Robot Rampage 2!!!
I... you... they... big robots go boom now?
I will have to see if I can squeeze this in... it sounds too darned fun to miss!
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
oh just came across the slide show from the first robot rampage Robot Rampage 1 I'm aiming for a lot more robots this time so come on volunteers sign up already!
Man if i wasnt in Paris i would bring you a Kronos, pretty sure im close to that mish on my scrap, will try and get on for this though, will be back around 5ish on sunday
so i'm assuming the last mission triggers a kronos ambush so that on return to kings through pocket d it will attack there?
i'm gonna have to get crimson, i just turned him down for the old lady before i read this, dang... oh well should be able to make this
so i'm assuming the last mission triggers a kronos ambush so that on return to kings through pocket d it will attack there?
i'm gonna have to get crimson, i just turned him down for the old lady before i read this, dang... oh well should be able to make this
[/ QUOTE ]
The 9th mission is what has the spawn after it is completed, the arc has 16ish missions in total the mission you will be looking out for is "stop all wildflower agents"
If your struggling to get crimson you can easily get him by doing a safeguard mission or by doing it through Ouroboros
So even playing Crimson story arc using Ouroboros grants Kronos to spawn? You have to be in task force mode for that, any problem quitting task force so you can team-up with other people and defeat them, or spawn would be gone?

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
aaand... is it BST?

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
I have had this mission ready on my Defender for a while in anticipation of such an event, so if I can be there I will =D
So even playing Crimson story arc using Ouroboros grants Kronos to spawn? You have to be in task force mode for that, any problem quitting task force so you can team-up with other people and defeat them, or spawn would be gone?
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No problem quitting the tf after you have spawned a kronos.
aaand... is it BST?
[/ QUOTE ]
I got that mish lined up on my scrapper, would be happy to add some bait
I missed the last one, and looks like good fun. Its a 50/50 chance that I make this one, hope to see you all there
is there a recommended level / minimum level ?
if not, I'll bring along a toon to lend a hand, or at least absorb a kronos punch giving the nearest medic enough time to res me so I can intercept the next flying fist of Kronal DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Tridento standing by in Pocket D as bait.
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
Just finished the mish and likewise waiting as bait in Pocket D.
i'm really gonna try and make this event, sounds great fun, im just trying to get crimson tonight so i should be ready in time
I hope I'll be there, not sure atm because Spain is playing as never before, so I should be watching the Final (20:45 Spanish time, 19:45 UK, so if it's starting 21:00, it's 22:00 here, so in the 2nd half).

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
I have 2 characters near that mission. Can be waiting Sunday with both if you want?
Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
Robospike:Mastermind Lvl 50 Robotics/FF/Mu
Static Burn:Blaster Lvl 50 Fire/Electric/Munitions
Hidden Burn:Tanker Lvl 50 Fire/Dark
More on the way...
I have 2 characters near that mission. Can be waiting Sunday with both if you want?
[/ QUOTE ] up to you mate, i don't mind just try and make sure a tank or someone else with a taunt can hold the kronos aggro of your first character before switching
I could/get two Titans, but my duo will be at the raid and I doubt I'll have time to get through an awful malta mission between the raid and the rampage. Plus I have a feeling that I'd die too quick with two of the buggers.
if i have the 9th mission up and go to kings row, then drop the mission.. would it still spawn?
i'm not planning it i'm just curious
Basically all you have to do is go to kings row hide in the krono round spot and bring him into the crowd then you can drop the tf status leaving you open and ready for teaming, just make sure you can keep up the aggro so the titan doesn't get bored and walk off
Can you confuse Titans?
Two bait waiting in Pocket D. I'll use the blaster first then switch when aggro is transfered.
Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
Robospike:Mastermind Lvl 50 Robotics/FF/Mu
Static Burn:Blaster Lvl 50 Fire/Electric/Munitions
Hidden Burn:Tanker Lvl 50 Fire/Dark
More on the way...
Just remember that it's the footy match and people are dropping round to watch so I might be able to make some of the battle, but I don't think I'd be able to bring my robot along sorry.
Robot Rampage 2 is brought to you from the Order of the Crucified Swords and the Echelon.

**Confidential transmission intercepted** My fellow agents the time has finally come and our plans are now reaching the end stage. At exactly 2100 hours on Sunday the 29th of June straight after from what we have gathered as a raid on the crashed Rikti ship in the Rikti War Zone we will send a legion of Khronos class titans to kings row and from there they will spread out to nearby areas. They're task is simple, wipe out all heroes in paragon city, The only heroes in kings row should be only of minimum security levels and will not pose a threat to our plan and if any more experienced heroes should show up they will be too tired from they're raid on the Rikti ship to even put up a resistance and so will be easy game. Once the titans begin moving on to others areas our agents can move around the ensuing chaos uninterrupted and take over key points thus making paragon city and all its resources ours. After of which can then proceed onto the next part of our plan which is **Message signal lost**
This message was intercepted just a 5 days ago by complete chance, although we didn't get the whole message whether its a trap made by Malta or even a Nemesis plot we don't know, but what we do know is that after a scouting mission to the titan factory in Warburg we can confirm that an army of titans is up and running so we have to gather as many heroes in Kings Row at 9pm on Sunday the 29th as possible and put a stop to the Krono titans before they can move out into other areas.
There are several key roles that need to be filled out if we have even hope to stop this attack. We are going to heroes for the following roles.
Krono Bait: unlimited positions availble: The job is simple you go to kings row and help lead the kronos into one area known as the krono death site. We are not sure on how many kronos there are going to be so we will be needing as many volunteers as possible.
Paladin control: 1-3 position available: We hear that some paladins might be roaming the area your job if can withstand they're strength is to round up all paladins in the area and lead them to the krono death site, where hopefully they will engage some of the Krono titans in battle and lighten the load for us.
Area coordinator: 1 position: Your job is to keep the crowed at bay until the attack command is issued, we can't afford to let the titans get distracted by anyone else so we need all heroes in the Attack squadron to hold back and stay near kings row train station.
Attack sqaudron: Position availble, as many as we can get: those without a role already are to meet at kings row train station and await further orders there, once given the go ahead we will proceed with taking down every titan in the area.
Camera man: We will need to document this event for training videos in the future so we will be needing documentation of the event.
Right roleplaying out of the way now
Here's what we need and what you have to do if your interested in helping out in robot rampage 2 All those involved in helping out will need to be online by 8:30 to make sure those in the attack team aren't left waiting too long.
Kronos Bait:- We need as many as possible, the role of the bait is to do the crimson arc- project: world wide red. all you need to do is 9missions which take up to an hour solo on heroic (or higher if you want). The last mission is stop all wildflower agents once the mission has been completed DO NOT EXIT and make sure to use your pocket D teleporter and head to pocket D and then feel free to log out till the day of the event since your character is safe. On the day of the event bait will leave Pocket D on my instructions based on a certain order i shall determine once everyone is present. I suggest that if you wish to be bait make sure to bring a character that can take a barrage from a kronos titan, or bring a lot of purple inspirations.
Paladin puller:- The role of the paladin puller is simple enough, pull any paladins that have made they're way to the paladin doom spot and bring them down to the big pipe area west of the train station.
Area coordinator:- The role of area coordinator is to keep the crowed in kings row at bay until i give them the all is ready message from the team. He will also be conveying the status of the setup teams from me to everyone else as well.
Camera man: optional however would be nice having some screenys or a video of this Smiley
And thats all so if possible can we get as much bait for this as possible the more krono's the better