having some kind of fun. It has nothing to do with being human or caring. A person's character will never prevent me from having fun on this game.

I've had my share of negative comments, but most players are civil and don't say anything directly, but the little innuendos are not hard to pick up on, and I've read the boards, where people feel more free to speak their true feelings. And the fact is lots of players would rather have any other AT besides a Kheld on their team. When I log on my Tanker, I get one random invite after another. On my PB, not so much, even though I've IOd her and developed a very effective playstyle. I often have to start my own teams or ask to join an existing one...
I get a consistent stream of invites on my Peacebringer because I have run so many TFs with her people know how deadly she is under pretty much any circumstance. I have yet to run her in an ITF or Statesman, but that will happen soon. If people feel that other ATs are better than Kheldians you can't really change that, but I also wouldn't let it deter you (which it doesn't appear you have).

I think there are a lot of powerlevel babies or noobs on CoH now and they do not know that other ATs can be effective and not everything needs to be a Tank or Fire/Kin to be effective. Just my opinion, but its what I believe.

So why is this? It's an old story. Khelds are not more powerful than other ATs (they used to considered a bit weaker), yet they bring in special foes that, in the right circumstances, can make a mission extremely difficult.
I have never considered Kheldian's to be weaker than any other AT. I personally feel like Kheldians are one of the more powerful ATs. I know my Peacebringer is an absolute nightmare against +2/+3 bosses that con purple to her due to all the mitigation available to her. What they lack in sheer might they more than make up for with aspects in their powers which aids in making fights easier. They may bring in certain foes, but I personally don't think Cyst's or Voids turn fights bad, I think bad tactics make fights go bad. In my experience I normally call out the Cyst and then take it on solo even if there are others around it. As long as I have the agro of the Cyst and the other enemies that allows my teammates to come in after and bring some pain. I understand everyones situations may vary, but in my 4+ years of experience I haven't really seen a bad situation involving Cysts or Voids. This includes back when Voids could one shot Kheldians.

What boss-level foe to you consider worse?
Dark Ring Mistress, Master Illusionist, Honored Brutes, Tac Ops Commanders.

I love fighting DRMs, and Honored Brutes on my Peacebringer, but Master Illusionists and Tac Ops Commanders just flat out suck. For basically any boss I don't have to worry about being mezzed, but for MIs and TOC's I actually have to use Light Form or a Breakfree which annoys me, but it necessary because Tac Ops just hit so darn hard and MI's are just lethal by nature.

Honored Brutes hit like AVs in he times I have ventured out to the Path of Rage to dance with them.

So what do you think of that the scenario I described when in my high 20s? I've read about Statemen (and other) TFs that were abandoned because of a badly placed Cysts near the AVs. These characters were well above level 10.
I'm not saying that there are not situations were Cysts can't make something harder, I am just saying that Cysts themselves are not hard. I can imagine a Statesman TF being abandoned if the placement were bad, i.e. when you fight the 4 AVs, but other than that I can't think of an instance in he STF where i woudl cause it to be abandoned.

As for your example in your 20s I would like to know what your team was made up of and what were you fighting exactly. If they were EBs or even 1 AV I don't see how that caused difficultly if you had a healer and a Tank. The Tank could hold the AV along with the Healer healing them and the other team members assuming you had a fullt team should have been able to take out a Cyst with little problem. However as I said I would need to know the exact situation because it could have been a situation where the Cyst may have made things bad.

You haven't said so (and likely won't), but based on your language I can't help but conclude you must be thinking one of two things:
1) We're exagerating; making these scenes seem much worse than they really were.
2) We're incompetent; and you likely think you could've handled these scenarios without undue problem.
I don't think anyone is exaggerating anything if they say they have been through it, nor do I think you or your team are incompotent. I do think there are some instances were some people make Cyst situations out to be more than they really are, but I am not saying you are one of those people.

I don't know if I could have handled your situations better because I do not know what kind of people you have had with you, but I will say that I have put together some excellent teams that I feel could handle anything thrown at them because we clicked on that level. I am not judging you or your teams at all, its not like that.

As for me, I just think you've been fortunate enough to have never been surprised by a badly-placed Cyst. Perhaps lots of Khelds players haven't, but the potential for such a scenario exists, and has happened enough times to make some people have great antipathy towards Cysts (and by association, to have some ill will towards Khelds).
You could be right, but even under the worst examples I don't see how people can just hate Kheldians outright because of a couple random examples that happened to them. If it happened each and every time they teamed with a Kheldian then fine I could see that, but I just don't see that as being very likely.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



*sigh* Novella, if you are a 4+ year vet then surely you've read and heard many of the rough scenarios Kheldian Players have had with Cysts. Perhaps some of these are just whiners and complainers, but I know that many are not, because I've experienced it too. Now that I'm a much more accomplished player I don't experience it nearly the level I used to. I, too, can solo Cysts now.

All that begs the point. Cysts, relative to how often they spawn, are much more likely that other foes to cause an extreme situation, especially for less powerful and inexperienced teams. When I described my 8-team wipe scenario, you bring up things such as maybe team makeup wasn't adequate, and suggest that the team shouldn't have kept trying. I don't know how 'optimal' our team was, but we handled all 'normal' mobs and bosses just fine... and since when is giving up on a scenario considered the normal gameplay. Most teams should only give up when a situation is hopeless...and if Cysts can cause an over-abudance of 'hopeless' situations, again relative to spawning rates, then to me that's a problem.

Additionally, when I said that that Cysts are the worst non AV/GM foe out there, I didn't mean for Khelds only (as you seem to have taken it), but all ATs. Yes, my PB can handle Ring Mistress, Rikti Mental Bosses too (solo them fairly easily now), but certain other ATs don't even blink with those foes. And yet just about every AT seems to be wary of a Cysts. A Cyst is the only foe in the game where I've seen non-Khelds make special keybinds just to spot one (well, them and Sappers...a Vs and Qs, but the latter are kheld related too, so doesn't help the topic). I teamed with a Defender once who's keybind included team speech: "I detect the dark presense of Cyst Crystal." or something like that...

I've never seen Tankers and Blasters holler out 'Dark Ring Mistress!!!', or "Look out! Malta Gunslinger!"

Ultimately, Cysts are an 'admitted' bug that the Devs have, for whatever reason, decided not to fix. It doesn't matter how well a prepared or powerful team can handle them, Cysts don't belong in regular missions, physically or thematically. Remember, they're the safe houses of Nicti that don't have a host; the Crystal keeps them alive. Cysts are supposed to be, like, sorta precious... So when I see one on a Sidewalk in Downtown PI while streetsweeping ( and I have ), or hanging out with Devouring Earth I find it more than a little odd...

But you have no problem with it, so lets just leave it at that...



I am not saying that all people are whiners or complainers or saying they are overexaggerating. I simple asked because I was curious and have always been curious about why people make sure a big deal about them. As a vet you are correct in in your assumption that I have heard or read about people having tough times with them, but until now I just ignored them and kept quite. It wasn't until the other night when someone did not want to invite me on a ITF that I didn't take issue with it. After a second they sent me a tell apologizing saying they misread my global and would like to have me, but I told them I had not done the contact to get into Cimerora because at that moment I thought that I didn't until I checked the next day and noticed I had already finished Daedelus.

When you described your team I said what I said because you also mentioned that people were not having fun so I said if they were not having fun then why would they stick around for 8 teamwipes and keep going? They obviously weren't to bothered by it. I also said what I said because your example was very extreme to me and I have never head of anything like it in all the years I have played this game. I just brought up factors that I would have liked to know if you wanted a better answer for your question.

Just last night we ran a Statesman TF and I used my Peacebringer. During our TF we encountered 3 Cysts. The first two were in the Thorn Tree where you take out the vines, and the other was in Grandville just ahead of where the AVs are waiting for you. Each time we just charged ahead and I don't think a person gave them a single thought. I started attacking one them in the Tree and nearly had ti down before our spines Scrapper came over and used Ripper for the finishing blow. Point of my story is that there are plenty of people out there non-Kheldian or Kheldian who don't give them a second thought because they aren't that big a deal, but in my experience it seems like people are just overly sensitive to them in my opinion. I know that is not how you feel, but that is my opinion.

You are right, people don't say anything about other bosses. The only reason I think people say anything about Cysts is because they stick out lke a sore thumb.

If they are an admitted bug by the devs then my mistake, I wasn't aware they were a bug. I understand they house the essence of Nictus, but I had a view completely different than yours. I looked at it as though they appeared randomly looking for bodies to force themselves on, its not like Nictus have manners and are going to ask like a Peacebringer would.

You have said your opinion and I have read it so I guess we can leave it at that.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



There is a HUGE difference encountering a Cyst at level 50, versus encountering one at levels below 20, regardless of team make up and experience. At level 20, a nictii blossom from a Cyst can stack enough slows to create a hole in SR's mez protection (considered one of the best in the game, fyi), for example. It can certainly dish out enough AoE damage to overwhelm any individual healing power set (meaning if there isn't another toon with heals on your team, you a likely going to have at least one death). At level 4, your team is dead, period, unless you run, or have an exemplared level 50 with you... It is, in my opinion, one of the main reasons you don't see many teams running at the highest difficulty setting before level 22 when SOs basically double the strength of all your powers. I doubt there are many khelds who can solo a Cyst before level 38, but after level 38 they probably don't even hesitate to try, and more often than not likely succeed (if they took the power that unlocks at 38 ). They ARE challenging, for most of the game, and CAN be a pain, even at level 50, depending on placement. And I for one wouldn't have em any other way



I disagree.

I have been soloing Cyst's since my 20s and I know other Peacebringers (human-only) that I have been able to do the same. I cannot say the same about Warshades though. I wasn't able to solo one with a Warshade (human-only) until my late late 30s even though I am sure there are some Warshades that have been able to solo them just fine.

I've never seen a Cyst before level 10 personally so I can't speak about low levels Cysts and teams. On (2) Warshades and a Peacebringer I didn't start seeing Cysts until in the teens and early 20s and since I don't solo they were never much of an issue, but as stories on here have shown, not everyone has the same experience.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post
If they are an admitted bug by the devs then my mistake, I wasn't aware they were a bug. I understand they house the essence of Nictus, but I had a view completely different than yours. I looked at it as though they appeared randomly looking for bodies to force themselves on, its not like Nictus have manners and are going to ask like a Peacebringer would.

You have said your opinion and I have read it so I guess we can leave it at that.
I think we are basically agreeing to disagree, which works splendidly However, I did want to follow up on the 'Cysts as Bug' thing. I first read of it as a bug in an old guide:

"Kheldians have their very own story arcs, given out every 5 levels through the
course of the game. These arcs are some of the best in there, letting you see
Nictus infused Freakshow, find out the origin of the Nictus themselves, and give
great background on Kheldians overall. The last arc, between level 45-50, sets you
up against Requiem and Arakhn (Nictus infused Council leaders). It also brings in
the nasty things known as Shadow Cysts. Shadow Cysts should ONLY ever be
encountered during this arc. These horrible things spawn literally hundreds of
Unbound Nictus (wild evil Kheldian scientifically altered life-forms). Every
one of these that hits will not only hurt, but also slow you. The thing is that
these are not only effective against Khelds - they will hurt everyone the same.
A bug in the game means that any team with a Kheldian in it and over 6 members
has a chance to find a Shadow Cyst ANYWHERE (including as spawns in the street
maps). I have seen a mission against the Envoy of Shadows (Circle of Thorns AV)
where the Envoy was literally standing on a Shadow Cyst. We faced 3 team-wipes
before getting past that mission."
I've never personally seen the Devs admit this was a bug, but I've heard many other players state things similiar to the above, sometimes alluding to this or that dev (and we know how hearsay is ). Ultimately, whether it was a bug or not, the fact that the Devs have purposefully chosen not to correct it means it isn't now. It's now a feature *shrug*




Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I've never personally seen the Devs admit this was a bug, but I've heard many other players state things similiar to the above, sometimes alluding to this or that dev (and we know how hearsay is ). Ultimately, whether it was a bug or not, the fact that the Devs have purposefully chosen not to correct it means it isn't now. It's now a feature *shrug*

Gotta admit, its one helluva feature.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)