The four Willpowers...
For both Stalker and Brute, getting Defense high will be killer in PVE. Not really worth it to go for regen in non-Healing slots, but of course you'll have room for all the regen uniques. Defense is just more important though.
Oh, and Stalkers don't really need Quick Recovery in my experience.
I can't speak on the Stalker but as far as the Brute goes, I would go defense 1st, then HP, then regen
Freedom Server:
Cold Storage lvl 50 Ice/Eng Blaptroller
Land Mass lvl 50 Stone/Fire Tanker
My stalker got stuk at 34 (ninja blade), for me it feels like a defense-regen style stalker, but im not really sure wich you should focus on first. They get mostly type-based defense, a bit of SL resist, some regen.. trying to push out maxed out melee def, not sure if that is smart. Besides that, at 34 i didnt had much IO bonus anyway, i believe only few +recharge from that doctored wounds (heal/regen).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I can't speak on the Stalker but as far as the Brute goes, I would go defense 1st, then HP, then regen

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
For the brute, I'd go for typed defenses and +hp. For the Stalker focus more on def and if you happen to snag some hp or regen along the way, so much the better.
For both Stalker and Brute, getting Defense high will be killer in PVE. Not really worth it to go for regen in non-Healing slots, but of course you'll have room for all the regen uniques. Defense is just more important though.
Oh, and Stalkers don't really need Quick Recovery in my experience. |
With the stalker you want to do pretty much the same thing as a brute - slot for def bonuses to maximize heightened senses as stalkers benefit more from DEF than anything else as getting missed helps you get off those assasins strike even when you have aggro. You will probably want to build for a decent amount of recharge as well since the more often reconstruction is up the better - it is essentially your regen its just a click heal for a bulk amount rather than the constant regen that RttC gives you.
You don't actually need to build a WP stalker for +HP - their base HP are so close to thier cap that HPT alone will either cap you or nearly cap you. Adding some extra regen wouldn't hurt but I would put that in third place after def and recharge.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Now that my Broad Sword/Willpower Scrapper has solo'd an AV and my Willpower/Super Strength Tanker is closing in on the HP cap, I decided, or rather discovered, that I love Willpower. I figured "so why not go redside?" As such, I'm going to get a Brute and Stalker, both /WP, to 50 and then make them into something. However... I'm a little confused as to how the Stalker and Brute versions compare to the Tanker and Scrapper versions. Rather than make a few separate posts in the AT-specific forums, I decided to ask my questions here:
On paper, the Scrapper and Brute WPs are identical (I believe). However, the Brute comes with higher base HP and a much higher cap than a Scrapper. Should I be going for capped HP (like one goes for on a WP tank) on the Brute WP (if reaching the cap is even possible)? Or should I focus on Regen and defense? I'm going with Fire/WP. The Stalker version of WP is quite different than the other three... No RttC, no QR... Recon, etc... Where do I even begin with the Stalker version? I'd imagine I'd want to shoot for the HP Cap (which won't be hard to reach). But where do I go from there? Regen isn't as impressive, since Stalkers don't get RttC... so I'm confused. I plan on going Nin/WP I know this is multiple questions rolled into one... But some general ideas as to what Brute WP and Stalker WP players should shoot for would be great. |
Yes, Stalker doesn't get the aura but the single heal is quick and strong. WP is a mix of resistance and defense (elemental) and what's more is you'll have Ninja blade's melee/lethal defense to back it up. If you need more defense, get Shadow Meld!!! SM's based defense is 20% to ALL. It's like 15s god-mode for every fight.
My Stalker can take alpha better than any non-Granite Brute. I just jump in and start the fight with Shadow Meld.
Some resistance on Stalker is good so you don't die in one hit from some AVs. I've tried many ninjitus, energy aura and SR, I would rank Will the highest in terms of versatility. WP also has excellent mez protection (fear!!).
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Just to offer different advice for Stalker Willpower: what about +dmg? Leveraging those crits would be far more help on teams than being immortal all the time. Solo is just too easy unless you're facing stuff with retarded amounts of regen.
Because you're going Nin/WP, you have the option of a chunk of defense to stack with your primary. What you'd run into that'd slow you down is foes with annoying amounts of lethal resists. You need to take them out faster. No need to survive longer.
I'm not saying neglect +def or regen bonuses but a good tactic is just killing the enemy faster. Besides, Stalkers have too many tools to get out of tough messes to need to be immortal. You'll have the ability to put down one foe before the fight even starts, stop another foe from bothering you for 15-20sec(placate), a decent recharging burst heal instead of alot of regen, less aggro and therefore less enemies on your bum(hide) and finally Shadow Meld(+def)/Hibernate(regen/recover). And if you get one/two-shotted(not likely), take tough or resurgence. A self rez is quite sneaky on a stalker.

Now that my Broad Sword/Willpower Scrapper has solo'd an AV and my Willpower/Super Strength Tanker is closing in on the HP cap, I decided, or rather discovered, that I love Willpower. I figured "so why not go redside?" As such, I'm going to get a Brute and Stalker, both /WP, to 50 and then make them into something. However... I'm a little confused as to how the Stalker and Brute versions compare to the Tanker and Scrapper versions. Rather than make a few separate posts in the AT-specific forums, I decided to ask my questions here:
On paper, the Scrapper and Brute WPs are identical (I believe). However, the Brute comes with higher base HP and a much higher cap than a Scrapper. Should I be going for capped HP (like one goes for on a WP tank) on the Brute WP (if reaching the cap is even possible)? Or should I focus on Regen and defense? I'm going with Fire/WP.
The Stalker version of WP is quite different than the other three... No RttC, no QR... Recon, etc... Where do I even begin with the Stalker version? I'd imagine I'd want to shoot for the HP Cap (which won't be hard to reach). But where do I go from there? Regen isn't as impressive, since Stalkers don't get RttC... so I'm confused. I plan on going Nin/WP
I know this is multiple questions rolled into one... But some general ideas as to what Brute WP and Stalker WP players should shoot for would be great.