Carrion Creeper - No Stealth




OK, I'm now using my Carrion Creeper and I just found out that while it is with me, I loose my stealth from Steamy Mist. Is this intended or is there a bug out? If it's intended, why do they not let me know I have that pet even if it's timed? I'd like to know if I still have it following me before I go walking up and get hit.... lol.

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



I wish there was some kind of timer or indicator for it. I started on a new mob this morning thinking my creeper had long expired. To my happy suprise it popped up one last time. In this case it was a good thing, but what about the next time?

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



For all of the awesome that Plant gets, it is an aggro magnet. As Ideon mentioned, I think it's part of the design.



I would concur that the loss of stealth is probably "intended," but I agree that it would be helpful to have some sort of indicator that the Creepers are out. I don't recall seeing something in the upper right part of the screen, such as the indicator for Hasten or the Force Fields or Inspirations, but maybe someone with better notice can say if one is there.

I DO know for a fact that my Veteran Reward Shield Drone will merrily aggro folks while I am stealthed, instead of staying inside the Steamy Mist or whatever, so the Creepers, which actually attack things nearby you, would likewise mess stealth up. A timer or icon would be useful, as you say.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
OK, I'm now using my Carrion Creeper and I just found out that while it is with me, I loose my stealth from Steamy Mist. Is this intended or is there a bug out? If it's intended, why do they not let me know I have that pet even if it's timed? I'd like to know if I still have it following me before I go walking up and get hit.... lol.
You should look at it this way: the vines, as your pets (though only indirectly summoned), whilst attacking, give you away. You'd have this same problem if you had a fighting hostage you were leading out of a mission, had summoned a pet warwolf or Amy whatserface, etc. Or if you were Fire/Storm and had imps leaping about. Premature/collateral aggro from pets isn't unique to CC + Steamy Mist.

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Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
You should look at it this way: the vines, as your pets (though only indirectly summoned), whilst attacking, give you away. You'd have this same problem if you had a fighting hostage you were leading out of a mission, had summoned a pet warwolf or Amy whatserface, etc. Or if you were Fire/Storm and had imps leaping about. Premature/collateral aggro from pets isn't unique to CC + Steamy Mist.
This. Additionally if CC allowed you to remain undetected while they engaged it would be similar to phantom army because CC collects its own agro once it starts doing its thing.

That would probably be overpowered. Not that plant isn't already in that state, or very close to it heh.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
For all of the awesome that Plant gets, it is an aggro magnet. As Ideon mentioned, I think it's part of the design.
Use Seeds of Confusion first, then the stealth wont matter. Plant control is just so amazing.

@Mazzo Grave
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Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



Yes, but then there is a timer or indicator showing that these pets and summons are still with you. CC tents to be hidden from view until you get in close. I use seeds in every instance, but if CC takes off on me, and I didn't know it was still hanging around, it could be a problem later in game. I'm thinking more about the timer now than I am breaking stealth. I've been managing steamy mist rather well with my vet pet, and now I'm turning toward the timer or indicator showing CC (or the lack of one).

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
Yes, but then there is a timer or indicator showing that these pets and summons are still with you. CC tents to be hidden from view until you get in close. I use seeds in every instance, but if CC takes off on me, and I didn't know it was still hanging around, it could be a problem later in game. I'm thinking more about the timer now than I am breaking stealth. I've been managing steamy mist rather well with my vet pet, and now I'm turning toward the timer or indicator showing CC (or the lack of one).
Ya CC should have an icon in your bar showing it is still active. I use earth's embrace as my CC timer because it has the same rech and duration so I pop them together on my plant/kin. (though usually I just have them both perma, or very close to it). Sometimes I need to know when it is down as I often solo farm and CC will interfere with the herding I have to do if it is still active.

Hero stats might give you a timer for it, but I haven't checked.



I haven't used plant yet, but do creepers show up in the pet window at all? You can enable the pet window on a controller, by setting a menu option, and then clicking a button on the team window. I did this on my illusion controller so I could see my phantom army status even when they were out of sight. It was easier than trying to pick their icon out of the mess of icons I have.



Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
I haven't used plant yet, but do creepers show up in the pet window at all? You can enable the pet window on a controller, by setting a menu option, and then clicking a button on the team window. I did this on my illusion controller so I could see my phantom army status even when they were out of sight. It was easier than trying to pick their icon out of the mess of icons I have.
Correct, you can do that and my vet pet shows up there, but CC is not one that shows up in the pet bar. The only way I found at half way knowing if I still have my CC is that the origional casting leaves a bramble patch on the ground, if you're still near it and can see it, then your pet is active. Once it's gone, then so is your pet, but if you're like me and moving through a mish, you're going to be out of sight of that patch in short order and on your way to other mobs. That's where some kind of indicator would be most helpful. As it is now, I just have Seeds qued on my target and I run in until they fire off and I go at it again.

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper