Mind/Storm: No Love?
It's a great combo, the only problem is that you don't have any power to immobilize the mobs and every power you use weak them from Mass Hypnosis.
Everything you actually need is just some training and see how to use effectivly your powers
I spent 45 mins writing a mini guide but the forum ate it :'(
I'm the forums resident Mind/Storm and in the process of writing a guide, here some useful tidbits that should help however.
Short Version: Yes they are very compatiable.
Mind Control Strengths:
i) Powerful single target attack chain straight out of the box (Mesmerize, Levitate, Dominate)
ii) Powerful AoE control, Mass Hypnosis, Mass Confusion, Total Domination, Terrify.
iii) No knockback protection for when using freezing rain = more soft control.
iv) Good AoE damage before EPP's with Terrify
v) Aggro free controls which don't give away your presence.
i) No reliable containment outside of Total Domination. Mass hypnosis can set up initial containment, but it breaks early.
ii) No knockback protection (Means Tornado has to be reserved for groups or elite bosses)
Storm has great synergy here though. Mind Control is one of the few Control sets which gets such a huge benefit from Thunderclap, a fast recharge, long duration, large radius Mag 2 stun. This allows you to put containment on all minions and then AoE them down with Terrify + EPP AoE.
Storm's steamy mist allows you to really reap the benefits from the no aggro control as well. In a team, you can always be 1 step ahead of the group, prepering the mobs before the team even arrives.
Storm also brings 2 great pets, just incase you missed them. Lightning Storm and Tornado. Lightning Storm to me, is the perfect Controller pet. Summon it when needed, it doesn't run off chasing mobs, its reliable and if you stack recharge, you can have 2 or 3 of them up at once. Just be clever how you position it, each bold causes knockback which you cannot prevent. Tornado isn't as useful for a Mind/, however it is awesome against Elite bosses and AV's who are immune to knockback, so it just sits next to them dealing lovely smashing damage.
Mind/Storm is an awesome combination. It soloes well right from level 1, adds lots to a team and is fun to level up because it is always increasing in power. Once you hit 50, there are lots of oppertunities for some massive IO slotting also.
As for which powers to skip for power pools, consider these 4:
1)Snow Storm - you wont be needing this except at low levels or the occasional AV fight. However at low levels you don't have stamina and thus drains you of end fast. Also only used in teams, pointless solo with the amount of single target stuff at your disposal.
2) Telekinesis - Toggle end and repel which while nice, is not necessary. Hurricane does a better job with repel plus brings a good debuff for EB fights. Stacking hold magnitude is great but again, Mind has many ways to control a single boss you don't really need another.
3) o2 Boost - A good heal but cannot be used solo and has a very limited effect. It is nice for keeping the team topped up however if you focus too much on healing, you wont be controlling and as a result, will doom the team you are meant to be protecting.
4) Tornado - I like this power, however I left it till 49 to claim it. It's great for EB's for extra damage which I felt would help me the most. However in most fights as a Mind/Storm you wont find Tornado particularly helpful, EB fights are only a small portion of the game and Tornado only helps if you are trying to solo them really, unless the group is struggling.
i) No reliable containment outside of Total Domination. Mass hypnosis can set up initial containment, but it breaks early. ii) No knockback protection (Means Tornado has to be reserved for groups or elite bosses) |
mind you, my mind/storm is only 24, so my practice from this comes more from my storm defenders.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
between Gale, Hurricane, Telekinesis, and a wall, the knockback protection thing really isn't an issue. get everything into a corner and drop tornado, using TK and/or Hurricane to keep the more or less in place.
mind you, my mind/storm is only 24, so my practice from this comes more from my storm defenders. |

Mind Storm, to me, is an awesome combo simply because of all the great tools in your toolbox that do totally different things. You have Sleep, Holds, Fear, Confuse, Knockup, Pushback, Knockback, Repel, Stealth, Elemental Resistance, -Recharge, -Slow, -Defense Debuff, -Resist Debuff, Stun, and of course Damage. There is a LOT to do.
Also, Mind Control is one of the better "solo if you can't get a team" primaries, in that you have a single target damage chain. That way, whether you like to solo or team, you'll be sure to get up to all the juicy storm powers.
Another great thing about the combo is that you can totally go bat-****-insane and whip up all kinds of chaos if you want to. And yet, you dont have to. You can reign yourself in, leverage a little containment (total dom and thunderclap and to a lesser degree mass hypnosis) and be all teamy and focused and use powers sparingly, or you can GO NUTS and not even worry about whether your hurricane is scattering things or your mass hypnosis or fear are being disturbed. You can generate so much chaos that it simply doesnt matter.
I've played Mind/Storm to 50, and it is a LOT of fun. The higher you go, the more fun it gets.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
I found a build or two, and a few opinions about Mind/Storm that were both positive and negative, nowhere did I see WHY the pairing was good or bad.
Storm's best power, hands down, is Freezing Rain. It does just loads of stuff, but the centerpiece of it is that (at its size) it's a huge resistance debuff. Almost any build that can't leverage FR's awesome -Res makes me want to cry.
Mind really can't. Thunderclap is far too small and low mag, TK is likewise tiny and end-intensive, Total Dom is up only half as often as FR, Mass Hypnosis gets broken by FR's damage ticks. Terrify + Fireball are fun to hammer foes with, when you can contain 'em, as became my habit while I was playing my late-game Mind/Rad. And you could still use EF there.
Now, all of this ignores the fact that you'll probably often play with at least one other controller, if you're big-teaming, and they may often have containment out FOR you. Not to mention that you'll be playing with blasters and defenders using AoEs that bask in the glow of freezing rain.
Still. Knowing what I can bring to Freezing rain with Plant or Fire, and knowing it's the best thing in the secondary, I find Mind/Storm unappealing.
And I'll add that Lewis is an awful smart guy who sometimes says stuff like this:
And I never am able to parse what he means. How much chaos you're generating often matters, for example if you're playing or playing with any toon that has to worry about position.
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
(There is no sarcasm when I say that) anyone who considers freezing rain the centerpiece or best thing in Storm is much better off playing Cold Domination. It has clones of many "mash potato and peas" Storm powers with other things making it a powerful and relatively well-behaved set.
Secondly, the inability to leverage solo AoE-containment is a feature of Mind rather than a peculiarity of its combination with any particular secondary. Unless one is fighting cons so low one single AoE from mass hypnosis clears them out.
Thirdly, thunderclap does indeed have a small magnitude, but it is not small in radius of effect, as suggested by comparison with TK radius (which really is tiny).
But, as much as I like to give a rousing defence of the combo, game design and game population neither needs nor welcomes what Mind/Storm brings, and the combo also lacks what game design and game population wants from a controller. By this I mean that the game runs on the grease of 1) just enough control and AoE damage on large spawns of easily controlled, tightly packed mobs, 2) destruction of single AVs with all that it entails.
Sorry to be a wet blanket. I've played the combo since issue 3 and although I still play it and keep swapping my builds (you can do a lot with IOs), it's sort of easier to achieve what the game wants from the player with other combos, unless you really like what gale, hurricane, tornado, thundercloud do to mobs.
"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato
Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50
Unfortunately you are going to see me disagreeing with anyone who doesn't find Mind/Storm one of the most awesome powerset combos available. I've soloed the combo through every storyarc and done almost every TF and have never found it anything less then amazing at lockdown, damage and buff/debuffs.
Mind really can't. Thunderclap is far too small and low mag, TK is likewise tiny and end-intensive, Total Dom is up only half as often as FR, Mass Hypnosis gets broken by FR's damage ticks. Terrify + Fireball are fun to hammer foes with, when you can contain 'em, as became my habit while I was playing my late-game Mind/Rad. And you could still use EF there.
End Cost: 10.4
Acc: 1.44
Recharge: 18s
Duration: 34.1s
Radius: 25
Mag: 2
This sets up containment on minions, and combined with Psychic Tornado + Terrify, I can almost 2 shot every minion in a pack. Again, this is something that has been missed in this conversation, Mind Control actually brings 2 AoE attacks to the table for even more AoE damage. It is rivalled only by Fire/ because of hot feet, but Mind's combo works much more frontloaded. If you pair up Mind Control with Storm, you can really leverage the double AoE damage due to the extra containment option.
Now you may be right in saying that one cannot expect to set up Thunderclap when in big teams or TF's, and you would be right if not for Mass Hypnosis and Steamy Mist. This allows you to creep into the middle of a slept spawn and Thunderclap without fear. I've done this on many TF's to great effect.
So really, this notion that Mind Control and Freezing Rain don't work together is only accurate at low levels or play, in my experience. When all you have is Mass Hypnosis and Total Domination, and you aren't properly slotted.
Secondly, the inability to leverage solo AoE-containment is a feature of Mind rather than a peculiarity of its combination with any particular secondary. Unless one is fighting cons so low one single AoE from mass hypnosis clears them out.
Thirdly, thunderclap does indeed have a small magnitude, but it is not small in radius of effect, as suggested by comparison with TK radius (which really is tiny). |
Also while Mind has more difficulty setting up AoE containment regularly, it does have higher AoE damage then most sets since it has its own AoE damage, Terrify.
But, as much as I like to give a rousing defence of the combo, game design and game population neither needs nor welcomes what Mind/Storm brings, and the combo also lacks what game design and game population wants from a controller. By this I mean that the game runs on the grease of 1) just enough control and AoE damage on large spawns of easily controlled, tightly packed mobs, 2) destruction of single AVs with all that it entails.
Mind Control may suffer with AoE containment, but it does not suffer from a lack of AoE control. Mass Hypnosis, Mass Confusion, Total Domination, Terrify, these are more than enough in my experience. When you get really high amounts of recharge, Mass Confusion and Total Domination can easily do most of the control, and you have plenty of choice for when neither are available. The debuffs Storm brings such as Freezing Rain and Hurricane, but also the buffs such as Steamy Mist and o2 Boost are amazing for teams.
As for AV's, I've always felt that I am a big player when fighting AV's at the end of a TF. Hurricane brings -45% to hit, meaning that they rarely land an attack. Freezing Rain, Tornado and Lightning Storm add to the damage. If I am lucky to pair with someone who grabbed their single target Immobalize, my Mind powers can do a lot of damage to.
Really the only thing I cannot stop is their regen and to be honest, when I bring so much to a team already, I honestly don't feel that -regen is my responsibility.

... anyone who considers freezing rain the centerpiece or best thing in Storm is much better off playing Cold Domination.
Secondly, the inability to leverage solo AoE-containment is a feature of Mind rather than a peculiarity of its combination with any particular secondary. |
It's also not a solo oriented concern, but a teaming one. AoE damage and it's magnification, which is the name of the game, re: my remarks, is something that fares vastly much better on big teams because big teams mean big spawns of foes. You want FR, Containment, and damage for big team play.
Thirdly, thunderclap does indeed have a small magnitude, but it is not small in radius of effect, as suggested by comparison with TK radius (which really is tiny). |
The correct comparison is to the power every primary but Mind and Illusion has: an AoE Immob. AoE Immobs cover 44% more area than Thunderclap, contain lieutenants 100% more often than Thunderclap, and contain bosses 50% more often-- and that in just one application, nevermind that unlike thunderclap, they're quite practical to stack.
(And please let's not have a round of pretending I've said immob is a mitigation tool on par with stun, since I've not, and that's not what we're talking about.)
Nothing Mind/Storm brings to the table, nor all of it together, does nearly the aoe containment job of a simple AoE Immob-- which every primary besides Mind and Illusion has.
That's the heart of the issue, and why many people like me shun Mind/Storm. And I scarcely know anybody who likes the two sets more than I do-- the three sets I have most experience with are in order: Mind, Kinetics, and Storm.
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
Thunderclap, small radius? Your Mind may be Mind/Rad, but please don't disregard Thunderclap just because most people do. For Mind Control it is very powerful, because it fills the containment gap which you described. |
But compared to the gold standard in AoE containment-- something available on all sets but Mind and Illusion, it's absolutely feeble. 31% less area, none of the lieutenants, half as many bosses. Feeble.
Making a team wait on Mass Hypnosis, T-Clap, FR, is however rather self- (and team-)limiting. It's a fun trick solo, and believe it or not I know a little about stacking around Hypnosis with other powers-- I think I wrote a guide on that long ago. May still be up in the guides section.
it does not suffer from a lack of AoE control. Mass Hypnosis, Mass Confusion, Total Domination, Terrify |
Mind doesn't suffer from a lack of control because: it's inherently a surgical controller, and frankly better suited to soloing. It's not at all exceptional at AoE control.
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
This remark makes no sense, since of course there currently aren't /cold dom controllers. Not to mention the fact that if there were, they'd not get Sleet 'till 35. (It also appears smaller than FR, but redtomax could be wrong about its sizes the same way it's wrong about FR's size.)

Secondly, how late a controller gets a power seldom actually features in discussions of how the combo performs overall -- I seldom see people complaining that Fulcrum shift or EMP pulse comes at 38, for example. Thirdly, I have checked Tomax's site and both list the Sleet and Freezing Rain pets as 20ft radius effects. Could you point me to where you got your relative sizes?
(Again,) possibly you've missed the fact that this conversation is specifically about the mind/storm combo. Mind's inadequacy leveraging FR's -res with containment damage IS specific to the mind/storm combo. |
2) Mind/other sets cannot leverage other AOE -res powers with AoE containment damage effectively.
3) From 1), Mind/Storm is not a good combo (with respect to leveraging AoE containment damage with AoE -res powers).
Therefore, if the first is true and the third is true, and the second is equally true as the first, then Mind/other sets are not good combos (with respect to leveraging AoE containment damage with AoE -res powers). Effectively, your statement is about the fact that Mind/* is not good in the aspect of leveraging AoE containment, regardless of what the secondary is.
In this case it is disingenuous to speak of Mind/Storm's inability to leverage AoE containment due to its DoT damage, then make a comparison (as you did) with Mind/Rad's enervating field, as a Mind/Rad would not be able to leverage AoE containment upon consistently, either. The disclaimer being that you are fighting mobs worth xp, not low cons which which one application of contained AoE under mass hypnosis will kill.
As you know I didn't suggest they're similar in size. The suggestion is that they suffer from a similar drawback: their size. |
So does Snow Storm, Darkest Night, Healing Aura, Dispersion Bubble, Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura, Accelerate Metabolism, Stalagmites, Flashfire, Arctic Air, Mass Hypnosis, Mass Confusion...
Freezing Rain (the pet) has 20ft radius.
Could you clarify why Thunderclap has a small radius, and why none of the powers below are considered disadvantaged by their identically small radius, and why Freezing rain with a smaller radius is not considered to suffer from its size?
Of course, this is taken from Red Tomax's site, and the numbers can be wrong.
That's the heart of the issue, and why many people like me shun Mind/Storm. And I scarcely know anybody who likes the two sets more than I do-- the three sets I have most experience with are in order: Mind, Kinetics, and Storm. |
And I do not think Mind is king of AoE control, but is better at single target control.
I think damage buffed, AoE containment damage upon easily controlled mobs is king in this game.
I also think that there is no good reason to play Storm once Cold domination enters controller hands, unless one likes the mob-positioning powers of Storm. And there's no good reason to play a Mind controller. If that means there's no good reason to play a Mind/Storm controller, that's true too, but only as an element in the intersection of two sets inheriting the properties of those sets, rather than as an element having those properties. I consider there to be a distinction between the two situations.
"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato
Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50
And I never am able to parse what he means. How much chaos you're generating often matters, for example if you're playing or playing with any toon that has to worry about position.
With all the crazy different effects, and even with some of them in conflict with each other, the window of opportunity for bad guys to retaliate effectively is very low, if you know how to manage it all.
Now, if your purpose on your controller is tight clumping and minimal chaos, and max damage and containment, and no scatter, and a firm "boo, hiss" to the fact that you cant have FR and Containment and area damage at all times, then sure, I can see the frustration.
As far as teaming with others who rely on position, I also have no problem simply using Freezing Rain, a bit of positional nudging (via Storm) to keep clumping efficient, and then I use single target holds and confuse powers, and I dont even worry about my own personal damage. That doesnt appeal to some people either.
But to me, Mind/Storm can revel in so much foe-befuddling craziness, that I dont even care if I cant leverage -resistance on containment at all times. But that's just me. I certainly understand the negatives of Mind/Storm, I just find other reasons to like the combo.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
In this case it is disingenuous to speak of Mind/Storm's inability to leverage AoE containment due to its DoT damage

This thread is about to go to hell.

Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
I've tried to stay out of this thread as much as possible, because Enan and I have a history of heated debates.
That being said... Enan's wrong. :P
You're basing your entire argument on the (faulty) assumption that AoE Containment damage is what matters on a team.
in fact, the only time I can think of when a troller needs to rely on AoE Containment damage would be a team with only 1 controller and the rest tanks, since any other team combo would have some means of reasonable damage (whether it be direct damage through ATs like Scrappers or Blasters, or indirect damage through Defenders with buffs/debuffs or extra controllers, who can add to containment) and lets face it... a 1 controller/7 tank team isn't exactly the most common combination.
A Controller's main task on a team is *not* AoE damage, it is control, and Mind/Storm brings quite a bit of that to the table. A non-grav controller trying to leverage freezing rain for AoE containment is putting the team at a disadvantage, since they are negating one of it's biggest assets, the knockdown.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
Secondly, how late a controller gets a power seldom actually features in discussions of how the combo performs overall -- I seldom see people complaining that Fulcrum shift or EMP pulse comes at 38, for example. |
Thirdly, I have checked Tomax's site and both list the Sleet and Freezing Rain pets as 20ft radius effects. Could you point me to where you got your relative sizes? |
...Effectively, your statement is about the fact that Mind/* is not good in the aspect of leveraging AoE containment, regardless of what the secondary is. In this case it is disingenuous to speak of Mind/Storm's inability to leverage AoE containment due to its DoT damage, then make a comparison (as you did) with Mind/Rad's enervating field, as a Mind/Rad would not be able to leverage AoE containment upon consistently, either. |
The problem is specific to Mind/Storm and, as I noted, Illusion/Storm.
My comparison to Mind/Rad was not for the sake of comparing FR to EF. FR is the superior -res tool. The distinction between Mind/Storm and Mind/Rad is in having EMP, as I believe I said-- EMP + TD gives you good AoE Containment availble (very close to) as often as FR (the key), which is a lot closer to the AoE-Immob standard of AoE containment, than Mind/Storm can do. It's still shy mag to one-shot 50% of the bosses present, of course.
Could you clarify why Thunderclap has a small radius, and why none of the powers below are considered disadvantaged by their identically small radius, and why Freezing rain with a smaller radius is not considered to suffer from its size? Of course, this is taken from Red Tomax's site, and the numbers can be wrong. |
Meanwhile, you've asked me to clarify a bunch of silly claims you've made up and assigned to me because the facts apparently upset[1] you:
Thunderclap (r=25') is much smaller (31% less area) than the AoE containment setter of reference, the AoE Immob (r=30'). Also fails to contain 100% of lieutenants and 50% of bosses that an AoE immob would. AoE Immobs being available to EVERY set EXCEPT Mind and Illusion.
[1] This is speculation, of course, but given the way you're strawmanning me-- reinventing what I said and clarified while ignoring the other defects of thunderclap I've mentioned-- this is my way of giving you the benefit of the doubt about your argument and motives for making it. YW.
I think damage buffed, AoE containment damage upon easily controlled mobs is king in this game. |
Which is important to understanding the objections to Mind/Storm; FR really is uniquely good.
BTW I'm not especially pleased by the dominance of AoE Dmg myself, though I've done what I could to explore it.
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
I've tried to stay out of this thread as much as possible, because Enan and I have a history of heated debates. That being said... Enan's wrong. :P |
You're basing your entire argument on the (faulty) assumption that AoE Containment damage is what matters on a team. |
The OP asked for why there are objections to Mind/Storm. I explained. My "entire argument" amounts to explaining one objection to Mind/Storm as a choice among a very finite set of possible controller combos.
I didn't make any arguments that it "is what matters," or that "a troller needs to rely on AoE Containment damage" or that "[a] Controller's main task on a team [is] AoE damage."
My argument was pretty specific, and didn't depend from any belief on my part that AoE containment damage is the only thing that matters. As you'd know had you read it.
Now. In fact-- and this is a rough truth for most controllers and many defenders (fans of FF, Sonic, Empathy, and the Knock* in Storm), mitigation is a self limiting contribution on any decent team, because: debt is negligable and a majority of ATs bring some mitigation even before you talk about face-based aggro splitting.
Psy, control, healzoring, bubbling, knocking down-- these things are weak contributions, especially because they very quickly become redundant. Only lousy PuGs and some arcane endgame things need more mitigation than any pair of controllers provide.
Really, that's beyond the scope of this thread though. I believe we were talking to reasons people have for avoiding Mind/Storm. If you find flaws in what I actually said re: that, I'm sure your insight would be worthwhile.
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
*deleted, sorry daughter got on the keyboard*
excellent, now we are getting somewhere.
The OP asked for why there are objections to Mind/Storm. I explained. My "entire argument" amounts to explaining one objection to Mind/Storm as a choice among a very finite set of possible controller combos.
I didn't make any arguments that it "is what matters," or that "a troller needs to rely on AoE Containment damage" or that "[a] Controller's main task on a team [is] AoE damage." My argument was pretty specific, and didn't depend from any belief on my part that AoE containment damage is the only thing that matters. As you'd know had you read it. |
Storm's best power, hands down, is Freezing Rain. It does just loads of stuff, but the centerpiece of it is that (at its size) it's a huge resistance debuff. Almost any build that can't leverage FR's awesome -Res makes me want to cry |
Now. In fact-- and this is a rough truth for most controllers and many defenders (fans of FF, Sonic, Empathy, and the Knock* in Storm), mitigation is a self limiting contribution on any decent team, because: debt is negligable and a majority of ATs bring some mitigation even before you talk about face-based aggro splitting. Psy, control, healzoring, bubbling, knocking down-- these things are weak contributions, especially because they very quickly become redundant. Only lousy PuGs and some arcane endgame things need more mitigation than any pair of controllers provide. Really, that's beyond the scope of this thread though. I believe we were talking to reasons people have for avoiding Mind/Storm. If you find flaws in what I actually said re: that, I'm sure your insight would be worthwhile. |
Before I do that, however, I would like to note that I made my comment to the OP in one of the earliest posts in this thread, I feel my contribution to the specific topic at hand has been made, and therefore, do not feel bad about this semi-tangent the thread has turned to.
Hurricane/Gale are, to a Mind/Storm, as important as Freezing Rain/Tornado is to a Fire/Storm.
While a Mind/Storm can't harness AoE containment as well, it can use KB/Repel more effectively because of the lack of -kb, what this means is that spread out groups/multiple spawns can be quickly and efficiently packed together where more significant AoEers (see: Blasters) can tear the enemies to shreads. While there aren't any numbers to back it up, I wouldn't be surprised if a good Mind/Storm and Blaster combo would produce similar results as a good Fire/Storm and Blaster combo in terms of defeat speed.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
While I found a build or two, and a few opinions about Mind/Storm that were both positive and negative, nowhere did I see WHY the pairing was good or bad.
I plan to use the character to solo, to duo, to team. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me why, specifically, they like or dislike this combo? Is there any synergy? Do they work against each other? |
Mind is fairly fun and has a hectic blastery feel to it. Still, for me the only reason to pick Mind Control would be for concept reasons. Unlike most other sets, you start out really strong, but where as the other sets come to their own with pets and really become gamebeaters in epic levels - Mind is left behind. The main reason for this is that they have no practical way to leverage AoE Containment. To acerbate the problem, Mind have no way reliable way of leveraging containment on single hard targets like AVs either! Psionic damage is also resisted by mobs fairly widely on high levels. It is easy to see that the set was designed before controllers got an inherent that basically double their damage output and before controllers got access to their awesome epic powers.
That said, Mind does have a large share of control tools and solos normal content well. However, for me the implementation of the Plant Control set some issues ago, was adding insult to injury. Seeds of Confusion, available at level 8, totally outstrips the level 32 crowning power of Mind. Plant have a brutal amount of higher AoE damage...and to be honest, better control as well (Seeds being so overpowered as it is).
As for synergy between Mind and Storm; you lack the possibility of immobilizing spawns and then debuffing the hell out of their accuracy with Hurricane while they stay put. However, you do get access to a AoE mag 2 stun in Thunder Clap, coupled with Tornado and Fissure (50% mag 2 stun + AoE DMG) in Stone Mastery - you will be able to leverage AoE containment at least semi-reliably. Ultimately though, the combo is likely to be very endurance intensive and with no endurance management tool you might end up gasping for air now and then.
Very informative replies, all, and just the sort of detail I was after. I've decided that, while I may take up Mind Control and Storm Summoning in future characters, it won't be the same character. I will continue to examine my choices whilst my brain produces another concept idea from the back-burner. Thanks very much for all your help!
M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me...it was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)
McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Very informative replies, all, and just the sort of detail I was after. I've decided that, while I may take up Mind Control and Storm Summoning in future characters, it won't be the same character. I will continue to examine my choices whilst my brain produces another concept idea from the back-burner. Thanks very much for all your help!
Meanwhile, nevermind my conversation with Psyonico.

Now, I have no issue with someone raising a point and then backing it, however, my comment about AoE Containment damage was based on everything that prior to my post.
I take your silence re: what I actually said, as your retraction of this remark.
Hurricane/Gale are, to a Mind/Storm, as important as Freezing Rain/Tornado is to a Fire/Storm. While a Mind/Storm can't harness AoE containment as well, it can use KB/Repel more effectively because of the lack of -kb, what this means is that spread out groups/multiple spawns can be quickly and efficiently packed together where more significant AoEers (see: Blasters) can tear the enemies to shreads. While there aren't any numbers to back it up, I wouldn't be surprised if a good Mind/Storm and Blaster combo would produce similar results as a good Fire/Storm and Blaster combo in terms of defeat speed. |
Mind/Storms may in fact do it for lack of anything more effective to do, but any other primary + storm could readily do it too-- even while using immobs to set containment.
Granted, there might not be much of a difference between a Fire/Storm and a Mind/Storm on a duo with a blaster, since you'd at that point still have so few mobs to deal with that the advantages of the AoE damage wouldn't mean much. But that very situation would also rob the herdicaner of his function to at least the same degree.
Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters
I've played all types of characters, hero and villain, at least 4 or 5 different kinds of every archetype. I turned my thoughts to rolling up another controller, a concept that calls for Mind Control and Storm Summoning. Here on the new forums, the guides aren't working yet, for some reason; clicking on the links only takes me to a 404 page.
I have tried neither Mind Control nor Storm Summoning before, and I look forward to the challenge of learning them both. Failing the advice of the guides, I looked in this forum at threads going back a year. While I found a build or two, and a few opinions about Mind/Storm that were both positive and negative, nowhere did I see WHY the pairing was good or bad.
I plan to use the character to solo, to duo, to team. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me why, specifically, they like or dislike this combo? Is there any synergy? Do they work against each other? As I've said, I'm looking forward to learning these powersets. However, if the two of them combined will just be an everlastingly frustrating experience, then I'd rather get some sense of that now as opposed to 3 months of playing, all the while thinking I'm just not doing it right, when it's not me, it's the pairing.
Thank you in advance for your time, consideration and any advice you may offer.
M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me...it was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)
McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)