X4: Registration Thread




Im glad you find it amusing, next time you do a PvP please feel free to use all the things you learnt from all the PvP events i have done in the past. Since i dont consider any of the changes to affect the event in the slightest im not worried. However if you feel that its important i have missed please send me a PM and we can investigate the matter further. Thanks



Even after having so long to register? I understand people make mistakes, believe me i've made many, and will continue to do so. But this is just taking it to another extreme, specially with a registration 30 minutes before the deadline closes, then the day after bringing it to light it's the wrong name, I just think it's comedy.

It's not my intention to spoil the exciement that's buzzing around atm about this tournament, but it was an issue that I personally had to raise, causing offence or not.

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Well sorry for making a mistake. Perhaps if you hadn't poached our other player Psydock I wouldn't been rushing around getting our team sorted!!!

You find Primas is a defender and Ralphi is a controller so its not us trying to do anything sinister but then again I wouldn't expect anything more from you.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



Investigate the problem? It really, really, really isn't that complicated, why not employ Sherlock Holmes to get to the bottom of it?

It really doesn't need 'investigating.' I was merely raising an issue in which i've been discussing with 3 other team leaders which we felt needed to be raised. This is a forum, where it should be discussed.

I'd have thought u'd have agreed with my point tbh, any reasonable person can clearly see my point.



please if you wish to discuss this further PM otherwise i will consider the matter closed.



You find Primas is a defender and Ralphi is a controller so its not us trying to do anything sinister but then again I wouldn't expect anything more from you.

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Primas is an Illusion/Empath Controller. Ralphi is a Mind/Thermal Controller.



Now now gentleman lets leaving the issue where it is and take our fighting to the arena, atleast then we can all watch.

As for this issue as it stands now the name changing has not effected or benefited any team to any measure we can see, if at any point an advantage becomes apparent a sanction may be put in place, including but not limited to the handicapping of kills in matches.

If anyone has any further issue with anything about X4 feel free to contact any of the Community Team who are acting as impartial judges and they can adjudicate.



Well sorry for making a mistake. Perhaps if you hadn't poached our other player Psydock I wouldn't been rushing around getting our team sorted!!!

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Nothing personal Max.. but what? Poached a player that's been in Vindicate since day 2 of forming? That's been an integral role in helping us get from the bottom to the top level? But yeah, we poached him, if that's the way you see it, but still, that's not really relevant to the matter.



(there is no drama like pvp drama)

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



please if you wish to discuss this further PM otherwise i will consider the matter closed.

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So thats the way to deal with a valid point? Tell everyone the matter is closed? Fair enough, gg.



Well sorry for making a mistake. Perhaps if you hadn't poached our other player Psydock I wouldn't been rushing around getting our team sorted!!!

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Nothing personal Max.. but what? Poached a player that's been in Vindicate since day 2 of forming? That's been an integral role in helping us get from the bottom to the top level? But yeah, we poached him, if that's the way you see it, but still, that's not really relevant to the matter.

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You kicked him from the sg so can't have meant much to ya. Anyway going off topic, its quite clear I have no idea what toons others have. Just got message when logged on that I posted wrong name hence the correction.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



so...us totally rad Space Dudes are wondering if we're gonna fight saturday or skip that day because we got the luck of the draw?

Would be nice to know if we could catch some more space tubes before fighting

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



(there is no drama like pvp drama)

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(You aint seen nothing yet, wait till one team beats another team youll be amazed how many internets disconnected/mouse batterys ran out/pc's froze/dogs exploded (honest) and needed a rematch).



The space dudes fight will go ahead on saturday. Round 1 of the light weight contest is a 2 stage afair.



Ok rad

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Globey has raised an issue with the team submitted by MaxPowerz requesting a character change after registration closed (and with other teams clarifying correct names).

After reviewing the rules and discussing with the organisers, I have made the following decisions:

1. Those teams clarifying correct character names (but no actual character change) may do so without any penalty.

2. The team submitted by MaxPowerz has changed after registration. While I recognise that at this point in time the change makes no difference, the rules were posted and need to be followed. As such, MaxPowerz' team may continue with the change however they will be deemed to have used their one allowed substitution for all matches (unless the originally listed character plays).

For future questions on rules disputes, I request that all concerned do so by contacting the organisers and myself as one of the listed impartial judges with your concerns and not air those concerns immediately via the forums. This is intended to be a fun event, let's get it started in a sportsmanlike manner.

In the spirit of sportsmanship, I would like to request that Globey (and any other concerned team leaders) consider retracting the complaint and allowing the change in character to occur, given that the change has occurred well before the actual tournament commences.



The space dudes fight will go ahead on saturday. Round 1 of the light weight contest is a 2 stage afair.

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If it doesn't need to be, I'd much rather it wasn't. 3/5ths of the Space Dudes are of indeterminate net capability at the moment (including myself, in the middle of a house move as we speak), and an extra week might be just the ticket.

If it has to be that way, then so be it - and I hate to be a burden, but I'm going to need as specific a time as possible for Saturday night as can be given with as little overrun and as early as possible plzkthx

edit: please don't banhammer me Ghostraptor

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love



Ok I'll discuss the Lightweight contest with KS at some point as the matches are shorter and there are only 6 teams it is likely the contest can be completed in 2 evenings, we'll get back to you as soon as Possible Syn.
(P.S: I just moved house, that was fun hehe)



For future questions on rules disputes, I request that all concerned do so by contacting the organisers and myself as one of the listed impartial judges with your concerns and not air those concerns immediately via the forums. This is intended to be a fun event, let's get it started in a sportsmanlike manner.

In the spirit of sportsmanship, I would like to request that Globey (and any other concerned team leaders) consider retracting the complaint and allowing the change in character to occur, given that the change has occurred well before the actual tournament commences.

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Im not bothered about team changes, but i dont see why problems should not be aired and resolved in public.



I have an interesting fact:

My team in S4 was called Cannon Fodder. (I think, I'm sure theres a record somewhere lol)



If it doesn't need to be, I'd much rather it wasn't. 3/5ths of the Space Dudes are of indeterminate net capability at the moment (including myself, in the middle of a house move as we speak), and an extra week might be just the ticket.

If it has to be that way, then so be it - and I hate to be a burden, but I'm going to need as specific a time as possible for Saturday night as can be given with as little overrun and as early as possible plzkthx

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If this is going to effect us when exactly do you want to do it?



Can you confirm times etc as soon as you can as with the space dudes having problems and that its all getting confusing as to when its starting, at the moment i still think its 7.30pm sat on the dot is this now not going to be the case ?



The Space Dudes are not involved in the opening fights so even if they cant make it and it cant be delayed some of the fights can still go ahead as planned.
Expect confirmation and more info tonight or tommorow.



Im not bothered about team changes, but i dont see why problems should not be aired and resolved in public.

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It's not the rules question being raised in public I'm concerned about. It's the arguing about it publicly (forums and in-game) without consulting the appointed impartial judges and awaiting a decision from said judges.

Myself and the others were appointed impartial judges in order to rule on questions exactly like this one. Let us do our jobs before getting worked up about it.



Myself and the others were appointed impartial judges in order to rule on questions exactly like this one. Let us do our jobs before getting worked up about it.

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Im not getting worked up about it in the slightest, or telling you how to do your job.

Im just pointing out something quite a few people involved wanted pointing out.

And how you think keeping it off the forum is going to stop in game arguments is completely beyond me.



And how you think keeping it off the forum is going to stop in game arguments is completely beyond me.

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And, as I clarified after you initial response ... I'm not saying don't raise it publicly. I'm saying raise it and then let the judges make a decision. There's absolutely no need for player vs player arguments about rules questions, which is what I was seeing develop.