Duel Pistols powersets (for tankers)
Theres a lesson to be learned in this, One you'll learn from me, and one you'll lear from others, the fact that Dual Pistols has been frequently suggested in many ways, and I got Buried alive by 'Old News' spam and it may aswell happen to you, and if you want these spam vultures to jump all over you and picking away at your will to live, then youve made the wrong suggestion
The fact that you use pistols as melee is about as usfull as having an Arachnos soldier 'Just because you like the guns melee powers', Its time to go to the old drawing board and slam your head into it saying 'Why the hell did i put that in'....i know i did with my Duel pistols set
The second is that your defense set is like willpower, only fruity. It seems more like a valentines day temporary power list compiled into a powerset, and the days of love like heroes died after the 80's, its gritty hero time.
I'm sorry to dissapiont you, bit its a definate no from me. Oh, and i'm sorry that ive been harsh doing this, but Its about damn time i was the harsh to someone for a change
A total of 14 of my nerves have been harmed in the making of this post...
Dual Pistols
[/ QUOTE ]
Duel, not Dual, silly rabbit
I'm sorry to dissapiont you
[/ QUOTE ]
Me too.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
It's about time we men of breeding had a fitting set to show those ruffians what for!
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
I'll take a brace of each, one I'll use now, the other, have it gift wrapped and sent to my brother. Put it on my account as usual, there's a good chap.
I would play this, multiple times.
Tally Ho Chaps! I think the Brits have come up with something!
Bravo! A sterling effort there dear boy!
I'd love to suggest one for the Primary though - Queensbury Rules: any foe within the PBAoE can't use any underhanded tactics. Freaks can't revive, Sky Raiders can't teleport and those damn clowns can't go intangible. Stand still while I hit you, you cur! Have at thee you scoundrel!
Oh yes, I like these.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Dear Alvan,
Please allow me this opportunity to draw your awareness to the small matter of your being, as they say in the common parlance, 'mad as a sack of badgers'.
This said, I should also like to take a moment to offer my full support to you with regard to this suggestion and inform you that I should like very much indeed to see your fine idea implemented.
Yours Faithfully,
/e teabag
/e crumpets
/e twiddle villains mustache
What this set really needs, though, is a "Scottish Reaver" power set for Brutes that negates it.
Glasgow Kiss attack?
I really should do something about this signature.
Dual Pistols
[/ QUOTE ]
Duel, not Dual, silly rabbit
[/ QUOTE ]
duel is matching against each other, dual is 2 of the same or 2x the same kind.
so in this case, it's dual.
so in this case, it's dual.
[/ QUOTE ]Or you could, you know, actually read the OP.
-1 for those that don't get it
Jolly good show, old chap! Rather spiffy if I do say so myself.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Glasgow Kiss attack?
[/ QUOTE ]
Shockingly unsporting what?
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Hmmmm how about a glasgow kiss attack followed by a glasgow smile? Now THAT'S unsporting!
so in this case, it's dual.
[/ QUOTE ]Or you could, you know, actually read the OP.
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL: ^^ this
Theres a lesson to be learned in this, One you'll learn from me, and one you'll lear from others, the fact that Dual Pistols has been frequently suggested in many ways, and I got Buried alive by 'Old News' spam and it may aswell happen to you, and if you want these spam vultures to jump all over you and picking away at your will to live, then youve made the wrong suggestion
[/ QUOTE ]
Thing is, this is a joke suggestion.
So... there shall be no abuse coming from me in this thread.
Also, I'll actually /sign this unlike the other, less thoughtful, suggestions of two gun ideas.
EDIT: As a matter of fact, I just clicked on the joke, Jay. Alvan, you weasel!
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91
Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com
Yes dual /signed
Thanks to all those who got it
Also, I think this one is just brilliant:
I'd love to suggest one for the Primary though - Queensbury Rules: any foe within the PBAoE can't use any underhanded tactics. Freaks can't revive, Sky Raiders can't teleport and those damn clowns can't go intangible. Stand still while I hit you, you cur! Have at thee you scoundrel!
[/ QUOTE ]
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I think "spoof" is the word to describe this suggestion, for those who are struggling.
I really should do something about this signature.
Ye Olde Sense of Honour (Tanker Primary)
Dressed for the occation - Auto - Res(Cold, Fire, Slow, Debuffs, Knockback, Repel, Knockdown, Endurance Drain, etc.)
"You are always prepared for the harsh extremities of weather and won't let some silly blizzard or heatwave slow you down"
Minor damage resistance, good prot/res vs. that sort of status effects
Higher education - Toggle - Res(Psi, Negative Energy, Confuse, Sleep)
"As an Oxford Graduate you dismiss the supernatural with your rational thought"
Good resistance.
Better than you - Toggle - Res(All), Def(All), +Regen, +Perception
"There is nothing you haven't faced and as long as you stay alert, it makes you better at dealing with anything thrown at you."
Just a minor buff to all defenses and resistances. Hefty regen and perception buffs.
Stiff Upper Lip - Clickie - Self Heal, Res(Status effects not mentioned elsewhere)
"As a true gentleman, you do not show emotions. If you're hurt, it is only your own business."
A self-heal that doubles as a status protect/resist.
Poet's Heart - Toggle - +Def(Melee), +Res(Smashing, Lethar)
"You are unfazed by possibility of death, and the beautiful words of fair maidens help you ignore brute punches."
Hefty melee defense and S/L resistance.
Arrogance - Toggle - Taunt Aura, Foe +DMG
"You hold your nose up high and show uttermost distain to the rabble around you."
Enemies around you get taunted and get a BUFF to their damage because they're so annoyed. Autohit aura.
Finesse - Clickie, PBAoE special, needs tohit check
"You are unimpressed with these shows of brute force"
All enemies withing the aura suffer a debuff that turns all their positive buffs into negative ones. +dmg becomes -dmg and Vengeanced Prussian troops become the useless pieces of scrap metal they actually are.
Aim - Clickie - +tohit, +dmg
"Your cool mind lets you work as a precise instrument"
Ye Olde Aim.
Where the Sun Never Sets - Clickie - Self invulnerability, +regen, +recharge, +recovery. PBAoE sleep.
"You notice that it's time for tea somewhere in the Empire and explain your opponents how you will now have to take a break from fighting."
Makes you invulnerable and gets you back into fighting condition. Cannot be turned off until all the tea is gone..
Duel Pistols (Tanker Secondary)
Kick in the Unmentionables - Melee Clickie ST - Minor Damage (Smashing), % of movement slow
"Resorting to a gun when a much simpler attack would do is a waste of ammunition"
Gun Jab - Clickie ST - Medium Damage (Smashing), % of Stun
"You punch the bloke with the end of your pistol, that should cool him down"
Two Gun Jab - Clickie ST - Medium DoT (2 clicks)
"If one gun won't do it, hit them with both"
Taunt - Clickie AoE - Taunt
"A Few Words can hurt more than a well-aimed gun"
Marksman's Aim - Clickie, Interruptible - Self +ToHit, Self +Dmg
"You will hit your target, just need to take your time."
Whites of His Eyes - Melee Clickie ST - Major Damage (Lethal), Knockback
"The enemy somehow got close to you, and you're left with no other option than to shoot at him"
Fend off the savages - Cone Clickie - Fear, knockback
"You fire your guns into the air and look really scary. The superstitious savages must think you're some sort of a god as they're trembling in fear and backing away"
Second - Pet Summon - Summons a Melee Pet
"These people don't seem to be obeying good rules of dueling. Glad you brought your manservant to act as your second"
Summons a SS/WP Brute to fight along your side.
20 paces - Clickie - Self Teleport, Extreme Damage to Target that's further than 20 yards away
"You challenge your foe to a duel and it looks like you're the winner."
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]