A question poll thing.....




Okay say one day, a 'God' appeared in CoX, a proper reality altering, limitless power, dead back to life, cities of fire and blood, mountains to salt, miracles and brimstone level entity.

It's very existence caused the average mortal, to follow its every command.

But a select few, those who had studied magic, those with power psionic ability and those with the power of gods and mythical beasts in their blood, they were immune to the commands.

Instead the god whispered to them, constantly promising them gifts, lost loved ones back among the living, curses cured, power, wealth and so on.

The question is, what would you characters do?

Would they fight against this new god? Or would they join it in return for what it could give them?

Working on a bit of CoX fiction, and this idea intrigued me enough to ask it

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



What would my characters do? Same as any other "god" character, ignore it or treat it like a loon if ignoring isn't possible.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



What would my characters do? Same as any other "god" character, ignore it or treat it like a loon if ignoring isn't possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldn't get offended by the mind washed masses chanting the new Gods name, all hours of the day, out by your bins?

Edited: Wonder if that is the godly version of playing your radio too loud.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Um... States and Recluse anyone?



Nope, because it wouldn't be happening as far as any of my characters are concerned. Sorry, but I'm not going to pay ANY attention to some god type character trying to dictate what's going on around my chars. As far as they're concerned, it's not happening.

I think you'll find it will be a common attitude too. What you're proposing is quite literally god modding. You're dictating how the game world is responding, forcing it on others; and lots of people just won't accept that.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Hmm ok let see , rolling out the more active alt's

Rik ...would invite the god out for a beer and fill him/her /it in about the modern world and how gods are a bit meh these days .. and then recommend some other worlds to try ...

Bill....being a soulless zombie who would not be brought back from death (( many reason not yet explore in RP )).. would confront the god and was the classic WHY questions .. and the god better have good answers ..

Hellskeeper works for the Divine powers ..so would check with head office to confirm this gods legal status divine powers wise .. then would either serve of start a rebel army cell ..

Nullman .. would drop out of reality and wait and see how the whole gig panned out

Quantum ..is a alien so would speed up ship repairs and depart ...

Justice delivered .. would just add a new name to his list ....

on the villian side

Ravenna Krone .. as a necromancer would fine a good place to hide

Archibald Vyllian ...as a murderous thug would join the rebel forces.. ...



Nope, because it wouldn't be happening as far as any of my characters are concerned. Sorry, but I'm not going to pay ANY attention to some god type character trying to dictate what's going on around my chars. As far as they're concerned, it's not happening.

I think you'll find it will be a common attitude too. What you're proposing is quite literally god modding. You're dictating how the game world is responding, forcing it on others; and lots of people just won't accept that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hence the fiction part, you know like in DC or Marvel, where you get the whole obsidian age, age of Apocalypse stuff, stuff that simple couldn't happen in main stream because when you get down to it several characters could just single handily prevent it, Captain Marvel, Dr Fate, Franklin Richards, Dr Strange etc

Yet they still provide an entertaining read.

Likewise in a situation outside of game play restraints, out side of our normal respect for each other as RPer's ((Out of continuity, would perhaps be the correct term)), what would one gods response be to a new one, that goes around actually doing all the stuff Gods are meant to be able to do, but yet never actually seem to do ((Apart from Thor, who would no doubt be on the 'Say Thee Nay' side)) in comics.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



but FFM you where quite happy with for example ...the Unity plaza attack god moding the actions of major villian groups ...

which if taken as cannon means there is a new war in the city .. which effects everyone interactions UV and malta , the knives et al ...

take Doc Mech new trolls .. creating a new race how god mode it that ......

take the attempt on the Zig to free tiger white .. you are creating cannon on how hard /easy it is to attack the Zig ..

your toons are still free to act .. and trying to ignore is a responce .. but that does not mean things cant happen ...it just changes the background colour from red to blue ...



Hmmm... come back from the dead just to banish this sorry excuse of a....

Part of what makes people people is the ability to choose. Free will, take that from them and that makes the taker a villain worthy of making a smear on the ... well, what ever it is...
There's an other dimensional being that comes close to it, one that most of my characters would love to take out, but it being an other dimension, that'd pretty much make my characters almost as bad.

And beyond that.. what FFM said about ignoring the godmodder... and anyone going along with that level of idiocy.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.




And beyond that.. what FFM said about ignoring the godmodder... and anyone going along with that level of idiocy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm using it for the setting of a piece of fiction, not an RP event, nor the basis of a new god character for me to play as.

All I was asking is what people thought their 'character' would do in that situation, whether they'd fight back, or grab all the miracles they could, because the idea intrigues me, at what price do people sell their free will?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



but FFM you where quite happy with for example ...the Unity plaza attack god moding the actions of major villian groups ...

which if taken as cannon means there is a new war in the city .. which effects everyone interactions UV and malta , the knives et al ...

[/ QUOTE ]

How does that affect anyone? The Malta and KoA are mercenaries, they work for whoever pays them. Perfectly within the canon for them to take on such a job.

Also, it only affects people in the UV and NV groups, because it's plot intended only for them. No one else was affected.


take Doc Mech new trolls .. creating a new race how god mode it that ......

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really paying attention to that atm, have enough to do. CB asked a specific question though, so I answered it.


take the attempt on the Zig to free tiger white .. you are creating cannon on how hard /easy it is to attack the Zig ..

[/ QUOTE ]

Again, small scale RP affecting only those characters who CHOSE to take part. And we ALL know how easy it is to break out of the Zig; we have evidence in the CoV tutorial and all the escapes cons in Brickstown.


your toons are still free to act .. and trying to ignore is a responce .. but that does not mean things cant happen ...it just changes the background colour from red to blue ...

[/ QUOTE ]

My toons are free to act IF they can't be affected. Given CB gave some specific avoidance techniques, those of my chars without said gives ARE affected directly, hence are god modded. This is why RP on a world scale just doesn't work.

Look at the Requiem War the other year... Some people didn't want to take part; to them, it NEVER happened.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



but FFM you where quite happy with for example ...the Unity plaza attack god moding the actions of major villian groups ...

[/ QUOTE ]
Using NPC groups along their ingame line of actions.. not godmoding

which if taken as cannon means there is a new war in the city .. which effects everyone interactions UV and malta , the knives et al ...

[/ QUOTE ]
They are merc, and it's already open war between them and the heroes... and the heroes with every Enemy mob in or above their level range.

take Doc Mech new trolls .. creating a new race how god mode it that ......

[/ QUOTE ]
Rather.. though it adds, not dictates how everyone acts, just creates a new below the game suface group.
Easy to ignore as they're not everywhere, not every pedestrian you meet is one, or should/would be one.

take the attempt on the Zig to free tiger white .. you are creating cannon on how hard /easy it is to attack the Zig ..

[/ QUOTE ]
It's already cannon that it is easy to hit.. take every new Player villain that goes through the tutorial.
And still, it's small scale, you can ignore it easily if you want to.

your toons are still free to act .. and trying to ignore is a responce .. but that does not mean things cant happen ...it just changes the background colour from red to blue ...

[/ QUOTE ]
But our characters would be loons if they ignored every NPC/pedestrian chanting this new god's name. At least to those who do go along with it.
And vice versa.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.




Hence the fiction part, you know like in DC or Marvel, where you get the whole obsidian age, age of Apocalypse stuff, stuff that simple couldn't happen in main stream because when you get down to it several characters could just single handily prevent it, Captain Marvel, Dr Fate, Franklin Richards, Dr Strange etc

[/ QUOTE ]

As a piece of fiction there's nothing at all wrong with it; though I'd suggest NOT placing it at public RP locations. As an RP plot, I wouldn't advise doing it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Efranof would use any and all abilities he had to scare them off and make them wish they had never been there.

Underthrow would likely turn himself into a magic 'bomb', throwing all of his excess magic at it in hopes of at the very least wounding it so someone else could pitch in and finish it off, although it'd proberbly kill him in the process.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



hmm God modding doesn't really apply to NPCs, they're just that, Non-Player Characters and with most forum plots someone is the Games Master, they're utilizing the CoX equivilent of the Monster Manual (NPC catalogue) to initiate the story.

Attack on Unity Plaza: Standard character plot, not much altered about the NPCs and with a Games Master guiding said NPCs, so you're standard D&D fair.

My Trolls: Trolls with an increased Challenge rating designed for higher level players (I.E. A level range bump) often used to surprise the players who have an expectation of how powerful something should be (nobody expects a Kobold to have a vast range of highly dangerous magical spells to hurl at the party...that was a particularly nasty trick pulled by a GM during a D&D play session once). The uber-Trolls aren't a new race, they're just Trolls but badder (alright so women keep their figure, that's about it). Also as mentioned, they're not official, they're there for me or anyone else to use but you wouldn't be encountering them ingame (apart from one female one) since their numbers are very few and most of them will spend their time hiding or helping out fighting crime.

The attack on the zig: The event wouldn't be considered ingame canon of how hard it is to break into the Zig but judging by the fact every new player villain busts out of their with ease thanks to Arachnos, it can't be too hard...

edit: Damn beaten to it!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



My toons are free to act IF they can't be affected. Given CB gave some specific avoidance techniques, those of my chars without said gives ARE affected directly, hence are god modded. This is why RP on a world scale just doesn't work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is not RP, is just a general question based on a bit of fiction I'm writing. It could just of been easily a question of what you thought DC or Marvel characters would do ((Spiderman would so sell out, Thor would smite, Batman would go along so his parents were alive, then give them up to deal the final free will saving blow)) but well none of us know the minds of the characters there, like we do with our own characters.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.




Hence the fiction part, you know like in DC or Marvel, where you get the whole obsidian age, age of Apocalypse stuff, stuff that simple couldn't happen in main stream because when you get down to it several characters could just single handily prevent it, Captain Marvel, Dr Fate, Franklin Richards, Dr Strange etc

[/ QUOTE ]

As a piece of fiction there's nothing at all wrong with it; though I'd suggest NOT placing it at public RP locations. As an RP plot, I wouldn't advise doing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was sort of hopping those with the Thor and above level characters would throw in some input, not outright decide I'm making Haruhi or something and bite my head off.

Basically I was just wondering how messed up Earth would be after it, when people can toss nuke blasts at each other it gets bad, when people start battling each other with theoretical concepts and reality altering shifts, then it gets Unseen University tip, level bad.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.




The attack on the zig: The event wouldn't be considered ingame canon of how hard it is to break into the Zig but judging by the fact every new player villain busts out of their with ease thanks to Arachnos, it can't be too hard...

[/ QUOTE ]

I suspect the work of the menders!

Everyone escapes at the same time, they just get there later than others

*Twilight Zone Music*

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



you are dodging the point ...all the UV characters are now in a open war .. so when i meet one at GG who's version of history do we play ... any RP that happens effects those around it ....we all agree that UV is a SG .. so if it is at war there are effects ... or how else can we interact ...

if Bill meets Zortel at GG tonight and he say no there has never been a giant robot lead attack on the UV towers , (( as its not cannon , and UV are not listed as foes of Malta in game info , and there is no UV plaza on the maps )) what does Z do .. agree or god mode yes there was ...???

all RP that is interest effects all other player ..



I would just like to add there is also something known as 'player canon'.

This isn't part of the official ingame canon but it's something shared between all the RPers and widely agreed upon.

Dr Mechano sells a range of Walkie-toasters.

Various heroes tutor at the Paragon Uni to make some money and it's often a highly regarded position.

There's a club called 'The Pits' somewhere in Kings Row (I think it's KR) which is for the alternative crowd.

Edit: If you go down that step then there's a whole new problem, do you call all the people in the UV crazy because Unity Plaza doesn't exist on the official map, do you call Edward crazy (alright he is but that's not the point) because his 'home' in Darwins landing doesn't officially exist?

The thing is that with all RP you simply have to make the choice to agree on things, it also works the other way, what if Zortel and the entire UV/NV group decide Bill is just plain crazy and steer clear of him from now on?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ignoring the debate and taking the thing at face value:

Jason Caine would tell the looney to get lost, he doesn't like gods. If said looney kept it up for any length of time, or it was affecting one of his 'loved ones', Jason would arrange to call in sufficient beings of godlike power to trash the moron. He has connections. It'd cost him, in spades, but he'll stop at more or less nothing to protect people he cares about.

War Crow... would probably trip over into his own god-mode, destroying the world and the godlike entity.

Nitoichi would be one of the mindless chanting people. She's a normal human with a lot of self-taught powers. Pretty much the same is true of Velvet.

All in all, don't use my characters as examples, they tend to either be normal people, or the kind of people who you don't want messing about with your god plot, or fiction. If you plan to use anyone else's characters in your story, I suggest you make darn sure you have permission, and a plot twist where it all turns out to be a horrible nightmare would be a good idea.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



getting back on topic of what sounds like a rather interesting out-of-continuum idea...

Having had run ins with gods, and being agnostic himself, Lunk would definitely be opposed to some omnipotent being interfering with stuff, and would aggressively resist, even at the cost of mass collateral damage of 'lost' people.
His own connections to mythological beings, his magic using wife, and uneasy truce with Morrigan, means he'll likely hover closer to any mystical or old-religion type resistance groups.
KM-Tech would be put on full production of Eve/Acp units for as long as possible in order to help fill resistance ranks, before going underground.




All in all, don't use my characters as examples, they tend to either be normal people, or the kind of people who you don't want messing about with your god plot, or fiction. If you plan to use anyone else's characters in your story, I suggest you make darn sure you have permission, and a plot twist where it all turns out to be a horrible nightmare would be a good idea.

[/ QUOTE ]

Slight spoilers.

The question was purely for my own interest, it always bugged me what the god characters were doing in these alternative future comic series.

The actual events take place in a 'pocket' world, with the people inside copies of people the 'god' has met, hence only people who agree to be in the fiction get mentioned, everyone else can do as they please.

Edit: As for why I want to write something like this, I fancied writing something ludicrously grim dark or Alan Moore Esq, plus I have toothache!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Aha... rather Marvel-ish then... The Outsider, wasn't it? Possibly one of the suckiest storylines I ever saw Marvel write. Your story can't possibly be worse at least.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Hmm indeed back on topic.

Ed is a mythical beast (a demon) so he's unaffected plus he's already serving another God, so he would be fighting for his faith.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!