Bar of the Damned (( Open RP ))




"So.." She started awkwardly, unsure of what to say to Wraps, what did you say in bizarre situations like this one?
In as hushed tones as his voice changer allowed...

"Hey don't sweat it. I was gonna hit on you at first, but remembered I'm in the middle of something. Besides I'm not exactly at my best at the moment... But if I was I'd charm the pants off ya!"

Big Game smiled unseen under his mask.

"But hey. I can see you don't need that sorta attention at the moment. Getting whatever is eating you off your chest might help, but I ain't naive enough to think you're gonna spill to a total stranger. So I figure I'd do the next best thing and keep the rest of the bottom feeders off you."

Big Game took a swip of the vanilla cocktail that was making a heroic effort to dampen the stench he was giving off.

"You want my advice, put a smile on that pretty face and give the finger to the rest of the world, otherwise once I leaved the creeps in here are gonna descend on you like carrion."



Silvas smiled to himself, hearing Big Game's words, not the least bit insulted at the description he was giving the patrons of the bar, wondering if the highly acute ears of the werewolves and vampires in the bar could hear him also. Laying a bet with himself to see how long it would take before the fool was clawed to death.



Despite her dark mood Emerald gave a genuine smile as she listened to Wraps talk, she wanted to object so much to him but she had to concede that he was mostly talking sense.

"They could descend, but I can take care of myself, I'm a big girl" She replied, a hint of her old mischief creeping back into her tone before the weight of why she was sat drinking hit her again despite her best attempts to fight it off.

"I'm just taking the time to realise what it is to have even a drop of humanity to you. You have to take the ups with the downs, I'm just not good with the downs" She explained "or if you want a less deep explaination.. someone I knew died, which sucks."

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



"I'm just taking the time to realise what it is to have even a drop of humanity to you. You have to take the ups with the downs, I'm just not good with the downs" She explained "or if you want a less deep explaination.. someone I knew died, which sucks."
Big Game's head dropped a little." I feel ya. Lot of people I know died recently. Part and parcel of the sort of business im in, but it doesn't make it any easier. I got my memories though so in a way they're still kinda alive. My philosophy is as long as you're looking out for number one all your significant others survive too... even if only in spirit."

Big Game took another slurp from his drink.

"You're right though. You probably could look after yourself, but atleast I got a smile outta you."

Deciding not to intrude on Emeralds grief further, and certain she could look after herself Big Game decided it was time to leave.

"I'll leave you to it babe. Maybe one day you'll catch me at my best, or atleast after I've showered. Til then stay gorgeous!"



Originally Posted by Big_Game_EU View Post
"I'll leave you to it babe. Maybe one day you'll catch me at my best, or atleast after I've showered. Til then stay gorgeous!"
Emerald couldn't help but smile again as Wraps made to leave. although she'd only spoken to him briefly he seemed to have his head screwed on a lot more tightly than a lot of the other patrons of the bar.

"Oh I get around so maybe I will catch you again" She replied gently, doing her utmost to keep more her mood upbeat.

"Who knows? Maybe next time I'll do something to help you.." She added as an afterthought as she returned to her drink, the man's words having far more impact on her than she could have ever expected. She'd lost people, and it had killed her a little inside, but still no matter what she could always remember the times she'd had with them.

Pushing her drink away she gave another smile as she realised she didn't entirely feel as though she needed it for comfort any more.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Leon watched out of the corner of his eye. As 'Wraps' moved away, he gave him a subtle nod and a half-hidden thumbs up.

Then he turned his head, staring straight at Lucard with a smirk and a devil-may-care wink.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Like an old town saloon in the Wild West, the doors to the Bar of the Damned flung open and out from a flood of white light stepped a man in a long dark trenchcoat. He had a stubborn stubble and unkept brown hair held together under a wide duster hat. He was armed with two Colts strapped to his right and left thigh, which jingled menacingly as he crossed the room. Mortally vulnerable and yet without a sliver of fear, he stared down the enemy monsters, taunting them to make a move. As he approached the poster wall of bounties he noticed the tension in the room was already high; two familiar-looking vampires seemed to be sizing each other up, a strange insect-faced character wrapped in rags was stirring insult and attracting a lot of uneasy attention. Then there was Jack Wolfe.

The trenchcoat swirled and danced as the man continued to the bounty list. He noticed a blonde man in a cassock stood with a bourbon in one hand and a half smoked cigarette in the other, busy reading the notes on the wall. He got a bad vibe from him but silently prayed the man was atleast a monster hunter, because he was certainly unlikely to be a real Catholic priest. But things were about to get interesting.

"Woah, woah, woah" he yelled loudly, browsing the list with a gloved finger. "Codename listen up; you will not believe this but that sexually frustrated Balwhory witch has put me way down at number thirty-two! Thirty-two!? Worth only a mere twenty-kay. Can you imagine?" he called louder, hoping to provoke a reaction among the monsters. "After all the hundreds of sick dogs and bloodsucking bats I've nailed. Only twenty-thousand dollars?"

((Written with Pious))



Emerald couldn't help but roll her eyes a little. She was naive in a great many ways but she wasn't stupid. Either the new arrival had an ace up his sleeve and some stupid bar patrons were about to get dusted or he thought he had an ace up his sleeve, one that would fall short and he'd be another stain on the bar room floor. Either way she wasn't here to fight and despite her lack of interest in it she claimed her drink and slinked away to the other side of the room.

Claiming a seat with a view of most of the bar she settled again, stretching her wings behind her as she waited to see if anyone would move away with her or if she'd be watching the 'show' on her own.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



As the bandaged man headed for the door, the Atavist sighed, disappointed that all he had managed was an aborted attempt at chatting up a girl he had no doubt could look after herself. And that was not really entertaining. So he chose instead to cross the floor and position himself by the exit. Staring at the man as he attempted to leave, he spoke up in his broad cockney accent.

"I've got a question for you. Why is it that a man who can talk perfectly well chooses to drink whiskey through a straw?"

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



As Big Game walked away from Emerald he couldn't help but smile inwardly to himself. It wasn't often he did a genuinely good deed but when he did it did make him feel good inside... Of course he'd never let anyone else know that.

Taking a brief moment to return what he suspected was a salute to the tall man wearing ruby glasses he continued weaving his way between the other patrons towards the exit. Before he'd even made it halfway an incredibly brave/stupid cowboy burst into the bar shooting his mouth off. Although Big Game didn't recognise the man he did recognise the fact he was either going to be a great distraction or a whole heap of trouble. Either way Big Game's interests would be better served if he got some distance between himself and the bar. Wasting no more time he continued on to the exit.

"I've got a question for you. Why is it that a man who can talk perfectly well chooses to drink whiskey through a straw?"
Asked the creepy clergyman that now stood in his way. Big Game paused a moment before giving a reply through his voice changer...

"Take a look around you. There's a whole lot of ugly. If I take my mask off it's gonna get a whole lot uglier. Keeping my mug under wraps is an act of public kindness."



Silvas smiled to himself at the newcomers outburst, now wondering who would react to this so called number thirty-two. Taking his bottle he got up and went to sit near to Emerald, giving her a smile as he joined her to watch the oncoming show. He'd take no part in it ofcourse, if your stupid enough to come into a demon bar yelling about how many monsters youve killed, then your asking for a fight. Let this fool be ripped limb from limb by the best of the best.


Lucard didnt even turn to look at the newcomer, keeping his gaze fixed on his drink an his eyes on Leon, his face becoming grim as he steady one of his pistols on the table, aiming for the arrogant hunter's head, his finger on the trigger.



Originally Posted by Big_Game_EU View Post
Asked the creepy clergyman that now stood in his way. Big Game paused a moment before giving a reply through his voice changer...

"Take a look around you. There's a whole lot of ugly. If I take my mask off it's gonna get a whole lot uglier. Keeping my mug under wraps is an act of public kindness."

"How very thoughtful of you," replied the Atavist. "But you know, this bar is full of people who could sink a ship just by looking at it. I saw one fella over there drinking with a tentacle. I'm sure they wouldn't look twice if you took your mask off. C'mon, take it off, you can't be that bad lookin underneath."

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Blade Racer View Post
...he joined her to watch the oncoming show. He'd take no part in it of course, if you’re stupid enough to come into a demon bar yelling about how many monsters you’ve killed, then you’re asking for a fight. Let this fool be ripped limb from limb by the best of the best.
A couple of drunken wolfmen pushed over their tables and came charging in to the trenchcoat pistolier. With practised ease he pulled out his left-side Colt and emptied a shell into the oncoming werewolves. They both collapsed onto the carpeted floor and began to bleed silver. A gang of vampires jumped him out of the corner of his eyes but he was swifter. He ducked and began offloading his remaining rounds from under the bat-pile. One by one they ashed and crumbled.

With a cocky smile the man rose back to his feet and began reloading his weapons. "That about brings my count to what? Three hundred and eighty-two?" he asked, talking to no-one in particular but clearly sizing up Jack Wolfe. "That's just eighteen away from a nice round four hundred, what do you think Wolfy? When I put down you and your seventeen other rabid dogs, I reckon that aughta do it... Don't you?"




Leon chuckled, shaking his head slightly at the newcomer. Returning to staring at Lucard, he merely raised an eyebrow at the gun barrel on the table, grinning as he placed a cigarette between his teeth and lit it with the small flame that hovered over his thumb once he snapped his fingers.
Things were about to get interesting, it seemed.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Lucard fired a single shot at the newcomer as he spoke to the werewolf. The silver lined iron bullet covered in both holy and unholy runes hurtled towards the hunter.
A single thought in his mind, Welcome to the big leagues
As he pulled the trigger, Lucard readied his second pistol under the table, grinning as his fangs visibly lengthen, putting his hat on his head and leaning back to take better aim.



"How very thoughtful of you," replied the Atavist. "But you know, this bar is full of people who could sink a ship just by looking at it. I saw one fella over there drinking with a tentacle. I'm sure they wouldn't look twice if you took your mask off. C'mon, take it off, you can't be that bad lookin underneath."
Just as the Atavist finished, and before Big Game could answer, gunshots rang out though the bar. And I was worried that it would be me to cause all hell to break loose!

"Sorry bub, but you're just gonna have to use your imagination because as of now I'm outta here!" Wasting not a moment more Big Game eased past the Atavist and out of the door.



Originally Posted by Blade Racer View Post
Lucard fired a single shot at the newcomer as he spoke to the werewolf. The silver lined iron bullet covered in both holy and unholy runes hurtled towards the hunter.
A single thought in his mind, Welcome to the big leagues
As he pulled the trigger, Lucard readied his second pistol under the table, grinning as his fangs visibly lengthen, putting his hat on his head and leaning back to take better aim.
There was a ringing metallic *clang* that would make a few ears and more sensetive teeth in the establishment ache.
Leon had moved across the room in the blink of an eye, and now stood between Lucard and the loud-mouthed hunter. Even as people watched, the single crushed bullet slid off the katana that he held horizontal, the blade once more appearing from nowhere. There was a quiet ping as the metal hit the floor.

"I know loud noises are a little uncouth, but that's a little un-sportsman-like, dontcher think, chap?" Leon gave Lucard a condescending smile, one eye gleaming from beneath the brim of the hat.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Lucard smiled back at Leon. "well if the fool wants to come in here bragging about a lowly 400 kills, he should at least be expecting to get shot, shouldnt he? and besides, this isnt sport, its a mercy, ending the life of this low grade hunter would be a good thing for all concerned, saving him the embarrasment of getting pummelled after that little speech of his"
Grinning widely, Lucard unloaded half the clips of his guns, aiming at Leon and the hunter.



As the hail of bullets cut through the air towards him, the trenchcoat pistolier emanated another glow of light and disappeared, only to reappear behind the shooting vampire. His left Colt was poised to the vamp's skull and the other digging through his back adjacent to the heart. "For an ancient bloodsucker you should'a known never to underestimate a man with nothing to live for. Now let this be the last thing you hear you ugly scumbag; the name is Hellskiller."




Lucard smirked and looked back at Hellskiller. "for a two-bit hunter your not bad kid" he said as he kicked his feet forward, sending his chair backwards "but i'm far, far better". Unloading the last of his bullets at Leon, Lucard began to laugh.



Jack shook his head trying to clear his head a bit.. three bottles of whiskey is a lot. Even for one with his regeneration. But he realised what the guy was saying... he looked at Hellskiller and his eyes shifted to yellow.. Then his body bulked and changed. Black hair growing just as fast as muscles. Leaving a huge blackhaired werewolf.

A deep voice sounded under his growl... while Jack threw one of the empty bottles to the head of Hellskiller. "I aint no pup kid! You are in way over your league this time..."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Blade Racer View Post
Lucard smiled back at Leon. "well if the fool wants to come in here bragging about a lowly 400 kills, he should at least be expecting to get shot, shouldnt he? and besides, this isnt sport, its a mercy, ending the life of this low grade hunter would be a good thing for all concerned, saving him the embarrasment of getting pummelled after that little speech of his"
Grinning widely, Lucard unloaded half the clips of his guns, aiming at Leon and the hunter.
Leon merely sighed.
His right arm didn't blur. It just became a shifting mass in the air. The air sang as bullets richocheted away, deflected by the blade. He finished with his right arm held crossways over his chest, the blade facing down. He reached his other hand under the arm, flipping the fingers tauntingly.
"I'd expect better than that, old man," he grinned, before blinking out of existance to reappear in front of the table, boot already planted on it, before shunting it visciously into Lucard.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The bar seemed to be about to erupt into a full scale brawl as the Atavist failed to stop the masked man from leaving. He uttered a colourful curse then randomly backfisted a growling creature that was creeping up behind him. He ducked behind an aggressive looking monster and positioned himself at the bar, a hand on a chair, ready to use it as a weapon if anyone approached.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



The table moved through and hit the chair he had just shoved towards Hellskiller, standing up through the table and moving to the side, floating away from the pair of hunters. "you will have to do better than that Leon, i mean you arent dealing with a lesser vampire tonight".



Originally Posted by Blade Racer View Post
The table moved through and hit the chair he had just shoved towards Hellskiller, standing up through the table and moving to the side, floating away from the pair of hunters. "you will have to do better than that Leon, i mean you arent dealing with a lesser vampire tonight".
"Oh, I dunno, Lucard old chap," Leon retorted with a condescending little chuckle. "You haven't given me much evidence to the contrary yet."
Without looking round he stabbed the katana backwards, running some sort of monstrous wolf-bear-man thing through with the blade at the waist. Ducking and turning slightly, he brought the blade straight up with a horrific sound of severed flesh, muscle and bone, the creature falling back in two not-quite-severed halves. With a little tut, Leon wiped the blade clean on its fur.
"Now then...I believe we owe each other a dance?" he added with a grin, tugging his hat slightly more firmly onto his head.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.