Lvl Cap Increased to lvl 60




Fortunately, they won't.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit




And Hardrider through your toys out the pram FTW mate! only telling you cos I love you though don't shoot the messenger.

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lol *gets gun, loads it and starts the hunt*



And Hardrider through your toys out the pram FTW mate! only telling you cos I love you though don't shoot the messenger.

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Eh? What on earth are you talking about? Hardrider made a perfectly reasonable "don't like it, so no" post.

[/ QUOTE ]As Standoff pointed out Alphane, why did you specifically pick Hardrider out, when others (including myself) stated earlier in the thread, that we were totally opposed to an increase, and have our feet firmly in the "NO" camp.

Anyone that seriously believes that CoX will have a level cap rise to 60, must be mental, illusional or both. This MMORPG is different to the others (previously) stated, and has done well in maintaining it's identity. Changing the cap, giving us more slots, more powers etc... wil destroy the core of this game.

Bored of saying this, but many people fell that getting to lvl 50 is all about the journey, and not the endgame (like WoW). My sense of achievement will only be totally satisfied when I have one of each AT (tanker/scrapper etc at lvl 50), and even then I still wouldn't want a lvl cap increase.

Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker




And Hardrider through your toys out the pram FTW mate! only telling you cos I love you though don't shoot the messenger.

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lol *gets gun, loads it and starts the hunt*

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You know where to find me mate I ain't hiding!

Note- Me and Rider are in the same SG and TS most nights, he knows that I love to wind people up and that's all I was doing, I wouldn't presume to say something like that that I didn't know (exact perhaps in extenuating circumstances) very heroic of you all though to jump to his defence though.



yeah i know but good to imagin it



i wouldnt like the cap to move to 60, but i wouldnt mind a change in power picks especialy the epic ones for me they just dont seem powerfull enough to be your highest power choices.
now if they could add more content that dosnt revolve around grinding out inf or hunting down rare recipes i would be very happy.



No thanks it would just mean the same old content we have now for 10 more lvls and then what?



but i wouldnt mind a change in power picks especialy the epic ones for me they just dont seem powerfull enough to be your highest power choices.

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I have to agree - Diversification over Amplification,
Play to CoX's strengths with has always been variety, different Powersets, different Patron pools, and especially a different variety of Accolade powers to pick for different scenarios, I love the accolades (which also ties in the hobby of badgehunting) they are a fun reward for effort put into the game. All of this over a levelcap raise anyday for me.

As I've said before, for those of you who don't think your toons are powerful enough, (which I see calls for as the continued motivation behind a levelcap raise), I recommend continuing with the IO sets, just wait until you've tweaked your build to fit in all those lovely Ultimate set bonuses', they really do make quite a difference!.

[Edit]: I guess if a majority manage to get Ultimate set bonuses on all their toons, and the Devs look at the statistics and see a great majority of players have fully exhausted the Invention system - Then, I guess, calls for a level cap rise or something to keep character development fun would be valid. A levelcap rise has just got to be scraping the bottom of the barrel though as far as options go fitting into our current game framework.



I thinl the way the epics were implamented may have put people of this idea if 50 - 60 was just choose a tier 2,4,6,8 power like 40-50 seems to be than yes I'd agree sack it and so something else. Epics would have been so much better if you had had the option of aquiring them at reasonable levels ( considering power strength ) ie 1st tier lvl 20,2nd 30,3rd 40 final 49, allowing them to fit better into the flow of charecter development.