'Trophy' base objects




Just a random thought but wouldn't it be nice if you could get certain trophy items related to Taskforce, certain Story arc completetion or badge related (non SG-badges).

Say you've just completed the Mender Lazarus Taskforce, this give you new base trophies to display which would include a slightly tatty 5th Column banner (can be used like an SG banner) and non-functioning versions of their robots in display cases. If you complete the Citadel Taskforce you get the Council versions as well, complete the LGTF, you get a depowered Assault Suit in a display case and so on.

Nothing that infringes on the vet reward base items (the signature heroes/villains display items) but something that would add a little extra to the SG bases to show their members personal efforts in defeating or spreading villainy.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Love this idea. /signed
Would also love something similar but give costume parts. Taken from the idea above. Council/5th related parts. Like the shoulder pads/boots/gloves. I remember a souvenir on villains being a hat. How about be able to use that hat as a costume part or base display item?

My 2 pennies.




'Souvenirs' are one thing, but visual 'souvenirs' are another. I'd love to build a 'trophy room' to show off what our SG has done. Then you can give people tours and say "That's the X from when we had to defeat the Y, boy was THAT a fight and a half!"

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url="http://sites.google.com/site/thenewguardians"] The New Guardians[/url] - [url="http://www.badge-hunter.com/index.php?/page/view_player.php?id=339"] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]




Has to be done in SG mode i'd say. My first thought was for an SG only team all in SG mode to get it, but thought it might be limiting.



I love the idea but to make it slightly more difficult to earn, I think there should be a condition that all heroes in the tf should belong to the same sg. That way it really would be a badge of honour. One of the problems I feel this game has is the lack of real challenges for experienced players and sg organised tf's would be one such challenge. I know such a system could be easily cheated on but it would at least give an incentive to organising sg based tfs



or.. (and i always seem to reference Dark Age of Camelot in these cases as that's the other game i played for 5 years) mob trophy heads, (ala deer head trophies).

Example >Here<

... and >Here<

Examples taken from Dark Age of Camelot >Here<

...and >Here<

Defeat the Lusca, get the trophy head to put in your base. (smaller version obviously)

Defeat 300 Arachnos spiders, have a trophy for your base... or 3000 combined throughout your SG toons, gets the reward added to whoever can edit the base.



/signed, like all the ideas here so far =]

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



There could be 2 types

There could be personal trophies which would be small no bigger than the current veteran rewards trophies and would be awarded to the toon.

Then there could be super group trophies which would be larger and perhaps require several successful go's at the task for the trophy to be earned. So say one of the trophies is the arm of the clockwork king (cant be the head cause we all know the villain always gets away) this would maybe need 4 successful completions of synapses task force so it could be gotten by the one person doing the TF 4 times or it could be gotten by 4 members of the SG doing the task force either together or at different times.

So yes i like this idea /signed




Like them but to make it more an SG reward lets make it that more then 1 SG must have done the same arc/tf. Say 10 or so to earn an badge with associated trophy.



Hmm I'm liking various Ideas but it also doesn't cover the one man SG (stuffed with many alts).

They simply can't field an entire teams worth and I always like rooting for the small guy I like the idea of the achievement being done in SG mode for Taskforces.

I like the idea that it has to be completed X amount of times but these are purely decorative items unlike most of the SG badge rewards which are functional plus also allow for someone to move from SG to SG without worrying their own personal achievement trophies are lost.

In order to tie them together so that both villainside and Heroside don't have to do different things perhaps tie them to badges.

Any Co-op or available to both sides Taskforce (the Mender Lazarus TF isn't co-op but it is available to both sides and probably should award both Council and 5th column variants since villains don't have an all Council based TF) nets you the rewards for that TF as long as you did it in SG mode.

Badges reward smaller trophies, not quite of the same stature as the TF rewards but something nifty like say for the Infilitraitor badge you're awarded a Paragon Protector helmet in a small display case.

Just throwing out more ideas.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!