Can I do serious..??
I dont mind being informed I'm wrong if you can qualify it. I understand, dave, that digging up that quote is more hassel than it's worth, so I'll take your word on it.
Just don't say "Your wrong" and leave it at that, it's insulting.
Just checked out City of Guides and I dont see any way to edit the review I posted to include "Solo on Tenatious"
[/ QUOTE ]
We haven't added it yet
I may has missed something but what does TL;DR mean?
I may has missed something but what does TL;DR mean?
[/ QUOTE ]
Too Long; Did not Read
ah. I knew that one for the forums, I thought it had a different meaning for arcs. Since a lot of the reviews I have seen have tl;dr at the beginning.
In that context it designates a short sentence meant to be the gist of the review and bring out key points, for readers who can't be bothered to read the whole thing; a "tl;dr version" of the text in question.
For example:
"tl;dr: 1 star, this arc sucks.
[More in-depth and thorough description of the arc follows for several paragraphs]"
Ah that makes sense. Sort of a synopsis.
Thankyou for letting me know my opinion is invalid, are there any other opinions of mine you'd like to casually dismiss out of hand whilst you're here?
[/ QUOTE ]It's not an opinion, it's a fact stated by devs
And digging up the quote on that is most likely impossible seeing how they keep pruning the US forums every now and then.
I tire of arguing, I'm just going to say, It was an opinion, It was mine. Turns out I was mistaken, doesnt stop it being an opinion though, it just makes it a wrong one.
My biggest objection to your previous post was not the fact it pointed out that my opinion was wrong, it was the way you said it. It was blunt and cold, and lacked any qualification.
I don't expect anybody to go looking for a quote that most likley doesnt exist anymore, but it's enough to tell me that it existed at some point. I'm a trusting guy
Remember that there are people on the other side of these avatars, and they have feelings.
To be fair to MaX, I do recall a redname a couple of years back stating pretty much the same - that heroic/villainous wasn't easy mode, but was 'normal' mode and the other difficulties are 'hard' modes for increased difficulty.
I'm not even going to try finding the quote, as I'm pretty certain that both US and EU boards have been given a thorough spring clean since the redname said that - so I'd be very surprised if it 's still kicking about on our boards.
BTW - I guess that means that the devs balance mobs/missions for heroic/villainous.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)