New Aura's
There already is Fist, Feet and Hair auras...
Flames Fists
Flames Hair
Flames Feets
Smoke Hair
Smoke Fists
Smoke Feets
And a few others... you need to explain some of them i think... Thoes i dont get is:
Cape Aura - what is this, a cape made of an aura, an aura around the cape ?
Wing Aura - Like first, what is this, Wings made of an Aura, or Aura around wings, cause some wings already have the ability to have an "Aura"
Mantle Aura - I dont quite get this either, some explanation needed her aswell
Hope to see some more information about your suggestion soon
(O.o )
(> < )
This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your profile to help him on his way to world domination.
i think for the wing aura, he means this:
Wouldn't that be more 'Costume Piece: Aura Wings' rather than an aura to go on wings?
Its both, Either with or without Capes or Wings, its a choice of having a cape or wings with aura or just an aura alone
And it would let you toggle the smoke coming off Burnt Wings and other wings already set with aura's
The mantle aura is like an aura stretching from one shoulder, around the back of the head, then to the other shoulder.
A total of 14 of my nerves have been harmed in the making of this post...
And it would let you toggle the smoke coming off Burnt Wings and other wings already set with aura's
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Didn't they already make it so there's a version with and a version without the smouldering aura?
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Didn't they already make it so there's a version with and a version without the smouldering aura?
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Yup... same for all wings with effects.
I think S4P wants an aura toggle command to turn all the characters auras on and off.
One of the requests I seem to be picking up on is multiple part auras, such as Glowing body with electric eyes at the same time.
The other request seems to be for a cape or wings made up entirely of aura effect, such as pure flame wings, etc.
Note: If the devs added an aura subsection to each of the sections that can have an aura in the costume creator it would allow for extra individual customization, whilst keeping the master aura section as now because this would allow for setting full body aura's and turning all the aura options off in one go.
Aura (Possible master option for whole body auras.)
For example the Fairy (Butterfly) wings currently have a glitter or none option, what if the Insect wings were more suitable for that character...
Well currently (Afaik) insect wings don't have a glitter option so it completely ruins the effect.
Burned wings have None and Smoulder, and again (Afaik) they don't have Flame(s) as an option.
Oh and Mantle is the name of the neck/shoulder (Non optional if you select a cape) back piece capes attach to.
/signed surely more charecter design features can't be a bad thing
shouldn't this be in the Jay's costume thread?

Thelonious Monk
I'm not sure if this has been suggested before but I'm gonna say this, could we have aura's, but on more different parts of the body and costume, heres the Idea:
Cape Auras
Weapon Auras
Feet Auras
Fist Auras
Hair Auras
Wing Auras
Mouth Auras
Mantle Auras
Its would bee cool to have fire/toxic breath for the mouth aura's, and aura's for parts of the body/costume that stick out without an effect.
Thaughts, Comments and Ideas are welcomed and appreciated
A total of 14 of my nerves have been harmed in the making of this post...