Hi guys!




Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Arc Id: 313996

Arc Name: Web of Arachnos- Dawn of a new age

Faction: Heroic

Synopsis: Relive the events surrounding the creation of Lord Recluse, Statesman, the Freedom Phalanx, and Nemesis' return to prominence. Based on the novel by Robet Weinberg.

Looking for feedback, it's highly story driven, and is not a farm.

Since this is my fanclub up in this piece.
Or something.
ZOMG It's Haetron *flips out* AHHHHHHHHHH! *squeals like a schoolgirl*

like that? if I get on tonight, I'll try it out!

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Yo, Dils, you were the BOMB in Phantoms!



Never particularly fond of Spiderman, haven't even seen the 3rd movie, no interest in it.

Captain America is actually quite similar to Superman, yes, but one of the biggest differences is that Cap can and has been wrong. But he's willing to come out and admit he was wrong. (Marvel Civil War, yes I know the whole thing is stupid, but in my opinion, in the middle of it, Cap looking around, seeing what was going on, and turning himself in is one of the best, most inspiring things that's ever happened in a comic.)

And I gotta agree on the Squirrel Girl thing, not sure how she does it but she wins, and it's always amusing to see. (Deadpool hanging upsidedown from a streetlamp in his red pokadot underwear.....)

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



Digging through some old files, and I found a bunch of my stories that posted way back when. I wonder if I should repost them or not.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
Digging through some old files, and I found a bunch of my stories that posted way back when. I wonder if I should repost them or not.
((I vote YES!!!!! ))



This thread is pure nostalgia for me.


"She started dancin' to that fine, fine music,
Y'know, her life was saved by rock 'n' roll."

--The Velvet Underground



Originally Posted by BlackJaguar View Post
This thread is pure nostalgia for me.

oh god that stupid emoticon again.



Originally Posted by blackjaguar View Post
this thread is pure nostalgia for me.

zomg wtf dinosaurs.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by BlackJaguar View Post
This thread is pure nostalgia for me.


*runs at Jags full force, tackling and hugging with all her might*

ZOMG Rockstar awesome

Sorry I didn't get on last night. My bro is being deployed (Marine) so we all went out for a really nice dinner (fabuloooooous!) at Melisse . Place has 2 Michelin stars and it was worth every single overpriced penny (that I was soooo not paying <_<). I wish I could eat like that every single freakin' night. Yum. But I was basically drunk off of food (I had 1 cocktail in 3 hours, so I know it wasn't the booze), got home and passed the hell out there. NO way I was going to play during a wonderful food-coma like that.

Hopefully, I'll be coherent enough to play tonight.

I'll tell you though, this freaking heat wave in Los Angeles is KICKING MY ***. It's over 98 degrees right now. I am melting. I want to die.

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Btw, this thread has kind of died. Sad face. But skimming thru it front to back was pretty entertaining. LOLz

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We have killed this thread.

I shouldn't feel proud but I am. Now, before I go nap I have 8 volumes of Hellboy to read through.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
We have killed this thread.

I shouldn't feel proud but I am. Now, before I go nap I have 8 volumes of Hellboy to read through.

So am I...but I'm socially acceptable as a geek...because of bewbs.



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Yes. I am a geek. Thank you.

And socially acceptable as well. You'd not believe how much of the goth/metal crowd are geeks. Seriously.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
Yes. I am a geek. Thank you.

And socially acceptable as well. You'd not believe how much of the goth/metal crowd are geeks. Seriously.
You are assuming goth/metal in post-90s is socially acceptable...

Hint: Not really

Hahahahahahaha it's SOOO 1997

But ya know, I'm a bit judgmental with that, although unapologetic. I just don't understand individuals who define themselves by a lifestyle/music genre/etc.

I'm a 23 year old woman, graduated college, working full time. I listen to all kinds of music (yes, all kinds), and I dress in a fashion forward way, I don't follow trends, and I can't be categorized into any single "clique" of sorts. I watch all kinds of movies: romance, thrillers, horror, action, drama, sci-fi, etc.

I do judge harshly on individuals who limit themselves by liking only certain kinds of things, music, movies, themes, etc. I find them...I dunno, incomplete? Or mayhaps lacking in their own individual identity. It's like individuals who do "non-comfority" but then they conform to a subculture. Boggles my mind, really. I've met truly unique individuals, and they are unique not because of the way they dress, not because of the music they listen to, not because they have a penchant for some THING in the world but because they have defined themselves clearly, they have asked themselves hard questions, and have a refined self-philosophy outside of their social conditioning and they suffer from no cognitive dissonance.

Maybe I'm a self-actualization snob? Not that I think I am self-actualized, but I really enjoy individuals (even if their path doesn't jive with mine) who are actively seeking self-actualization. It's kind of like...people can have their opinions, and even they do not compliment my own, so long as they OWN it, I have no problem with them and respect them.

Example: Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman." One of my all-time favorite songs. Which is hilarious since I loathe all things red-neck (there is a difference between rural lifestyle and rednecks). But I LOVE the song because, in there, she is owning her choices, her preferences, and doing so proudly. So I respect that. Doesn't mean I'll hang out with her, because we have different tastes, but I definitely respect her on a philosophical level.

I'm not a religious individual, but some of my closest friends are extremely devout. But so long as there is no judgment between us, and we respect each other, and we own our individuality and opinions, thoughts, etc, I'm down.

Thoughts? No thoughts? Am I alone? Am I, and people of my ilk, just being snobs? Am I just being mean to Flea? hahahaha :P

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This thread isnt dead until I say it is, and it's not dead yet.

Im bout to go image spamming again.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
This thread isnt dead until I say it is, and it's not dead yet.

Im bout to go image spamming again.
Well...maybe my premise and question were too harsh. We'll see if anyone bites and discusses it...


oh yeah. I went there.

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((I'm watching this movie Idiocracy, and it's damned irritatating because the people in the future in it are just like the people in my town. The talk like 'em. Act like 'em. It's driving me crazy, but I've got to finish watching to see if Joe escapes with his sanity. I haven't. ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((I'm watching this movie Idiocracy, and it's damned irritatating because the people in the future in it are just like the people in my town. The talk like 'em. Act like 'em. It's driving me crazy, but I've got to finish watching to see if Joe escapes with his sanity. I haven't. ))
That is an awesome movie. Just fyi. And I fear that Mike Judge is right in that this is where America is heading


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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
That is an awesome movie. Just fyi. And I fear that Mike Judge is right in that this is where America is heading

((Yeah. But I like to think the whole country isn't like my particular part of it. :-/ ))



Originally Posted by heroid View Post
((yeah. But i like to think the whole country isn't like my particular part of it. :-/ ))

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((Speaking of Mike Judge, I think King of the Hill might be the best animated show ever, especially since the Simpsons have been completely lackluster for the past eight or so seasons.

Agree? Disagree? Don't care? ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Speaking of Mike Judge, I think King of the Hill might be the best animated show ever, especially since the Simpsons have been completely lackluster for the past eight or so seasons.

Agree? Disagree? Don't care? ))
COMPLETELY agree. I watch it religiously.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Example: Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman." One of my all-time favorite songs. Which is hilarious since I loathe all things red-neck (there is a difference between rural lifestyle and rednecks). But I LOVE the song because, in there, she is owning her choices, her preferences, and doing so proudly. So I respect that. Doesn't mean I'll hang out with her, because we have different tastes, but I definitely respect her on a philosophical level.

Originally Posted by Hansel, from Zoolander
I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut, I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that. I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot.



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
You are assuming goth/metal in post-90s is socially acceptable...

Hint: Not really

Hahahahahahaha it's SOOO 1997

But ya know, I'm a bit judgmental with that, although unapologetic. I just don't understand individuals who define themselves by a lifestyle/music genre/etc.

I'm a 23 year old woman, graduated college, working full time. I listen to all kinds of music (yes, all kinds), and I dress in a fashion forward way, I don't follow trends, and I can't be categorized into any single "clique" of sorts. I watch all kinds of movies: romance, thrillers, horror, action, drama, sci-fi, etc.

I do judge harshly on individuals who limit themselves by liking only certain kinds of things, music, movies, themes, etc. I find them...I dunno, incomplete? Or mayhaps lacking in their own individual identity. It's like individuals who do "non-comfority" but then they conform to a subculture. Boggles my mind, really. I've met truly unique individuals, and they are unique not because of the way they dress, not because of the music they listen to, not because they have a penchant for some THING in the world but because they have defined themselves clearly, they have asked themselves hard questions, and have a refined self-philosophy outside of their social conditioning and they suffer from no cognitive dissonance.

Maybe I'm a self-actualization snob? Not that I think I am self-actualized, but I really enjoy individuals (even if their path doesn't jive with mine) who are actively seeking self-actualization. It's kind of like...people can have their opinions, and even they do not compliment my own, so long as they OWN it, I have no problem with them and respect them.

Example: Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman." One of my all-time favorite songs. Which is hilarious since I loathe all things red-neck (there is a difference between rural lifestyle and rednecks). But I LOVE the song because, in there, she is owning her choices, her preferences, and doing so proudly. So I respect that. Doesn't mean I'll hang out with her, because we have different tastes, but I definitely respect her on a philosophical level.

I'm not a religious individual, but some of my closest friends are extremely devout. But so long as there is no judgment between us, and we respect each other, and we own our individuality and opinions, thoughts, etc, I'm down.

Thoughts? No thoughts? Am I alone? Am I, and people of my ilk, just being snobs? Am I just being mean to Flea? hahahaha :P
The answer is....

Sorah is mean to Flea.

See the Flea.

Poor Flea.

Abused Flea.

Flea is now sad.

You have depressed 1 Flea. Acheivement unlocked!

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Rofl Xan. But sadly no. As much as you want me to do "Blue Steel," it's just not going to happen.

Btw, are you taking care of my roomie over there?

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