How do I avoid the market?

Adeon Hawkwood



What this forum needs is a useful FAQ on the quickest way to get stuff without using the market. That way when people come here to complain about the market, we can point them to the FAQ and they can move on.



Or even a just FAQ on understanding why the market works the way ti does and how to buy things at reasonable prices.



Snakebit's Guide to Avoiding the Market

1) Stay out.
2) Don't go in.
3) Ignore it.
4) Avoid it.
5) Abstain from entering.
6) Skip all market related activites.
7) When travelling, steer yourself away from it.
8) If you find yourself in the market even after following the steps listed above, leave it.

Oh, you said usefull. Sorry. Umm, use the stores.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



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Lemme whip up a rough draft... maybe this should be on the Paragon Wiki so it can be a true group effort.

FIRST: If you learn to use the market, even a little, you will have more money. You will get what you want faster and more easily. I had to say it once, and I will bring it up no more.

SECOND: Single-Origin enhancements will cover most of your needs. The only really "important" IO's, in my opinion, are:

* some sort of knockback protection if you don't have it. This is game changing for me.
* some amount of global accuracy, so you can get away with one SO of accuracy
* A "movement Stealth" IO is very nice, on some characters.
* Many people vote for something like a Miracle +Recovery. I believe you can get away without one, because I played without 'em for years.

- Below level 25, Mr. Yin's store in Faultline sells one type per origin.
- Level 35-40 requires you to do (or autocomplete) a mission before the store will sell to you. You can do this mission from level 30 on.
- Level 45-50 requires you to do a mission for Ghost Falcon in Peregrine.
- I think level 35-50 can also be bought [no mission needed] in the Rikti War Zone. You must be 35+ to get in, so level 32-35 are problematic.

GENERIC IO's: It is possible to craft an entire set of generic IO's and get through the 1-50 game that way, I suppose. You can get salvage cheaply with AE Tickets - generics only use commons- and save recipes that fall in Dev content. Or buy them from the table, worst case. [Market prices for generic recipes are almost always far below table prices. Oops, I did it again.]


Custom Merit Buys- for the cost of 10 rolls, you can get exactly what you want. Given that there's a pretty good chance that your dream build needs 10 different things from the "rare" table (what do they call Pool C these days?) , if you roll 10 times you'll probably get 2 or 3 of what you need. Do that a couple of times and then custom-buy the remainder.

Uncommons- I don't see a good way except hundreds and hundreds of bronze rolls. Learn to frankenslot.

Salvage- You can practically buy the exact common salvage you want: you're random rolling from a group of 6, so you don't have to roll a LOT to get that alchemical silver. And it's fine to have two or three extras of any given thing sitting around. Uncommons are exact-buys for tickets, and pretty cheap at the price. Or you can save your uncommons from non-AE play.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



- I think level 35-50 can also be bought [no mission needed] in the Rikti War Zone. You must be 35+ to get in, so level 32-35 are problematic.
Also available at the Midnighter Club.

Level restriction on the RWZ is likely going to be gone come I16.

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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Uncommons- I don't see a good way except hundreds and hundreds of bronze rolls. Learn to frankenslot.
Uncommons can be bought for 50 or 75 merits depending on the recipe.

I agree with putting this on the wiki as a player guide for easy linking. I'm sleepy tonight but I'll sort it out tomorrow evening unless someone else want to do it sooner.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
SECOND: Single-Origin enhancements will cover most of your needs. The only really "important" IO's, in my opinion, are:

* some sort of knockback protection if you don't have it. This is game changing for me.
This is an alternative to Acrobatics. Point out that the IO option is far more desirable if you aren't planning to take the Leaping pool for your travel power, and that it can usually be done with a single IO.

* some amount of global accuracy, so you can get away with one SO of accuracy
Again, this is an alternative to a power-based approach, like Tactics, and isn't as necessary if your powers have Defense debuffs built in. Also point out that unless you're referring to the Kismet +ToHit Unique, you'll likely want to slot two or three sets of at least 4 to get this benefit.

* A "movement Stealth" IO is very nice, on some characters.
Sprint takes the run OR the jump, in case one is cheaper. I haven't checked.



When people ask how to avoid the market, it's usually not avoiding the market that they're interested in. After all, the market is already 90% avoidable: except for purples, PvPIOs and a few other items (e.g. respec recipes), everything in the game is available through Merits or tickets. What they're really asking is how to get what they want while paying trivial and inconsequential prices.



wow Fulmen for a quick write up I think you covered most of the basics of the topic... 5stars to you...wait we dont give stars anymore...Ahhhh the good old days



I'm actually going to make a quickie AE arc about Ticket/Merit/Market purchases in the near future...exposing ebil marketeering for the masses!

Well, perhaps not that far, but if it helps a few players manage their tickets and understand their options, I'll consider myself happy.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
When people ask how to avoid the market, it's usually not avoiding the market that they're interested in. After all, the market is already 90% avoidable: except for purples, PvPIOs and a few other items (e.g. respec recipes), everything in the game is available through Merits or tickets. What they're really asking is how to get what they want while paying trivial and inconsequential prices.
Agreed. I mean, I'd tell em "Use SO's and Generic IOs" but the cynic inside me thinks what people asking that means, is them asking "how can I purple out my warshade without tainting myself by associating with you sick and depraved monsters?"

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

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Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
Level restriction on the RWZ is likely going to be gone come I16.
Curious on your rationale for thinking this.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

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Originally Posted by Squez View Post
Curious on your rationale for thinking this.
It's part of the new Super Sidekickiing feature. Positron verifies it in the thread (single post). Level restrictions will only apply to PVP zones and the Hamidon zones.

So, unless something happens in beta that leads them to conclude it won't work, those restrictions are out the door come I16.

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Why would anyone want to avoid the market?

I hope it's not "I don't want to taint myself with capitalism", because that's just lol-worthy.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

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Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Why would anyone want to avoid the market?

I hope it's not "I don't want to taint myself with capitalism", because that's just lol-worthy.
Well it varies from person to person but for a lot of people it's an aspect of the game that they just don't want to have to deal with. It's like saying "I don't want to PvP" or "I don't want to do Task Forces". Of course as Laevateinn pointed out most people who say they want to avoid the market actually mean they want high end shinnies with no effort.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Why would anyone want to avoid the market?
Oh, lessee, reasons given that I've seen...

1. It doesn't feel heroic. 'This isn't City of Stock Brokers'.

2. I don't want to spend my valuable online time standing around in the market all day.

3. I don't want to support filthy farmers/filthy manipulators/filthy RMT outfits.

4. I shouldn't have to pay X for Y.

5. Don't like markets, feels too much like RL.

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Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Why would anyone want to avoid the market?

I hope it's not "I don't want to taint myself with capitalism", because that's just lol-worthy.
Its usually more along the lines of "you marketeers are an evil fascist conspiracy out to ruin good honest capitalism with your price hikes and your ultimate 100% marketshare control and your fancy economics degrees"

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
It's part of the new Super Sidekickiing feature. Positron verifies it in the thread (single post). Level restrictions will only apply to PVP zones and the Hamidon zones.

So, unless something happens in beta that leads them to conclude it won't work, those restrictions are out the door come I16.
/em Samuel L. Jackson "Allow me to retort"

Well, probably not that strong. Let me just be a devil's advocate. Zone level restrictions appear to be game-play related (access to powers vs survivability).

Not that I agree with it: I don't see any real reason I shouldn't be able to take a level 2 into Perez or all the way to the Shard if I want to, but that's the system in place. Plus, if I forget to train upon reaching certain magic levels, I can't get into places like Striga and Crey's Folly even if I'm actually that level.

I would forsee, given how many zones and contacts are level-locked, that those restrictions would not be lifted. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I can't see them digging into the code and undoing all that.

Edit: Should have read all the replies and am, as advertised, happy to be proven wrong, but they're keeping it on the PvP zones and Hami. That's a bummer.

To the closed beta testers: Please, please test this thoroughly. And see if you can do Doc Delilah early.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

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Originally Posted by Squez View Post
/em Samuel L. Jackson "Allow me to retort"

Well, probably not that strong. Let me just be a devil's advocate. Zone level restrictions appear to be game-play related (access to powers vs survivability).

Not that I agree with it: I don't see any real reason I shouldn't be able to take a level 2 into Perez or all the way to the Shard if I want to, but that's the system in place. Plus, if I forget to train upon reaching certain magic levels, I can't get into places like Striga and Crey's Folly even if I'm actually that level.

I would forsee, given how many zones and contacts are level-locked, that those restrictions would not be lifted. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I can't see them digging into the code and undoing all that.
I'm sorry but please read the second link that he posted. Positorn has stated they ARE removing the security level requirements for all zones except for Hamidon and PvP zones.



Originally Posted by Squez View Post
I would forsee, given how many zones and contacts are level-locked, that those restrictions would not be lifted. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I can't see them digging into the code and undoing all that.
Presumably, it's already been done and is active in the closed beta, or soon will be.

Contacts, as far as I know, will remain locked.

But all zones, save the ones previously mentioned, will no longer have security level requirements. Positron confirmed this in the post I linked to up-thread.

Mysterious_J: "Now just tell me you'll eliminate the Security Level requirements on hazard zones, so that teams don't have to avoid arcs that send you into them because there are SKs present"

Positron's response: "Yup, but the requirements still exist on the Hamidon zones and the PVP zones."

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Originally Posted by Squez View Post
To the closed beta testers: Please, please test this thoroughly. And see if you can do Doc Delilah early.
On Live, I've tested that you can't activate Jim Temblor, Penelope Yin, or Doc Delilah before having trained to level 15. Being sidekicked up to or past 15 didn't count. Yes, this means that Yin's special level 13 SOs don't make much sense unless someone else buys them for you; by the time you can buy them yourself, you'd want to use the level 17 ones.

I'm fairly sure you can't activate Doc Delilah "cold" before having trained to level 20, and she has text for "sorry, come back at 20"; although not entirely sure if you can get her missions slightly early if you go through Jim & Penelope first.

Note also that even if you get the O-portal power early, you can't use it until level 25. (I've gotten it as low as level 21 on one occasion, and it didn't work until I hit 25.)

As Faultline isn't a hazard, PvP, or CoOp zone in any case; I'm not sure why you think any of the I16 changes will affect this.

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Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
I'm fairly sure you can't activate Doc Delilah "cold" before having trained to level 20, and she has text for "sorry, come back at 20"; although not entirely sure if you can get her missions slightly early if you go through Jim & Penelope first.
You can't do her before 20 even if you do the other two arcs first.



Originally Posted by COTCaveHater View Post
What this forum needs is a useful FAQ on the quickest way to get stuff without using the market. That way when people come here to complain about the market, we can point them to the FAQ and they can move on.
The quickest way is to run "normal"* content with a large team. Make sure to have open salvage space.
The same goes for any other kinds of drops.

But I think you might be asking about specific salvage, in that case ::
  1. Make sure you have open salvage space.
  2. Find a mob.
  3. Right click on one member of said mob.
  4. Get info.
  5. See what they drop.
  6. Check the others in the mob.
  7. If you don't see the kind of drops you want, find another enemy group and repeat.
  8. Find the kind of drops you want, fight them!
In regards to enhancements fight enemies that have the same Origin that your character does. There are, of course, stores and contacts that will sell them to you for a fixed price as well.

But I would rather answer the question with a question :: Why would you want to avoid the Market?

At least sell the salvage that you don't want/need to use.

*Not AE missions