How do I avoid the market?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
Yes, this means that Yin's special level 13 SOs don't make much sense unless someone else buys them for you; by the time you can buy them yourself, you'd want to use the level 17 ones.
Except that you can get the Rescuer badge that activates Mr. Yin's store while SKed in to the arc. So the level 13 SOs have always made sense.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
As Faultline isn't a hazard, PvP, or CoOp zone in any case; I'm not sure why you think any of the I16 changes will affect this.
It's a question, not a supposition. If they're removing the (dumb) level restriction on (most) zones, are they also removing the (equally dumb) intro level restrictions on contacts?

And as Faultline is the preeminent example of dumb contact level restrictions, it would be a nice place to test. If I don't see that a closed beta tester tried it out, I'll probably run around and try stuff like that in the open beta.

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Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
Oh, lessee, reasons given that I've seen...

1. It doesn't feel heroic. 'This isn't City of Stock Brokers'.

2. I don't want to spend my valuable online time standing around in the market all day.

3. I don't want to support filthy farmers/filthy manipulators/filthy RMT outfits.

4. I shouldn't have to pay X for Y.

5. Don't like markets, feels too much like RL.
Well, none of those seem like a particularly good reason for me.

1. Sell everything for 1 inf, you'll help someone that way. Most of the times you'll get more inf than from selling to contacts anyway.

2. It doesn't take long to put everything for sale at 1 inf. If you want to maximize profits it might take some time, though.

3. It's not necessary to bid BAI IT NAO prices. Bid 50% of it and expect to wait some time.

4. This is just ridiculous.

5. I'd say if you don't want to marketeer (which is totally different from using the market) don't do it, but it would just be stupid to delete / vendor trash all of your recipes instead of selling them. Someone out there might need one of those recipes. Scarcity produces high prices, and someone deleting recipes produces scarcity.

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Originally Posted by Squez View Post
It's a question, not a supposition. If they're removing the (dumb) level restriction on (most) zones, are they also removing the (equally dumb) intro level restrictions on contacts?

And as Faultline is the preeminent example of dumb contact level restrictions, it would be a nice place to test. If I don't see that a closed beta tester tried it out, I'll probably run around and try stuff like that in the open beta.
From reading the link on super-sidekicking that someone posted, it looks like the whole team will be auto-sked or auto-exemped to the leader's level minus one. Also, exemping/malefactoring will now earn xp ('cept for 50s of course). So any group of players can form a team, no matter what the level spread.

Sounds like a VERY good idea to me, since player numbers are going to plummet with the release of Champions Online.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Well, none of those seem like a particularly good reason for me.
Didn't say they were good. Just sayin' I've seen 'em.

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Not City of Stockbrokers? Doesn't feel like it from where I'm standing.

Playing the market not heroic enough? If I remember right:
Batman's main superpower was that he played the market.



Originally Posted by Kepaaaaaaaaaaaaa View Post
Not City of Stockbrokers? Doesn't feel like it from where I'm standing.

Playing the market not heroic enough? If I remember right:
Batman's main superpower was that he played the market.
Batman's main superpower is prep time. His secondary set was being born filthy rich.

Good info in this thread.

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Originally Posted by COTCaveHater View Post
...since player numbers are going to plummet with the release of Champions Online.
I'm skeptical. I'm sure there will be a drop, but I'm not sure numbers will plummet. But that's OT, so I'll leave it at that. Please continue the discussion.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are




Avoiding the market 101:

* Vend all your drops.
* Buy SOs every 5 levels.
* ???
* Profit! (lol)

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Originally Posted by Adeon_Hawkwood View Post
Of course as Laevateinn pointed out most people who say they want to avoid the market actually mean they want high end shinnies with no effort.
Actually, that would be incorrect, because "no effort" would be to just straight up buy it at WWs. Buying at WWs takes almost no effort at all, considering you can make a TON of money on one boss AE run. I've had friends tell me that they made 25 million in a single boss run in AE on the carnie map. A few runs of that, and you can buy pretty much anything you want.

Now, if you want to avoid the market all together and buy the "shiny" via merits, or just hope it happens to drop on you in a mission, that takes a HELL of a lot of gameplay, and that...takes effort.

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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Avoiding the market, for whatever reason:

1: Accept that it will take you LOT more time and effort to achieve your goals unless those goals don't involve IOs to begin with. The market is several times faster and easier than anyother playstyle at making progress towards IO sets.

2: Farm a lot. Whether you plan on farming AE for tickets; or regular content for merits, salvage and recipes; you'll need to defeat a lot of enemies. Vendor common recipes. Recipes that are useful to you, craft and slot. Recipes that are not...

3: Join a healthy SG/VG. Preferably, be friends with the members, and run group content often. Offer up the recipes you know are good, but aren't planning on using. Let other SG mates know what you're looking for, and try to keep mostly fair in your dealings with the SG. SG storage is also a great place to put all that salvage you get.

4: Plan very far ahead. learn what uncommon and rare salvage you will need for the recipes you want. When you luck into them, you're set. If you happen to get salvage that you do not need, either give it to the SG, or, unless you really don't want to touch the market at all, put it up for vendor price. someone will buy it.

Always remember rule 1, though. If you're looking for rare recipes, The market is the only way to make efficient progress towards what you want. All other ways involve a lot of luck, a lot of time, or both. Apparently, it is OK with the devs that marketeering is disproportionately rewarded. I guarantee you that the regular posters in the market forum will defend the status quo that allows them such immense rewards with so little effort.

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