AE Mission Feedback: Do you give it? Do you get it?




How often do you leave feedback for arc authors? Do you provide feedback only for arcs you enjoy, arcs you hate, or both? How detailed is your feedback?

How often do you receive feedback on your own arcs?

I generally try to provide detailed feedback on arcs I play - how I played it ("soloed with a L18 scrapper"), whether I found it easy or challenging, any errors that I noticed, what I particularly enjoyed or particularly disliked, etc. I've received feedback on my own arcs 10-15% of the time, most of it short and detail free ("Very good", "This was fun"). My hypothesis is that the small percentage of players that go into detail are fellow arc authors who understand the challenges of using the MA to its fullest potential.

What do you think?

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



I leave feedback basically when I feel like it. Sometimes I'm just not in a headspace where I can write something coherent and helpful. When I do leave feedback, I will list a few things I liked about the arc before getting into the nitpicky things I didn't like (often they are minor and don't affect my rating...but sometimes not). I point out spelling errors and typos when I find them, and if they are few enough to list they won't affect my rating. I am more likely to leave feedback if I have given feedback to the author in the past, and it has been politely received.

The only time I have ever gotten actual detailed in-game feedback on an arc was when someone played it after I advertised in the MA Arc Finder channel, and was doing a running commentary as he played. Usually it's of the "I liked it" variety, if people leave feedback at all. I've gotten a few "I liked the contact" or "I liked the custom group," but nothing much beyond that. The feedback that has really helped me improve my arcs has all come through reviews in the forums.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Pretty much. I had polished my arc and it looked good to me and after posting on the forums and having a few detailed reviews I could improve it further in aspects I hadn't even thought about.

Mostly it's the 'it's fun' feedback which, while nice, doesn't really help in improving.

As for me when I like an arc I post feedback stating what I liked in particular (most times the dialogue, but sometimes the NPCs or the descriptions) and if it has something lacking then I point it out.

*Detailed* reviews I only do for friends and it involves me playing with a Notepad file open and me jotting down my impressions and thoughts.



I agree with OP pretty much. I like leaving feedback (even on two and one star missions) and I love getting it... when someone actually bothers to play my two arcs (see sig). After I quit working to advertise them here on the forums, hardly anyone's touched them because they're not farms in any manner. I think the last feedback I got was about seven plays ago, which was probably like the end of June maybe.



Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
How often do you leave feedback for arc authors? Do you provide feedback only for arcs you enjoy, arcs you hate, or both? How detailed is your feedback?

How often do you receive feedback on your own arcs?

I generally try to provide detailed feedback on arcs I play - how I played it ("soloed with a L18 scrapper"), whether I found it easy or challenging, any errors that I noticed, what I particularly enjoyed or particularly disliked, etc. I've received feedback on my own arcs 10-15% of the time, most of it short and detail free ("Very good", "This was fun"). My hypothesis is that the small percentage of players that go into detail are fellow arc authors who understand the challenges of using the MA to its fullest potential.

What do you think?
I try to give feedback alot... particularly if you can tell the author has taken alot of time to craft a story that may not work for one reason or another because of a game mechanic or power choice. I try to always leave a line or two with at least one thing I liked and one thing I didn't.

Something like "loved your story and your customs but I thought the 20 glowies and kill all on the last map were tedious" or "Nice work on the ambushes, but I thought the use of Mastermind minions was annoying"

I also leave a few choice ones for the makers of farm maps when I stumble onto them.

I've had a couple decent conversations with people I've left feedback for.It's been a positive experience.

I've played alot of really fun stuff that gets spoiled by one fixable thing or another. I think it's important to help each other become better.



Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
How often do you leave feedback for arc authors? Do you provide feedback only for arcs you enjoy, arcs you hate, or both? How detailed is your feedback?

How often do you receive feedback on your own arcs?

I generally try to provide detailed feedback on arcs I play - how I played it ("soloed with a L18 scrapper"), whether I found it easy or challenging, any errors that I noticed, what I particularly enjoyed or particularly disliked, etc. I've received feedback on my own arcs 10-15% of the time, most of it short and detail free ("Very good", "This was fun"). My hypothesis is that the small percentage of players that go into detail are fellow arc authors who understand the challenges of using the MA to its fullest potential.

What do you think?

I'm new to AE, and I've only played 2 AE arcs other than my own. The first one I was PUG'd into, and I didn't enjoy it. It seemed like wave after wave of high level foes just for the sake of it. I didn't leave any feedback because I didn't experience the entire arc.

The second one was a single mission I picked at random. It was ok, and I gave it 4 stars since I thought it was fun. I didn't leave details, but then I don't have Xyzyx's eye for that kinda thing. Though I'm learning by doing my own arcs.

Both arcs I've published are still works in progress. I need to fix some dialogue and tighten up things, especially on the second one. I have some questions about the AE.

Do the AE missions scale according to players numbers, level and all that? I created an arc this weekend (more as a learn as you go thing for myself, though I like the story) and I played last night to see how it worked. When I tried it with a lvl 40 MM some of the foes that were supposed to be bosses showed up as LT's. I ran through the first mission this morning with another MM that is lvl 48 and there were 2 bosses in the spawns I put in. (Note: if you use Vanguard as enemies they seem to have a large aggro radius! They 'notice' my character from a longer distance than other foes IMO). I didn't want to publish the 2nd one yet. (Invasion of the Mind Snatchers). I did though because when testing it you don't get any inspirations. When my characters run out of greens or blues or whatever theres no chance to get any more even if you kill all of the foes. It makes it hard to judge whether or not the battles are too hard or not. The first mission in Invasion is challenging at least to me, but I would not have won it if I didn't collect inspirations along the way.

Is there a thread where we can post our arcs for feedback? I don't want to hijack this one for that, but I could use constructive criticism.



I almost always leave feedback. Of course, I'm also closing in on the 150 posted reviews mark....

The majority of ratings I've gotten have come without feedback, even good ratings. Sad, but not unexpected. Most arcs don't get enough plays to drown out "vengeance ratings".

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by shizaru View Post
Do the AE missions scale according to players numbers, level and all that? I created an arc this weekend (more as a learn as you go thing for myself, though I like the story) and I played last night to see how it worked. When I tried it with a lvl 40 MM some of the foes that were supposed to be bosses showed up as LT's. I ran through the first mission this morning with another MM that is lvl 48 and there were 2 bosses in the spawns I put in.
Yes, they do. If you are playing on the default difficulty ratings solo (Heroic/Villainous), bosses will be downgraded to lieutenants, and AVs to EBs; you may have been playing on different difficulty levels.

Is there a thread where we can post our arcs for feedback? I don't want to hijack this one for that, but I could use constructive criticism.
Several, both in this forum and Mission Architect:Stories and Lore.

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



I try to say something about most arcs I manage to finish. I especially look for arcs tagged as humorous. If I can see places where more humor could have been inserted I point them out. Too many have custom mobs or bosses without patrols or non-required boss encounters that could have been used to add text.

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Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I think the last feedback I got was about seven plays ago, which was probably like the end of June maybe.
Huh. That might have been me, if it was on "loading error". I had been meaning to do that one for a while.

As for myself, I never really had "hot" arcs that were burning up the charts. I have also received some "That was fun" or "lol, great" comments - but up until recently I only had one arc and I considered it pretty much finished so I didn't mind those.

If I've taken the time to finish the arc (which admittedly, does not always happen), I usually make sure to drop the author a note expressing appreciation or comments. I've noticed that these comments have not gotten through 'cause of spammed up mailboxes, though.

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Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
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I almost always leave feedback. If I 5 star an arc, it is likely to be something brief. Whenever I give less than 5 stars, I always leave feedback indicating what I liked and what I didn't.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Makes sense; it's more helpful to provide detailed suggestions if you see something you think needs to be fixed.

I always thank people for their unsolicited feedback, especially when it's obvious that they put some time into it.

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



Every time I play an arc solo, I always jot down typos, suggestions, and compliments in the comment window as I go. And requested or not, unless it's an unrequested 1-star piece of awful, I write up some sort of review in the stories and lore section, in their thread or mine.



Speaking of 1-star pieces of awful, what do you do with those? Does anyone bother with negative feedback? If not, why not? Would you be more inclined to tell people their arc is terrible if you could do so anonymously?

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



I only bother with extensive feedback if an arc is particularly terrible. Unfortunately, this happens about 80% of the time when I play random arcs, and most of them are so far from being worthwhile that I constrain my response to a sentence or two of vitriol.

When it comes to good arcs, I mainly point out spelling errors or parts my team really had difficulty with.



Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
Speaking of 1-star pieces of awful, what do you do with those? Does anyone bother with negative feedback? If not, why not? Would you be more inclined to tell people their arc is terrible if you could do so anonymously?
Generally such arcs are so terrible as to be unsalvageable. The people who make them have either no concept of balance, no concept of storytelling, or not even a rudimentary grasp of proper English. I doubt that any of them care that I think a group made up of your Extreme/Extreme AV self-insert and his Extreme/Extreme boss friends is not fun, your language suggests you are still struggling to pass the fourth grade, and "lol, kill everything" is not a story.

I don't even finish them. Usually I don't even start them. Most of my 1-stars are reserved for disguised farms.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Can't say I've seen many diguised farms...half of them have "52 Bosses" or "LT Farm" in the title. I never waste pixels reviewing these, as it wouldn't help anyone. I'd rather play a bad story written by an emo sixth grader than the most well-written farm.

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



I've seen a few that look like a story from the description. Sometimes they are a single mission, sometimes not. Some of them even continue the masquerade with intro text. Then the first mission will be all Lt Malaise Lunatics or a single fire melee custom Lt or something equally monotonous and chosen to do little damage to whatever the author's secondary is, with a single, easily found objective, on a large outdoor map of course. I have yet to find one where the return to contact text is anything more than "good job," or something like that, the second mission intro text is just as minimal. At this point I quit.

This is not to say that all missions that give out high rewards are farms. I have played a few that were not. They had variety in the enemies used, and had a semblance of story beyond the initial intro text.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Non-blatant farms lose points for lying, and making me waste time looking at a loading screen for a mission I would not bother starting if it said "Malaise Lunatic Lts" in the description. I don't go out of my way to seek out and 1-star blatant farms, because I am far too lazy and it won't get rid of them anyway.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I give critical feedback for arcs that I feel have promise but need some tweaking, or when I find a couple of minor spelling errors.

If the arc is just plain awful, or riddled with errors, I don't bother to say anything -- nothing I say in the space of a brief comment will be useful. I don't usually run too many truly awful arcs; the descriptions usually give them away.

If the arc is good as is I just give it a good rating -- the tickets and ratings should speak for themselves. I only write "back pats" when an arc is truly outstanding.

If the arc has bugs (a chained boss doesn't spawn, the whole mission is devoid of NPCs), I tell the author and offer suggestions for fixing it. Sometimes the author can fix the problem, but all too often the MA will randomly not spawn bosses -- I had to run one three times before I could get all the way through.

I don't really track the frequency of comments received -- I get a couple a week. Most are brief positive reinforcements. Some offer suggestions for improvements, which I attempt to address if they're reasonable (which they usually are).



I think there are some big issues with the dynamics of the feedback system, so I tend to be very selective in offering my own.

When I find an arc to be, overall, very good, but there's one or two aspects of it that really stick out to me as flaws, I'm inclined to point those things out.

I also tend to give feedback when I've had a real good time with an arc. Particularly if it was a team experience.

Finally, if, based on their activity on these forums, I have a positive impression of the architect, I'll be more likely to give feedback on their work.

But, my basic view is that architects should not be depending on the feedback feature in any way. It's too erratic (wildly varied tastes, preferences, and skill levels), probably too slanted (in general, people seem more inclined to leave positive feedback), and there are many people who either use the feature sparingly or don't use it at all (with good reasons). I think the main source of feedback should be friends/SG mates/fellow authors, with the feedback system serving only as a supplemental to that.

So my default assumption is that no one really needs my input.

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I gave some feedback today to GadgetDon on one of his arcs. It was a blast and very lowbie friendly. I played a level 2 up to level 6 in it. I mention this as an indication of the lowbie friendliness, it was not a farm thing. He has 5 missions in it and they are a lot of fun.

Apparently he has an arc before this one and one after so I want to check them all out.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.