Bar of the Damned (( Open RP ))




Red sat chatting with Petal. It had been a while since she had just talking about nothing in particular with someone. She smiled as she remembered the last time and wondered if she should have left him her number.

"Petal, How do you fancy going to a club? I will need to get changed, but what do you think?" Red finished the contents of her glass.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



"Sure. Have a dance or two." gets up and takes Red's hand, pulling her up and walk out...

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Red laughs and lets Petal pull her along.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



((Thread Resurrection! I always thought this thread had a lot more unexploited potential. So in an effort to help restore it's prominence in the Unionverse I decided to have it crossover with Open Season.))

The Bar of the Damned during Open Season...

A heavily disguised Big Game walked into the smokey bar. Unlike previous visits the place was positively heaving. It seemed that the bounty placed on monster hunters by the Blood Countess had drawn all manner of creeps into the Isles, and this bar served as their ale house of choice. As Big Game made his way to the bar he caught various snippets of conversation. While most seemed to be talking about Bathory's bounty, one or two did make a whispered comment about Big Game's disguise and it's similarity to a movie creature they'd seen. Once Big Game got to the bar he quickly got the Barkeep's attention and ordered himself a whisky with a straw. The Barkeep unfazed by Big Game's disguise or the sound of his voice being changed by an Optimus Prime voice changer quickly got his drink. Tossing over a few coins Big Game turned around, leaning on the bar and surveyed the faces of the other patrons...



Two chairs further at the bar was Jack Wulfe. The lycantrophe was drinking the already fifth glass of Jack Daniels... his favorite booze. He actually looked the most normal in the bar... brown leather jacket and black leather motorcycle pants. Wearing cowboy boots...

Jack checked out the stranger coming in... thinking this one looked real strange. He took a sip of his drink while almost automatically used his inhuman sense of smell to check upon the new arrival. The sudden faul smell entering his nose almost made him sick and he had to hold steady not to drop his drink.

"He there mate! A bath wouldn't be a waste of time you know!", he said to the disguised Big Game.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



A still disguised Big Game lifted his head in acknowledgement, and then put his masked face in one of his armpits.

"Don't smell nothing!" He chuckled through the Optimus Prime voice changer. Turning away from Jack Wulfe he poked the straw into a hole in his mask and slurped his whisky.



Big Game picked up his drink and started to move around the bar, picking up snippets of conversation as he went...

“’s what I said a Freakshow Vampire! Call’s himself Steel Tooth. He already claimed the bounty on the Knightwatchman, but when he went after Witch Hunt who was recovering in hospital he was stopped by Cabal Witches. You gotta wonder what the connection is there?..”

“...really surprised Claret didn’t get Big Game. From what I heard when they left that bar he was all over her like a rash, and totally oblivious that she was a Vampire...”

“...eave a foul taste in her mouth. It’s not every day her castle is besieged, and her prisoners set free...”

“...ou sure? I didn’t think the Corporation and the Blood Countess were on particularly good terms. Then again with the sorta money the Countess is throwing about I suppose it’s possible they want a piece of the action...”

Each conversation caught Big Game’s interest to varying degrees, but the possibility the Corporation had thrown in with Bathory really bothered him. Especially since so many Corpers were amongst his good friends.

I guess it’s true you just can’t trust any... His train of thought was interrupted by his spying a copy of Bathory’s bounty on one of the Bar’s walls. The bounty listed pretty much anybody who’d ever hunted supernatural creatures or close associates of those hunters. Several names had already been crossed out including Big Game’s fellow Hyenas Super Sized Sally, and Father Jack Harrigan. One thing he was thankful of was his young apprentice Shop was still listed as being at large. That gave him hope he was still alive.

“Thinking of taking a shot at one of ‘em?”

Big Game turned to face the voice. Standing there was a grizzled, wild haired, toothless old man with a disturbingly friendly grin on his face.

“Figured I’d have a go at Big Game. I know he’s second on the list but he seems more of a prestigious kill than the Priest. I mean at least ‘Game has got the savvy to charge for what he kills. The Priest does his huntin’ for free. That makes the Priest an amateur in my books.”

The old man gave Big Game a slightly befuddled look, but soon shrugged it off. “Maybe it’s one them Vampire versus the Church things. Anyway happy huntin’ son.”

Big Game saluted the old man with his drink and started to work his way towards the exit...



The blonde man in the cassock stood with a bourbon in one hand and a half smoked cigarette in the other. He was busy reading the notes on the wall, smiling to himself whenever he came across one that he thought looked interesting. He wanted to consult his book, to see if it would tell him anything interesting about the patrons of the bar. But the place was so crowded he feared drawing undue attention to himself. His god's latest demands would have to wait.

It was then he noticed the creature drinking from a straw.

Realising that he may have found the entertainment for the evening, The Atavist watched to see if anything kicked off.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Jack was already a bit intoxicated. His usual high regerative body had now at least one and a half bottle of Jack Daniels in him. It always costed him a lot to feel the old haze returning. A bit slow on the uptake he filled a second glass and tapped the disguised Big Game on his shoulder. "He man! You might be a strange smelly one but I always make it a point to drink with new people.", he handed him the glass whiskey. "Get to know new faces and such, no!"

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



"He man! You might be a strange smelly one but I always make it a point to drink with new people.", he handed him the glass whiskey. "Get to know new faces and such, no!"
Great I come to the freak bar from Hell smelling like a Hobo's armpit to score a little info and everybody still want's to be friends.

"Uh? Oh sure. Thanks." Came Big Game's voice changer distorted reply as he took the drink. Although I gotta warn you if you're hoping to coax info outta me to help you get ahead on one of the bounties posted by the Blood Countess you're outta luck 'cause Im new in town and got no leads yet.

Before the biker said anything else Big Game slurped the drink through his straw and noticed the man in the cassock looking over in his direction. A Clergyman hanging out in a place like this? Gotta be some sorta sicko who abuses his position to get to his victims he thought to himself. Dismissing the Clergyman from his thoughts he turned back towards the biker. "Although if you got any info you're willing to spare I'm all ears...



Sat on her own the statuesque blackskinned woman known as Emerald Esoterica sipped another drink. The lazy yet erratic movements of her butterfly-like wings betraying her gradual intoxication. Usually the dancer at The Succubi Club would be in high spirits, the centre of a great deal of attention and loving every second. Today however she'd rebuffed anyone who had approached her, her head hung low and her deep green hair curtaining most of her face, a depressed slump from a woman who usually held herself tall.

A gentle ringing escaped one of the pockets of her tight pair of jeans but she was so downcast that it took the young woman a brief moment to realise it was her phone making the noise. With a sad apologetic smile to those nearby she picked up quickly.


" Sylph, I won't be performing tonight.."


"I don't think she will be. I haven't seen Kimi in a while"

Slowly her eyes shifted to the list of bounties and she gave a tiny smile.

"'Game and Blade still aren't claimed so my guess is that's what she's up to"

Despite her depressed state she managed a chuckle at her friend and employer's response. "Yeah, I think so too. She likes tiger stripes... but maybe that thing with that old bouncer of yours, Hailey? Has her distracted.."

"..yeah, but her cousin's in The Corp, right?"

She paused in her conversation to drink deeply from her glass. "But I have to go.. yeah.. it's really important" She insisted poorly, her lie obvious but it appeared her boss accepted it nonetheless "Mmmhmm, I'll see you later Sylph, hug Marcus for me!"

Quickly she hung up, uncaring who had overheard her, instead she returned to her drink, looking at it with a disappointed gaze, it was far too empty already.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Big Game's attention was caught when he overheard something about 'tiger stripes'. His curiosity piqued he turned and was pleasantly pleased to see the gorgeously exotic form of Emerald Esoterica. Catching the last bit of the phone conversation his keen hearing caught the bit about a 'cousin in the Corp' , and realised the ebony skinned woman might be a far better prospect for information gathering than the rest of the bar's denizens. Given the choice of speaking to toothless old men, half cut bikers, creepy clergymen, and beautiful tall ebon skinned fairy chicks? Beautiful tall ebon skinned fairy chicks won every time...

...Besides this particular fairy chick was was obviously feeling blue, making her vulnerable and ripe for the picking.

Tossing some coins onto the bar Big Game gestured to Jack Wulfe. "Whatever my friend here wants." Big Game said through the voice changer. He then turned to Jack Wulfe. "Sorry bud I don't mean to rude, I'd love to chew the fat, but I spy another huntin' opportunity."



Jack's answer was short and to the point. So a "Whatever..." later he was back at the bar ordering yet a third bottle. "I wouldn't be able to give more inside information anyway. Lizzy doesn't like it when I speak too much about her business.", he muttered softly.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Lizzy? Oh great this goon actually knows Bathory personally.

Big Game looked at Jack and then again to Emerald Esoterica. In the end Big Game's usual instict won out...

"How you doing?" Came 'Game's distorted voice as he sat down in the seat opposite Emerald Esoterica.



A tiny sigh escaped Emerald's lips as another man chose the seat opposite her.

"Fine" She replied bluntly, despite her obvious dour mood. Often one to relish attention she found herself wishing she'd chosen somewhere more private to dwell on her personal issues.

Swiftly the faelike woman drained the last of her drink with a small wrinkle of her nose, she had been spoilt by batter drinks in recent months. With a slightly louder than intended slam she placed the empty glass on the table in front of her and looked again to the stranger sat near her.

Slowly she raised a quizzical eyebrow towards him, a silent challenge for him to get it over and done with. She was almost certain he'd try some line heard countless times before.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Parasite Knight, a being covered from head to toe in a bioorganic material with red tendrils moving over his body, walked up to the bar on the other side of Emerald, giving her a "hey there" before turning to the bar and ordering a blood beer.
Putting a tendril into the drink and slowly draining it, he sat on the stool and waited for her



Big Game was about to launch into one of his routines when the realization hit him that he was wearing a Tusken Raider mask modifed with an Optimus Prime voice changer, smelt like a badger's behind, and sat smack bang in the middle of a bar where almost all the patrons, if they knew who he really was, would likely dogpile him for the chance of delivering his head to the Blood Countess.

What the hell am I thinking. I ain't got time for this!

Big Game was about to make his excuses and leave but then a twinge of guilt got him.

If I was ready to pounce on this girl cause I thought she was vulnerable. God knows what the rest of these sick creeps might do to her.

For some unknown reason he glanced at the man in the cassock.

Yup, sicko!

"Sorry Miss. I didn't mean to disturb you. I'm in the Isles for the huntin'. You know, im a predator. Well I saw you sat there all blue like... and well a moment of weakness got me."

Big Game leant closer and whispered as best he could considering his voice changer. "Im guessing most of the guys drinking here wouldn't think twice. I'd feel a lot better if you let me buy you a drink, and maybe bring a smile to your face.... All in the interest of protecting you from further unwanted attention of course."



Parasite looked at the disguised Big Game, then turned to Emerald. "hey Em, this guy bothering you?". He looked up at Big Game, his muscles begining to grom in size as the Parasite amplified its hosts muscle mass and strength.



As the strange man leant closer Emerald had to hold her breath, how he'd managed to end up with such a strong stench around him was beyond her but in her short life she'd endured worse than a rank odor. She opened her mouth to reply as he shifted away a little, a shake of her head indicating that she was about to decline his quite surprising offer.

That was until the nearby man who had greeted her seemed to finally register. Her eyes took him in and for just a moment her eyebrows knitted and she looked almost pained. Quickly she tore her eyes away, refocusing on the bizarre man opposite her and giving a small nod and a weak attempt at a smile.

"Alright" She agreed before pausing again at the Parasite's approach.

"No.. no he's not.. it's fine.."

She paused, keeping her eyes away from Parasite "Thank you" She added perhaps a little too quickly and bluntly.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Sighing, Parasite Knight picked up his drink. "sorry Em, didnt mean to disturb you". He moved away, giving one glance over his shoulder at Emerald and Big Game, a twing of jealousy rising in his heart.
His body shrunk and the Parasite receeded to reveal a topless man with motorcycle trousers on and a black skull painted over his face and chest, a blonde short mohawk rising from his head



Big Game wasn't stupid. By the wrinkling of her nose he could tell just his being around her at the moment was unpleasant, but then she'd rather put up with him than deal with the strange Parasite Knight who was obviously interested in her. Leaning backwards to the bar Big Game ordered a round of drinks. The same as Emerald had already drinking, and a strangely sickening cocktail loaded with vanilla which might disperse some of Big Game's rather foul smell.

"Hi my name is..." He suddenly realised he never picked a name to use before he came in. " Wraps." He said using the name of a Humanity First medic he'd known a few years earlier. Somehow he thought it fit the Tusken Raider mask and the ragged clothing he was wearing.



Parasite Knight walked out the door, nodding to a man he didnt even recognise who was coming in, almost stunned by how emerald had reacted, choosing the rediculous looking gutter dweller over someone he thought she regarded as a friend. Leaping onto a building, Parasite's confussion turned to rage, and in a fury he set off, heading for a group of thugs trying to break into a nearby building.


Coming in through the door, Silvas walked calmly past the skull walking out, surprised that there was no fear in the names face. Putting it down to a lack of recognition, Silvas walked up to the bar, his trenchcoat trailing just above the floor. He reached over the bar and pulled up a bottle full of black Liquid, giving the bartender a look which said plainly dont even think about it. Uncorking the bottle, the fumes from which made the ceiling bubble, he took a quick swig from it, looking around to see who was there.
Recognising Emerald, he smiled to himself, thinking it best not to interupt her drink with the man next to her.



Emerald gave a simple nod as she registered the man's name before claiming her own drink, a dark green cocktail, much more alcohol than mixer.

"As you heard, I'm Emerald, but just Em to most" She introduced herself plainly as she rolled her glass thoughtfully between her hands, he mood darker than ever after Parasite Knight's approach.

"So.." She started awkwardly, unsure of what to say to Wraps, what did you say in bizarre situations like this one?

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



A tall but non-descript figure walked in quietly, leaning on the bar and ordering a drink with a flick of a coin. Dressed in a well-worn black jacket and black jeans, topped with a wide black brimmed hat that was both cowboy and yet not at the same time, the figure was one of the less noticeable in the bar.

Behind ruby glasses, Leon DeFeurard sipped his drink and smirked to himself. It was time to dig a little deeper into this whole mess.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Sitting in a dark corner of the bar, the vampire Lucard Vas Normak watched Leon enter and move to the bar, keeping his face pointed down and hidden, he still kept his eyes fixed on Leon behind his red tinted glasses. His red hat was on the table and his long hair flowed over his shoulders as he sipped his red wine. His normally red and purple jacket had been changed for a dark blue and green one so as to remain hidden in this place of monsters and hidden beings. Lucard smiled to himself, things were turning out quite nicely.