It's been a while Paragon City ((open RP))





Television sets across Paragon City begin to flicker into static, a logo that hadn't been seen a while cropped up on the screen, the now infamous skull and cog logo. Heroes who saw it knew there would be trouble ahead as Paragons rogue prodigal son would begin his broadcast.

"It's been a while Paragon miss me...awww I bet you did, I bring the fun in don't I?" the voice and image of the elderly Edward Johnson aka Doctor Mechano filled the screen.

"It has been simply far too long since I last made an impact upon the people and I can't let people simply forget about me...oh know...that would be far to selfish of me to let your dull, meaningless lives go unfulfilled without that little dosage of the fun stuff that is pure chaos..."

He chuckled to himself, "I know what your thinking "but Doctor can you surely top the Chaos of your last efforts, the Prison Break, the Trolls, the wholesale explosions?" well my dear Paragon City, I have the answer for you...the most glorious, spectacular extravaganza ever revealed to the public eye from yours truly..."

There was a smirk as he continued, "Somewhere in Steel Canyon is a car, that car is filled with high explosives, now I know you think this is like one of my last plans but you would be wrong...inside that car is also a vial of the small pox...a disease which has gone untreated for a very, very long time now...highly contagious, highly deadly...the explosion wouldn't spread the disease too far but it doesn't need to thanks to being highly contagious. Oh and incase you're wondering I HAVE included a metal erroding substance with said explosives so please don't go trying to convince some poor robotic lifeform to retrieve it, acid burns are hard to buff out of chrome..."

He held up a timer, 30 minutes was on it, "You have thirty minutes starting" the timer begun to count down, "to find said parked car, disable the explosives and halt the spread of a disease which killed one out of every two people who contacted it and to which the vaccine hasn't been created in forty years...good luck finding one of those in a hurry...perhaps something for those sit at home science types like myself to do..."

He chuckled, "well need to've got to find the car, find a way to disable the motion sensor wired explosives and safely remove the sealed glass vial in...twenty nine minutes and fifty's good to be back Paragon...really is..."

The screens returned to static and then back to your scheduled program.

(The car HAS been reported stolen so running the liscence plates through the PPD would flag it up, also it is filled to the brim with explosives so anyone looking through the window would be able to see it...happy hunting/RPing ya'll ))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The screen flickered in his apartment, Dr Mechano's latest scheme started playing on the box. The hero known as Baked Potato had fallen asleep watching one of the many generic music channels. He snorted, getting up and looking at the screen with groggy eyes, almost instantly waking up at the words 'high explosives' and grabbing his hero costume, putting it on in a hurry.

The broadcast ended, Baked Potato jumped out of the window and propelled himself through the air like a missile towards Steel Canyon, a comet flying through the early morning sky.

"Oh @#?% that guy's a freakin' nutjob!"

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Twilighter had some how shrunk herself and with her new found smallness had come a almost nanosecond long attention span, however as Dr Mech's voice filled the airwaves she paid attention, after all she owed him her life. As the broadcast finished she frowned.

“Why is he playing like that?” she mused to herself

“What do you mean mistress?” the baritone voice of her demonic weapon questioned

“Well if he'd of been serious he'd of chosen something with a smaller fatality period. While true the production of the vaccine would take a few days at most, the mortality rate would be minuscule, given that we are capable of producing stasis chambers capable of halting full body rewriting retroviruses such as the lost suffer from, given also he's warned us already and it takes two days or so for symptoms to start to show. Also his delivery method, the virus is likely to be consumed by the very high explosives he's using to deliver it, a tiny yield that's used to launch canisters that air burst would increase infection rates several thousand times over. Lastly the acid why tell us about it? I mean coat a robot in an alkaline jelly and it won't get damaged much at all. So he's playing with the city for some reason...” she paused all thoughtful like before the cartoons resumed and what ever she'd been thinking was washed away by bright colours and loud noises.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



In a small office , near filled by a large desk covered with display screens , a elderly woman glared at the static remmains of Mechano's latest broadcast.... a hand pressed a number of butons , and one of the screens changed to display the face of an uniformed man ....

" yes director ?" the man asked ...
" the mMchano case , make it a black flag as of now , dispatch an observer to Paragon City , Steel Canyon district.. i want all the details , IF there is biologiacl agents involvled and its not some nasty hoax ..then raise a XPD order verses Dr Mechano..immediate effect .. "

" at once Director..."

the screen returns to a rotating logo saver ...

In other parts of the building computers respond to new instructions and data files are ammended , triggering more data files to send commands out beyond the network to other systems and onto peoples desks .....

" its a recon mission , i picked you due to your imumnities to the possible biohazard , but this freak is pure nutjob , so take no chances , maintain comms at all time , do NOT use this units name , use the standard cover story ..right go ."

the zombie face of the instructed hero showed no emotion as always , may be the teeth ground a litle harder ... from his locker the hero took his old street armour and headed to the teleport room..flahing his clearance at the teleport officer , who managed to salute , step back and say "sir yes sir" all in a single motion, The hero set his own target and vanished in a teleporting blur ...

Bill Zombie appeared in his old Paragon haunt , the caretaker seemed to be doing a good joke .. he crossed the room and turned left ..into a room filled with arcane devices , to one the muttered a few very old words and was again teleported , this time to the heart of the Steel Canyon district ..




The TV screen flickered again, "tick, tock, tick, tock, time..never enough..." he grinned.

Edward raised the timer..."oooh 21 minutes doubt you hero types are already hurrying to the scene..." he tapped the timer, which advanced to 11 minutes left, "you see...sometimes I just can't WAIT for the fun to begin...tick, tock, tick, tock, time...never enough..."

The screen flickered once more...he was obviously taunting the heroes of Paragon City.

Parked nearby Pandoras' Box in Steel Canyon, something inside a car bleeped...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The only thing that passersby would have seen was a blur; had they been looking and not vacating Steel Canyon after seeing the broadcast.
The Walking Shadow sped through the district at Superspeed; to him he was merely running as the world slowed down. He looked into each window of parked cars for any explosives, but to no avail. With increasingly less time, The Walking Shadow began to worry - the threat sounded serious. He didn't know the Mechano character - but explosives in public, plus the infectious threat, is never a good thing.
He sped onwards.



The flaming hero landed with a crash in a car park. He checked each car in a hurry, took a deep breath and mumbled to himself "Damn, needle in a haystack.. Need a magnet.." He looked around, stopping to think. "Mad guy, wants to poison the city.. He'll want somewhere with lotsa places nearby, open area, maximum spread.." With a hop he starting jumping from car to car with explosive force, checking them in turn through the middle of Steel Canyon.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Bill Zombie's rocket boots roared at full power as he swept a zig zag pattern across Steels sky , he was looking for any car out of place , confident the PPD and local services would be checking all the car parks and normal areas ...
If Mechano was giving any chance of finding the bomb car it would have to stand out in some way ...

Bill's radio beeped feed incoming.."small pox is not spread by airborn or water means , it is spread via face to face contact or infected clothing or bedding ...check centers of high population , homeless / squater hotspots .."



Morgana Fiolett walked out of Pandora's Box with her arms full of goods, looking around her nervously. Since her accident back in May, she wasn't so confident in areas like Steel Canyon, and when her phone rang it made her jump and almost made her drop her shopping.

"Hello?" she said as she answered it.

"Yo Mo, you still in Steel?" It was her friend Andraste.

"Yeah, just left Pandora's" she replied, walking down the street.

"Get out, quick. Some nutjob has left a car there full of explosives and smallpox or something, gonna go off in like, ten minutes."

Morgana stared at the parked car in front of her, her senses tingling "Oh shi... I'll call you back," she said, flipping the phone shut. She thought for a second- who could she call quickly enough?

A thought occurred to her. She took a deep breath. Turning away from the car, she raised her magically enhanced voice she shouted as loud as she could.


The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



The world suddenly sped up as The Walking Shadow snapped to a halt. Focusing on where the shout had come from, he span on his heels and ripped off into the distance, leaving a ripple and a blur in the air.

Outside of Pandora's Box there was a whistling noise and then, from nowhere, the trenchcoated masked figure appeared. He had arrived before the second exclamation mark.
"You called? You sure it's this car?" he asked peering into the back to see the high explosives, "Ah" he muttered.
"I'll clear the area, I'm not very technically minded" he said before disappearing in a blink, checking the nearest buildings and ushering people out.



Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than... well, a man of his size, at least. Able to, umm, fly, so leaping tall buildings at a single bound was sort of redundant.

Richard Huntington, clad in the black leather costume of his heroic persona, Shadowe, watched as Helena projected a likely location for the cry from a woman nearby. Skimming the streets just above head-height, he veered sharply to avoid a delivery truck, catching his shoulder on it, and sending him tumbling to the ground.

"Damn. Helena, start tracking the source of that transmission, and let me know if you get anything useful."

He scrambled to his feet and, throwing caution to the wind, launched himself into the air again.

"Ed, when I get my hands on you, I'm going to be very upset. You dragged me out of my comfortable bed, with my comfortable fiancee, on this bloody cold morning, just for some stupidly inane plot that's only going to make you look stupid."

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Baked heard the callout mid-jump. With a slight hop after his landing, he rocketed into the air towards where he thought the voice was.

Landing outside Pandora's Box he checked the area, spotting the heroes, "Awesome, looks like we got the better of him." Only after he said it he realised how bad an idea it was.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



The phone rang a number of times before Jake Anderson woke and answered it.

"What the hell do you want at this time of the morning? What? Him again? It's where? And there's no fighting needs to be done? Then why the hell are you calling me?"

Slamming the phone down, Jake rolled over in bed and tried to get back to sleep.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Bill zeroed in on the magically enhanced shout and spotting the gathering beside the car dived downward and landed mid street , cutting the rockets he ran over to the car .

" Good day , do any of you have a way of containing the blast ?"



Richard slowed his speed to something only marginally breakneck when he rounded the corner and saw the small crowd gathered at the parking lot, and allowed himself to drop to the floor.

"... a way of containing the blast?"

He ignored the others for a moment, taking the time to look at the car, and grimaced beneath his mask.

"Yes," he replied, still not looking at the others. "But I'd rather not risk the potential long-term damage."

Satisfied with what he could see, he finally turned his attention to the gathering. "So, whose bright idea was it to start a riot?"

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



(( Oh just flamethrower the damn car. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



((Well, since the explosion would destroy an smallpox stored inside the vehicle, I don't see the need - the car just needs to be removed. Unfortunately, Dicky's not strong enough to lift it.))

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



"It's a good thing so many people are taking an interest in my opinion." says Soaring Horion, sitting on a nearby Mailbox kicking her legs idly, head propped up by a balled fist as she watches with a large leather bound book tucked under the other arm.

She'd been dying to finally get back at Edward for bailing on her mid-fight last time they'd met. Nothing wounds pride more than being treated as if you're not even worth the time. Considering running clear Horizon dismissed the idea, she could do better keeping everyone focused on what's important.

"I'd offer to break the little chippy things that make it work, but i'm pretty sure that it's not that easy for something that took real time to make. So unless someone's good with bombs I say we start wheeling it clear. Oh and please don't blow it up, I've not had my flu shots yet."



((Well, since the explosion would destroy an smallpox stored inside the vehicle, I don't see the need - the car just needs to be removed. Unfortunately, Dicky's not strong enough to lift it.))

[/ QUOTE ]

(( What explosion? Never mind. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Bill looked at the car " well the bomb can not be too sensitive or a passing heavy truck would have set it off , could we not act together to lift and fly it well clear of populated areas ? " he asked ...



The voice came from behind. "Or there's another way of achieving the same effect."

Sara stepped around them, and examined the car professionally. "You see, there are a couple of things our friend forgot to exclude." She took a small tag out of a pocket and laid it on the bonnet of the car, then spoke into her GoDComm. "Patch me through to port control. Tie in with Portal Corps and ATC. She mutters a few more numbers and letters, co-ordinates mainly.

"Send it a number of miles straight up. Doesn't matter if it explodes after that. The reentry temperature will kill the virus, easily."

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



"You're teleporting it into space?" says Horizon incredulously. "Yikes, won't need to remind me to stay on your good side. Still, it's a shame we can't track him down."

Kicking to her feet she looks about the street "I've got a wierd feeling this is all a little too easy."



"Unless SERAPH has a blast chamber in the hazmat labs. Which I'd imagine they do." Sara pondered this for a moment. "Actually, yes." She started a swift, and hurried comm conversation with the people over at the FBSA.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Morgana was relieved by the arrival of the other heroes, although a bit nervous about the possible side effects of her panicked shout, and edged away from the car. She was reluctant to leave outright, but was painfully aware that she had no armour and couldn't remember how to fly.

Besides... these people obviously had it all under control... they obviously had better connections and she knew several of them had better security clearance.

She edged away from the car, wondering how much time was left before it blew and if she could actually run fast enough...

Meanwhile, as soon as Morgana had hung up on her, Andraste had informed the police of the approximate location of the car, so that they could coordinate an evacuation.

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



As Morgana edged backwards, she bumped into the coated masked black figure of The Walking Shadow.
"Going somewhere?" he asked, offering a hand.
Turning to the other heroes, "I got all civvies i could find out, so do what you gotta do, and i'll move myself out of here." turning back to Morgana, he asked
"Need a lift?" with a smile.