Warshade blasting as a human vs. a nova




Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

It's not that I won't or don't min/max, I simply do not obssess about it like some others do, and that's why I emphasize gameplay skills over building-skills such as min/maxing, they're simply not that fun for me and it's a personal preference.
And that is all fine and good, and yet when somebody asks about build, not giving them concrete facts also prevents THEM from building a strong character assuming they have the resources and inclination to do so.

The information should not only be available, but easily found and agreed apon by the more savy Kheldian players. This is exactly opposite of what we have now.

If I was a new Kheldian player and came here looking for information on how to min/max my Kheldian I would get 15 different answers and over half of them would be blatantly wrong, and then things would devolve into whats fun and enjoyable, none of which would help me in my stated goal to build a good tough Kheld.

And in my opinion this is all because everyone (myself included) wont suck it up and admit that some of their slotting and power choices are not based on logical performance based decisions which can be measured with mathmatics and would rather divert the conversation with talks of fun and the millions of different ways we can make a substandard character. Their not asking about all the ways to make a Kheldian their asking for one solid good way that will make their teamates go "WHOAH, I gotta make me one of them!".

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
...when somebody asks about build, not giving them concrete facts also prevents THEM from building a strong character assuming they have the resources and inclination to do so.
Which is why, from time to time, I will participate in the discussion and contribute whatever my modest knowledge allows me. I'm more kin though to contribute in areas concerning the overall gameplay and player-skills required to play Kheldians, since that discussion interests me more than the raw numbers under the hood.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
...The information should not only be available, but easily found and agreed upon by the more savvy Kheldian players. This is exactly opposite of what we have now.
This I definitely agree with, but since there are more ways to play a Kheldian and be efficient in those ways, I'm afraid the underlying disagreement we have is not about the builds themselves, but rather their usage.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
...If I was a new Kheldian player and came here looking for information on how to min/max my Kheldian I would get 15 different answers and over half of them would be blatantly wrong, and then things would devolve into whats fun and enjoyable, none of which would help me in my stated goal to build a good tough Kheld.
To be honest, I'd never come and ask a question like that, if I was new to Kheldians, because I'd love to do the experimenting myself and figure what is it that would make me, rather than my character-build, a strong tough Kheldian.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
...And in my opinion this is all because everyone (myself included) wont suck it up and admit that some of their slotting and power choices are not based on logical performance based decisions which can be measured with mathematics and would rather divert the conversation with talks of fun and the millions of different ways we can make a substandard character.
The problem is, there can be no one standard because Kheldians are, for better or worse, Jacks of All Trades, Masters of none but oftentimes better than a Master of one. See the problem here? Even Human-only Kheldians are not a Master of one Role, but rather a combination of several roles, each of which is competing with the other roles for the player's attention both in building the character and playing it.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
...They're not asking about all the ways to make a Kheldian their asking for one solid good way that will make their teammates go "WHOA, I gotta make me one of them!".
But that's exactly the issue, there is no one way to impress every teammate you'll ever meet with your Kheldian. Some teammates will be impressed by raw damage, others will be impressed by the level of control you can exert on the enemies, yet others will be impressed by the fact that your Kheldian is the last one standing, and can also ressurect the team!

The whole idea of the Kheldian AT's is freedom of build, gameplay style and role-switching on the fly, and you seek to standardize us under the DPS category alone... sheesh. We might as well go make Brutes and Fire/Kins!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



The game was designed for freedom of build. And yet in every single other section of the forums, if I ask for build advice I get straight informed and backed up with numbers facts on what powers and build DO work best. Yes in each and every section involving AT and power set I can get this information, except this one.

Because here were all special little snowflakes who cannot make mistakes or build badly.

In the scrapper forums a person comes in for advice on his build and they point out he skipped his status ressist toggle, they call him a retard when he says he doesnt like how it looks. Not here, he isn't wrong, he didnt build badly he excersiced his right to an alternate build and play style. Its dumb, totaly off the charts dumb.

Were not special snowflakes, were the dumb kid who can do what the other kids can do but refuses and is told he is special anyways.

Some builds and choices will ALWAYS outperform others, some powers are better picks than others, some slotting works better than others. Accept it.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
The game was designed for freedom of build. And yet in every single other section of the forums, if I ask for build advice I get straight informed and backed up with numbers facts on what powers and build DO work best. Yes in each and every section involving AT and power set I can get this information, except this one.
And that's because Kheldians are more complex than just a one-trick pony like most of the other AT's are.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Because here were all special little snowflakes who cannot make mistakes or build badly.
Umm... Riiiiiight.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
In the scrapper forums a person comes in for advice on his build and they point out he skipped his status resist toggle, they call him a retard when he says he doesn't like how it looks. Not here, he isn't wrong, he didn't build badly he exercised his right to an alternate build and play style. Its dumb, totally off the charts dumb.
Yes, it's totally dumb if that person is actually trying to play his Kheldian like a Scrapper. You see a Scrapper has nothing else other than melee-DPS to fall back on, a Scrapper must works in close proximity to mezzing Bosses and all that crap, but a Kheldian does not have to. A Kheldian actually does have other options!

That said though, any Kheldian that does not take Dwarf (or Lightform, or the Shields) just because it makes their character look bad, is going to get a "talk to the tentacle" response from me.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Were not special snowflakes, we're the dumb kid who can do what the other kids can do but refuses and is told he is special anyways.
I can't speak for anyone else... I make my Kheldians to do what I want them to do, and things are working for me quite nicely. I felt like a dumb kid only once here... when I first came to the Kheldian Forums and whined about Warshades getting an annoying Immobilize (Snare) and not a ranged-Hold at Lv2 just like any Controller would.

I've never refused to include DPS in my builds, gameplay and concepts. What I do refuse to do, is obssess about my build to the point of obfuscating what *I* bring to my character in terms of gameplay and skill.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Some builds and choices will ALWAYS outperform others, some powers are better picks than others, some slotting works better than others. Accept it.
Naturally, but I think you're forgetting something that hasn't even been brought into the discussion. Among all the other AT's, there are power-set combinations that deteremine how the specific power-set combo will do in battle. Kheldians, having less power-set combinations, gain that from the concept of using forms, and even between the different build options, each character can put an emphasise on different aspects available to the Kheldian character.

Like I said before... in my opinion, you seek to standardise everything around specific roles and that defeats the whole concept of a shape-shifting AT where each shape is best at accomplishing different things.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I agree with LordXenite. You (Obsidian) say that it's a bad thing that kheldian boards encourage people to pick their own things and just have fun with their characters. I personally think that this is a great thing.

My kheldian could be a fairly good controller with some fairly good damage output. Or my Kheldian can be a good tank with slightly below average damage and control.

My kheldian could be a good scrapper with some tanking ability.

My kheldian could be a great AOE'er with moderate defense.

Most people tell new guys to just build what they want because most new guys don't really say what they're trying to make. They just say, "What's a good build for a kheld?" and expect an answer. It seems from your posts Obsidian that you value dps very greatly. However I personally value survivability and not wasting my time saving up for purple IOs. So if you handed me a build I'd probably ignore it because I want different stuff from my build.

Like Lord touched on, I think that a lot of the problem stems from having only one powerset combination that is huge compared to other ATs. For a controller if you want lots of control you take earth/storm, if you want lots of damage you take fire/kin, and so on and so on.

With a Kheldian, if you want more control you slot your human control powers more. If you want more tanking you slot your dwarf powers more. Want more AOE damage? you slot your nova powers more. There's tons of combinations.

I will throw this out there though:
I think that one of the reasons khelds aren't as quite liked is that people don't know how to use macros. Not everyone looks on the boards, in fact, I'd assume that a large majority of people don't. I think that if there was a bit of a macro tutorial when you choose your first form or something it'd help greatly. It would also be nice if it was repeatable by talking to your initial kheld contact. And lastly. I would like a seperate window to make macros in with preloaded stuff so you don't have to know how to type everything in. This would make khelds a lot more new player friendly in my opinion



While I definitely support your notions about a macro tutorial for Kheldians, I think Kheldians are not popular simply because on each and every aspect of their being, they require more work and knowledge than the other AT's.

Once people discover that, some may chuckle with joy about finally finding an AT that challenges the player, while others would simply go and make another Brute/FireKin or whatever else they fancy that is a lot simpler to use and is immediately out-of-the-box more "awesome".

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
But that's exactly the issue, there is no one way to impress every teammate you'll ever meet with your Kheldian. Some teammates will be impressed by raw damage, others will be impressed by the level of control you can exert on the enemies, yet others will be impressed by the fact that your Kheldian is the last one standing, and can also ressurect the team!
Heh. Well if Twilight Dream ever gets around to teaming regularly (she's 35 1/2 now and has teamed very little so far due to time constraints), I'm hoping teammates will be impressed by all these cool Tesla Cages that pop up around the bad guys at seemingly random intervals.

If anyone is interested, here is her current plan (next to each power is the initial enhancement and then the levels that more slots are added...actually includes the initial one there to show how many slots total the power will ultimately have. Lower half is the enhancements that go in the slots...)

Name: Twilight Dream
Level: 50
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Ebon Eye (ACC) 1/3/5/34/34/48
01) --> Absorption (RES) 1/31
02) --> Gravimetric Snare (ACC) 2/3/5/46
04) --> Gravity Shield (RES) 4/31
06) --> Dark Nova (FLY) 6/7/40

Dark Nova Bolt (DMG) 6/15/15/27/39
Dark Nova Blast (DMG) 6/9/13/31
Dark Nova Emanation (DMG) 6/9/13/17
Dark Nova Detonation (DMG) 6/7/11/17

08) --> Combat Jumping (Karma -KB) 8
10) --> Shadow Blast (ACC) 10/11/25/33/34/46
12) --> Hurdle (JMP) 12
14) --> Shadow Cloak (DEF) 14
16) --> Health (HEA) 16
18) --> Gravity Well (ACC) 18/19/19/25/46
20) --> Stamina (END-M) 20/21/21
22) --> Sunless Mire (ACC) 22/23/23/45/45
24) --> Stygian Circle (HEA) 24/37
26) --> Essence Drain (ACC) 26/27/43/43/45
28) --> Hasten (RCH) 28/29/29
30) --> Nebulous Form (RCH) 30
32) --> Dark Extraction (ACC) 32/33/33/36/37/43
35) --> Quasar (ACC) 35/36/36/37

38) --> Eclipse (ACC) 38/39/39/40/40/50
41) --> Twilight Shield (RES) 41/42/42/42
44) --> Stygian Return (???) 44
47) --> Penumbral Shield (RES) 47/48/48
49) --> Shadow Bolt (ACC) 49/50/50

03: Ebon Eye - DMG / Gravimetric Snare - DMG
05: Ebon Eye - DMG / Gravimetric Snare - DMG
07: Dark Nova - Gaussian's-To-Hit / Dark Nova Detonation - DMG
09: Dark Nova Blast - DMG / Dark Nova Emanation - DMG
11: Shadow Blast - DMG / Dark Nova Detonation - DMG
13: Dark Nova Blast - DMG / Dark Nova Emanation - DMG
15: Dark Nova Bolt - DMG(2)
17: Dark Nova Emanation - END-R / Dark Nova Detonation - END-R
19: Gravity Well - Hold(2)
21: Stamina - END-M(2)
23: Sunless Mire - DMG(2)
25: Shadow Blast - DMG / Gravity Well - Hold
27: Dark Nova Bolt - Devastation-Chance to Hold / Essence Drain - HEA
29: Hasten - RCH(2)
31: Dark Nova Blast/Emanation/Detonation - Dev-HOLD/DMG/DMG
33: Dark Extraction - DMG(2) / Shadow Blast - DMG
34: Ebon Eye - DMG/Dev-Hold / Shadow Blast - Devastation-Chance to Hold

36: Quasar - DMG(2) / Dark Extraction - RCH
37: Stygian Circle - HEA / Dark Extraction - RCH / Quasar - RCH
39: Eclipse - ACC/END-M / Dark Nova Bolt - Decimation-Chance for Build Up
40: Eclipse - RES(2) / Dark Nova - Gaussian's - Chance for Build Up
42: Twilight Shield - RES(2)/END-R
43: Essence Drain - ACC/HEA / Dark Extraction - RCH
45: Sunless Mire - ACC/RCH / Essence Drain - DMG
46: Gravity Well - ACC / Shadow Blast - ACC / Gravimetric Snare - ACC
48: Penumbral Shield - RES/END-R / Ebon Eye - ACC
50: Shadow Bolt - ACC/ Devastation-Chance to Hold / Eclipse - END-M

This is subject to change as ideas formulate, but this is the plan for now. Of course, I will consider suggestions put forth. I may or may not implement those suggestions, but I will consider them at the least. (The Devastations, Gaussian's, and the Decimation procs are non-negotiable though, same with the Karma -KB and the Winter's Gift - Slow Resistance, which is in Shadow Recall)



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
...I'm hoping teammates will be impressed by all these cool Tesla Cages that pop up around the bad guys at seemingly random intervals.
Good luck with that, really... but so far on the teams I've been in, several people had slotted their ranged attacks with Chance to Hold as well and despite seeing several Bosses inside those Tesla Cages and no one on-team having Electrical Powers, no one even commented on this, not even myself to draw attention to the fact.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati




In terms of getting that "wow" factor from teammates, IME that boils down to a select few powers/situations. For warshades, it's typically a squid with two wingmen laying waste to spawn after spawn taking next to no dmg due to eclipse, and launching the human aoe combo of Sunless Mire + (something to drop a minion) + Unchain Essence + Quasar + Stygian Circle and moving on, perhaps with a new pet.
For PBs it's typically the human form powers Incandescent Strike (hello damage!), a well executed Dawn Strike (nuke powers are always impressive), and that nearly indestructible ball of light that has no animation rooting ...oh, and the rare occasion where our "homing missles" (SOOO calling photon seekers that from now on ) take out a nasty enemy for us.

Again, IME, it's much rarer to get a "wow" from experienced players, who have seen those powers used before (even if not necessarily used to their utmost performance levels), but new players, or even just ones that haven't teamed with a lot of khelds VERY often quit my team to go roll one for themselves (occasionally even sending me tells in the days that follow about slotting and power choices), or VERY VERY often simply say "wow...I didn't know khelds could do that!".

And I agree that lack of knowledge about binds/macros is a very limiting factor on number of people that get a kheldian past level 20. Assuming you take Nova and Dwarf, you will have more powers than visible trays by level 20 (much sooner if you're a long time vet). Placeable trays help, but binds/macros are much easier to manage.



Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
I agree with LordXenite. You (Obsidian) say that it's a bad thing that kheldian boards encourage people to pick their own things and just have fun with their characters. I personally think that this is a great thing.
And I would dissagree because the powers in the set have already defined what our natural bent in. damage and the ability to take damage.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
My kheldian could be a fairly good controller with some fairly good damage output. Or my Kheldian can be a good tank with slightly below average damage and control.
No, because you simply do not have enough controle powers in your sets to become any sort of reliable controller.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
My kheldian could be a good scrapper with some tanking ability.
Yes you could because you have the powers needed to do this in your sets.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
My kheldian could be a great AOE'er with moderate defense.
Yes because the AT provides for this.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
It seems from your posts Obsidian that you value dps very greatly. However I personally value survivability and not wasting my time saving up for purple IOs. So if you handed me a build I'd probably ignore it because I want different stuff from my build..
And this is fine,but if I hand you a build that has your same level of survivability or better and more DPS you don't play it off as not a better build, you simply say your not interested in taking the time to get whats needed.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
Like Lord touched on, I think that a lot of the problem stems from having only one powerset combination that is huge compared to other ATs. For a controller if you want lots of control you take earth/storm, if you want lots of damage you take fire/kin, and so on and so on.

With a Kheldian, if you want more control you slot your human control powers more. If you want more tanking you slot your dwarf powers more. Want more AOE damage? you slot your nova powers more. There's tons of combinations.
Actually there are tons of combinations as long as your willing to accept it will not perform as well as the 2-3 possibilities that will trump it. The fact there is only one choice of set means there is less possibility of variations not more as everyone likes to think with Kheldians.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
I will throw this out there though:
I think that one of the reasons khelds aren't as quite liked is that people don't know how to use macros. Not everyone looks on the boards, in fact, I'd assume that a large majority of people don't. I think that if there was a bit of a macro tutorial when you choose your first form or something it'd help greatly. It would also be nice if it was repeatable by talking to your initial kheld contact. And lastly. I would like a seperate window to make macros in with preloaded stuff so you don't have to know how to type everything in. This would make khelds a lot more new player friendly in my opinion
This like everything else isn't a problem with the Kheldian AT it is a problem with the playerbase unwilling to do the work and research required. Could it be more easy to find? yes. could it be built in? sure. But this isn't the main Kheldian problem.

It's the "no,no, don't produce any numbers." attutude. Because once the numbers get out, once we do find the top couple builds for both WS and PB suddenly all these keitch builds will be widely known to be subpar.

Mine and my DPS bent could very well be one of them, I'm willing to risk being one of them who needs to rebuild or be concidered gimpy if we can find the best builds for this AT. And I can see no harm in finding that as it's better for the AT as a whole.

Once the couple two three best builds are found the Kheldian AT has the chance to see popularity because it wont just be "viable" or "playable" it will be as awesome as alot of the regen scrapper and fire/kin and all the other powerful builds we have already found for the AT's not just happy to be second string back up concept characters.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



The problem, Obsidian, really isn't the fact that people are "afraid" to post their build and say it's "teh best evar"... The problem is that Khelds are so versatile and playstyle-adaptable. You can't roll a claws scrapper and ask in the scrapper forums "how do I build the best claws scrapper for ranged attacks", because they would all laugh at you, and (hopefully politely) inform you that you'd only be using like 2 attacks for a build like that, and it most DEFINITELY wouldn't be the "best" build for it.

With a Kheld, you CAN ask things like that. You CAN say "I'd like to make a Kheld who only attacks from a distance, and I want to build for ranged defense." Cool. Someone may have the best build for that. You may say "I like to fight melee... What's the best melee setup with melee/smashed/lethal defense?" Cool. Someone may have a build for that. You may say "I only like to fight in human form." What's the best setup for that?" I've got a build for you there.

The key is, and always has been, your playstyle. If you want a melee blaster, you roll a melee blaster. If you want a ranged blaster, you'll have to roll a completely different toon. With a Kheld, you can simply switch builds.

BECAUSE the problem here in the Kheld forums is playstyle choice, one person CANNOT post a "be all, end all" build for a Kheld, because EVERY SINGLE other Kheld player will come on and say "No. That's wrong." Why? Playstyle choice. You can build a Kheld for a certain playstyle choice with just about any set you can think of and it be a good Kheld. You can build ANOTHER Kheld with a completely different power setup, with just about any set you can think of, and it STILL be JUST AS GOOD as the previous...

This explanaition has already been attempted multiple times with you from what I can see, so I'm getting the impression that you're just asking for someone to "post the ultimate Kheld build" so you can shred it apart. Or so others can.

Besides that, Not every person in the game is some sort of numbers mathematics whiz. I'm certainly not. But, I can most definitely tell you (and have a NUMBER of friends/random people in-game who have teamed with me tell you as well) that my warshade kicks some f***ing tail. My warshade IS one of those you mentioned that is built around "performance" and HAS caused many people to go "DAMN! I'm making a warshade now! You got a build for that?"

But, would other Khelds on these forums agree that my WS is the "BEST WS EVAR?"

Absolutely not.

It's a playstyle thing.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
This like everything else isn't a problem with the Kheldian AT it is a problem with the playerbase unwilling to do the work and research required. Could it be more easy to find? yes. could it be built in? sure. But this isn't the main Kheldian problem.
Playerbase unwilling to do the work and research required? Dude this is a game. You can do all the work you want. Personally I'm gonna do what ever involves having fun. Having to go and do a lot of research just so I can make an adequate macro to change forms agravates me to no end.

True, in the end I did do it, but I still took the lazy route and simply copied someone elses macro. Now I would not normally have a problem with this, except that many other games have used and explained macros in a much more adequate way.

For the brief stint when I played FFXI I enjoyed their macro system. You hit macro, and it'd pull up a seperate window with tabs for powers, actions and everything. Say you want your boost to activate four times in a row after recharging. you don't have to type a thousand dollar signs and all that jibberish. You simply clicked the command for boost, clicked the command for wait, input the time, clicked the command for boost again and so on a so on. Also, you could activate a power, then have the system send you a tell or such after 10 seconds saying "Boost is ready".

Now, admittedly, you could also make a character into a bot in FFXI so they obviously got that part wrong, but in my opinion they did a very good job of making their macro system easy to grasp. I would love to be able to set up macros to send me tells telling me that my tier 9 will crash in 10 seconds or that I need to refresh shields.

I think it would certainly help players if we got a pop up screen with premade commands and you just had to fill in the blanks for exactly what you want.



Well this has turned into a fun looking thread since I went home yesterday!

Time to give Obsidian some back up I feel, though it would be easier if I knew how to use multiple quotes without having to type the html!


My kheldian could be a fairly good controller with some fairly good damage output. Or my Kheldian can be a good tank with slightly below average damage and control.

My kheldian could be a good scrapper with some tanking ability.

My kheldian could be a great AOE'er with moderate defense.
A very true and valid point, and I wouldn't tell someone aiming to build their Kheldian to be any of these things that they were doing it wrong, what I would like to do is tell them the very best way to accomplish their goal.

They just say, "What's a good build for a kheld?" and expect an answer. It seems from your posts Obsidian that you value dps very greatly. However I personally value survivability and not wasting my time saving up for purple IOs. So if you handed me a build I'd probably ignore it because I want different stuff from my build.
Firstly I don't see how you can't value DPS, it is the single most important thing for 90% of this game.

And fine you might value survivability but if we dug down to the numbers we would probably find ways of increasing that survivability, while adding it to impressive DPS, rather than now I see a lot of build sacrificing heavily in order to build on certain aspects.

Also even in the scrapper section where they love soloing AV's with defence capped builds there is plenty of help for people without the budget. Knowing the very best things doesn't mean we will lose sight of those without the purples, it just means people might be more motivated to earn the purples if they know exactly what they can do when they have them. Right now people seem to be acting like they wont make much of a difference.

Like Lord touched on, I think that a lot of the problem stems from having only one powerset combination that is huge compared to other ATs. For a controller if you want lots of control you take earth/storm, if you want lots of damage you take fire/kin, and so on and so on.

With a Kheldian, if you want more control you slot your human control powers more. If you want more tanking you slot your dwarf powers more. Want more AOE damage? you slot your nova powers more. There's tons of combinations.
But if you take controllers as a whole they have many more combinations of powers than a Warshade does, yet they still can tell you which sets and powers are best for your stated aim. You ask in the controller section to cause damage and they suggest fire kin, you then don't see 10 people all suggesting different power sets because they know for a fact that fire/kin causes the most damage.

There could be 100 different things a Kheldian could do, it would just mean we could have 100 different builds each being best at one thing or another. But actually it isn't that complicated.

I think that one of the reasons khelds aren't as quite liked is that people don't know how to use macros. Not everyone looks on the boards, in fact, I'd assume that a large majority of people don't. I think that if there was a bit of a macro tutorial when you choose your first form or something it'd help greatly. It would also be nice if it was repeatable by talking to your initial kheld contact. And lastly. I would like a seperate window to make macros in with preloaded stuff so you don't have to know how to type everything in. This would make khelds a lot more new player friendly in my opinion
Agreed. The devs could make playing a Kheldian much easier and that is a problem for the majority of people. But those who frequent the forums tend to be a much more knowledgable bunch with high expectations looking for top end advice, and the fact we don't provide that is also scaring them people away.

Once people discover that, some may chuckle with joy about finally finding an AT that challenges the player, while others would simply go and make another Brute/FireKin or whatever else they fancy that is a lot simpler to use and is immediately out-of-the-box more "awesome".
But one of the reasons that brutes etc are looked at as more awesome is because people know just how awesome they can be, nobody yet knows exactly how awesome a Kheldian can be.

I'm hoping teammates will be impressed by all these cool Tesla Cages that pop up around the bad guys at seemingly random intervals.
I don't want to pick on you here but that is the exact thinking I am talking about, no controller picks a power or IO because it creates cool cages. Also when you say 'all these' how many does it actually cause and how effective is that versus doing something else with the power? People will only ever be impressed if you are using something in the best way possible, in fact a lot of people might even think its a waste of an IO etc and wish you were causing lots of dead bodies instead (Note: I haven't actually looked at your build, for all I know it is actually an impressive use of the last slot, but thats by the by at the moment).

But that's exactly the issue, there is no one way to impress every teammate you'll ever meet with your Kheldian. Some teammates will be impressed by raw damage, others will be impressed by the level of control you can exert on the enemies, yet others will be impressed by the fact that your Kheldian is the last one standing, and can also ressurect the team!
That depends on your definitions of 'one way'. The one sure way of impressing everyone you see is to be awesome at ever one of those things you mentioned.
I know for a fact that a Kheldian can exert great control, massive damage and then be the last man standing and rez the team - I have done all of that on many occasions.
They won't however be impressed if I am trying to control mobs but not doing it at the maximum possible effectiveness, and thats the point - do whatever you want with the build, but do it as best as you can!

the powers in the set have already defined what our natural bent in. damage and the ability to take damage.
Agree totally agree. The controls on my Warshade help me cause more damage, Eclipse helps me cause more damage, they shouldn't be allowed to replace the damage I cause in a misplaced attempt into thinking I am being awesome.

The problem is that Khelds are so versatile and playstyle-adaptable. You can't roll a claws scrapper and ask in the scrapper forums "how do I build the best claws scrapper for ranged attacks", because they would all laugh at you, and (hopefully politely) inform you that you'd only be using like 2 attacks for a build like that, and it most DEFINITELY wouldn't be the "best" build for it.

With a Kheld, you CAN ask things like that. You CAN say "I'd like to make a Kheld who only attacks from a distance, and I want to build for ranged defense." Cool. Someone may have the best build for that. You may say "I like to fight melee... What's the best melee setup with melee/smashed/lethal defense?" Cool. Someone may have a build for that. You may say "I only like to fight in human form." What's the best setup for that?" I've got a build for you there.
But that isn't as big a problem as people seem to make out. The scrapper section would laugh at you and then help you make the most of your concept using hard numbers. We would say 'wow what a cool concept' then use phrases like 'loads of damage' and 'fun' when making the build.

Also if someone wants to build a Kheldian who uses ranged attacks and has high defence why can't we work on producing the best possible build of that type? And then why can't we say 'but using this build actually gives you better DPS from range using this attack chain and because it has perma-Eclipse you dont need the defence' using exact numbers to prove our point and let the person then decide if they want their concept or the more effective build?

BECAUSE the problem here in the Kheld forums is playstyle choice, one person CANNOT post a "be all, end all" build for a Kheld, because EVERY SINGLE other Kheld player will come on and say "No. That's wrong." Why? Playstyle choice. You can build a Kheld for a certain playstyle choice with just about any set you can think of and it be a good Kheld. You can build ANOTHER Kheld with a completely different power setup, with just about any set you can think of, and it STILL be JUST AS GOOD as the previous...
Yes and no. You are right that playstyle comes into it, but no more so than another AT. Using you own blaster analogy if I want to make a fire/nrg blapper then I would get help, if I wanted the same sets as pure range I would get help and that help would give them 90% of a build that is so good it can't really change, the other 10% would be personal choice.

Kheldians will have exactly the same thing, you want a Kheldian to fit your playstyle then just tell us what that style is and we should be able to give them facts about why this power should be picked and why that one shouldn't.

The bit you are very wrong with is when you shout JUST AS GOOD, because that is rubbish. There will be one and only one way of doing something (Whichever something that may be) the best, it happens in everything in life.

This explanaition has already been attempted multiple times with you from what I can see, so I'm getting the impression that you're just asking for someone to "post the ultimate Kheld build" so you can shred it apart. Or so others can.
I am pretty sure that just like me Obsidians goal is actually to find the ultimate build or ultimate builds, not to shred them apart. We want to be able to show everyone just how powerful a Kheldian can be.

Going back the the scrapper section that I read all the time they don't tear builds apart they help guide those builds towards being as good as they can. And you don't give other AT's enough credit, my last toon was a DB/WP scrapper and it was just as hard to balance DPS, defence, recovery, HP and regen on that toon as it was to balance my Warshade, the scrapper sections helped me crunch numbers and come up with the best balance of all of them for what my stated intention was, we can do the same thing if we would just admit that there are great builds out there.

Besides that, Not every person in the game is some sort of numbers mathematics whiz. I'm certainly not. But, I can most definitely tell you (and have a NUMBER of friends/random people in-game who have teamed with me tell you as well) that my warshade kicks some f***ing tail. My warshade IS one of those you mentioned that is built around "performance" and HAS caused many people to go "DAMN! I'm making a warshade now! You got a build for that?"
Yes I do actually have a build for that The main thing I am arguing is that there are builds like that out there that we need to analyse to find the very best of.

And I am not the best number cruncher either (Its been a while since I excercied the maths part of my brain) but that shouldn't stop us trying. Would you really be upset if I saw your build and said 'you can get 2% more effectiveness by swapping that for that'? Even if I took your whole build apart why would you have something against me giving you a more effective build?

Playerbase unwilling to do the work and research required? Dude this is a game. You can do all the work you want. Personally I'm gonna do what ever involves having fun. Having to go and do a lot of research just so I can make an adequate macro to change forms agravates me to no end.
A game where a good build can be 70% better than a bad build needs a playerbase that does some hard work. Look at Mids and ParagonWiki, they are ran by players who put in some hard work.

Fine you may not want to do the research but that doesn't mean you shouldn't help those who do try in whatever way you can, even if that means just encouraging them.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Thanks Darkstar. You said it 100 times better than I could have. I get rolling and hit ressistance and go right into rant mode and start tripping over my own points.

But to me it really does seem like this section is so hard core against improving builds for fear their not nearly as effective as they could be that I'm just stunned into disbelief.

Seriously whats the downside to finding the best builds and making them known?

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Thanks Darkstar. You said it 100 times better than I could have. I get rolling and hit ressistance and go right into rant mode and start tripping over my own points.

But to me it really does seem like this section is so hard core against improving builds for fear their not nearly as effective as they could be that I'm just stunned into disbelief.

Seriously whats the downside to finding the best builds and making them known?
I'm not against improving builds exactly. My problem is simply that I've seen too many games where "the best build" becomes "The build that everyone but noobs must have."

I've played games where people get kicked from teams because they decided to build their character the way that they want and people get angry because they're not doing exactly what the team wants. Even if the team is performing perfectly well.

Even in this game I had that problem. My very first character ever was an Ice/storm controller. I was around level 14 or 16 and I still had no idea how the game really worked. My most used power was O2 boost...:-( Well one day I got invited to do Positron. The team wiped on the very first mob and then the team leader started yelling at me for not using Ice Slick. I informed him that I did not have ice slick thinking that he should of bothered to check my powers before assuming that I did. It ended in me getting kicked from the team and getting more nasty tells from the leader.

Then later I was playing WoW (Yea, I know, I'm sorry, it was a mistake please don't judge me) and I decided to make a rogue. The FOTM rogue was what was called a "Mace Rogue" but I decided that I didn't want to be FOTM so I made a "Dagger Rogue." Later I had some trouble with something and I mentioned on broadcast that I felt that Dagger Rogues needed a bit of a buff cause they were underperforming. The response I got was "Well you should be mace" which completely ignored the fact that I didn't want to be mace and I wanted to use sweet daggers. In the later levels I started having to defend my build more and more until it finally got so annoying I just stopped playing him.

I think that ED was implemented in this game because of how much people were starting to just simply make cookie-cutter builds and the devs wanted to support individuality. In fact, the thing that keeps me coming back to this game is that individuality that is promoted. (well and also the willingness to make players able to make asthetic changes without altering actual function of things).

So I guess to be brief, I don't want this game to start trying to force people into a certain build just because people think it's got better numbers. I'll admit, I'm probably being paranoid and it's probably not ever gonna happen anyways.

Now, one last thing. I do notice a lot of posts on kheldian forums asking for build help. And they always have a decent number of replies so I think that what you're asking for is already kinda happening.

Also, I've heard it mentioned several times that we're not "getting the word out about how awesome Khelds are" or something along those lines. I have to disagree. I think that LOTS of people know that warshades are pretty much demigods. I don't exactly hear about PBs a lot, but it seems to me that any time people bring up being just generally amazing, WSs always seem to make it into that discussion. It's one of the reasons I rolled my WS after having HEATs unlocked for about 2 years (Yea I know my reg'd date isn't that long ago, I switched accounts recently) and muscled through the slow low levels to get to the high levels of love.

I feel like I mighta babbled a bit. Sorry about that.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Seriously whats the downside to finding the best builds and making them known?
Evolution. That's the downside. I'm kind of joking here, but for all intents and purposes, Dinosaurs used to be the most dominant life form on Earth. They had survivability because of their size, no other animal could harm them and they had DPS like no other creature before them.

However, something happened which they could not adapt to, and they perished. Then along came those wretched primates and look what we have now A-Bombs, Computers and all that.

My point is, mutual support will always trump single-point-of-origin DPS. CoX seems to support this thinking as well... just look at Controller Superteams.

I never said not to include DPS as a concern in your build, but sometimes it seems to me like that's the only thing you focus on!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Ice_Storm
I'm not against improving builds exactly. My problem is simply that I've seen too many games where "the best build" becomes "The build that everyone but noobs must have."
I have actually played similar games, and understand where you are coming from, but I don't think CoX will ever get that far, aside from a minority of ****s.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm
I think that ED was implemented in this game because of how much people were starting to just simply make cookie-cutter builds and the devs wanted to support individuality.
I think you are right about why ED came in, but as people have said there are so many things that Kheldians can do I don't think we will ever get as far as cookie cutter. But as people have found with other AT's the more we crunch the numbers the more we can push the boundaries of the AT, and I would really like to see that done with Kheldians.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm
Now, one last thing. I do notice a lot of posts on kheldian forums asking for build help. And they always have a decent number of replies so I think that what you're asking for is already kinda happening.
True, this section is really nice and everyone tries to be helpful, I just don't like seeing people try and compare the different styles of build and talking about causing plenty of damage with x tactic or y tactic when there are no numbers to back it up.

Originally Posted by Ice_Storm
Also, I've heard it mentioned several times that we're not "getting the word out about how awesome Khelds are" or something along those lines. I have to disagree. I think that LOTS of people know that warshades are pretty much demigods. I don't exactly hear about PBs a lot, but it seems to me that any time people bring up being just generally amazing, WSs always seem to make it into that discussion.
Again true, Warshades always get credit for being awesome, but nobody knows exactly how awesome, or which build can produce the most awesomeness.

Originally Posted by LordXenite
I never said not to include DPS as a concern in your build, but sometimes it seems to me like that's the only thing you focus on!
It isn't DPS that we are completely focussing on, but I still maintain that DPS is the main part of our role in teams. We may not be strict DPS like blasters, but we should never let ourselves be distracted from DPS by our other tricks, they should be used to enhance the DPS not instead of it or you are really missing out on a large part of the AT.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
...We may not be strict DPS like blasters, but we should never let ourselves be distracted from DPS by our other tricks, they should be used to enhance the DPS not instead of it or you are really missing out on a large part of the AT.
This I can definitely agree with when you're talking about Warshades. I believe however that for Peacebringers things are different and their role is to protect and enable the team through their damage abilities, both dishing and soaking it, as well as healing from it with superior and independent heals.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite

This I can definitely agree with when you're talking about Warshades. I believe however that for Peacebringers things are different and their role is to protect and enable the team through their damage abilities, both dishing and soaking it, as well as healing from it with superior and independent heals.
I will admit that I am a Warshade at heart since I don't like a few of the PB powers, and you know I think PB's role should be DPS too (But they don't quite make the grade at the moment). But I will keep that debate on whatever thread it is already in

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I will admit that I am a Warshade at heart since I don't like a few of the PB powers, and you know I think PB's role should be DPS too (But they don't quite make the grade at the moment). But I will keep that debate on whatever thread it is already in
For some bizarre reason I want to do a little victory dance just now.

By the way, one thing Human-form single-target blasts should be awesome for is to stack Chance to Hold on a Boss softening it up for an intended hit with Gravity Well. This of course also works very well in the two Nova single-target blasts and allows Warshades to sometime "arrest" the enemy before it gets too close for comfort, so don't ever belittle those little Tesla Cages!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Also even in the scrapper section where they love soloing AV's with defence capped builds there is plenty of help for people without the budget. Knowing the very best things doesn't mean we will lose sight of those without the purples, it just means people might be more motivated to earn the purples if they know exactly what they can do when they have them. Right now people seem to be acting like they wont make much of a difference.
Truthfully? They really don't. The whole reason I made 2 lvl 50 Warshades was to test this out. Both warshades have the same exact build setup, except for the *minor* detail that one uses 4 purple sets, while the other doesn't use a single purple. The performances of both Warshades are so frightningly similar that it made me a little sick to my stomache that I paid as much as I did to purple out both builds on VestigeOne. Seriously, it made me sick.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
But that isn't as big a problem as people seem to make out. The scrapper section would laugh at you and then help you make the most of your concept using hard numbers. We would say 'wow what a cool concept' then use phrases like 'loads of damage' and 'fun' when making the build.
lol, ok, I might go ahead and post something like that to see what sort of responses I really get over there.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Also if someone wants to build a Kheldian who uses ranged attacks and has high defence why can't we work on producing the best possible build of that type? And then why can't we say 'but using this build actually gives you better DPS from range using this attack chain and because it has perma-Eclipse you dont need the defence' using exact numbers to prove our point and let the person then decide if they want their concept or the more effective build?
Because one person's "best possible build" is entirely subjective, that's why. I seem to remember this exact sort of discussion I had with someone a while back in the Kheldian forums with someone who "couldn't imagine" why someone wouldn't choose Gravitic Emination in their WS build. I explained exactly why I chose not to, and why it benefitted my strategy and gameplay to make that decision. Someone who thought that taking that power is totally necessary for the "ultimate" build would be completely and absolutely wrong in my opinion.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Kheldians will have exactly the same thing, you want a Kheldian to fit your playstyle then just tell us what that style is and we should be able to give them facts about why this power should be picked and why that one shouldn't.
From what I can tell, that happens already... There are several threads out there where people have asked for help, everyone responded with "what's your playstyle?" and when the person answered, several people posted great builds and reasons why those builds would benefit that person. Not all of them may have posted "numbers" (I don't see how being a math whiz should be a requirement for everyone wanting to participate in making a good build), but all of them posted great builds.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The bit you are very wrong with is when you shout JUST AS GOOD, because that is rubbish. There will be one and only one way of doing something (Whichever something that may be) the best, it happens in everything in life.
I guess there we'll have to agree to disagree. You may say there's only "one way of doing something" with, say, a Claws/Regen scrapper, but I can't fathom how you'd even attempt making a comment like that in the Kheld forums. Because there ISN'T only one way of doing anything with a Kheld. The versatility of Khelds completely defies that statement. But, to each his own, I suppose. To me, saying "tri-form is better than human-only" (or vice versa) is like saying "choosing the Fortunata path is way better than choosing the Widow path." It's entirely subjective.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I am pretty sure that just like me Obsidians goal is actually to find the ultimate build or ultimate builds, not to shred them apart. We want to be able to show everyone just how powerful a Kheldian can be.
And, I'm sure there are dozens of people (maybe more) in this Kheld section who can already show how powerful a Kheld can be. I'm guessing LordXenite and Memphis_Bill might be included in that number.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
we can do the same thing if we would just admit that there are great builds out there.
Wait, we don't do that already? Of course there are great builds out there! I've seen plenty posted here by people... They're definitely builds that I wouldn't implement on MY Khelds, mind you, but I can certainly admit to a good build when I see one...

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Yes I do actually have a build for that The main thing I am arguing is that there are builds like that out there that we need to analyse to find the very best of.

And I am not the best number cruncher either (Its been a while since I excercied the maths part of my brain) but that shouldn't stop us trying. Would you really be upset if I saw your build and said 'you can get 2% more effectiveness by swapping that for that'? Even if I took your whole build apart why would you have something against me giving you a more effective build?
I wouldn't hold anything against you, but I'm also the sort of person who has spent hours and hours and hours and hours (totally uncountable) in Mid's already analyzing every set and looking at the totals and trying to build the most effective build for my personal playstyle choice. So, if someone suggested a different power for "more effectiveness," I would just laugh, because I already know that power doesn't fit into my playstyle. Again, we're trying to compare effectiveness to playstyles here. What seems to be misunderstood here is that 2 different playstyles can be JUST as effective as the other, and both might have 2 different builds or strategies at going about a situation.

For example, one warshade may prefer tri-form soloing...

A tri-form soloer in action

Now, yes, you can post a tri-form build to tell that person "this is the most effective way you can tolo in tri-form, and you can *say* it's "the best build ever" for a Warshade... But, again, you're telling them to use specific powers in their playstyle... Which, again, impacts their personal playstyle.

What if someone prefers to solo as human-only, and doesn't like the shape-shifting powers? Are you going to tell him that he can't make one of the "best ws builds ever" because of this? I cerainly won't. Why? Because they're both just as effective.

A human-only soloer in action

I guarantee my build and that aforementioned person's build are quite different. But, I bet you that person wouldn't enjoy my playstyle as much as he/she does his own, as I already know I wouldn't enjoy their playstyle as much as I love my own. The point being, there isn't JUST ONE "best" build for a PB/WS. There's probably about 10 or more.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by LordXenite
For some bizarre reason I want to do a little victory dance just now.
Lol I can now imagine you doing a victory dance like Chandler used to do in Friends if you know the one I am on about

Originally Posted by LordXenite
By the way, one thing Human-form single-target blasts should be awesome for is to stack Chance to Hold on a Boss softening it up for an intended hit with Gravity Well. This of course also works very well in the two Nova single-target blasts and allows Warshades to sometime "arrest" the enemy before it gets too close for comfort, so don't ever belittle those little Tesla Cages!
Haha I was just making a post about how I agree this could be a useful tactic, then I started thinking more about it and decided to disagree (From an effectiveness point of view - from a logic point of view it should work as stated).

The only place I could see it working is on a human only build, because a tri-former doesn't have enough slots to spend on non-damage IO's imho, and Nova form doesn't have anything to stack them with anyway.

Then I thought how I would slot human blasts and I would pretty much always 5 slot them with Decimation (All but the build up proc), then if I had a 6th slot I would use a damage proc because they go off more and always have an effect on whatever they hit when they do go off.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I have been home 4 hours now and still haven't logged into the game because of this forum!

Originally Posted by AlienOne
Truthfully? They really don't. The whole reason I made 2 lvl 50 Warshades was to test this out. Both warshades have the same exact build setup, except for the *minor* detail that one uses 4 purple sets, while the other doesn't use a single purple. The performances of both Warshades are so frightningly similar that it made me a little sick to my stomache that I paid as much as I did to purple out both builds on VestigeOne. Seriously, it made me sick.
I don't know about that, 4 purple sets is 40% extra recharge, going to normal sets you would get about 20% assuming the average 5% bonus most sets give.

Using purple sets to get to your intended recharge faster than normal means you have more space to squeeze extra performance in elsewhere.

I use the phrase 'purple set' loosely and am actually referring to expensive IO's in general.

As you said your build without purples wasn't much different to when you had them, but I bet your build was quite good to start from (Or alternatively awful and purples couldn't save it - but I think more of you than that ).

Originally Posted by AlienOne
lol, ok, I might go ahead and post something like that to see what sort of responses I really get over there.
Well for something as crazy as a pure ranged attack scrapper the laughs might last a long time, but that was about the most exagerated example possible. The example I gave was a fire melee scrapper with only the sword attacks, thats the same idea as a Warshade only taking human form, and there is a thread in the scrapper section where the guy gets good advice, coupled with being told what he is missing out on.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
Because one person's "best possible build" is entirely subjective, that's why. I seem to remember this exact sort of discussion I had with someone a while back in the Kheldian forums with someone who "couldn't imagine" why someone wouldn't choose Gravitic Emination in their WS build. I explained exactly why I chose not to, and why it benefitted my strategy and gameplay to make that decision. Someone who thought that taking that power is totally necessary for the "ultimate" build would be completely and absolutely wrong in my opinion.
That is exactly what I am arguing against, best possible build isn't subjective, there is only one best way to do anything.

The example of not picking up Gravatic Emination would be 'the best build without Gravatic Emination' and there would be a build doing so, but we could still explain the merits of both builds.

Actually I have 5 purples in my Gravatic Emination but hardly ever use it unless solo (Which is rare) and I make no claims to knowing for sure if it would be part of an ultimate build or not, that is one of the powers that would be subjective to playstyle I think. For a human only build it would be a must, for a tri-former less so.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
From what I can tell, that happens already... There are several threads out there where people have asked for help, everyone responded with "what's your playstyle?" and when the person answered, several people posted great builds and reasons why those builds would benefit that person. Not all of them may have posted "numbers" (I don't see how being a math whiz should be a requirement for everyone wanting to participate in making a good build), but all of them posted great builds.
I know you are right, thats what I like about these forums, there are always plenty of people trying to help. But when a newbie looks at all those great builds they can't possibly know which is actually the best, until someone pulls out some raw data and proves which is best.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
I guess there we'll have to agree to disagree. You may say there's only "one way of doing something" with, say, a Claws/Regen scrapper, but I can't fathom how you'd even attempt making a comment like that in the Kheld forums. Because there ISN'T only one way of doing anything with a Kheld. The versatility of Khelds completely defies that statement. But, to each his own, I suppose. To me, saying "tri-form is better than human-only" (or vice versa) is like saying "choosing the Fortunata path is way better than choosing the Widow path." It's entirely subjective.
I have never really talked about 'one build to end them all' like you suggest. I know there are many things a Kheldian can do but what I am saying is that for each of those things there is a seperate 'best build', plus a best 'overall' build making the most of everything as best as possible.

That overall build won't last as long in Dwarf as the Dwarf build, or blast as hard as the Nova build.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
And, I'm sure there are dozens of people (maybe more) in this Kheld section who can already show how powerful a Kheld can be. I'm guessing LordXenite and Memphis_Bill might be included in that number.
But again that power is still relative because when people see average builds still claiming 'loads of damage' or 'nearly as much damage' then those good builds get lost unless you are already a Kheldian player. With numbers you could prove that those good builds were good without question.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
Of course there are great builds out there! I've seen plenty posted here by people... They're definitely builds that I wouldn't implement on MY Khelds, mind you, but I can certainly admit to a good build when I see one...
I will be honest I can't remember much of who wrote what pre-merger so I don't know about what you admitted to or didn't. But in other sections when someone finds a good build they try and direct as many people that way as they can so everyone has a good build. We encourage mediocracy.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
I wouldn't hold anything against you, but I'm also the sort of person who has spent hours and hours and hours and hours (totally uncountable) in Mid's already analyzing every set and looking at the totals and trying to build the most effective build for my personal playstyle choice. So, if someone suggested a different power for "more effectiveness," I would just laugh, because I already know that power doesn't fit into my playstyle.
I know about the uncountable hours with your head in mids thing, I have lost several days in a row doing just that!

What I am getting at though is that if your playstyle is similar to that of most people then we could well be using your build as a guide to show new people that this is what a good Kheldian can be.

I am doing my best to ignore playstyle considerations here, because they are defined by what people enjoy, and effectiveness isn't. As I wrote in another post not long ago if using Sunless Mire > Nova kills a spawn faster than just opening up in Nova then that is the most effective thing, if your playstyle doesn't like Sunless Mire it doesn't alter how effective the Sunless Mire build is.

The best we can do is arm people with the most effective tactics and the builds that make those tactics work, if peoples playstyles differ then we shouldn't deride them (And we don't), but equally we should let those people know that there are better ways to do things - you never know some people might think their playstyle actually is the most effective, and be wrong about it.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
What if someone prefers to solo as human-only, and doesn't like the shape-shifting powers? Are you going to tell him that he can't make one of the "best ws builds ever" because of this? I cerainly won't. Why? Because they're both just as effective.
If someone wants a human only build then I would make a 'best' human only build and work out the optimum attack chain etc. But I would let them know that their build would chew through a spawn 20% (A made up number in this case) slower than if they took Nova.

But equally if I ran the numbers and the human only build outdamaged a Nova build then I would be encouraging people not to take Nova if they wanted effectiveness.

And before you say it I am not on about pure DPS, I would take Sunless Mire and probably Gravatic Emination into account in those calculations and make some kind of analysis on how safe each way is.

Originally Posted by AlienOne
I guarantee my build and that aforementioned person's build are quite different. But, I bet you that person wouldn't enjoy my playstyle as much as he/she does his own, as I already know I wouldn't enjoy that playstyle as much as I love my own. The point being, there isn't JUST ONE "best" build for a PB/WS. There's probably about 10 or more.
Actually thats exactly what I am saying, there are probably about 10 different styles of play with a Kheldian, and each will have its own optimal build. I don't want to exclude any playstyles, I just want to get each play style to the point where we know exactly how good they are and can tell people which is the overall best at certain things.

It is all well and good to ask for a human only build or whatever, but the thing that really got me was the human v nova thread, and nobody was shouting how much more damaging Nova form is. That kind of thing is what will come from the numbers.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Lol I can now imagine you doing a victory dance like Chandler used to do in Friends if you know the one I am on about
It's more of a squid-tentacle dance really

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Haha I was just making a post about how I agree this could be a useful tactic, then I started thinking more about it and decided to disagree (From an effectiveness point of view - from a logic point of view it should work as stated).

The only place I could see it working is on a human only build, because a tri-former doesn't have enough slots to spend on non-damage IO's imho, and Nova form doesn't have anything to stack them with anyway.

Then I thought how I would slot human blasts and I would pretty much always 5 slot them with Decimation (All but the build up proc), then if I had a 6th slot I would use a damage proc because they go off more and always have an effect on whatever they hit when they do go off.
On my single-blasts both in Human-form and Nova, I have at least one Chance to Hold in each attack. You may be surprised, but those blasts actually stack with each-other so that I can use the twin-blasts to whittle down a Boss and also from time to time, hold him altogether with my Nova single-target blasts alone. It's definitely a playstyle choice of course, but then again, my playstyle is not focused on "kill it before it kills you" but rather on "disable it before it kills you and then take it apart.. painfully and disdainfully as possible". In other words, I like playing with my food.

My alternate build is loaded with frankenslotting and procs so much so that I sometimes AoE blast stuff and defeat spawns with my Nova alone, before the rest of the team even gets to the enemies.

Both builds are fun, both are useful, both require different playstyles to be efficient and each build leads to different time-to-defeat results. However, if you're going to tell me that to be the most efficient I have to scrap my fun build and simply stick with whatever build is causing the most damage in the least amount of time, I'm going to tell you to go play your character while I go play mine.

There's no question in my mind that you can build a Kheldian for strictly damage, and it may even be quite possible to build them to solo A/V's and G/M's with the right IO's and all that, but the knowledge that such a build exists does not encourage me to try and find it because quite frankly, if I were interested in DPS, I wouldn't make a Kheldian in the first place.

Despite my opinions and my predisposition towards "fun" and "utility" over DPS, my TriFormShade™ received several complements from Scrappers on several occasions when I'd join small teams of just Scrappers and myself, and we split-up and I find myself taking on a couple of spawns while the Scrappers go the other way. After the dust settles, I often have time to come — usually with added firepower in the form of a fluffy black/purple cloud — and help the Scrappers with their spawns. I don't take this to mean anything except as a sign that I must be doing "something" right, both in building my TriFormShade™ and in playing it, and really, that's all I want.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati