Hi guys!




Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
> : (

Sovereign Fist. I SAW HER FIRST *insertsillycryingemoticon*

Also, HEROID, gamestop just basically refused to give me the preorder codes, said I didnt preorder, just reserved a retail copy. XD
if you did a lifetime sub or 6 month sub you get head start anyway ( and star trek online beta)
there also seems to be a rookery forum over there too

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
Funny. When I was part of DD I said barely a thing and kept quite quiet. Hell at that time I was over in PvP General rather than Virtue a fair bit. Constantly having to reign me in? Not really. Said absolutely bugger all to me while I was in DD. Absolutely bugger all. You may have me mistaken with someone else there. Or you may want to find a better scapegoat.

But you know, who the **** cares eh? I defend people, I say what I say and in the end I'm conveniently swept under a rug or kept out of sight like the retarded cousin. Use me for what you want and throw me aside it seems.

Tell you what - enjoy your two weeks that you have left. If you decide to come back for longer, fair enough. But please, find another scapegoat. I remember when you were about quite well. If I'm guilty of anything it's defending you against your non-admirers.

Look, if I have to call you out in front of your "peers" on this game, then I will. I tried to be nice about it before, but you wouldn't listen.

1) Back in DD, you were spewing crap all over these boards. Overseer, Machina, and I had to constantly tell you STOP spewing idiotic authoritative comments on these boards.
2) I NEVER asked you to defend me on these boards those years ago...IN FACT, if I remember correctly (and I bet I can get some people to back me up on this that were part of the Dominion then) I specifically asked you to NOT defend me. That it wasn't your job and those individuals would burn themselves out eventually and it really didn't bother me that much. They were hating. Not I. I was enjoying a game. (WHICH, btw, clearly, they did burn themselves out...in FACT when I did return to the boards and Ravenbane and company were here, they were all very sweet and cordial to me).
3) I didn't USE you for anything. You never even ******* contributed to the RP that was happening with the community back then - be it the DoP vs. Dominion thing, the Ghost Widow thing, nothing. So do not even act like I was using you, you had nothing to offer. You claimed to be this great RPer and you never ******* RPed.
4) I haven't always found you a troll or irritating but...when you look at the state of affairs...
------> All the stuff that happened on these boards back in the day
------> You then friended me on MSN (which is fine) and would just bombard me with asinine comments about **** all. I would have to tell you I was working just to get you to shut up (and even then it wouldn't work)
------> You followed my *** over to RadioFTW
------> I finally quit the game officially and then you friended me on Myspace (again, all in all, I have no problem with that)...and you didn't really bug me on Myspace, things were fine...
------> Then you go and friend me on Facebook (again, no issue there). But then you start to troll on every single status update, every single comment I made. I pointed it out to you, EVEN MY BROTHER did, and you still didn't get it. You would argue with me over the dumbest **** like the fact that you were SO freaking convinced I had freaking swine flu, when I TOLD you repeatedly I did not.
------> Or how about the last dumbassery thing to come out your mouth here on the boards when I was semi-active in December of '08? And you were saying how you had some hatred for the French and tried to justify that bile with your grandfather being injured brutally. You know how RETARDED that is? That is like me saying that I absolutely hate all Chinese people because one punched my mom in the face repeatedly when she was 13 (which didn't happen, I'm just making a point). It's called STEREOTYPING and it's called being the cultural-ist equivalent to being a racist. JUST because you live in freaking UK (btw, aren't you AMERICAN by birth?) doesn't give you carte blanche to be a jack ***.
-------> And now we are up to date, where I randomly reactivate my account and you start to post-troll on me AGAIN. I point it out, again, jokingly, trying to leave you subtle hints to...oh I don't know...STOP? And you just DO NOT get it.

And btw...I'm not entirely sure you know how to use the term "scapegoat" correctly. Given that you need to be BLAMING something on someone to qualify them as a scapegoat. Pray tell, oh Flea, what in the HELL am I blaming on you? I'm blaming you for your crap, but nothing that has effected anything else. I didn't blame you for the disbandment of the Dominion. I didn't blame you for the negative comments towards the Dominion when it was going on (that was all me, hence me saying, do not defend me, I was the leader, I could take the heat). In fact, the Dominion didn't disband until MONTHS later when I had already moved and started my career.

SO, REALLY....WHAT am I blaming you for??? Other than being YOU?

I'm sorry this had to get so ugly, but enough is enough. No one else has the freaking balls to say this **** to your virtual face then I will be the one to do it. People can hate me for being a ***** to you all they want, it's no sleep lost to me, but you need to get over yourself, stop trolling me, and stop acting like you know **** about **** when clearly you don't. DR. FLEA, or HISTORIAN FLEA, or PSYCHOLOGIST FLEA.

You can ignore this. I had to get it off my freaking chest. THE END.

/end rant.

P.S. For the record, I do not HATE you Flea, I simply hate your behavior.

EDIT: Bring on the negative rep

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Sounds like he has a schoolyard crush on you, Sorah.



I'm 23, I'm not allowed to have schoolyard crushers!

I don't care what it is. Now he's clearly P.O.ed at me. Just told me to **** myself on MSN.

Well...I guess this way I won't have to deal with the trolling. I tried to tell him I didn't hate him...*shrugs*

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No, just a naturally sociable person who thinks people are friends. But **** it eh?

And whaddya know.

This message is hidden because Sorah is on your ignore list.
Have a nice ******* day.

Edit: To clarify - Facebook, Myspace - actually not because of you Sorah. I generally add people I know regardless of where I know them from. I went over to them because of different people. Surprisingly the world doesn't revolve around Sorah despite her really wanting it to.

Regarding the little plots and me not contributing. Bit ******* hard to contribute to something locked so damn tight that no one outside of a little circle can even do anything. And you said absolutely jack **** to me to be honest. Jack ******* ****. But hey, that rant there. Good enough reason to realise why this place was better when you were gone in the first place. Come September the 14th....don't let the door hit you on the ***.

So seriously...

Have a nice ******* day.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Flea, you just referenced the fact you put someone on ignore.



Damn you Haet, where do you keep finding these adorable and awesome pics?! Teach me, oh great one.

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I generally regurgitate from Yahoo and Google image search.

It's not really a talent.

Im posting a random picture of felicia day now.

Oh, and batman.



Flea, Sorah,



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I'm 23, I'm not allowed to have schoolyard crushers!
Don't be so quick to grow up. Trust me, in twenty years you'll wish you could still have schoolyard crushers.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Flea, Sorah,

So stealing that.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
So stealing that.
It is pretty awesome isn't it



as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Someone neg repped this post as "hate posting".

No worries, I pos repped it as "love posting". Now there is balance in the universe once again.


On second thought... "love posting" sounds dirty. And painful. Forget I brought it up.

Edit: Sweet rotten zombie jesus in a canoe, I didn't realise this was a 30+ page thread full of drama and image macros when I replied to a page 2 post. Wow.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - scorpany@yahoo.com or <sameasmyAIM>@aol.com (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Speaking of love posting...Sorah why are you never on when I am? /wrists



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Whats up LOL?
Wow long time. Waves.



Edit: To clarify - Facebook, Myspace - actually not because of you Sorah. I generally add people I know regardless of where I know them from. I went over to them because of different people. Surprisingly the world doesn't revolve around Sorah despite her really wanting it to.

Regarding the little plots and me not contributing. Bit ******* hard to contribute to something locked so damn tight that no one outside of a little circle can even do anything. And you said absolutely jack **** to me to be honest. Jack ******* ****. But hey, that rant there. Good enough reason to realise why this place was better when you were gone in the first place. Come September the 14th....don't let the door hit you on the ***.

Speaking of love posting...Sorah why are you never on when I am? /wrists
Because I was getting laid. LOL. Sorry I'm gonna be on tonight though I think!

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I go away for a weekend and this is what happens?

******* it.



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Aww, I actually have that National Geographic poster referenced there. I used to have it on one of my walls, but then I decided it was time to have, y'know. Classy art or something.



Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
I go away for a weekend and this is what happens?

******* it.
I was wondering where you were! <3

And LOL on the poster XD Damn need to upgrade art...but I feel ya...I got rid of a lot of my posters and the like after college...figured I needed to...at least attempt at being adult-ish. Or whatever.

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Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
I go away for a weekend and this is what happens?

******* it.

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
I go away for a weekend and this is what happens?

******* it.
((Ha! You're all in trouble now! ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Ha! You're all in trouble now! ))
sad faaaaaaace!

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