Hamidon Raid Attempt 14/12/08
A note I'd like to add is that in regards to the organisation of the next Hami raid, there certainly needs to be a LOT more prior to the night it occurs.
An idea may be that those interested and know they can make it (yes I'm fully aware that RL can get in the way) state here on the forum what AT/Powersets they will bring.
From there with all the information from the forum posts, the Raid leaders can formulate teams and then post that back to the thread. This then ensures that each player knows what team they are in, which also saves a lot of time. Those who don't know if they can make it can then turn up and put in the most appropriate team with a space.
On another note, some sort of plan regarding taking Hami down would be a good thing to sort out, though it may be that the previous 2 attempts have been failures might have come down to lack of organisation.
3rd time's a charm so they say...roll on attempt number 3.
Thanks to Mothers Love for trying to organise this raid. Unfortunatly I dont think we had the numbers on the night, that coupled with the sever problems ment we never stood a chance. On a more praticle note we REALLY need to find a way to keep the tanks(of which I was one) on their feet longer, even with EoE insps and empath support the entire tank team did well to last more than a 60-90 secs. I seem to remeber we had the same problem last time. Splitting teams up into 1-2 tanks, 3-4 scrappers and 1-2 healer/buffer seemed to work better. Something to think about maybe. Nice try anway, don't let it put us off, I'll be there next time
Wedge Inv/Fire Tank
Wedge NG Bs /Regen Scrapper
White Wedge Bot/Dark MM
Fire Wedge SS /Fire Brute
Rad Wedge Ill/Rad Controller
Fire Wedge Fire/Kin Controller
Pity it did not work out. Next time, i would recommend that its planned in advance (a week before or more)... and start earlier then you intended. (one or two hours).
My only Hamidon raid (successful) was the first I-9 (which chanced the old hami to the nasty piece of work it is now) we started early and it took in the end 7 hours. (i dont regret it)
Also here is a LINK (to refresh ones mind) on how the US took down Hamidon. I would recommend a leader read it, then post the details on the forum for all participating members to see.
Hamidon needs planning, dedicated players (preferably with a que outside the zone just waiting to enter when needed incase of dc etc) and tactics.
Until Union get a working method for a weekly or so Hamidon raid, then plan to atleast use 5-6 hours from start to finish. Until the strategy works out and everyone knows just what to do.
Thats my two cents/(or assorted currency).
Kudos to everyone who makes a Hamidon Raid though
Edit: included the link to the US forum
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
No offense to the current raid leaders, but I do wish that players such as Lost Samurai and Raziel etc came back, they would have had it sorted by the second run. Hopefully if the current leaders study how the yanks did it then the next run with be smooth as...
Create a new forum for anyone interested. Have 50 ppl list what they can offer. Assign people teams with requested characters and tell them their roles in the teams. Organize EoE hunts (plenty of) more than needed, then set a date.
I think part of the problem with union is there are plenty of people who feel its a waste of time, but if it's definitely well organized and looks promising they may jump in it to win it.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
apologies to all regarding not being able to make it last night, we had a slight issue at work involving the mezzanine floor and a member of staff
I too would love to see some of the old skool Hami smashers return, part of the difficulty I had when we did the first attempt is that since the changes to Hami and the various following issues a known strategy was a tad elusive. All the strategies I read up for the first time, such as hit and run attacks on a single mito, attacking all mitos with ranged and melee teams etc, didnt prove as effective as the guides suggested.
It IS a tough encounter, I really think we can do it though!!!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
Could always get a team or 2 of blasters with a snipe and EM secondary for boost range (270 ft range iirc?), buff them with damage buffs and snipe the hell out of the healing Mitos. That would certainly change they playing field a little bit
That wouldn't work. Mitoes and Hami have a huge agro range and the blasters wouldn't be able to damage the green mitoes enough. Another wrong opinion I see...
@Sweet Chilli
That wouldn't work. Mitoes and Hami have a huge agro range and the blasters wouldn't be able to damage the green mitoes enough. Another wrong opinion I see...
[/ QUOTE ]
Another "idea" that prob won't work but not an opinion that needs to be dismissed in that tone. If you have any idea's that would help please feel free to contribute though.
I haven't been on a Hami raid since the last of the "old school" ones so have no idea whats changed but next raid will happily troop along with Earth/Empath to do what can be done
With a group of Empaths Auto-healing its possible to save anyone who may have been aggro'd ... the range of Hami/Mito's is only as much as they can target and as you know there are many towers of rock for cover it is a possible idea
Id be up for Hami Raid for sure. How i wish for the good old fridays to come back!
Just to add my opinion to the mix but to take down Hami or indeed any opponent in any battle efficiently you need to divide the strength of their attacks whilst focusing your own on one spot at a time so as to cause the most damage. In the case of Hamidon this means spreading the tanks out to each take a bit of punishment from 1 or 2 mitochondrias which they should be able to handle if they have enough support from defenders and an appropriate amount of those buff treat things. As soon as the tanks have started taking the aggro a team of scrappers need to start taking out the melee mito's while a team of blasters need to start taking out the ranged ones. They all focus on the same Mito so as to finish it off quick and then move on to the next one. These teams don't need much if any empath support - just someone to tp them away from Hami should they happen to die. The biggest challenges really should be getting the tanks to synchronise their approach to Hami so that they all get their taunts working more or less together and making sure that when the teams inevitably do start dying that there's enough people with tp to get them back away from Hami so the rezzing can commence quickly. I noticed on the first Hami raid that the most successful attack we had involved a spread of tanks each with their own group of scrappers and an empath. A couple of mito's were beaten but not enough. Had the scrappers all been hitting the same mito then it would have gone down in seconds and the whole group could have moved onto the next mito.
I can't comment on the second raid as I wasn't able to make it but I will happily bring a 50 empath with tp along to all future raids that I am able to make. And am willing to join in on any preparation missions to gather inspirations for the next fight. You can contact me on @beks but I keep an eye on the Hami raid channel as well.
That wouldn't work. Mitoes and Hami have a huge agro range and the blasters wouldn't be able to damage the green mitoes enough. Another wrong opinion I see...
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First of all it was an Idea, not an Opinion. Someone with an ounce of intelligence would have recognised that.
Secondly, I'm not going to waste any more time with you if all you can come out with is rubbish to try whatever point you are trying to prove.
I'm not going say anymore in regards to you because I am not getting in trouble with GR just because of your childish antics. Have a good day SweetChilli.
There was a Raid?
Only Hamidon I have ever done is the EB version in the LGTF...
I get the heebyjeebies thinking what an AV conning Hmidon would be like...soulds like pure nasty.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Well Mom, i am back and will love to join you again if you'll ever decide to give it another go. My only level 50 is Psy-knight (still ) but i think Apostle will get to level 45 soon (currently level 42).
Best Regards,
Well Mom, i am back and will love to join you again if you'll ever decide to give it another go. My only level 50 is Psy-knight (still ) but i think Apostle will get to level 45 soon (currently level 42).
Best Regards,
[/ QUOTE ]
Psst! The Hive is a lvl 50 zone now (if I am not mistaken)
Well Mom, i am back and will love to join you again if you'll ever decide to give it another go. My only level 50 is Psy-knight (still ) but i think Apostle will get to level 45 soon (currently level 42).
Best Regards,
[/ QUOTE ]
Psst! The Hive is a lvl 50 zone now (if I am not mistaken)
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Ermm... well i only have Psy-knight available then.
He needs a respect tho, i want to squeeze new attack power from epic pool. If any other thing is required (like recall friend to use mutation or fall-out) please let me know.
Psst! You can do a dual build! (I have no idea why I am whispering though, not that you can tell as this is text based )
hive is 45-50
Right. I would like to try hami myself. Got lvl 50 empath and bunch of others lvl 45+
In the end we didn't have the numbers to realistically do this in my opinion, there were plenty of Tanks but a noticable lack of support toons.

Apologies also for the organisation in The Hive, but after six server disconnects I was struggling to even stay on long enough to communicate effectively.
So nevermind, next-time ...hopefully. I just wish those of you whos first time it was tonight, knew a Hami raid like it used to be.