Warshade blasting as a human vs. a nova




This was far from a pissing contest. this was "Hey! I'm 10 feet tall and bullet proof!" followed by "Err no, your 5'4" and kinda squishy".

When falsehoods are not beaten down as such they become truths in the eyes of the uninformed.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I have actually watched parts of those video's now (I couldn't before since I was at work, and also because I didn't really see the need as video's don't prove much) and the first one clearly says "City of Heroes (Warshade), Code Name: VestigeOne" which proves AlienOne is correct saying that it is him.

The 2nd one also spends a LOT of time shapeshifting and missing out on DPS - but that is because he is facing Malta and most people would go slowly against those ******s as they are the only group in the game that can reliably hit you once and render you useless.

Also AlienOne has 3 fluffies out a lot of the time which contributes a shedload of DPS, something my build can do but I don't keep track of the recharge time enough to actually do it in practice.

Still I would be interested to give that mission a go.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Just look up @AlienOne in the MA... I believe the name of it is called "The Battle For Humanity"... Not a very good story, since I made it in a hurry and it was specifically so I could test the capabilities of my human-only form... If you want a better story, check out my other published one--the "CorpsOne" one... I invested a bunch more time into writing that one...

Also, be forewarned! There is a seemingly endless amount of ambushes in my warshade test one! Every time you start attacking a group around one of those altars, ambushes start pouring in... It's easy to get overwhelmed. You might find on a tri-form that you wind up staying in dwarf form most of the time, as switching forms with that many enemies around you is pretty much suicide, unless you're just damn good.

Also, don't forget to map it for 8 players!

In addition, I think videos prove more than numbers do, because they show actual situational gameplay, which most of the time can't figure into "generalized" numbers. Most numbers people throw out don't factor the type of mob you're fighting against, whether you're solo or teamed, how many team members there are, whether or not you're solo mapped for 8 (which I do a lot of times), which difficulty setting you're on, or even if you're fighting in a normal mission, an AV mission, or an AE customized mission. Average general numbers for human/nova/dwarf form can say one thing, and the situation might dictate another, depending on what sort of enemies you encounter and what sort of reflexes/experience you may have, as well as the difficulty setting you're on.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Just look up @AlienOne in the MA... I believe the name of it is called "The Battle For Humanity"... Not a very good story, since I made it in a hurry and it was specifically so I could test the capabilities of my human-only form... If you want a better story, check out my other published one--the "CorpsOne" one... I invested a bunch more time into writing that one...

Also, be forewarned! There is a seemingly endless amount of ambushes in my warshade test one! Every time you start attacking a group around one of those altars, ambushes start pouring in... It's easy to get overwhelmed. You might find on a tri-form that you wind up staying in dwarf form most of the time, as switching forms with that many enemies around you is pretty much suicide, unless you're just damn good.

Also, don't forget to map it for 8 players!
Actually I have just this second done that mission since I thought I might as well do that search

I only had it set for one since I was just seeing if it was the right arc, but I will do it set for 8 at some point (Honestly most likely i16 when the option is available rather than looking for fillers).

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
In addition, I think videos prove more than numbers do, because they show actual situational gameplay, which most of the time can't figure into "generalized" numbers. Most numbers people throw out don't factor the type of mob you're fighting against, whether you're solo or teamed, how many team members there are, whether or not you're solo mapped for 8 (which I do a lot of times), which difficulty setting you're on, or even if you're fighting in a normal mission, an AV mission, or an AE customized mission. Average general numbers for human/nova/dwarf form can say one thing, and the situation might dictate another, depending on what sort of defenses/resistances/reflexes/experience/enhancement set bonuses you may have.
I am quite the other way on that one actually, I understand numbers don't show everything and never will, but a video can too easily show someone playing awesome versus someone playing poorly, and you can't quite tell on a video.

I am pretty sure the optimal gameplay is using Nova mostly but dropping in to use Sunless Mire every 30s (And every 3rd Sunless Mire you add Eclipse and every 4th add Hasten) but I don't actually play that way because it is a bit too hectic for me and I pay far too little attention lol, hell I even miss Eclipse dropping every now and again!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Well, I tend to be able to tell much easier if a person is making up stuff if I see a video of who/what they're fighting against, and what exactly their playstyle is, than if someone is just throwing up some random numbers which I don't have memorized off the top of my head. I can see a video and tell for myself "Oh, they're fighting against all LTs..." Or, "Oh, they're on the 'rugged' difficulty setting" or "Ok, looks like that's mission/mob is mapped for 8"... A good example of this is that post where someone was acting like me and posting the videos... I could see (obviously) that it was me and not them in the video, and in the other video I could see exactly how hard the mobs they were fighting were, what their playstyle was, and how difficult it really was for them to take it down.

If someone threw numbers at me? I'd say "Ok, whatever... Let me see you play your toon, and then we'll talk."

By the way, how'd you do on the mission solo?

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Well, I tend to be able to tell much easier if a person is making up stuff if I see a video of who/what they're fighting against, and what exactly their playstyle is, than if someone is just throwing up some random numbers which I don't have memorized off the top of my head. I can see a video and tell for myself "Oh, they're fighting against all LTs..." Or, "Oh, they're on the 'rugged' difficulty setting" or "Ok, looks like that's mission/mob is mapped for 8"... A good example of this is that post where someone was acting like me and posting the videos... I could see (obviously) that it was me and not them in the video, and in the other video I could see exactly how hard the mobs they were fighting were, what their playstyle was, and how difficult it really was for them to take it down.

If someone threw numbers at me? I'd say "Ok, whatever... Let me see you play your toon, and then we'll talk."

By the way, how'd you do on the mission solo?

"The One"
Alright, this line of thinking baffles me beyond words.

In every single case where a scientific fact needs to be proven the researchers are never told "make me a video", they are told "show me the numbers".

If X is greater than Y then it is greater than Y on paper and in the living world, it does not ever magicly change because somebody see's it. Ever.

Ignoring the whole video can be doctored thing (not saying it is, was, or has been.) video proves nothing to anyone, it simply allows people to come to their own unscientific totaly biased and unprovable conclusions.

The total illogic of the "if I see it then it's proof to me" thinking drives me nuts because it remains unprovable one way or another, and to ignore or dissreguard hard scientific proof set in provable numbers is akin to saying dolphins do not exist because you have never seen one personaly. Your wrong, everyone knows your wrong but because we can't drag you to see the dolphins, you get to remain set in your belief they dont exist.

Seeing is not proof of anything that can be substantiated and numbers always prove more than unobjective unmeasurable eye-witness accounts.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Alright, this line of thinking baffles me beyond words.

In every single case where a scientific fact needs to be proven the researchers are never told "make me a video", they are told "show me the numbers".

If X is greater than Y then it is greater than Y on paper and in the living world, it does not ever magicly change because somebody see's it. Ever.

Ignoring the whole video can be doctored thing (not saying it is, was, or has been.) video proves nothing to anyone, it simply allows people to come to their own unscientific totaly biased and unprovable conclusions.

The total illogic of the "if I see it then it's proof to me" thinking drives me nuts because it remains unprovable one way or another, and to ignore or dissreguard hard scientific proof set in provable numbers is akin to saying dolphins do not exist because you have never seen one personaly. Your wrong, everyone knows your wrong but because we can't drag you to see the dolphins, you get to remain set in your belief they dont exist.

Seeing is not proof of anything that can be substantiated and numbers always prove more than unobjective unmeasurable eye-witness accounts.
Ah, one of those science guys. Half of science is theory, not facts. Hate to disagree with you there. If someone tells me that "the world is millions of years old because I said so", or because of some sort of circular reasoning, I'm not going to be some sort of sheep that goes "baaaa...ok!" Sorry. I'm a skeptic.

Besides that, because I actually WORK in video, and can TELL if a video has been doctored or not, since I actually WORK IN THE FIELD... I'd say I'd still trust that more. There are things all over the world which have defied mathematical equasions. And yet... It exists. Are you going to tell me that you don't believe there are pyramids, because you think it's mathematically impossible how they accomplished building them?

But, now we're completely off subject.

Again, as I said before, we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm one of those people who has been able to prove numbers wrong time and time again, by being the "skeptic." But, that's my point here... Warshades and Peacebringers (in my opinion) can't be broken down to some mathematical equation of "all WSs and PBs should be made like this or you're stupid and you'll die".... It's (again) a playstyle choice. And in MY definition of "effective", a human-form can be just as "effective" as a tri-former, no matter if you say one can deal 10 points of damage per second faster than the other.

In actuality? It's just a game. In the end, I play for fun. I don't give a Sh** about numbers, because this isn't a job for me. It's a way to escape the real world for a bit and have fun.

This will be my last post in this thread. I'm done with it. We will A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y. N.O.T. change eachother's minds on this. We are very different people and think in very different ways. I can tolerate you and your way of thinking without being "required" to follow your way of thinking about the world--will you be willing to accept the fact that I'm different and tolerate that?

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
The total illogic of the "if I see it then it's proof to me" thinking drives me nuts because it remains unprovable one way or another, and to ignore or dissreguard hard scientific proof set in provable numbers is akin to saying dolphins do not exist because you have never seen one personaly. Your wrong, everyone knows your wrong but because we can't drag you to see the dolphins, you get to remain set in your belief they dont exist.
Haha that is great

And totally correct as well, the video can show how well one person is doing versus another, and would definately prove who was the better player etc, but a video cannot show what is the absolute best and only the numbers can do that. Also there will never be enough videos to compare everything.

I can understand about not caring about numbers though, the fun part of the game comes from different things to different people, but I think a few hard facts would improve the popularity of Kheldians to a different section of the playerbase.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Oh AlienOne I forgot to mention that I only fought 2 or 3 mobs in your arc, being solo with small spawns bores to to tears - cannot wait for i16!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



You are entitled to your opinion, and FYI I used to work "in the industry" as well ( a small Television station) and for the record I hate math. I have never been what I concider "good" at it.

I have had to become better at it because the numbers is where the facts live and breath, your belief that monoform is just as good as tri-form is your own personal opinion while mine and I believe Darkstar's is a very provable fact that Tri-form dishes out more damage (nearly 100% more) and can tank (meaning actually tank as oppossed to just being able to take alot of damage) and still do almost everything your mono form can do, nearly as well as you can do it is a proveable fact using numbers, which is the only universaly accepted way to prove things of this nature.

Your unwillingness to accept scientificly provable facts using scientific method only shows you have made your conclusions based soley on biase and this is exactly what I will continue to fight against for the benefit of the people who might actually listen to your advice based simply on your longstanding in the Kheldian community and or post count.

Your facts are wrong, your advice is flawed, and as long as you continue to make claims on whats most or as effective without anything but your gut feeling and video as your basis I will continue to argue with you on it.

But let me just say now, aside from your methods making me crazy I do actually like you. I enjoy your presence on the boards and enjoy your non-scientific based posts alot. This will however not stop me from trying to beat you down when I believe your facts are as far off as I believe they truely are.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
This will be my last post in this thread. I'm done with it. We will A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y. N.O.T. change eachother's minds on this. We are very different people and think in very different ways. I can tolerate you and your way of thinking without being "required" to follow your way of thinking about the world--will you be willing to accept the fact that I'm different and tolerate that?

"The One"
I almost missed this.

Your incorrect, if anyone were to provide me evidence backed up with facts and numbers I would not only retract my statements I would rebuild my WS to the most effective manner, even if that was human only. You however have stated that no matter what evidence or facts are produced you will not budge or admit being wrong.

This is the major difference between us. People who say things like "no matter what you say you will not change my mind." say it because on some level they already know their wrong and have backed themselves into a corner and now have to either fess up to being wrong or do what your doing in saying "Nothing you say will make me change my mind and I refuse to acknowlege any other possibility but my own."

Your dodging facts because you cannot beat them.

The world may or may not be a million years old but carbon dating (yes, science and numbers) would prove if it was or wasn't, because it like so many other things have actually been proven to work and are accepted by people alot smarter than you or me.

Your dislike of the results science and numbers provide in no way detracts from their accuracy.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



The problem here is, I am not "backed into a corner" as you seem to think. My argument has always (and will continue to be) that playing a certain way as a Kheld is a PLAYSTYLE choice. I have no interest in numbers. I advise people, not on "this will make you hit 10 points more per second", but on "this is probably how you'll have the most fun, due to what you have stated as your preferable playstyle." You advise people through numbers. I don't consider your way to be wrong. Neither should you consider my way to be wrong, primarily because (as I've also stated before) it's just a game. Not a life-or-death situation.

Now, if we were both in an ambulance as paramedics trying to keep a person alive? In real life? Yeah, I'd go with numbers and statistics. But, this isn't real life. This is about having fun in a game.

Heck, I'd even give the floor to you numbers-wise in the game, if this were a person who was trying to build a toon for "best performance in PvP", because there, numbers ARE king. I daresay that might be the background where you're coming from, which would explain your fixation with numbers in City of Heroes/Villains. However, when it comes to having fun while playing your character.... I don't think every single person playing the game needs to know "by the numbers" why they should build their character a certain way, and no other way. That's just dictating how someone "should" play their game, which I don't believe is right at all.

Also, for someone who is concerned about accuracy, you certainly are innacurate about YOUR conclusions. How were you, by facts and numbers, able to draw the conclusion that I "dislike the results science and numbers provide?" I have never stated that I "dislike" the results. I've merely stated that I am a skeptic. And, skeptics are the sort of people that try to get the numbers people to "think outside the box" and "dream" a bit. If you think of life in terms of facts and figures all the time, I'd think one would become quite bored or insane... I know I would. I tend to be the more "creative" type. In fact, that may very well be the reasoning why I decided to go with a "human-only" build. Because I like to be a little more creative with getting something done, rather than maybe "the way it was intended."

In addition, if we were to go off-topic again, I could go on ALL DAY about carbon dating and how it's only able to ACCURATELY read in thousands of years, and not millions. But, again, that's off topic.

Again, (I'm not sure how many times I can repeat myself until I'm blue in the face), I'm not "dodging facts", I'm saying that we will not agree, because we're on completely different playing fields. I'm on a "playstyle" playing field, and you're on a "numbers and facts" playing field. My playstyle affects your numbers, insomuch as they aren't "as good as you think they should be", and your numbers affects my playstyle in that you think I should be playing my game a different way. And, no, I will not ever let anyone tell me how to play my game. I don't care what facts, numbers, bribes or whatever someone throws my way. You can count on that.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Numbers prove potential, Videos prove skill... oh, and do not go to Z'Ha'Dum.
Holy crap, that's quote-worthy. I'm usin' it. :P

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Heck, I'd even give the floor to you numbers-wise in the game, if this were a person who was trying to build a toon for "best performance in PvP", because there, numbers ARE king. I daresay that might be the background where you're coming from, which would explain your fixation with numbers in City of Heroes/Villains. However, when it comes to having fun while playing your character.... I don't think every single person playing the game needs to know "by the numbers" why they should build their character a certain way, and no other way. That's just dictating how someone "should" play their game, which I don't believe is right at all.
I think this is the biggest reason for the argument. I could be wrong, but I don't think anybody is trying to say you have to have build X or your wrong, or trying to force anybody into any kind of build. I think it's more, if you want to have the highest dps you can, you will use these powers, need this much recharge to accomplish it, etc. Maybe a little different, but I think that's the main point. And as much as anybody wants to argue about it, there is only 1 answer to that question. There may be tons of builds that are nothing like it and still perform really well and maybe even a lot more fun, but there is only 1 "best" and I think that's what Obsidian is trying to get at. (though maybe a little more argumentative than needed).

I also think the comments about the scrapper forums are pretty good. If you go there looking for a certain build, there's a good chance you will get help with numbers that help justify the reasoning for it. If you ask what the best dps chain would be, there would be people that would provide the attacks to use and the recharge you need to accomplish it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person that really cares what's the best because of a couple reasons. The biggest reason is that I couldn't even afford to slot one of my attacks w/ a purple set, much less several attacks. The other big reason is that I play the way I enjoy playing. My warshade is not even remotely close to being considered the best at anything, but I have a ton of fun playing it so that's enough for me because I'm not a min/max kind of person. But even though I'm not that kind of person, I can fully see the reasoning some people have for wanting these types of builds.

Hopefully this might calm some stuff down and not make it worse because that's not the intention.



Originally Posted by Meruru View Post
Hopefully this might calm some stuff down and not make it worse because that's not the intention.
I think we are slowly heading towards the peaceful co-existance

People in the middle like you can only help both sides though.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Extor_Prime View Post
Post-Kheldian retooling, I've been wondering if I could avoid using Nova form entirely.

Mind you, I like the squiddy thingy of doom, but it takes too damn long to flip into it sometimes. Dwarf Mire -> Human -> Mire -> Nova results in the dwarf mire being gone by the time I'm done flipping, and exposes me to a lot of incoming hostility.

I'm wondering if Dwarf Mire -> Human -> Mire -> Blasting might be a tad more efficient. What does Nova have that the Post-I13 humans don't? (Besides flight of course).

You know, I'm tired of this. very.

Abouve is the original post. He is quite clear when he asks an efficiency question.

Did he ask what was more fun? No.

Did he state a prefered style? Nope.

Did anyone on these forums provide him any useful information with which he could make informed logical fact and efficiency based decisions? A few but most drove right into their personal style preference for funzies and not efficiency with absolutely no thought to anything but a gut feeling with no statistical back up, and a total unwillingness to acknowledge that the whole game is based on statistics, its how the damn game is balanced!

And yet people continue to say you don't need math and figures to determine effectiveness. Bullcrap.

I'm so sick of this fluffy cloud mindset that allows people to make any claim they want no matter how wrong or ridiculous because not only do they feel they don't ever have to prove anything but the majority of the forums just rolls along with it without question.

You wanna talk sheep? Not asking questions, not requiring proof is alot more sheep mentality than anything else disscussed here.

My petless Mastermind solos as well as any Brute. Oh wow I see what you mean, thats fun and easy to do.

You want proof? Too bad, I dont have any that can be objectively analyzed and I dont believe any evidence you provide unless it supports my point.

Yeah, I see the light now, this is how the Kheldians will get better, total denial of anything we don't like no matter what facts and numbers say. We can just live oblivious to anything not supporting our views and preferances.

I'm done. Live in medeocrity. I no longer care.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
You know, I'm tired of this. very.

Abouve is the original post. He is quite clear when he asks an efficiency question.

Did he ask what was more fun? No.

Did he state a prefered style? Nope.

Did anyone on these forums provide him any useful information with which he could make informed logical fact and efficiency based decisions? A few but most drove right into their personal style preference for funzies and not efficiency with absolutely no thought to anything but a gut feeling with no statistical back up, and a total unwillingness to acknowledge that the whole game is based on statistics, its how the damn game is balanced!

And yet people continue to say you don't need math and figures to determine effectiveness. Bullcrap.

I'm so sick of this fluffy cloud mindset that allows people to make any claim they want no matter how wrong or ridiculous because not only do they feel they don't ever have to prove anything but the majority of the forums just rolls along with it without question.

You wanna talk sheep? Not asking questions, not requiring proof is alot more sheep mentality than anything else disscussed here.

My petless Mastermind solos as well as any Brute. Oh wow I see what you mean, thats fun and easy to do.

You want proof? Too bad, I dont have any that can be objectively analyzed and I dont believe any evidence you provide unless it supports my point.

Yeah, I see the light now, this is how the Kheldians will get better, total denial of anything we don't like no matter what facts and numbers say. We can just live oblivious to anything not supporting our views and preferances.

I'm done. Live in medeocrity. I no longer care.
If you want to give numbers, then give numbers dont insult the other forums goers. I think if you start giving people your numbers they will repect it and appreciate the effort you put into it. But if you start telling the others they are no good because they dont give numbers then be prepared to be disliked. Not everyone on the forums have the time or the will to start handing out numbers.

Stop acting like it's the end of the world or open up a school where they teach EmoKid 101



Originally Posted by CaptainQC View Post
If you want to give numbers, then give numbers dont insult the other forums goers. I think if you start giving people your numbers they will repect it and appreciate the effort you put into it. But if you start telling the others they are no good because they dont give numbers then be prepared to be disliked. Not everyone on the forums have the time or the will to start handing out numbers.

Stop acting like it's the end of the world or open up a school were they teach EmoKid 101
No problem at all.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.